Muisca dilatata

Opitz, Pitz Pinola Weston, 2018, Classification, Natural History, and Evolution of the Subfamily Peloniinae O (Coleoptera: Cleroidea: Cleridae). Part IX. Taxonomic revision of the New World genus Muisca S, Linzer biologische Beiträge 50 (1), pp. 587-653 : 600-602

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Valdenar (2020-08-27 15:17:49, last updated 2024-11-26 02:05:59)

scientific name

Muisca dilatata


Muisca dilatata ( CHEVROLAT, 1876) ( Figs 14 View Figs 14-33 , 47, 93, 98, 125)

Pelonium dilatata CHEVROLAT, 1876: 39. Lectotype: ♀. Here designated. Brazilia ( Brazil), Santa Rita, VIII, D. Sahlberg (MNHN). CORPORAAL 1950: 280. CHEVROLAT did not specify in his description the number of specimens before him while preparing his description. Therefore, I invoke Recommendation 73F of the ICZN (1999) and designate a lectotype for this nominal species.

D i a g n o s i s: The members of this species resemble superficially those of M. insigna , but M. dilatata specimens differ in that their sutural margin near the mesoscutellum is brown and the elytral asetiferous punctures do not extend beyond elytral basal ½.

R e d e s c r i p t i o n: Size: Length 8.0 mm; width 3.0 mm. Form: As in Fig. 125 View Figs 125-128 . Color: Mouthparts, clypeus, and antennae brown, mandibular apices black; cranium mostly brown, frons infuscated; pronotal periphery black, submetalic, disc at center brown; elytral disc broadly brown behind humerus, disc with a white oblique line anteriorly contiguous with sutural margin and posteriorly flares to broad white region on elytral apical third, small brown fleck in posterior region of sutural margin. Head: Funicular antennomeres subtriangular, 5 th funicular antennomere expanded laterally, capitular antennomeres 9 and 10 triangular ( Fig. 14 View Figs 14-33 ), with anterior margins slightly concave, antennomere 11 obovate; frons narrower than width of eye (EW/FW 35/26). Thorax: Pronotum (Fig. 47) oblong (PW/PL 100/110), side margin with well-developed primary and secondary tubercles, widely subglabrous at middle, disc with tumescenses; elytral asetiferous punctation subseriate, at sides extend to elytral apical 3/4 th, punctures absent near sutural margin, except at anterior 1/5 th (EL/EW 315/93). Abdomen: Male 6 th visible sternite not concave distally; aedeagus, phallobasic lobes minute, phallobasic struts absent, phallus slender, apex minute and digitiform ( Fig. 98 View Figs 98-106 ), phallic plates very narrow and undulate near apex.

V a r i a t i o n: Size: Length 6.0-10.0 mm; width 2.5-4.5 mm. Except for body size, the available specimens are quite homogeneous.

N a t u r a l h i s t o r y: Specimens were collected in September through December, at altitudes that ranges from 370 to 800 m. Some specimens were collected with a black light set in a disturbed tropical transitional forest. D i s t r i b u t i o n ( Fig. 93 View Fig ): In addition to the lectotype, I examined 130 specimens: Bolivia:

Departamento de Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, 3.7 km SSE Buena Vista, Hotel Flora & Fauna, 14- 19-X- 2000, 430 m, tropical transition forest, M. C. Thomas; idem, 14-28 - X - 2000, 430 m, B. K. Dozier; idem, 29-X- 1999, 410 m, disturbed tropical transition forest, G. Porter & L. Stange; idem, 17-20-X-2000, R. Morris; idem, 14-16-X-2000, Wappes & Morris; idem, 2-14-X-2003, Robin Clarke; idem, 22-26-X-2002, Morris & Wappes; Los Volcanes, 4-9-X-2007, R. Morris; Potrerillos del Guenda , 40 km NW Santa Cruz, 17°40'S 63°27'W, 3-X-2007, at light, R. Morris GoogleMaps ; idem, 7-9 GoogleMaps - IX-2012, P. E. Skelley, J. E. Wappes, & T. Bonaso; idem, 17°40'S 63°27'W, 16-22-X-2006, 370 GoogleMaps m, Wappes, Nearns, & Eya; idem, 13-17-X-2014, Wappes & Morris; idem, 1-8-XI-2002, J. E. Wappes; idem, Refugio Los Volcanes, 18°06'S 063°36'W, light, 3400-4200, 16-20-IX-2012 GoogleMaps , Wappes, Skelley, Bonaso, Hamel. Brazil: Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Rive Gauche du Parahyba,?- IX-1884, P. Germain; Laguna de Sacuaresma,?- IX-1884; Corcovado, Guanabara,?- XI-1961, Seabra & Alvarenga; Estado do Minas Gerais, Pedra Azul ,?- XI- 1972, 800 m, M. Alvarenga ; idem,? XI-1974, M. Alvarenga ; Estado do Paraiba, Santa Rita; Estado do Bahia, Cochimbo,?-?-1890. Pujol; Encruzilhada,?- XI- 1972, 960 m, M. Alvarenga; Itapetinga,?- XI-1969, M. Alvarenga; Estado do Pernambuco, Serra de Communaty , 12-III- 1893, Gounelle ; Estado do Espírito Santo, Trinidade, Ch. Pujol ;?- X-1972, M. Alvarenga; Parque Sooretana, 27-XI-1967, F. Oliveira; Linhares,?- IX-1973, M. Alvarenga; Linhares; Colatinia,?- X-1969, F. M. Oliveira; Estado do São Paulo, Val. Du Rio Pardo,?- XII-1898, E. Gounelle; Barueri, XI-1966, K. Lenke; Figs 47-58: Pronota. (47) M. dilatata . (48) M. insigna . (49) M. apicalis . (50) M. dozieri . (51) M. hirtula . (52) M. togata . (53) M. xanthura (54) M. irrorata . (55) M. angulicollis . (56) M. menda . (57) M. signa . (58) M. hexa .

