Amphidromus (Syndromus) flavus (Pfeiffer, 1861)

Inkhavilay, Khamla, Sutcharit, Chirasak & Panha, Somsak, 2017, Taxonomic review of the tree snail genus Amphidromus Albers, 1850 (Pulmonata: Camaenidae) in Laos, with the description of two new species, European Journal of Taxonomy 330, pp. 1-40 : 24-26

publication ID 10.5852/ejt.2017.330

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scientific name

Amphidromus (Syndromus) flavus (Pfeiffer, 1861)


Amphidromus (Syndromus) flavus (Pfeiffer, 1861) View in CoL

Figs 1 View Fig , 9B View Fig , 10 View Fig E−K, 11C–D, 12A−C; Table 1 View Table 1

Bulimus flavus Pfeiffer, 1861a: 194 . Type locality: Siam [ Thailand].

Amphidromus flavus var. proxima Fulton, 1896: 81 View in CoL , pl. 6, fig. 4. Type locality: Unknown. Sutcharit et al. 2015: 85, fig. 13c.

Amphidromus xiengensis var. tryoni Pilsbry, 1900: 196–197 View in CoL , pl. 63, fig. 78. Type locality: Laos Mountains, Cambodia.

Amphidromus sinensis var. indistinctus Pilsbry, 1900: 192 View in CoL , pl. 62, fig. 70. Type locality: Laos Mountains, Cambodia.

Bulimus flavus – Pfeiffer 1861b: 171, pl. 46, figs 7–8. — Morelet 1875: 265.

Amphidromus flavus View in CoL – Fulton 1896: 81. — Ancey 1898: 134. — Pilsbry 1900: 197–198, pl. 63, figs 92–93. — Laidlaw & Solem 1961: 563–564, 619.

Amphidromus flavus var. proximus – Pilsbry, 1900: 198, pl. 63, fig. 94.

Amphidromus xiengensis var. proxima View in CoL – Laidlaw & Solem 1961: 565, 652.

Material examined

Type material

THAILAND: Lectotype, NHMUK 19601436 ( Sutcharit et al. 2015: fig. 7i); paralectotype, NHMUK 19601437 (1 shell).

UNKNOWN LOCALITY: Holotype of var. “ proxima ” Fulton, 1896, NHMUK 1896.6.13.48 ( Sutcharit et al. 2015: fig. 13c).

CAMBODIA: Holotype of var. “ indistinctus ” Pilsbry, 1900, ANSP 31486 About ANSP ( Fig. 10 H View Fig ).

CAMBODIA: Lectotype of var. “ tryoni ” Pilsbry, 1900, ANSP 31488 About ANSP ( Fig. 10 I View Fig ); paralectoypes, ANSP 252745 About ANSP (2 shells, Fig. 10 J View Fig ).

Other material

LAOS: 5 shells, park at the temple mountain, Luang Phrabang ( NHMUK ex. Brandt collection No. 17320); 20 shells, Tempelberg (Temple Mount), Luang Phrabang ( ZMB ex. Lehmann collection); 33 shells, Wat Phousy (temple), Luang Phrabang ( CUMZ 7025); 3 shells ( Fig. 10 K View Fig , CUMZ 7026), 7 specimens, in ethanol ( Figs 9 B View Fig , 11 View Fig C–D, 12A−C, CUMZ 7027), Ban Na Deauy, Luang Phrabang District, Luang Phrabang; 5 shells, Mouhot’s Tomb, E bank of Kan River, Luang Phrabang District, Luang Phrabang ( CUMZ 7028); 16 shells ( Fig. 10 View Fig E−G), Tam Pou Kham, Vang Vieng District, Vientiane ( CUMZ 7029).


Shell sinistral, small, ovate conical, small, thin and glossy. Spire conical; apex acute yellowish, with black spot on tip. Whorls 5 and 6 convex; suture depressed; last whorl rounded to well rounded. Periostracum transparent to thin corneous. Last whorl processes uniform yellowish; Bands 1 to 3 usually absent; Bands 4 and 5 absent or present with indistinct bands; Band 6 usually absent or sometimes present as scantly reddish band. Parietal callus thin and transparent.Aperture ovate to sub-ovate; peristome weakly thickened and shortly expanded; lip whitish. Columella straight and white. Umbilicus opened to narrowly opened. Radula

Teeth arranged in V-shaped rows, each row contains about 166 (84-(7-10)-1-(8-12)-81) teeth. Central tooth tricuspid; mesocone of triangular shape; ectocones small, with pointed cusp. Lateral teeth tricuspid; endocone small and rounded cusps; mesocone large and truncated cusp; ectocone very small, pointed cusp and located at base of teeth. Lateral teeth gradually transformed to elongated marginal teeth. Marginal teeth tricuspid, start around tooth number 8 to 12; endocone elongate with dull cusps and separated from mesocome by wide notch; mesocone large, elongate and curved cusps; ectocone small, with pointed cusps or sometimes serrated shape ( Fig. 12 View Fig A−C).

