Micropera rostrata (Roxb.) N.P.Balakr., J.

Ormerod, Paul, Kurzweil, Hubert & Watthana, Santi, 2021, Annotated List of Orchidaceae for Myanmar, Phytotaxa 481 (1), pp. 1-262 : 166

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/phytotaxa.481.1.1

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scientific name

Micropera rostrata (Roxb.) N.P.Balakr., J.


Micropera rostrata (Roxb.) N.P.Balakr., J. View in CoL Bombay Nat . Hist. Soc. 67: 66, 1970

Basionym: Aerides rostrata Roxb., Fl. Ind. View in CoL ed. 1832, 3: 474, 1832.

Homotypic synonym: Camarotis rostrata (Roxb.) Rchb. f. in Ann. Bot. Syst. (Walpers) 6: 881, 1864.

Heterotypic synonyms: Camarotis purpurea Lindl. , Gen . Sp. Orchid. Pl.: 219, 1833. Sarcochilus purpureus (Lindl.) Benth. ex Hook. f., Fl. Brit. India 6: 36, 1890. Micropera purpurea (Lindl.) Pradhan, Indian Orchids : Guide Identif. & Cult. 2: 619, 1979.

Specimens examined:— KACHIN. Putao District: Jun 2002, Saw Lwin SL s.n. (SING); same loc., fide Nyan Tun (2014: 330); same loc., 2018, Armstrong et al. 4290 (NY, photos seen). SHAN. Taunggyi District: fide Nyan Tun (2014: 330). KAYAH. Unspecified: fide Nyan Tun (2014: 330). TENASSERIM. Parish 345 (not located), fide Parish (1883: 199; as Camarotis purpurea ).

Distribution:— The eastern Himalayas, northeastern India, Myanmar and Thailand.

Notes:— The original record (Tenasserim) is doubtful, having not been located. Parish 345 cited above is also the type number for Schoenorchis fragrans ( C. S. P. Parish & Rchb. f.) Seidenf. & Smitinand .


University of Copenhagen


Department of Botany, Swedish Museum of Natural History


Museum National d' Histoire Naturelle, Paris (MNHN) - Vascular Plants

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