Colistra bucapitatus, Stiller & Webb, 2022

Stiller, Michael & Webb, Michael D., 2022, Leafhoppers of the Fynbos Biome of South Africa: Colistra, Proekes, Proekoides and a new genus (Insecta, Hemiptera, Cicadellidae, Deltocephalinae, Bonaspeiini), Zootaxa 5199 (1), pp. 1-79 : 24-28

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5199.1.1

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scientific name

Colistra bucapitatus

sp. nov.

Colistra bucapitatus View in CoL sp. n.

( Figs 3A–E, R View FIGURE 3 , 11A–N View FIGURE 11 , 12A–Q View FIGURE 12 , 31C View FIGURE 31

Material examined.

Type locality. Holotype male, South Africa, Western Cape province, road between Stanford and Gansbaai , -34.50, 19.43, 2 Apr. 2001, M. Stiller leg., sweeping Stipagrostis zeyheri subsp. zeyheri Poaceae, CCDL27833 , SANC.

Type specimen. Holotype male, glued to triangle card, pinned, with genitalia in a separate microvial. Original label: “ South Africa / WCape Stanford / -Gansbaai / roadside 34°30ʹS / 19°26ʹE / 150 m 2.iv. /2001 M. Stiller” “swept off / Stipagrostis / zeyheri (Nees) / de Winter / subsp. zeyheri ” “ SANC Pretoria / Dbase# CCDL / 27833 [blue paper]”.

Paratypes. 46♂♂, 50♀♀, 24 nymphs. (n=120)

South Africa, Western Cape province:

1♀; Sir Lowrys Pass; -34.12, 18.91; 26 Nov. 1964; A.L. Capener leg.; CCDL 28225; SANC.

1♀; Jonkershoek; -33.99, 18.97; 8 Jan. 1968; J.G. Theron leg.; CCDL 28227; SANC.

1♀; Babylonstoren Malmesbury; -33.57, 18.81; 7 May 1969; J.G. Theron leg.; CCDL 28221; SANC.

1♀; Slagboom Farm Agter Witsenberg; -33.23, 19.27; 13 Dec. 1969; J.G. Theron leg.; CCDL 28222; SANC.

1♀; Table Mountain; -33.96, 18.40; 23 Dec. 1969; J.G. Theron leg.; CCDL 28217; SANC.

1♀; Jonkershoek; -33.99, 18.97; 27 Jan. 1971; J.G. Theron leg.; CCDL 28230; SANC.

1♂; Jonkershoek; -33.99, 18.97; 31 May 1971; J.G. Theron leg.; CCDL 18975; SANC.

1♂, 1♀; Jonkershoek; -33.99, 18.97; 23 Nov. 1971; J.G. Theron leg.; CCDL 28228; SANC.

1♀; Assegaaibos; -33.96, 18.92; 8 Dec. 1971; J.G. Theron leg.; CCDL 28232; SANC.

1♀; Baardskeerdersbos; -34.59, 19.57; 14 Dec. 1971; J.G. Theron leg.; CCDL 28226; SANC.

1♂; Jonkershoek; -33.99, 18.97; 10 Feb. 1972; J.G. Theron leg.; CCDL 28231; SANC.

1♀; Bettys Bay; -34.36, 18.90; 18 May 1974; J.G. Theron leg.; CCDL 28233; SANC.

1♀; Klipheuwel; -33.72, 18.71; 24 Nov. 1974; J.G. Theron leg.; CCDL 28224; SANC.

1♀; George; -33.96, 22.44; 31 Jan. 1977; J.G. Theron leg.; CCDL 28219; SANC.

1♀; Botrivier; -34.23, 19.20; 8 Dec. 1977; J.G. Theron leg.; CCDL 28220; SANC.

1♂, 1♀; Stellenbosch; -33.93, 18.85; 15 Jun. 1978; L. van Luik leg.; CCDL 08567; SANC.

1♀; Koeel Bay; -34.24, 18.85; 30 Nov. 1979; J.G. Theron leg.; CCDL 28234; SANC.

1♀; Piketberg mountain top; -34.84, 18.73; 17 Dec. 1981; J.G. Theron leg.; CCDL 28223; SANC.

1♂; Ceres; -33.37, 19.30; 26 Jan. 1982; J.G. Theron leg.; CCDL 18977; SANC.

2♀♀; Jonkershoek; -33.99, 18.97; 8 Jul. 1982; J.G. Theron leg.; CCDL 28229; SANC.

1♂; Natures Valley; -33.98, 23.57; 26 Nov. 1983; N.C. Grobbelaar leg.; CCDL 08566; SANC.

