Corythalia fragilis, Bayer & Höfer & Metzner, 2020
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Plazi (2020-07-02 06:54:33, last updated 2023-10-31 18:29:53) |
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Corythalia fragilis |
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sp. nov. |
Corythalia fragilis View in CoL sp. nov.
Figs 3B View FIGURE 3 , 50 View FIGURE 50 A–E, 60E, 63F, 67E–H, 70H, 74D–F, 78A–C
Type material. Holotype: ♀, BRAZIL: Amazonas : Manaus, Reserva Ducke, ca. 2°55’50”S, 59°58’30”W, noninundated primary forest, H. Höfer & T. Gasnier leg. 22 June 1992, sample number BE I/1 (arboreal funnel trap), interim deposition SMNK-ARA 02230 , final deposition INPA GoogleMaps . Paratypes: 1 ♂, with same data as for holotype, except leg. 13 Apr. 1992, interim deposition SMNK-ARA 02232 GoogleMaps , final deposition INPA; 1 ♂, with same data as for holotype, except leg. 30 Nov. 1992, SMNK-ARA 02234 GoogleMaps ; 1 ♂, with same data as for holotype, except leg. 11 Nov. 1992, sample no. BE I/17, SMNK-ARA 02236 GoogleMaps ; 2 ♂ ( SMNK-ARA 02237-1 : leg III, left & leg I, right miss- ing; SMNK-ARA 02237-2 : intact specimen), with same data as for holotype, except leg. 21 Dec. 1992, sample no. BEI/17, interim deposition SMNK-ARA 02237 GoogleMaps , final deposition INPA; 1 ♂, 1 ♀, with same data as for holotype, except leg. 07 Dec. 1992, sample no. BE I/1, interim deposition SMNK-ARA 02229 GoogleMaps , final deposition INPA; 1 ♀, with same data as for holotype, except leg. 17 Feb. 1992, SMNK-ARA 02233 GoogleMaps ; 1 ♀, with same data as for holotype, except leg. 25 Nov. 1991, sample no. BE I/17, SMNK-ARA 02235 GoogleMaps .
Additional material examined. BRAZIL: Amazonas: Manaus, Reserva Ducke , 2°55’50”S, 59°58’30”W, 100 m a.s.l., non-inundated primary forest: 1 ♂, very bad condition, sample number BE I/1, H. Höfer & T GoogleMaps . Gasnier leg. 30 Nov. 1992, interim deposition SMNK-ARA 02234 , final deposition INPA; 1 s.a. ♂, 1 s.a. ♀, 1 juvenile, with same data as above, except leg. 07 Dec. 1992, sample no. BE I/1, interim deposition SMNK-ARA 02229 , final deposition INPA; 4 juveniles, with same data as above, except leg. 22 June 1992, interim deposition SMNK-ARA 02230 , final deposition INPA; 1 juvenile, with same data as above, except leg. 09 Dec. 1992, interim deposition SMNK-ARA 02231 , final deposition INPA.
Etymology. The specific name refers to the extraordinarily fragile copulatory ducts of females of this species (Latin “fragilis” means “fragile”); adjective.
Diagnosis. Males distinguished from those of all other Corythalia species by the following characters in combination: embolus (E) quite long [longer than width of tegulum (T)], longitudinally connected with a broad, extremely thin, fine, hyaline and membranous structure (lamella), the latter proximally to subdistally about 4x as broad as actual (sclerotised, rather narrow and in distal third even filiform) section of E ( Figs 50A View FIGURE 50 , 67 View FIGURE 67 E–H); proximal tegulum lobe very broad (almost 3/4 the width of T); base of E prolaterally slightly protruding beyond disto-prolateral section of T ( Figs 50A View FIGURE 50 , 67 View FIGURE 67 E–H). Females distinguished from those of all other Corythalia species by the following characters in combination: epigynal windows laterally with distinct gap and transversely divided by a ridge (median half of this ridge may be only indicated by colour difference or by a fine ridge) ( Figs 50C View FIGURE 50 , 74 View FIGURE 74 D–F); vulva without secondary spermathecae; copulatory duct extremely long (at least 1.3x as long as width of entire epigyne) ( Figs 50 View FIGURE 50 D–E, 78A–C).
