Trigonaspis sp.

Thomsen, Helge A. & Østergaard, Jette B., 2015, Coccolithophorids in Polar Waters: Trigonaspis spp. Revisited, Acta Protozoologica 54 (2), pp. 85-96 : 94

publication ID 10.4467/16890027AP.15.007.2732

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scientific name

Trigonaspis sp.


Trigonaspis sp. (= Pappomonas garrisonii (HOL) Thomsen and Østergaard 2014b )

A new species of Trigonaspis was encountered in AMERIEZ, EPOS and ANT X/3 samples from the Weddell Sea, Antarctica. A complete cell with flagella and haptonema is shown in Fig. 24 View Figs 24–26 . The tower-shaped coccoliths are present on the entire cell surface and most prominently developed at the flagellar pole. In terms of general appearance of the tower-shaped coccoliths ( Fig. 25 View Figs 24–26 ) it is obvious that these are very reminiscent of those of T. minutissima ( Fig. 13 View Figs 12–16 ). Body coccoliths are rarely observed. However, we believe that the coccolith pointed out in Figs 25 View Figs 24–26 represents a disc shaped body coccolith. The shape of the individual triangle (rounded corners and concave edges) is very similar to what has been described for T. diskoensis and T. minutissima . However, the Trigonaspis sp. triangles are somewhat larger than those found in both T. diskoensis and T. minutissima (see Table 1).

Circumstantial evidence exists that links Trigonaspis sp. with Pappomonas garrisonii Thomsen and Østergaard 2014b . It is obvious from the documentation pro- vided in terms of combination cells (see Thomsen and Østergaard 2014b; l.c. Figs 43–45) that the Trigonaspis counterpart of P. garrisonii possesses tower-shaped coccoliths very reminiscent of those described here for Trigonaspis sp. , and it is furthermore evident that the size of the triangles also matches those of Trigonaspis sp. in overall size (see Table 1) and appearance.

Due to the overarching possibility that Trigonaspis sp. is in fact the life history counterpart of P. garrisonii we have refrained from formally describing the species. We recommend that this taxon is in the future referred to informally as P. garrisonii HOL.

Biogeographical data on P. garrisonii HOL is presented in Table 2.

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