Corythalia valida ( Peckham & Peckham, 1901 )

Bayer, Steffen, Höfer, Hubert & Metzner, Heiko, 2020, Revision of the genus Corythalia C. L. Koch, 1850, part 1: Diagnosis and new species from South America (Araneae: Salticidae: Salticinae: Euophryini), Zootaxa 4806 (1), pp. 1-144 : 98-101

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Plazi (2020-07-02 06:54:33, last updated 2023-10-31 18:29:53)

scientific name

Corythalia valida ( Peckham & Peckham, 1901 )


Corythalia valida ( Peckham & Peckham, 1901) View in CoL

Figs 3E View FIGURE 3 , 48 View FIGURE 48 A–F, 60C, 63E, 67B, 70F, 74C, 78E

Escambia valida Peckham & Peckham 1901: 335 , pl. 25, fig. 13, pl. 26, fig. 6 (description & illustration of ♂ & ♀). Lectotype ♂ (here designated, left palp lost) from Brazil: Amazon, today: Amazonas state, G.W. & E.G. Peckham coll., MCZ. Para- lectotypes: 3 ♀ (here designated; individual numbers F-1 (larger female) & F-2 (smaller female)) with the same data as for lectotype, MCZ; all type material examined, except for one female paralectotype, which seems to be lost, see also remark below.

Corythalia valida View in CoL — Petrunkevitch 1911: 618 (transfer from Escambia to Corythalia View in CoL ); Prószyński 1976: 153, figs 204, 209 (il- lustration of ♂ & ♀).

Diagnosis. Males distinguished from those of all other Corythalia species by the following characters in combination: embolus (E) long, strong, complex, with longitudinal ridges and centrally with three conspicuous apophyses ( Figs 48A View FIGURE 48 , 67B View FIGURE 67 ) and distally with retrolatero-distal, quite long and very narrow extension having exact retrolateral orientation ( Figs 48A View FIGURE 48 , 67B View FIGURE 67 ) and prolatero-distally with very flat (small; thus inconspicuous) and stout, broad conical process (hardly recognisable as such as E at this section with ‘corner-like’ bent); distal margin of base of E (EB) in ventral view almost reaching distal margin of tegulum (T) (gap <width of E) ( Figs 48A View FIGURE 48 , 67B View FIGURE 67 ); RTA long to very long (distinctly longer than width of T), without dorsal serration and with distal section with slight bent ventrally ( Figs 48B View FIGURE 48 , 70F View FIGURE 70 ). Females distinguished from those of all other Corythalia species by the following characters in combination: epigynal windows clearly longer than broad ( Figs 48C, 48F View FIGURE 48 , 74C View FIGURE 74 ); primary spermathecae (PS) visible through cuticle located medio-centrally in epigynal windows ( Figs 48C, 48F View FIGURE 48 , 74C View FIGURE 74 ), their diameter less than half the length of epigynal windows. Secondary spermathecae (SS) between 2/3 and slightly more than 3/4 as broad as the diameter of PS; connective duct between PS and SS straight, narrow and relatively short (> 1.1x but <1.2x the diameter of PS); heads of spermathecae very flat, hardly protruding from postero-lateral margin of SS (at least 3x broader than long) ( Figs 48D View FIGURE 48 , 78E View FIGURE 78 ).