Description. Male (measurements of all paratypes as range): total length 5.4–6.2, carapace length 2.4–2.8, maximal carapace width 1.7–1.9, width of eye rectangle 1.5–1.6, opisthosoma length 2.4–2.8, opisthosoma width 1.5–1.7, fovea length 0.19–0.26. EYES: AME 0.45–0.52, ALE 0.30–0.33, PME 0.06–0.08, PLE 0.25–0.28, AME– AME 0.03–0.04, AME–ALE 0.04–0.06, PME–PME 1.17–1.31, PME–PLE 0.23–0.25, ALE–PLE 0.63–0.66, PLE– PLE 0.92–1.03, clypeus height at AME 0.19–0.22, clypeus height at ALE 0.53–0.58. Cheliceral furrow with 1 promarginal and 1 retromarginal teeth. SPINATION: palp: no spines. Legs: femur I 1400, II 1600 (1500, 1600{1400}, 1500{1600}), III 1600 (1500{1600}), IV 1600; patella I–II 1000, III–IV 1010; tibia I 2003, II 3003 (3100), III 3133 (3033), IV 3133; metatarsus I 2004 (2014, 2014{2004}), II 2014, III 3134, IV 4144 (3144). MEASUREMENT OF PALP AND LEGS: palp 2.0–2.3 [0.7–0.9, 0.3–0.4, 0.3, 0.7–0.8], I 4.2–4.5 [1.4–1.5, 0.7–0.8, 0.8–0.9, 0.7–0.8, 0.5)], II 4.4–4.7 [1.3–1.5, 0.7–0.8, 0.9–1.0, 0.8–0.9, 0.5], III 5.4-5.8 [1.5–1.7, 0.7–0.8, 1.1–1.3, 1.1–1.3, 0.6–0.7], IV 5.4–5.9 [1.5–1.7, 0.7–0.8, 1.2–1.3, 1.2–1.4, 0.6–0.7]. LEG FORMULA: 4321 (4321, 4&321, legs III & IV with exactly the same length in two specimens). COPULATORY ORGAN: embolus (E) quite long, slim, in distal third filiform, arising point at prolatero-proximal section of embolus base (EB) and longitudinally connected with a broad, very fine, hyaline and membranous structure (lamella) ( Figs 50A View FIGURE 50 , 67 View FIGURE 67 E–H); distal third of E with prolaterodistal driection; EB somewhat broader than 1/2 the tegulum (T), slightly protruding beyond disto-prolateral section of T and located prolaterally at distal section of T; EB circle almost 3/4 as broad as T ( Figs 50A View FIGURE 50 , 67 View FIGURE 67 E–H); T narrower than cymbium, sperm duct double-stacked S-shaped, occupying about 2/3 of tegulum from retrolateral; proximal tegulum lobe distinctly broad and broad rounded proximally ( Figs 50A View FIGURE 50 , 67 View FIGURE 67 E–H). Cymbium in ventral view distally conically converging, distally ovoid distalmost section rounded); palpal tibia short, broader than long; ventral tibial bump inconspicuous and flat rounded and located centrally in prolateral fourth of palpal tibia. RTA quite narrow, with retrolatero-distal direction and dorsally with not very distinct serration ( Figs 50A View FIGURE 50 , 67 View FIGURE 67 E–H), in retrolateral view ( Figs 50B View FIGURE 50 , 70H View FIGURE 70 ) RTA also quite narrow and distally converging. COLOURATION: see genus description for conservative aspects. Carapace dark red-brown ( Figs 3B View FIGURE 3 , 60E View FIGURE 60 ), behind posterior eye row with several patches of densely arranged light scale hairs (the latter not only sparsely distributed like in most other Corythalia species) ( Figs 3B View FIGURE 3 , 60E View FIGURE 60 ). Legs dark brown to red-brown, except for several articles being lighter (see genus description) ( Fig. 60E View FIGURE 60 ). Opisthosoma dorsally dark brown with three light beige transverse bands and light bordering (bordering especially broad at anterior(-lateral) third of opisthosoma), all bands not broad or even narrow ( Fig. 60E View FIGURE 60 ); anteriormost band broadest, centrally with curve and in connection with a longitudinal, medial light patch in anterior half of opisthosoma, central transversal band narrow, slightly zigzagged and posterior of which three (rarely four) light chevrons getting continuously smaller, third transversal band also narrow and medially separated ( Fig. 60E View FIGURE 60 ). Opisthosoma ventrally light brown.
