Rotundabaloghia mahunkana, Kontschán, 2007

Kontschán, J., 2007, Uropodina Mites (Acari: Mesostigmata) From Venezuela, With Descriptions Of Four New Species, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 53 (4), pp. 335-346 : 342-345

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12585300

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Rotundabaloghia mahunkana

sp. nov.

Rotundabaloghia mahunkana sp. n.

( Figs 16–22 View Figs 16–22 )

Holotype: female ( UROTY045 ). Venezuela, Sierra de la Cubata Moute Zerpa, 2100 m.a.s.l., mountain rain forest, from soil and litter, 04.03.1997. leg. T. PÓCS . Paratype: female ( UROTY046 ), locality and data same as the holotype, other paratypes: two females and one male ( UROTY047 ): Venezuela, P. N. Sierra Nevada de Mérido “Da Mantana” Montana, rain forest, 2470 m.a.s.l., from litter and soil, 15.02.1997. leg. T. PÓCS .

Etymology: The new species is dedicated to Prof. Dr. SÁNDOR MAHUNKA on his seventieth


Diagnosis: Spatuliform ventral setae situated near metapodal line. Other ventral setae thin, smooth and setiform. Peritreme hook-shaped. Genital shield of female large, oblong, without process and with alveolar ornamentation. All dorsal setae long, smooth setiform or lanceolate.

Female. Idiosoma oval, 330–340 long, 300–310 wide (n=2).

Deuteronymph, protonymph and larva unknown.

Description: Dorsal side ( Fig. 16 View Figs 16–22 ). All dorsal setae long, thin, setiform or lanceolate. All setae situated in small base. Dorsal shield punctuated. All marginal setae as long as dorsal setae, but the marginal setae are setiform.

Ventral side ( Fig. 17 View Figs 16–22 ): Sternal and ventral shields without ornamentation. All sternal setae smooth, thin and setiform. Ventral setae also smooth, thin and setiform, but longer than sternal setae. One pair of ventral setae spatuliform and situated near to metapodal line ( Fig. 18 View Figs 16–22 ).

of male (Scale bar: a: 200 µm, b: 50 µm)

Genital shield large, oblong and with alveolar ornamentation and without process, placed between coxae 2 and base of V1 setae.

Stigma placed between coxae 2 and 3, peritreme is hook-shaped ( Fig. 19 View Figs 16–22 ).

Gnathosoma ( Fig. 20 View Figs 16–22 ): Corniculi horn-like, laciniae, long without hairs. Hypostomal setae h1 long, setiform and with two spines on margin, h2-h3 shorter than h1, smooth and setiform, h4 short, with serrate margin. Tritosternum and epistoma not clearly visible, apical part of chelicera is shown in Fig. 21 View Figs 16–22 .

Male: Dorsal side is similar that of females. Sternal and ventral setae as in females, ornamentation of sternal shield is alveolate. Genital shield rounded, placed between coxae IV ( Fig. 22 View Figs 16–22 ).

Remarks: The new species is a typical Rotundabaloghia (see KONTSCHÁN 2006) belonging to the haradai species -group. Its most important character is the spatuliform setae near metapodal line, and these setae are not spatuliform in the other species of the haradai -group.


Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics

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