Description. Male: total length 7.0, carapace length 2.9, maximal carapace width 2.1, width of eye rectangle 2.0, opisthosoma length 3.2, opisthosoma width 2.0, fovea length 0.22. EYES: AME 0.62, ALE 0.40, PME 0.10, PLE 0.38, AME–AME 0.03, AME–ALE 0.05, PME–PME 1.58, PME–PLE 0.24, ALE–PLE 0.71, PLE–PLE 1.25. Clypeus height at AME 0.34, clypeus height at ALE 0.71. Cheliceral furrow with 1 promarginal and 1 retromarginal teeth. SPINATION: palp without spines. Legs: femur I 1500, II–III 1600, IV 0600; patella I 1000, II–IV 1010; tibia I 2003, II 3013, III 3123, IV 3133; metatarsus I 2014, II 2024, III 3134, IV 4144. MEASUREMENT OF PALP AND LEGS: palp 2.4 [0.9, 0.4, 0.3, 0.8], I 5.0 [1.6, 0.8, 1.1, 0.9, 0.6)], II 5.3 [1.7, 0.8, 1.2, 1.0, 0.6], III 6.9 [2.2, 0.9, 1.5, 1.5, 0.8], IV 6.6 [2.0, 0.8, 1.5, 1.6, 0.7]. LEG FORMULA: 3421. COPULATORY ORGAN: embolus (E) long [clearly longer than width of tegulum (T)], complex, broad, centrally with one small and stout conical apophysis retrolaterally, one narrow, stick-like dorsally and one broad and thorn-like prolatero-ventrally ( Figs 48A View FIGURE 48 , 67B View FIGURE 67 ), retrolatero-distally with quite long, light and very narrow extension having retrolateral orientation and prolaterodistally with inconspicuous, very flat and very small process letting distal section of embolus appear like having a corner-like bent ( Figs 48A View FIGURE 48 , 67B View FIGURE 67 ), in proximal half with some longitudinal ridges; width of embolus base (EB) circle> 3/4, but <4/5 the width of T; EB located centrally at distal part of T; T narrower than cymbium ( Figs 48A View FIGURE 48 , 67B View FIGURE 67 ); sperm duct double-stacked S-shaped, occupying more than 1/2 but less than 2/3 of T from retrolateral; proximal tegulum lobe not recognisable as such, but T proximally moderately converging and proximal ending broad round- ed, covering about distal half of palpal tibia; cymbium in ventral view distally conically converging, at distalmost section rounded; palpal tibia (not distinctly) short, about as broad as long ( Figs 48 View FIGURE 48 A–B, 67B, 70F) and ventral tibial bump in ventral view medium-sized, distally conically converging, located in proximal half of prolateral third of palpal tibia; RTA in ventral view quite narrow, long to very long [1.5x longer than width of tegulum, narrower than embolus at central section (even without apophyses)], with retrolatero-distal, nearly distal, direction and without dorsal serration ( Figs 48 View FIGURE 48 A–B, 67B), in retrolateral view RTA with distal section slightly bent ventrally and distally slightly converging ( Figs 48B View FIGURE 48 , 70F View FIGURE 70 ). COLOURATION: (Lectotype bleached and not in good condition) See genus description for conservative aspects. Carapace red-brown, proximal sections of lateral margins seemingly without broad bands of dense, light scale hairs ( Fig. 60C View FIGURE 60 ). Legs brown to red-brown, except for proximalmost articles ( Figs 3E View FIGURE 3 , 60C View FIGURE 60 ), patellae and tarsi being lighter. Opisthosoma colouration difficult to interpret as bleached and cuticle separated from sub-cuticle ( Fig. 60C View FIGURE 60 ).

