Pseudoradiarctia lentifasciata ( Hampson, 1916 ) Hampson, 1916

Haynes, Patrick G., 2011, A review of some of the Binna- like species of Afrotropical Spilosoma Curtis (1825) listed by Goodger & Watson (1995) and including the genus Radiarctia Dubatolov (2006) (Lepidoptera: Arctiidae, Arctiinae), Zootaxa 2811, pp. 22-36 : 27

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.277133


persistent identifier

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scientific name

Pseudoradiarctia lentifasciata ( Hampson, 1916 )

comb. nov.

Pseudoradiarctia lentifasciata ( Hampson, 1916) comb. n.

Figures 9, 10 View FIGURES 9 – 16 , 24 View FIGURE 17 – 24 , 25 View FIGURES 25 – 32 .

Diacrisia lentifasciata Hampson, 1916: 236 View in CoL .

Spilosoma lentifasciata ( Hampson, 1916) ; Gaede, In Seitz, 1930: 98; Goodger & Watson, 1995: 18. Type locality: Mashonaland [Mashonaland, Zimbabwe], Salisbury [Harare]. Range: Zimbabwe.

Material examined. Syntype ɗ and genitalia preparation, Diacrisia lentifasciata Hampson, Salisbury [Harare], Mashonaland, 26.i.98, G.A.K. Marshall / Arctiidae genitalia slide 135 / BMNH (E)#805634 ( BMNH). Syntype ɗ, Salisbury [Harare], Mashonaland, 17.i.98, G.A.K. Marshall ( BMNH). Hampson (1916) described lentifasciata from two males. To stabilize the nomenclature and remove any confusion as to the identity of this species, the dissected specimen bearing the small round red label “ Type ” and the genitalia slide label 135 is here designated LEC- TOTYPE and the remaining syntype is here designated PARALECTOTYPE. Additional non-type material examined: Zimbabwe: Harare, e.o., 2 ɗɗ, 1 ɗ / genitalia slide S234, legs & antenna slide S246, forewing slide S248, 1 ɗ / genitalia slide S249, 6 ΨΨ, 1 Ψ / genitalia slide S262 (PGH); 1 ɗ 1 Ψ ( BMNH); Salisbury [Harare], Mashonaland, 17.i.98, 1 ɗ ( BMNH).

Description. Forewing ɗ 19–22mm, Ψ 24–26mm. Male. HEAD: Frons and vertex orange. Palp dark brown dorsally, yellow ventrally. Antenna light grey, dark grey dorsally; scape orange. THORAX: Patagium grey with orange posterior fringe. Tegula grey with orange fringes becoming paler posteriorly. Thorax orange; mesonotum light grey dorsomedially. Legs dark grey; femur and tibia orange dorsally. Forewing bright orange-yellow with darker veins and margins. A well defined grey-brown interneural patch between M1 and M2 extends into the cell where it is divided by the remnant vein M and appears more expressed in the lower half of the cell. Patches are absent between R3 and R4 and weak or absent between R4 and R5, M2 and M3. In the space between CuA2 and 1A+2A a patch is present only in the upper half. Hindwing pale orange-yellow with slightly darker veins and margins; deeper orange on inner margin. Under surface of wings as upper surface but paler. ABDOMEN: Orange, much paler ventrally; grey laterally and with a series of dorsal and lateral black spots. Genitalia: Posterior margin of eighth abdominal tergite sinuate; eighth sternum with a very small medial sclerite; lateral sclerites large and rounded. Small coremata present. Juxta wide basally and divided terminally into two short, lightly curved pointed extensions. Valva long, narrow, lightly but occasionally strongly curved, partially flattened, and with a medium or long dorsolateral process directed medially; valva and process finely setose. Uncus long, swollen lateromedially and tapered with a weakly hooked apex. Aedeagus strongly curved; vesica finely scobinate. Female. Larger and darker with interneural patches more clearly defined. Hindwings pale orange. Genitalia: Ductus bursae short, wide and partially constricted anteriorly. Large corpus bursae with two distinct signa of small concentrically arranged cornuti. Ductus seminalis wide and together with bulla seminalis almost 1.3 length of bursa copulatrix.

Comments. A distinct species with bright orange-yellow wings and brown interneural patches. Abdominal bands replaced by short bands or spots; juxta with two distinct short acuminate extensions; valvae with medium or long dorsolateral processes.
















Pseudoradiarctia lentifasciata ( Hampson, 1916 )

Haynes, Patrick G. 2011

Spilosoma lentifasciata (

Seitz 1930: 98

Diacrisia lentifasciata

Hampson 1916: 236
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