Tetrasejaspis dinychoides SELLNICK, 1941

Kontschán, J., 2007, Uropodina Mites (Acari: Mesostigmata) From Venezuela, With Descriptions Of Four New Species, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 53 (4), pp. 335-346 : 337

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.12585300



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scientific name

Tetrasejaspis dinychoides SELLNICK, 1941


Tetrasejaspis dinychoides SELLNICK, 1941

( Figs 3–4 View Figs 3–6 )

Tetrasejaspis dinychoides SELLNICK : 1941: 145–156.

Material examined: 2 females, Venezuela, Andes, degraded mountain rain forest along the road from La Culata to Mérida, 01.04.2005, N 08º43.325, W 71º04.978, 2690 m.a.s.l., from litter and decaying wood, leg. CS. CSUZDI & D. MURÁNYI. 1 female, Venezuela, Andes, Sierra de La Culata , submountain rain forest dominated by Decusocarpus (experimental forest of ULA), La Carbonera, 11.04.2005, from litter and soil, leg . CS. CSUZDI & D. MURÁNYI.

Previous record: La Guayra, Venezuela ( SELLNICK 1941)

Distribution: Venezuela

Re-description: Idiosoma pear-like, 700 long, 400 wide.

Dorsal side ( Fig. 3 View Figs 3–6 ): All dorsal setae long, smooth and setiform. Only central part of dorsal shield bears alveolar ornamentation, between I setae. Postdorsal shield subdivided to three parts and without pattern and setae. Marginal shield without sculpture, and bears smooth and setifrom setae. Marginal setae shorter than dorsal setae (1:2).

Ventral side ( Fig. 4 View Figs 3–6 ): Sternal shield without ornamentation. St2 very long, St4–5 short, St3 very short. St3 and 4 situated near the anterior margin of genital shield. Ventral setae as long as St2. Sternal and ventral shield without ornamentation. Genital shield of female large, rounded.

Gnathosoma not clearly visible (covered by coxae 1).


Musee des Dinosaures d'Esperaza (Aude)

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