Female: total length 7.1–7.9, carapace length 2.9–3.0, maximal carapace width 2.1–2.2, width of eye rectangle 2.0–2.1, opisthosoma length 3.1–3.8, opisthosoma width 2.0–2.8, fovea length 0.19–0.22. EYES: AME 0.60–0.65, ALE 0.41–0.42, PME 0.07–0.08, PLE 0.36–0.38, AME–AME 0.04, AME–ALE 0.04–0.06, PME–PME 1.63–1.70, PME–PLE 0.25, ALE–PLE 0.71–0.74, PLE–PLE 1.33–1.39, clypeus height at AME 0.25–0.30), clypeus height at ALE 0.67–0.70. Cheliceral furrow with 1 promarginal and 1 retromarginal teeth. SPINATION: palp without spines. Legs: femur I 1500 (1500), II 1500 (1500{1600}), III 1500 , IV 0500 (0600); patella I–II 1000, III–IV 1010; tibia I 2002, II 2002 (3013), III 2014 (3123), IV 3123 (3133); metatarsus I 2004, II 2014 (2014{2024}), III 3134 , IV 4133 (4144). MEASUREMENT OF PALP AND LEGS: palp 2.3 (2.4) [0.9, 0.3 (0.4), 0.4, 0.7], I 5.0 (4.9) [1.6 (1.5), 0.8 (0.9), 1.1 (1.0), 0.9, 0.6], II 5.1 (5.3) [1.7, 0.8 (0.9), 1.1, 0.9 (1.0), 0.6], III 6.4 (6.3) [2.0 (1.9), 0.9, 1.3, 1.5 (1.6), 0.7 (0.6)], IV 6.4 (6.5) [2.0, 0.9 (0.8), 1.4, 1.4 (1.7), 0.7 (0.6)]. LEG FORMULA: 3&421 ( III & IV with exactly the same length) (4321). COPULATORY ORGAN: epigyne with clearly elongated oval epigynal windows (W), anterior margins are build of three rims: firstly, anteriorly strongly converging lateral margins, secondly, diverging margins of anterior section of septum of W, thirdly by additional ridge, running almost parallel with the antero-lateral sections of lateral margins of W, slightly posterior of the former close to the area of copulatory openings; lateral margins very distinct as directly accompanied by lateral margins of entire epigyne, antero-medially both margins merge by converging; septum of W moderately broad (> 1/4, <1/3 the width of W) and anteriorly slightly diverging ( Figs 48C, 48F View FIGURE 48 , 74C View FIGURE 74 ); epigynal field missing; primary ( PS) and secondary spermathecae (SS), visible through cuticle of epigyne, PS visible in central third of W ( Figs 48C, 48F View FIGURE 48 , 74C View FIGURE 74 ). Vulva with medium-sized, round (to sac-shaped) PS; SS (slightly) narrower than PS; connective ducts ( DST) between SS and PS narrow (at most slightly broader than 1/5 the diameter of PS) and straight, meeting PS medio-ventrally; heads of spermathecae very flat, arising postero-laterally ( Figs 48 View FIGURE 48 D–E, 78E); copulatory ducts very short, with (initially anterior, then) lateral direction; fertilisation ducts at distal section narrow, proximally, however, quite broad (about 1/3–1/2 the width of PS) arising anteriorly on PS, bent laterally ( Figs 48 View FIGURE 48 D–E, 78E). COLOURATION: (Paralectotypes bleached, but general colouration still recognisable) See genus description for conservative aspects. Carapace red-brown, lateral margins of proximal sections without densely arranged light scale hairs ( Fig. 63E View FIGURE 63 ). Legs red-brown, except for several articles (see genus description) being slightly lighter ( Fig. 63E View FIGURE 63 ). Opisthosoma actually like noted in genus description under general dorsal colouration, however, central transversal light band just moderately broad; chevron-like patch in central band missing; posterior band medially interrupted ( Fig. 63E View FIGURE 63 ) .

Intraspecific variation. Additional ridges at the area of copulatory openings running slightly less steep in female paralectotype F-2 ( Fig. 48C View FIGURE 48 ) than in F-1 ( Fig. 48F View FIGURE 48 ). Primary spermathecae [visible through cuticle of epigynal windows (W)] in paralectotype F-1 even more “shifted” anteriorly and not exactly in central third of W ( Fig. 48F View FIGURE 48 ), secondary spermathecae in F-1 also visible further anteriorly than in F-2.

Remarks. The male lectotype, as well as two female paralectotypes (here designated), were at arrival at SMNK (Apr. 2015) found within a vial containing the original type label of Dynamius fimbriatus (MCZ 21310). They must have been erroneously put there, as D. fimbriatus was described on the base of two males only. Additionally, the three specimens listed above exactly match the original figures for Escambia valida in Peckham & Peckham (1901) . The types of D. fimbriatus have apparently simultaneously been taken away and put into the vial with the types of D. parvus . The original label of the types of E. valida as well as the third female type specimen (here designated as paralectotype) cannot be found at the moment (Laura Leibensperger, pers. comm.).