Genital organs

Atrium (at) rather long (n = 5). Penis (p) long, cylindrical and enlarged from middle to end. Epiphallus (e) cylindrical, length longer than that of penis; flagellum (fl) short and one fourth as long as epiphallus; appendix absent. Penial retractor muscle (pr) thickened and relatively short. Vas deferens (vd) small tube, connecting epiphallus and free oviduct ( Fig. 11C View Fig ).

Internal penial wall corrugated into thin penial pilasters, which form fringe around penial verge. Penial verge conical, with smooth surface and orifice open near tip ( Fig. 11D View Fig ).

Vagina cylindrical, long, slender about two times as long as penis length. Gametolytic duct long, proximal to genital orifice almost same diameter as vagina, distally tapering; distal to genital orifice small tube of about same length as proximal part and connected to gametolytic sac. Oviduct and albumin gland small ( Fig. 11C View Fig ).

Internally, vaginal wall shows longitudinal vaginal pilasters (vp); pilasters very narrow and thin ( Fig. 11D View Fig ).


The distribution range of the species is from Vientiane to Luang Phrabang Provinces.


Amphidromus flavus differs from A. sinensis (Benson, 1851) in having a smaller shell, the spire more ovate and conical, with a single reddish band on the penultimate whorl. It can be distinguished from A. xiengensis in having a smaller shell, ovate conical, without any band on yellowish ground color or on shell sculpture. It differs from A. globonevilli Sutcharit & Panha, 2015 by having a larger shell size, and it is smaller than A. principalis Sutcharit & Panha, 2015 . In comparison, A. globonevilli has an elongate conical shell and a faint yellow spiral band below the periphery, while A. principalis has a more elongate conical shell, last whorl without any band, aperture ovate. In our collection we found two types identified as A. flavus and A. flavus var. “ proxima ”, living sympatrically at Luang Phrabang and Vang Vieng.

Three subspecific entities have been proposed; however, we recognize them as a single biological species, A. flavus .

1. Typical form: monochrome yellowish shell and Bands 1 to 6 absent ( Sutcharit et al. 2015: fig. 7i–j, for the lectotype and paralectotype).

2. var. “ proxima ” Fulton, 1896: monochrome yellowish shell, Bands 4 and 5 are indistinct pale brownish bands ( Sutcharit et al. 2015: fig. 13c, for the holotype).

3. var. “ tryoni ” Pilsbry, 1900: Band 1 yellowish, Bands 2 and 3 absent, Bands 4 and 5 brownish and Band 6 absent. In some specimens, brownish blotches of Bands 2 and 3 present in the earlier whorls and disappeared in the penultimate and last whorls ( Fig. 10 View Fig I−K).

4. var. “ indistinctus ” Pilsbry, 1900: identical to var. “ proxima Fulton, 1896 ” ( Fig. 10H View Fig ).


Natural History Museum, London


University of Helsinki


"Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University


University of the Witwatersrand


Museum für Naturkunde Berlin (Zoological Collections)


Cameroon University, Museum of Zoology


Royal Botanic Gardens


Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum Berlin-Dahlem, Zentraleinrichtung der Freien Universitaet


Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh














Amphidromus (Syndromus) flavus (Pfeiffer, 1861)

Inkhavilay, Khamla, Sutcharit, Chirasak & Panha, Somsak 2017

Amphidromus xiengensis var. proxima

Laidlaw F. F. & Solem A. 1961: 565

Amphidromus xiengensis var. tryoni

Pilsbry H. A. 1900: 197

Amphidromus sinensis var. indistinctus

Pilsbry H. A. 1900: 192

Amphidromus flavus var. proximus

Pilsbry H. A. 1900: 198

Amphidromus flavus var. proxima

Sutcharit C. & Ablett J. & Tongkerd P. & Naggs F. & Panha S. 2015: 85
Fulton H. C. 1896: 81

Amphidromus flavus

Laidlaw F. F. & Solem A. 1961: 563
Pilsbry H. A. 1900: 197
Ancey C. F. 1898: 134
Fulton H. C. 1896: 81

Bulimus flavus

Pfeiffer L. 1861: 194

Bulimus flavus

Morelet A. 1875: 265
Pfeiffer L. 1861: 171
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