Female (measurements of holotype first, those of female paratypes as range in parentheses): total length 6.7 (6.6–7.0), carapace length 2.5 (2.5–2.7), maximal carapace width 1.7 (1.7–1.9), width of eye rectangle 1.5 (1.5– 1.7), opisthosoma length 3.1 (3.1–3.5), opisthosoma width 2.1 (2.1–2.3), fovea length 0.21 (0.18–0.21). EYES: AME 0.49 (0.49–0.53), ALE 0.30 (0.30–0.32), PME 0.07 (0.07–0.08), PLE 0.26 (0.26–0.28), AME–AME 0.03 (0.03–0.04), AME–ALE 0.04 (0.04–0.05), PME–PME 1.17 (1.17–1.31), PME–PLE 0.24 (0.24–0.26), ALE–PLE 0.64 (0.64–0.67), PLE–PLE 0.96 (0.96–1.03), clypeus height at AME 0.18, clypeus height at ALE 0.53 (0.53–0.55) ( Fig. 3B View FIGURE 3 ). Cheliceral furrow with 1 promarginal and 1 retromarginal teeth. SPINATION: palp: no spines. Legs: femur I 1400 (1400{1300}), II 1400 (1500), III 1500 {1400} (1500, 1500{1400}), IV 0500; patella I–II 1000, III–IV 1010; tibia I 2003 (2003{3003}), II 2003 (3003), III 2023 (3033), IV 2033 (3033, 3133); metatarsus I 2004 (2004, 2004{2014}), II 2014, III 3134{3034} (3134), IV 3134 (4244, 3234). MEASUREMENT OF PALP AND LEGS: palp 2.0 (2.0–2.3) [0.7 (0.7–0.8), 0.4 (0.4–0.5), 0.4, 0.5 (0.5–0.6)], I 4.0 (4.0–4.2) [1.3 (1.3–1.4), 0.7, 0.8 (0.8–0.9), 0.7 (0.6–0.7), 0.5], II 3.9 (3.9–4.4) [1.2 (1.2–1.4), 0.7, 0.8 (0.8–0.9), 0.7, 0.5], III 4.6 (4.6–4.7) [1.4 (1.4–1.5), 0.7, 1.0 (1.0–1.1), 1.0 (1.0–1.1), 0.5 (0.5–0.6)], IV 4.9 (4.9–5.3) [1.5 (1.5–1.6), 0.7 (0.7–0.8), 1.0 (1.0–1.2), 1.1, 0.6]. LEG FORMULA: 4312 (4321). COPULATORY ORGAN: epigyne with slightly elongated oval epigynal windows (W), anterior margins continuous, but lateral margins having distinct gaps; W in central section transversally divided by a ridge (running out medially; transversal division medially still recognisable by colour difference between anterior and posterior half of W) ( Figs 50C View FIGURE 50 , 74 View FIGURE 74 D–F); septum of W quite broad (almost 1/3 the width of W) and anteriorly and posteriorly slightly diverging ( Figs 50C View FIGURE 50 , 74 View FIGURE 74 D–F); epigynal field slightly broader than long ( Figs 50C View FIGURE 50 , 74 View FIGURE 74 D–F). Vulva with medium-sized, round primary spermathecae (PS), almost touching each other medially; secondary spermathecae absent (or at least not recognisable as such, Figs 50D View FIGURE 50 , 78 View FIGURE 78 A–C); copulatory ducts extraordinarily long, narrow, with many windings, especially proximally, and surrounding primary spermathecae from anterior, lateral, posterior and ventral direction, meeting PS medio-ventrally; heads of spermathecae absent (or that inconspicuous that not recognisable?) ( Figs 50 View FIGURE 50 D–E, 78A–C); fertilisation ducts relatively narrow, arising anterocentrally (to antero-medially) on PS, bent laterally ( Figs 50 View FIGURE 50 D–E, 78A–C). COLOURATION: see genus description for conservative aspects. Carapace (dark) red-brown ( Fig. 63F View FIGURE 63 ), behind posterior eye row with several patches of densely arranged light scale hairs (the latter not only sparsely distributed like in most other Corythalia species but not as densely arranged as in conspecific males). Legs