7♂♂, 1♀; Caledon; -34.22, 19.41; 9 Dec. 1985; J.G. Theron leg.; CCDL 08564; SANC.

1♂; Keurboom river; -34.03, 23.40; 13 Feb. 1990; M. Jonsson leg.; CCDL 08565; SANC.

1♀; Constantiaberg; -34.03, 18.39; 1 Mar. 1995; S. van Noord leg.; CCDL 28116; SANC.

2♂♂, 2♀♀, 3 nymphs; Remhoogte Farm; -32.40, 19.00; 3 Aug. 1996; R.G. Oberprieler, R. Stals, M. Stiller leg.; sweeping Aspalathus linearis Fabaceae ; CCDL 08561; SANC.

3♂♂, 4♀♀, 4 nymphs; Papkuilsvlei Farm; -32.66, 18.64; 4 Aug. 1996; R.G. Oberprieler, R. Stals, M. Stiller leg.; sweeping Rooibos tea Aspalathus linearis Fabaceae 3 year old plantation; CCDL 08563; INHC, SANC.

3♀♀; Versveld Pass Piketberg; -32.85, 18.74; 25 Nov. 1996; O.C. Neser, R.G. Oberprieler, M. Stiller leg.; DVac Aspalathus linearis Fabaceae ; CCDL 28218; SANC.

1♂; Kriedouw Farm; -32.32, 18.97; 27 Nov. 1996; O.C. Neser, R.G. Oberprieler, M. Stiller leg.; collected on ‘flat form’ of wild Aspalathus linearis Fabaceae ; CCDL 08562; SANC.

4♂♂, 5♀♀, 10 nymphs; Stanford-Gansbaai Road; -34.50, 19.43; 2 Apr. 2001; M. Stiller leg.; sweeping Stipagrostis zeyheri subsp. zeyheri Poaceae ; CCDL 27833; SANC.

1♂, 1♀; Blaauwberg Hill; -33.75, 18.47; 7 Dec. 2004; M. Stiller leg.; DVac; CCDL 18507; SANC.

3♂♂, 3♀♀; Silvermine Nature Reserve; -34.07, 18.40; 9 Dec. 2004; M. Stiller leg.; DVac; CCDL 18514; SANC.

3♂♂, 1♀; Signal Hill Cape Town; -33.92, 19.40; 10 Dec. 2004; M. Stiller leg.; DVac; CCDL 18509; SANC.

1♀; Grabouw S of Route N2; -34.17, 19.00; 10 Dec. 2004; M. Stiller leg.; DVac Holcus lanatus Poaceae ; CCDL 18515; SANC.

2♂♂, 3♀♀; Cape of Good Hope Nature Reserve Scarborough; -34.23, 18.42; 10 Dec. 2004; M. Stiller leg.; DVac; CCDL 18513; SANC.

1♀; Gydo Pass N Prince Alfred Hamlet; -33.23, 19.32; 13 Dec. 2004; M. Stiller leg.; sweeping; CCDL 18506; SANC.

2♂♂; Goudini Weg Station NW Worcester; -33.60, 19.33; 13 Dec. 2004; M. Stiller leg.; sweeping Tribolium uniolae , Ehrharta sp (Poaceae) and other plants, regrowth after fire; CCDL 18511; SANC.

1♂; Koeel Bay; -34.24, 18.85; 18 Dec. 2004; M. Stiller leg.; DVac Hyparrhenia anamesa Poaceae ; CCDL 18510; SANC.

1♂, 2♀♀; Bettys Bay - Pringle Bay; -34.35, 18.87; 19 Dec. 2004; M. Stiller leg.; DVac rehabilitated refuse dump, Restio spp ; CCDL 18508; SANC.

2♂♂; 2 km south Duinepos road junction West Coast National Park; -33.26, 18.20; 2.ii.2006; M. Olmi leg.; CCDL 18324; SANC.

2♀♀; Jamaka farm; -32.34, 19.01; 12 Dec. 2016; M. Stiller leg.; sweeping Aspalathus galeata Fabaceae ; CCDL 26634; SANC.

1♂; Cedarberg wilderness; -32.40, 19.04; 14 Dec. 2016; M. Stiller leg.; sweeping Eriocephalus sp. Asteraceae ; CCDL 26707; SANC.

1♂; Slanghoek Valley, Wabooms River phytoplasma survey, site 1; -33.56, 19.21; 12 Sep. 2017; J. van Wyk leg.; gVac Dicerothamnus rhinocerotis , Asteraceae ; sample number 17-6167-3; CCDL 28469; SANC.

4♂♂, 3♀♀, 3 nymphs; Devils Peak; -33.95, 18.45; 21 Dec. 2019; M. Stiller leg.; sweeping; CCDL 27974; BMNH, SANC.