Estado do Goiás, Goyaz (Goiás), Rio Verde ; Jatai Goiás; Estado do Santa Catarina, Nova Teutonia , 27°11'S 52°23'W, 9-X-1944, F. Plaumann GoogleMaps ; idem, 10-X-1941, F. Plaumann GoogleMaps ; idem, 16-X- 1941, F. Plaumann GoogleMaps ; idem, 25-X-1941, F. Plaumann GoogleMaps ; idem, 26-X-1941, F. Plaumann GoogleMaps ; idem, 27-X- 1941, F. Plaumann GoogleMaps ; idem, 30-X-1941, F. Plaumann GoogleMaps ; idem, 31-X-1941, F. Plaumann GoogleMaps ; idem, 10-27- X-1942, F. Plaumann GoogleMaps ; idem, 3-XI-1941, F. Plaumann GoogleMaps ; idem, 27-IX-1941, F. Plaumann GoogleMaps ; idem, 10- XI-1941, F. Plaumann GoogleMaps ; idem, 12-XII-1941, F. Plaumann GoogleMaps ; idem, 5-XII-1941, F. Plaumann GoogleMaps ; idem, 17-XI-1941, F. Plaumann GoogleMaps ; idem, 6-I-1935, F. Plaumann GoogleMaps ; idem,?- XII-1941, F. Plaumann GoogleMaps ; idem,?- X-1965, F. Plaumann GoogleMaps ; idem, 30-IX-1960, F. Plaumann GoogleMaps ;?- XI-1971, F. Plaumann; idem,?- XI-1969, F. Plaumann GoogleMaps ; idem,?- XI-1966, F. Plaumann. Paraguay: Departamento de Cordillera, Instituto Agricola Nacional, Cacupe , 29-X-1981, at black light, R. D. Cave GoogleMaps ; idem, 15-XII-1980, R. D. Cave GoogleMaps ; Departamento de Caazapá, Colonia Neufeld , 26°28'S 55°55'W, 24-X-02-XI-2008, U. Drechsel GoogleMaps ; 3 km N B. Acerval , 13-X-1968, L. & C. W. O’Brien Specimens are deposited in ACMT, AMNH, DZUP, FSCA, IBSP, RFMC, JNRC, MNHN, and WOPC .

CHEVROLAT M. A. (1876): Memoire sur la famille des Clerites. - Buquet, Paris, France. 51 pp.

CORPORAAL J. B. (1950): Cleridae. - In: H INKS W. D. (ed.), Coleopterorum catalogus supplementa, Pars 23 (editio secunda). W. Junk's, Gravenhagen, The Netherlands. 373 pp.

(ICZN) International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (1999): 4 th Edition. Adopted by the International Union of Biological Sciences. - The International Trust for Zoological Nomenclature, London, United Kingdom. 306 pp.

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Figs 14-33: Antennae. (14) Muisca dilatata, male. (15) M. apicalis, male. (16) M. hirtula, male. (17) M. xanthura, male. (18) M. angulicollis, male. (19) M. signa, male. (20) M. fera, male. (21) M. octonotata, male. (22) M. maculosa, male. (23) M. anachyma, male. (24) M. insigna, male. (25) M. dozieri, male. (26) M. togata, male. (27) M. irrorata, male. (28) M. menda, female. (29) M. hexa, female. (30) M. heppneri, male. (31) M. magdalena, female. (32) M. mestolinea, male. (33) M. omma, male.

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Figs 125-128: Habitus. (125) Muisca dilatata. (126) M. insigna. (127) M. apicalis. (128) M. dozieri.

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Figs 98-106: Phalli. (98) Muisca dilatata. (99) M. insigna. (100) M. apicalis. (101) M. dozieri. (102) M. irrorata. (103) M. hirtula. (104) M. togata. (105) M. xanthura. (106) M. fera.

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Fig. 93: Geographic distribution of Muisca species as listed.


American Museum of Natural History


Universidade Federal do Parana, Colecao de Entomologia Pe. Jesus Santiago Moure


Florida State Collection of Arthropods, The Museum of Entomology


Instituto Biologico de Sao Paulo


Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle













