Bosmina longirostris (BOLO)

Gürbüzer, Pınar, Buyurgan, Özge, Tekatli, Çağrı & Altindağ, Ahmet, 2017, Species diversity and community structure of zooplankton in three different types of water body within the Sakarya River Basin, Turkey, Turkish Journal of Zoology 41 (5), pp. 848-859 : 853-856

publication ID 10.3906/zoo-1606-41

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Bosmina longirostris (BOLO)


Bosmina longirostris (BOLO) View in CoL occurred in all lakes as the most abundant cladoceran species, with percentages of 0.8%, 0.4%, and 3.9%, respectively.

According to the Shannon–Weaver and Simpson diversity indices ( Table 1), the highest values occur in the Lake Poyrazlar summer sample, and the highest values of Margalef richness support that result. Pielou’s evenness (J’) for the Lake Poyrazlar spring sample has the lowest value, and the other indices show comparable results ( Figure 1 View Figure 1 ). 3.2. EnvIronmental varIables and relatIonshIps between bIologIcal parameters

In the studied aquatic habitats, summer surface temperature values ranged from 24.7 °C to 31.5 °C; according to Moss et al. (2003), these lakes can be classified as warm lakes. With respect to pH, the water bodies showed alkaline characteristics. Conductivity values ranged from 68 µS cm−1 to 286 µS cm− 1 in Sorgun Pond, 185 µS cm−1 to 1280 µS cm− 1 in Çubuk II Reservoir, and 312 µS cm−1 to 1125 µS cm− 1 in Lake Poyrazlar; these values correlate only with dissolved oxygen ( Table 3).

Spearman’s correlation coefficient was calculated for physicochemical parameters, biological variables, and indices ( Table 3). The pH was observed to be significantly and positively correlated with temperature. Dissolved inorganic nitrogen has a strong positive correlation with evenness but correlates negatively with temperature and dissolved oxygen.

Surprisingly, there is also a significant negative relationship between chlorophyll a and temperature. Spearman’s rank correlation analysis showed that the ratio of the number of large Cladocera species (represented here by Daphnia and Diaphanosoma species numbers) to the total number of Cladocera (all others) are positively affected by dissolved oxygen; additionally, dissolved oxygen and electrical conductivity are negatively correlated with each other.

** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

* Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).

ns = nonsignificant.

When examining the similarity/dissimilarity within and between lakes for all zooplankton species ( Figure 2 View Figure 2 ), the similarity proportion was low according to the SIMPER result (similarity in all seasons and zooplankton groups: Lake Poyrazlar = 31.13%; Çubuk II Reservoir = 32.44%; Sorgun Pond = 44.40%). In addition, the goodness-of-fit of the nMDS stress factor had relatively good ordination ( Kruskal, 1964) and so this result verified the SIMPER data. It was seen that dissimilarity was high between zooplankton groups, and similarity within zooplankton groups was lower than similarity between zooplankton groups. It appears that within the lakes, differences are associated with seasonal changes.

The differences between all three water bodies—Lake Poyrazlar, Sorgun Pond, and Çubuk II Reservoir—were not very significant in terms of the abundance and composition of all zooplankton species, according to ANOSIM (R = 0.361; P = 0.001). The results of SIMPER supported ANOSIM, and the average dissimilarity between groups was higher (Sorgun and Çubuk II = 84.23%; Poyrazlar and Sorgun = 81.90%, Poyrazlar and Çubuk II = 79.63%) than within groups.

When examining the differences between water bodies using the SIMPER and ANOSIM analysis for Rotifera fauna only, no similarity in the nMDS plot was seen ( Figure 2a View Figure 2 ). The results of ANOSIM (R = 0.307; P = 0.002) and SIMPER dissimilarity for rotifers only (Sorgun and Çubuk II = 88.71%; Poyrazlar and Sorgun = 83.25%, Poyrazlar and Çubuk II = 82.96%) were higher than the results of the analysis that contained all groups; therefore, intragroup similarity is higher than intergroup similarity when all groups are considered. However, when only cladocerans are considered, ANOSIM (R = 0.422; P = 0.001) is higher than that of all groups and rotifers, while SIMPER is lower than the others (Poyrazlar and Çubuk II = 73.54%; Sorgun and Çubuk II = 73.34 %; Poyrazlar and Sorgun = 69.80%), and the differences between groups is seen on the nMDS plot ( Figure 2 View Figure 2 ).

In the CCA biplots of samples of environmental variables and species compositions, ( Figure 3a and 3b View Figure 3 ), it can be seen that each water bodies sample (with seasonal and sampling stations) constitutes an own cluster. A Monte Carlo permutation done with regard to environmental variables (499 permutations under the full model) showed hardness and a chlorophyll a P-value <0.05, while the other variables were below 0.01. The pH, temperature, and orthophosphates were shown to be highly significant in explaining species composition.

Canonical ordination was found to be much stronger, compared to other methods, when analyzing beta diversity (Legendre, 2005). Lakes closer together have communities more similar to one another. According to the biplot diagrams ( Figures 3a and 3b View Figure 3 ), Sorgun Pond covers a more contrasting area compared to the other aquatic ecosystems. The CCA analysis shows that while large-bodied cladocerans ( Daphnia and Diaphanosoma species) have a negative correlation with temperature, small-bodied cladocerans ( Acroperus , Alonella , Bosmina , Ceriodaphnia , Chydorus , Pleuroxus , Moina species) have a positive correlation.













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