Galliphilopsis szeptyckii, Skoracki, Maciej & Sikora, Bozena, 2011

Skoracki, Maciej & Sikora, Bozena, 2011, Quill mites (Acari: Syringophilidae) associated with galliform birds (Aves: Galliformes), Zootaxa 2966, pp. 13-30 : 20-26

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Plazi (2016-04-10 20:26:10, last updated 2021-08-27 22:06:39)

scientific name

Galliphilopsis szeptyckii

sp. nov.

Galliphilopsis szeptyckii sp. nov.

( Figs. 21 View FIGURES 19 – 22 –30)

FEMALE. Total body length including gnathosoma 570 in holotype (485–600 in 3 paratypes). Gnathosoma. Hypostomal apex rounded and without protuberances. Stylophore apunctate, 140 (140–145) long. Movable cheliceral digit 110 (105–110) long. Infracapitulum apunctate. Each medial branch of peritremes with 3 chambers, each lateral branch with 4 chambers. Idiosoma . Propodonotal shield apunctate, weakly sclerotized with slightly concave anterior margin, bearing bases of setae ve, si, se and c 1. Setae c 1 and se situated in same transverse level, both setae subequal in length. Hysteronotal shield present, weakly sclerotized, triangular in shape, bearing bases of setae d 1. Bases of setae d 1 slightly closer (1.2 times) to d 2 than to e 2. Setae d 2 about 7 times longer than d 1. Pygidial shield well sclerotized, apunctate. Setae f 2 twice as long as f 1. Setae h 2 5.7 times longer than f 1. Length ratio of ag 1:ag 2:ag 3 1.2: 1: 1.8. Genital plate bearing only genital setae. Genital setae 1.4 times longer than pseudanal setae. Coxal fields I–II well sclerotized, III–IV weakly sclerotized, all apunctate. Setae 3 c twice as long as 3 b. Setae tc’III–IV and tc”III–IV subequal in length. Lengths of setae: ve 25 (20–25), si 25 (25), se (190–205), c 1 (225), c 2 195 (155–165), d 1 30 (30–40), d 2 215 (165), e 2 30 (25–35), f 1 25 (25–30), f 2 55 (50–60), h 1 25 (25–30), h 2 315 (280–300), ag 1 70 (50–65), ag 2 60 (60–65), ag 3 110 (100–110), g 1 and g 2 35 (30–40), ps 1 and ps 2 25 (25), tc’III– IV 40 (30–40), tc” III–IV 45 (35–45), 3 b (20), 3 c (40).

MALE. Total body length including gnathosoma 365–395 in 3 paratypes. Gnathosoma. Hypostomal apex rounded and without protuberances. Stylophore rounded posteriorly, apunctate, 135–140 long. Movable cheliceral digit, 115 long. Infracapitulum apunctate. Each medial branch of peritremes with 2 chambers, each lateral branch with 4 chambers. Idiosoma . Propodonotal shield punctate laterally, weakly sclerotized, with concave anterior margin, bearing bases of setae ve, si and c 1, setae se on or near this shield. Setae c 1 and se subequal in length. Hysteronotal shield variable in shape in posterior part, fusion with pygidial shield invisible. Setae d 2 slightly (1.3 times) longer than d 1. Setae h 2 slightly (1.3 times) longer than f 2. Setae ag 1 slightly (1.3 times) longer than ag 2. Legs. Setae tc’III–IV and tc”III–IV subequal in length. Lengths of setae: ve 15, si 15–25, se 100–105, c 1 110–120, c 2 90, d 1 15, d 2 20–25, e 2 10 –15, f 2 15–20, h 2 25, ag 1 45-50, ag 2 35-40, tc’III–IV and tc”III–IV 30.

27–30. Galliphilopsis szeptyckii sp. nov., male. 27, dorsal view; 28, fan-like seta p’ of tarsi III; 29, peritremes; 30, opisthosoma in ventral view.

Type material. From quill of body feather of Coturnix pectoralis Gould ( Phasianidae ): female holotype, 4 female, 4 male, and 4 nymph paratypes (AMU-SYR. 327); AUSTRALIA, Adelaide, coll. Beyen. Mites collected by M. Skoracki.

Type material deposition. All material is deposited in the AMU, except 1 female and 1 male paratypes in the ZISP and 1 female paratype in the ZSM.

Additional material. From quill of body feather of Coturnix coturnix (Linneus) ( Phasianidae ): 3 females, 6 nymphs, 2 larvae (AMU-SYR. 325), JAPAN, Hokkaido, 20 September 1906. Mites collected by M. Skoracki. All material is deposited in the AMU, except 1 female in the ZSM. From quill of body feather of Coturnix chinensis (Linnaeus) ( Phasianidae ): 9 females, 1 male, 4 nymphs, 1 larva (AMU-SYR. 329); INDONESIA, Sumatra, Simpang, May 1905, coll. B. Hagen. Mites collected by M. Skoracki. All material is deposited in the AMU, except 1 female in the ZSM and 2 females in the ZISP. From Alectoris barbara (Bonaterre) ( Phasianidae ): 4 females (AMU- SYR. 13); ITALY, Sicily, no other data. Mite material is deposited in the AMU. Mites from this host species were previously assigned as G. bochkovi ( Skoracki & Sikora 2004) .

Etymology. The name szeptyckii refers to the name of the prominent Polish zoologist, our teacher and friend – Prof. Andrzej – Count – Szeptycki (9 VII 1939 – 29 IX 2008).

Differential diagnosis. G. szeptyckii is close to G. c o l i n u s and differs from this species as follows: in females of G. szeptyckii the propodonotal and pygidial shields are apunctate; each medial branch of the peritremes has 3 chambers; setae c 1 and se are situated in the same transverse level; setae f 2 are twice as long as f 1; setae h 2 are 5.7 times longer than f 1; length ratio of setae ag 1:ag 2:ag 3 is 1.2: 1: 1.8; setae 3 c are twice as long as 3 b; fan-like setae p’ and p” of tarsi III and IV are with 9 tines. In females of G. c o l i n u s, the propodonotal and pygidial shields are punctate; each medial branch of the peritremes has 1–2 chambers; setae c 1 are situated slightly posterior to the level of setae se, setae f 2 slightly (1.3 times) longer than f 1; setae h 2 are 7.5 times longer than f 1; length ratio of setae ag 1:ag 2:ag 3 is 2: 1: 2.5; setae 3 c are 1.4–1.6 times longer than 3 b; fan-like setae p’ and p” of tarsi III and IV are with 7 tines.

Skoracki, M. & Sikora, B. (2004) A new genus and four new species of quill mites (Acari: Prostigmata: Syringophilidae) from phasianid birds (Galliformes: Phasianidae). Parasite, 11, 379 - 386.

Gallery Image

FIGURES 19 – 22. Galliphilopsis spp., female. G. colinus sp. nov. (19, 20). 19, opisthosoma in dorsal view; 20, opisthosoma in ventral view. G. szeptyckii sp. nov. (21, 22). 21, opisthosoma in dorsal view; 22, opisthosoma in ventral view.


Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences


Bavarian State Collection of Zoology