1♂; Devils Peak; -33.95, 18.44; 21 Dec. 2019; M. Stiller leg.; sweeping; CCDL 27968; SANC.

1♂, 2 nymphs; Brenton-on-Sea, Knysna; -34.07, 23.01; 26 Dec. 2019; M. Stiller leg.; sweeping; Metalasia sp. Asteraceae ; CCDL 27880; SANC.

1♂, 1♀; Kruisementvlei & Wolf Kloof farms, Piketberg; -32.805, 18.662; 7 Feb. 2022; M.Stiller leg.; sweeping Stoebe sp. Asteraceae ; CCDL 28608; SANC. GoogleMaps

1♂; Grootkop vicinity, Scarborough; -34.181, 18.386; 10 Feb. 2022; M.Stiller leg.; sweeping Erica sp. and other shrubs; CCDL 28618; SANC. GoogleMaps

Diagnosis. Shaft of aedeagus with width at apex 2.1–2.8 times wider than medial width of shaft; dorsal apodeme reduced; paired teeth on shaft variable in size and orientation, at apex or subapex and medially; preatrium about as long as shaft.

Etymology. Named for the expanded apex of the aedeagal shaft, in Latin, prefix, bu -, large, huge, great, and capitatus, head. Gender masculine.


Male, female and nymph.


Head. Marks on head reduced ( Fig. 3A View FIGURE 3 ) or typical ( Fig. 3B–E View FIGURE 3 ).

Nymph. As in Fig. 3R View FIGURE 3 .

Pronotum. Dorsally with 2–4 pairs of brown marks, variable, separate or partially or entirely merged ( Fig. 3A–E View FIGURE 3 ).

Tegmina. Costa yellow, other veins light to dark brown; cells translucent, except discal, brachial and jugal cells, whitish opaque, brown marking in inner and outer discal cells, apical cell 3 and between claval vein 1 and 2 ( Fig. 3A–E View FIGURE 3 ); females often more markings, including reticulation in claval cells.


Tegmina. Veins in male in Fig. 11M View FIGURE 11 , female in Fig. 12P View FIGURE 12 .

Hind wing. Less than two times longer than wide (length/width=1.82–1.91), triangular; costal margin slightly convex (male, Fig. 11N View FIGURE 11 ); in female in Fig. 12Q View FIGURE 12 .

Chaetotaxy. Profemur row IC 6–8 long, fine setae.


Male (n=37). Apex of crown to apex of tegmina 2.65–3.13 mm, apex of crown to apex of abdomen 2.99–3.49 mm; crown length 0.52–0.57 mm; crown length next to eyes 0.37–0.41 mm; pronotum length 0.39–0.44 mm; head width 1.21–1.45 mm; pronotum width 1.12–1.35 mm; ocellus diameter 25–31 µm; interocular distance 54–69 µm; crown angle 96–106°; crown length/crown length next to eye=1.35–1.47; head width/pronotum width=1.05–1.10; ocellus diameter/interocular distance=0.38–0.55; crown length/pronotum length=1.26–1.41; pronotum length/ pronotum width=0.26–0.38.

Female (n=42). Apex of crown to apex of tegmina 2.58–3.09 mm, apex of crown to apex of abdomen 3.30–3.95 mm; crown length 0.55–0.61 mm; crown length next to eyes 0.39–0.43 mm; pronotum length 0.40–0.46 mm; head width 1.22–1.47 mm; pronotum width 1.13–1.37 mm; ocellus diameter 26–31 µm; interocular distance 52–71 µm; crown angle 92–104°; crown length/crown length next to eye=1.36–1.47; head width/pronotum width=1.05–1.10; ocellus diameter/interocular distance=0.39–0.57; crown length/pronotum length=1.28–1.43; pronotum length/ pronotum width=0.31–0.38.



Segment 10. Lateral margins convergent, sublinear distally, curvate basally, in dorsal view length/width=0.84– 1.07 (n=5) ( Fig. 11A View FIGURE 11 ), lateral view compressed, parallel-sided ( Fig. 11B View FIGURE 11 ).

Pygofer lobe. 3–5 macrosetae, rarely six, 85–139 µm in length ( Fig. 11B, D View FIGURE 11 ).

Subgenital plate. Greatest length/greatest width=1.15–1.48. Apex of apophysis extended three quarters into plate ( Fig. 11C View FIGURE 11 ).

Style. Greatest length/greatest width=3.82–4.38, length apophysis/greatest length=0.19–0.25; apophysis distally sublinear, angle 38–51°, margins approximately parallel ( Fig. 11L View FIGURE 11 , for annotations of length and width see Material and Methods).

