Pseudoradiarctia tanzanica Haynes

Haynes, Patrick G., 2011, A review of some of the Binna- like species of Afrotropical Spilosoma Curtis (1825) listed by Goodger & Watson (1995) and including the genus Radiarctia Dubatolov (2006) (Lepidoptera: Arctiidae, Arctiinae), Zootaxa 2811, pp. 22-36 : 29

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.277133


persistent identifier

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scientific name

Pseudoradiarctia tanzanica Haynes

sp. nov.

Pseudoradiarctia tanzanica Haynes sp. n.

Figures 14 View FIGURES 9 – 16 , 28 View FIGURES 25 – 32 .

Diagnosis. Facies similar to rhodesiana but can be distinguished by the paler colour and smaller narrow abdominal bands. The long narrow valvae have the addition of a triangular-like dorsolateral process, and the uncus is less constricted basally. The juxta is lightly incised and less wide basally, and with more slender and pointed terminal extensions.

Range. Tanzania.

Material examined. Holotype ɗ, Tanganjika [ Tanzania], Bukoba, 9.x.1964, leg. J. Scheven ( ZSM). Paratype ɗ same data as Holotype / genitalia slide ZSM Sp 1509 ( ZSM).

Description. Forewing ɗ 19mm. Male. HEAD: Frons dark buff grey, vertex orange. Palp dark brown dorsally, pale buff ventrally. Antenna light grey, black dorsally; scape pale buff. THORAX: Patagium dark buff-grey with orange posterior fringe. Tegula dark buff-grey with pale orange fringes. Thorax buff-grey. Legs grey; femur and tibia pale orange dorsally. Forewing pale buff-yellow, more pronounced on the veins and margins. Pale grey interneural patches in all spaces except between CuA2 and 1A+2A where the patch is divided longitudinally. Hindwing paler, buff-yellow semihyaline but darker at the margin. Under surface of wings as upper surface but paler. ABDOMEN: Orange, pale grey ventrally; narrow grey lateral line with a series of black spots; narrow black dorsal bands but with a distinct black spot on the first segment. Genitalia: Posterior margin of eighth abdominal tergite lightly concave. Eighth sternum with a small pointed medial sclerite; lateral sclerites wide and rounded. Coremata present. Juxta wide and lightly incised basally and divided terminally into two long straight narrow extensions reaching approximately one third the length of the uncus. Valva long, narrow, gently arcuate and tapered terminally with a small triangular-like dorsolateral process directed medially; valva and process finely setose. Uncus long, swollen lateromedially, partially constricted basally, and tapering to a weakly hooked apex. Aedeagus slightly curved; vesica finely scobinate. Female. Unknown.

Comments. At the time of this review, this species has been recorded from the type locality only.


Bavarian State Collection of Zoology















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