Conspecificity of the female paralectotypes with the male lectotype is not 100% sure, but highly probable. At first, it is likely that the male and the two females were once found at the same locality within the Amazonas state. Secondly , male and female type specimens corroborate in colouration by the missing of the densely arranged light scale hairs at lateral margins of the proximal carapace .

The strong/broad and complex embolus (having apophyses and longitudinal ridges) with distal section having long, light and very slender extension disto-retrolaterally and small to tiny, very flat conical process prolaterally, the proximal tegulum shape (rounded; proximal lobe as such missing) and the (long) slender RTA with almost distal direction are similar to those in C. flagrans sp. nov. and C. tribulosa sp. nov. A close relationship between these three species is thus likely. A very close relationship might exist to C. tribulosa sp. nov. (see remark under C. tribulosa sp. nov. above). According to the copulatory organs females show at least slight resemblance to the females of the C. waleckii species-group. However, it is difficult to assess if there is a closer relationship to those species.

Distribution. Known only from the type locality in the state of Amazonas, Brazil.

Peckham, G. W. & Peckham, E. G. (1901) Spiders of the Phidippus group of the family Attidae. Transactions of the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters, 13, 282 - 358.

Petrunkevitch, A. (1911) A synonymic index-catalogue of spiders of North, Central and South America with all adjacent islands, Greeland, Bermuda, West Indies, Terra del Fuego, Galapagos, etc. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, 29, 1 - 791. https: // doi. org / 10.5962 / bhl. title. 23819

Proszynski, J. (1976) Studium systematyczno-zoogeograflczne nad rodzina Salticidae (Aranei) regionow Palearktycznego i Nearktycznego [Etude systematique et zoogeographique des Salticidae des regions palearctique et nearctique]. Wyzsza skola Pedagogiczna, 6, 1 - 260.

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FIGURE 3. Corythalia spp., photographic images of habitus and some somatic characters. Corythalia protensa sp. nov., male holotype from Amazonas, Brazil. A Cheliceral bases and claws, labium and gnathocoxae, ventral view. Corythalia fragilis sp. nov., male paratype SMNK-ARA 02236 from Amazonas, Brazil. B Prosoma, frontal view. Corythalia concinna sp. nov., female holotype from Amazonas, Brazil. C Carapace, lateral view. Corythalia foelixi Bayer, sp. nov., male holotype from Cayenne, French Guiana. D Dorsal view. Corythalia valida, male lectotype from Amazonas, Brazil. E Ventral view. Corythalia drepane sp. nov., female paratype SMNK-ARA 13423 from Amazonas, Brazil. F Labium and gnathocoxae, ventral view. Arrows in A indicate very small and slim teeth on retromargins of cheliceral furrows. Arrows in B indicate small lobes on medio-distal section of cheliceral base bearing minimally curved hairs.

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FIGURE 48. Corythalia valida, specimens from Amazonas, Brazil.A–B Male lectotype, right palp (mirrored) (A ventral view; B retrolateral view). C–E Female paralectotype F-2, epigyne (C ventral view; D vulva, dorsal view; E schematic course of internal duct system). F Female paralectotype F-1, epigyne, ventral view.

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FIGURE 60. Corythalia spp., photographic images of male specimens, dorsal view. Corythalia hamulifera Bayer, sp. nov.: A Holotype from south-eastern part of Ecuador. Corythalia tribulosa sp. nov.: B Holotype from Putumayo, Colombia. Corythalia valida: C Lectotype from Amazonas, Brazil. Corythalia flagrans sp. nov.: D Holotype from Acre, Brazil. Corythalia fragilis sp. nov.: E Paratype SMNK-ARA 02236 from Amazonas, Brazil. Corythalia grata F Lectotype from São Paulo, Brazil. Corythalia vervloeti: G Male M-1 from Borba, Amazonas, Brazil. Corythalia opima: H Male SMF 8437 from La Paz, El Salvador. Corythalia spiralis: I Lectotype from Chiriquí, Panama.

