Tmarus yaginumai Ono, 1977

Lee, Sue Yeon, Yoo, Jung Sun & Kim, Seung Tae, 2017, Tmarus yaginumai Ono, 1977 (Araneae: Thomisidae) new to record for Korean spider fauna, Journal of Species Research 6, pp. 51-53 : 51-52

publication ID 10.12651/JSR.2017.6

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Tmarus yaginumai Ono, 1977


Tmarus yaginumai Ono, 1977 View in CoL ( Fig. 1)

(Korean name: Min-hok-beom-ge-geo-mi)

Tmarus yaginumai Ono, 1977: 73 View in CoL , f. 15-17, 35; Yaginuma, 1986: 210, f. 116.3; Ono, 1988: 62, f. 48-50; Ono, 2009: 508, f. 104-108.

Measurements. Body length 4.80; Carapace 1.96 long, 1.95 wide; Anterior eye row 0.95, Posterior eye row 1.28; Chelicera 0.65 long, 0.47 wide; Endite 0.68 long, 0.27 wide; Labium 0.46 long, 0.23 wide; Sternum 1.00 long, 0.82 wide; Leg I 7.45 (2.21, 0.88, 1.84, 1.51, 0.81), II 7.14 (2.14, 0.85, 1.84, 1.51, 0.80), III 4.47 (1.48, 0.59, 1.14, 0.74, 0.52), IV 4.99 (1.73, 0.66, 1.18, 0.88, 0.55); Abdomen 3.17 long, 1.90 wide.

Description. Female: Carapace dusky blackish brown; almost as long as wide; center of head region light- er, thoracic region mottled with white, dusky blackish brown and blackish brown; cervical furrow and radial furrow blackish brown and distinct; covered sparsely with long blackish brown setae ( Fig. 1A). Clypeus almost vertical. Eyes all black; lateral eye tubercle prominently developed; ALE>PLE>PME>AME in size; anterior eye row strongly recurved, posterior eye row slightly recurved from the above ( Fig. 1B, C). Chelicera dusky and pale yellowish white; weakly developed; no marginal tooth; covered densely with long blackish brown setae; fang reddish brown and short. Endite and labium dusky and pale yellowish white; much longer than wide. Sternum dusky and pale yellowish white; longer than wide; covered densely with short pale yellowish white hairs; scutiform ( Fig. 1D). Leg formula 1-2-4-3; femur pale yellowish white, the other segments darker; covered densely with short blackish brown hairs; leg spiniformation; I (femur 0-1-1d, 0-0-1-1-1p, 0-1- 1r; patella 1-1d; tibia 1-1d, 1-1-1p, 1-1-1r, 2-2v; metatarsus 1-1-1p, 1-1-1r, 2-1-0-2v), II (femur 0-1-1d, 0-1- 1p, 0-0-1r; patella 1-1d; tibia 1-1d, 1-1-1p, 1-1-1r, 2-2v; metatarsus 1-1-1p, 1-1-1r, 1-2-1-2v), III (femur 0-1-1d, 0-0-1p; patella 1-1d; tibia 1-1d, 0-1p, 0-1r, 1-1v; metatarsus 1-1p, 1-1r, 2-0v), IV (femur 0-1-1d; patella 1-1d; tibia 1-1d, 0-1p, 0-1r, 1-1v; metatarsus 1-1p, 1-1r, 2-0v). Abdomen gently pentagonal; longer than wide; mottled with white, grayish brown and blackish brown; 2 pairs of transverse stripes posteriorly; posterior part wrinkled; posterior end surrounded with blackish brown band; covered sparsely with blackish brown setae ( Fig. 1A); no caudal protuberance ( Fig. 1E); venter with broad and grayish brown median band and both sides dusky white; lung spiracle dark reddish brown. Spinnerets dusky and pale yellowish white. Female epigynum with median septum; kidney-shaped spermathecae visible at the bot- tom ( Fig. 1F).

52 JOURNAL OF SPECIES RESEARCH Vol. 6, Special Edition B A C D E F

Specimens examined. 2 females, 18-VI-2014, Dapo-ri, Nambu-myeon, Geoje-si, Gyeongsangnam-do, SY Lee and ST Kim leg.

Ecological remark. This species was captured by sweep net between the shrubs at hillocks near the coast.

Distribution. Korea (new record), Japan.














Tmarus yaginumai Ono, 1977

Lee, Sue Yeon, Yoo, Jung Sun & Kim, Seung Tae 2017

Tmarus yaginumai

Ono, H. 2009: 508
Ono, H. 1988: 62
Yaginuma, T. 1986: 210
Ono, H. 1977: 73
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