Connective. Greatest width across arms/width of apex of stem=1.70–1.92, length arms/length stem=0.61–1.94; angle of arms 81–95°; greatest length/greatest width=0.53–0.65 ( Fig. 11E, F View FIGURE 11 , for annotations of length and width see Material and Methods).

Aedeagus. Apex of shaft in lateral view wide, width at apex, 2.1–2.8 times wider than medial width of shaft ( Fig. 11G–K View FIGURE 11 ). Anterior margin ( Fig. 11G, H View FIGURE 11 ) or submargin ( Fig. 11J, K View FIGURE 11 ) at subapex with paired teeth, variable in size and orientation. Posterior margin, approximately at mid-section with paired, variable teeth, broadly or narrowly triangular, orientation laterad, posteriad, anteriad, origin commonly posteriad to mediad ( Fig. 11G–K View FIGURE 11 ), rarely anteriad (i.e., Goudini specimen). Dorsal apodeme reduced, pygofer membrane attached at junction between shaft and preatrium. Preatrium right-angled to acutely angled to shaft; sometimes with single tooth-like process near base, on posterior margin ( Fig. 11J, K View FIGURE 11 ).


Sternite 7. Rectangular to trapezoid (distal width/basal width=0.61–0.77, greatest length/greatest width=0.42– 0.46), lateral margins convergent, straight or curvate; posterior margin with V-shaped notch, shallow or commonly deep, laterally uniformly rounded, basal length at notch/greatest length laterally=0.51–0.76 ( Fig. 12A–C View FIGURE 12 ).

Valvula 1. Parallel-sided, apex acuminate ( Fig. 12H View FIGURE 12 ), sculpture pattern commonly reticulate, striate towards base ( Fig. 10L–N View FIGURE 10 ).

Valvula 2. Serration about in distal half of dorsal margin ( Fig. 12I View FIGURE 12 ), narrow, short teeth with trough finely serrate ( Fig. 12O View FIGURE 12 ).

Valvula 3. 10–22 marginal to submarginal macrosetae at apex, 25–38 µm long ( Fig. 12J, K View FIGURE 12 ).

Valvifer 1. About as long as wide, dorsal and ventral margins rounded, anterior and posterior apices acute. Length/width=1.25–1.81 ( Fig. 12D, E View FIGURE 12 ).

Valvifer 2. Sculpture pattern longitudinal ovoid to circular denticles ( Fig. 12G View FIGURE 12 ), Stellenbosch specimen with circular pore-like structure and triangular denticles; length/width=2.59–2.99; whole part in Fig. 12F View FIGURE 12 . Sculpture in five examined valvifers without setae out of 11 dissected ovipositors.

Remarks. This species is recognized in lateral view by the wide apex of the shaft, i.e., apex of shaft twice or more as wide as medial width. Variation in the aedeagus is in the width in lateral view of the preatrium, the angle between the shaft and the preatrium, size of the membranous lobe of the preatrium and position, orientation and degree of development of teeth. Some specimens have a short or more elongated tooth at the base of the preatrium. Least typical is the aedeagus of the male from Brenton-on-Sea, which lacks the anterior teeth, apex wider than in anterior or posterior view (e.g., wider than in C. acapitatus , Fig. 13A–F View FIGURE 13 ) and gonopore also wider, shaft narrower than in specimens from other localities. Three males from Brenton-on-Sea, Nature’s Valley and Keurboom and arbitrarily, two females from George and Herold (deep and shallow notch on sternite 7 respectively) represent the eastern-most distribution. The aedeagus of specimens in Fig. 6F–H View FIGURE 6 has a similar basal tooth on the preatrium, but that is much longer than the greatest width of the preatrium. The short tooth is recognized in some specimens of C. bucapitatus sp. n. ( Fig. 11J, K View FIGURE 11 ) and C. acapitatus sp. n. ( Fig. 13D View FIGURE 13 ). Females, based on dissected and whole specimens, appear to have the notch in the sternite deeper than in C. acapitatus , i.e., basal length at notch/greatest length laterally= 0.46–0.73 in situ and 0.61–0.77 in drawings in C. bucapitatus and 0.71–0.87 in situ and 0.75–0.84 in drawings in C. acapitatus . The holotype is designated from the longest series of specimens, which were swept off grass near the roadside, in regrowth after fire at least one year previously. Most likely the specimens were on interspersed shrubs. Distribution and potential natural distribution model in Fig. 31C View FIGURE 31 .


Agricultural Research Council-Plant Protection Research Institute


Botanische Staatssammlung München


Harvard University - Arnold Arboretum


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile













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