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FIGURE 63. Corythalia spp., photographic images of female specimens, dorsal view. Corythalia chalcea: A Female AMNH- IZC 00327847 from Aragua, Venezuela. Corythalia longiducta sp. nov.: B Holotype from Amazonas, Brazil. Corythalia blanda: C Lectotype from Trinidad. Corythalia xanthopa: D Female F-2, AMNH-IZC 00326903, from Aragua, Venezuela. Corythalia valida: E Paralectotype F-2 from Amazonas, Brazil. Corythalia fragilis sp. nov.: F Paratype SMNK-ARA 02229 from Amazonas, Brazil. Corythalia opima: G Female SMF 8434 from Santa Ana, El Salvador. Corythalia spiralis: H Female IBSP 53142 from São Paulo, Brazil.

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FIGURE 67. Corythalia spp., photographic images of left palps of male specimens, ventral view. Corythalia tribulosa sp. nov.: A Holotype from Putumayo, Colombia. Corythalia valida. B Lectotype from Amazonas, Brazil. Corythalia flagrans sp. nov.: C Holotype from Acre, Brazil. Corythalia grata: D Lectotype from São Paulo, Brazil. Corythalia fragilis sp. nov.: Paratypes E SMNK-ARA 02232, F SMNK-ARA 02236, G SMNK-ARA 02237-1 and H SMNK-ARA 02237-2 from Amazonas, Brazil. Corythalia vervloeti: I Male M-2 from Amazonas and J M-4 from Paraná, Brazil. Corythalia opima: K Lectotype from eastern part of Guatemala. Corythalia spiralis: L Lectotype from Chiriquí, Panama.

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FIGURE 70. Corythalia spp., photographic images of left palps of male specimens, retrolateral view. Corythalia hadzji: A Lectotype from Upper Demerara-Berbice, Guyana. Corythalia trochophora Bayer, sp. nov.: B Holotype from Tungurahua, Ecuador. Corythalia lineata Bayer, sp. nov.: C Holotype from East Berbice-Corentyne, Guyana. Corythalia hamulifera Bayer, sp. nov.: D Holotype from south-eastern part of Ecuador. Corythalia tribulosa sp. nov.: E Holotype from Putumayo, Colombia. Corythalia valida: F Lectotype from Amazonas, Brazil. Corythalia flagrans sp. nov.: G Holotype from Acre, Brazil. Corythalia fragilis sp. nov.: H Paratype SMNK-ARA 02236 from Amazonas, Brazil. Corythalia grata: I Lectotype from São Paulo, Brazil. Corythalia vervloeti: J Male M-2 from Amazonas, Brazil. Corythalia opima: K Lectotype from eastern part of Guatemala. Corythalia spiralis: L Lectotype from Chiriquí, Panama.

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FIGURE 74. Corythalia spp., photographic images of epigynes, ventral view. Corythalia blanda: A Lectotype from Trinidad. Corythalia xanthopa: B Female F-2, AMNH-IZC 00326903, from Aragua, Venezuela. Corythalia valida: C Paralectotype F-2 from Amazonas, Brazil. Corythalia fragilis sp. nov.: D Holotype, E Paratype SMNK-ARA 02233 and F Paratype SMNK-ARA 02229 from Amazonas, Brazil. Corythalia opima: G Paralectotype from eastern part of Guatemala. Corythalia spiralis: H Female FR-973-00111 from St. Laurent du Maroni, French Guiana.

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FIGURE 78. Corythalia spp., photographic images of vulvae, dorsal view. Corythalia fragilis sp. nov.: A Holotype, B Paratype SMNK-ARA 02229, C SMNK-ARA 02235 from Amazonas, Brazil. Corythalia xanthopa: D Female AMNH-IZC 00326906, from Aragua, Venezuela. Corythalia valida: E Paralectotype F-2 from Amazonas, Brazil. Corythalia opima: F Paralectotype from eastern part of Guatemala. Corythalia spiralis: Females G SMNK-ARA 14032 from Amazonas, Venezuela and H SMNK- ARA 02513 from Amazonas, Brazil.











