Onychalges schizurus Gaud, 1968

Grootaert, Patrick, 2014, Revision of the subfamily Onychalginae Fain, 1988 (Acariformes: Pyroglyphidae) — ectoparasites of passerine birds, Zootaxa 3785 (2), pp. 175-200 : 191-194

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.3785.2.3

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scientific name

Onychalges schizurus Gaud, 1968


Onychalges schizurus Gaud, 1968

( Figs. 14–16 View FIGURE 14 View FIGURE 15 View FIGURE 16 A–B)

Onychalges schizurus Gaud, 1968: 307 , figs. 3e, 4d ( Psoroptidae ); Fain: 1988: 21 ( Pyroglyphidae ).

Redescription. MALE (holotype, Figs. 14 View FIGURE 14 , 20 View FIGURE 20 ). Body, including gnathosoma and opisthosomal lobes, 490 (480– 500 in 2 paratypes) long and 300 (290–310) wide. Idiosoma . Propodonotal shield about 120 long and 80 wide. Hysteronotal shield about 200 long, 100 wide at level of setae d1 and 140 wide at level of setae f2 bases. Minimal distance between shields about 40. Dorsal striae fine. Posterior pair of genital papillae located distinctly outside anterior pair. Aedeagus 16–20 long. Sheath of aedeagus present, subequal to aedeagus in length. Diameter of adanal suckers about 25. Adanal shields fused anteriorly, about 120 long. Terminal cleft about 40 long. Opisthosomal lobes about 60 wide at base. Apical membrane of opisthosomal lobes absent. Maximum distance between lobes about 55. Lengths of setae: si 40–45, se 180–200, c2 60–180, cp 240–260, c3 200–220, d2 150–160, e2 160–170, f2 260–280, h2 and h3 320–350, ps1 220–240, ps2 230–240, ps 3 20–25, 1 a 80–85, 3 a 130–140, 4 a 60–70, 4 b 210–240, and g about 5. Distances between setal bases (approximate): c1-c1 80, c2-c2 200, d1-d1 80, d2-d2 120, e1- e1 80, e2-e2 130, and 4b-4b 60. Distances between levels of seta bases (approximate): c1-d1 40 and e1- e2 60. Legs III about 400 long; legs IV about 260 long. Tarsi III and IV about 100 and 80 long, respectively. Lengths of solenidia and setae: ω 1 I 40–43, ω1 II 28–30, ω3 39–40, φ I 90 –95, φ II 87 –90, φ III 90 –95, φ IV 87 –90, σ 1 I 60–65, σ2 I 5, σ II 5–6, σ III 78 –83, sR III 230–250, kT III and kT IV about 70.

FEMALE (3 paratypes, Figs. 15 View FIGURE 15 , 20 View FIGURE 20 ). Body, including gnathosoma, 390–410 long and 230–250 wide. Idiosoma . Propodonotal shield about 100 long and 80 wide. Hysteronotal shield weakly developed, maximally 40 long and 20 wide, with irregular margins. Maximum distance between shields about 80. Dorsal striae fine. Epigynum about 100 long. Bursa copulatrix globose. Lengths of setae: si 30–35, se 170–180, c2 110–120, cp 170– 190, c3 115–120, d2 and e2 120–130, f2 40–45, h2 and h3 260–280, ps1 about 40, ps2 and ps3 60–65, 1 a about 50, 3 a 40–45, 4 a 90–100, 4 b and g about 40. Distances between setal bases (approximate): c1-c1 80, c2-c2 170, d1-d1 60, d2-d2 120, e1- e1 50, e2-e2 140, and 4b-4b 70. Distances between levels of seta bases (approximate): c1-d1 50 and e1- e2 10. Legs III and IV about 160 long. Tarsi III and IV about 60 long. Lengths of solenidia and setae: ω 1 I 37–38, ω1 II 20–21, ω3 40–41, φ I and φ II about 80, φ III 70 –75, φ IV about 40, σ 1 I about 65, σ 2 I about 5, σ II 5–6, σ III about 30, sR III 120–130, kT III and kT IV 40 –45.

Type material examined. Holotype male ( MRAC 188.263), 2 male, 3 female and 1 tritonymphal paratypes ( MRAC 188.263-188.264) from Lagonosticta rubricata ( Lichtenstein) ( Passeriformes : Estrildidae ), CAMEROON: Centre Region, Yaounde, 3°52'N, 11°31'E, February 1956, coll. J. Mouchet.

Non-type material examined. 2 males and 1 female ( MRAC 188.269, 188.271, 188.272) from Lagonosticta rubricata , SOUTH AFRICA: Limpopo Province, Morani District Municipality, Haenertsburg, 23°56'39''S, 29°56'41''E, 26/ 27 September 1961, coll. unknown; 1 male and 1 female ( MRAC 188.268) from Spermophaga haematina (Vieillot) ( Passeriformes : Estrildidae ) [new host], CAMEROON: Centre Region, Yaounde, 3°52'N, 11°31'E, August 1955, coll. J. Mouchet; 10 males and 6 females ( MRAC 188.265-188.267) from Euschistospiza dybowskii (Oustalet) [new host], CAMEROON: Centre region, Yaounde, 3°52'N, 11°31'E, December 1955, coll. J. Mouchet.

Hosts and distribution. This species was recorded from Lagonosticta rubricata (type host) from Cameroon and South Africa, and Spermophaga haematina and Euschistospiza dybowskii in Cameroon ( Gaud 1968; this paper).


Musée Royal de l’Afrique Centrale
















Onychalges schizurus Gaud, 1968

Grootaert, Patrick 2014

Onychalges schizurus

Fain 1988: 21
Fain 1988: 1988
Gaud 1968: 307
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