light brown to red-brown, except for several articles being even lighter (see genus description) ( Fig. 63F View FIGURE 63 ). Opisthosoma dorsally dark brown with three light beige transverse bands and light bordering (bordering especially broad at anterior(-lateral) third of opisthosoma), all bands not broad or even narrow ( Fig. 63F View FIGURE 63 ); anteriormost band broadest, centrally with curve and in connection with a longitudinal, medial light patch in anterior half of opisthosoma, central transversal band narrow, slightly zigzagged and posterior of which three (rarely four) light chevrons getting continuously smaller, third transversal band also narrow but medially separated ( Fig. 63F View FIGURE 63 ). Opisthosoma ventrally light brown to beige.
Intraspecific variation of male and female copulatory organs. Males with slight variation concerning width of tegulum ( T): paratype SMNK-ARA 02232 ( Fig. 67E View FIGURE 67 ): T (in relation to width of cymbium) slightly narrower than in remaining paratypes. Subtegulum slightly more protruding underneath prolateral margin of T in 2237-1 ( Fig. 67G View FIGURE 67 ) than in others. In male 2237-2 proximal lobe ( Fig. 67H View FIGURE 67 ) of T slightly broader than in paratypes shown in Figs 50A View FIGURE 50 and 67 View FIGURE 67 E–G. Females: transversal ridge- or border-like structure in epigynal window (W) in paratype SMNK- ARA 02229 ( Fig. 74F View FIGURE 74 ) slightly further shifted posteriorly than in holotype and remaining paratypes. Gap in lateral margins of W in paratype 2233 ( Fig. 74E View FIGURE 74 ) slightly larger than in holotype and remaining paratypes. Additionally, in 2233 course of transversal ridge-like structure not exactly transversal, but slightly diagonal in one half ( Fig. 74E View FIGURE 74 ), not so in holotype and remaining paratypes ( Figs 50C View FIGURE 50 , 74D, F View FIGURE 74 ). In paratype 2229 ( Fig. 78B View FIGURE 78 ) copulatory duct slightly shorter than in other females and hairpin-like loop of copulatory duct posterior of primary spermathecae with more diagonal orientation. Distance between posterior margin of primary spermathecae and hairpin-like loop of copulatory duct in paratype 2235 ( Fig. 78C View FIGURE 78 ) longer than in holotype and remaining paratypes ( Figs 50D View FIGURE 50 , 44 View FIGURE 44 A–B) .
Remarks. In having a membranous lamella at embolus and a very broad proximal tegular lobe males of this species (clearly) differ from other Corythalia species. Hence, a prediction on possible relationships with other Corythalia species is currently quite difficult. The colouration pattern of the carapace and especially the opisthosoma, however, resembles that of C. metallica . Predictions on a close relationship between these two species only based on similar colouration are in our opinion not justified. Females are even more unique in apparently having no secondary spermthecae, no spermathecal heads and an extremely long copulatory duct.
Distribution. Known only from the type locality in Central Amazonia, Brazil.
FIGURE 3. Corythalia spp., photographic images of habitus and some somatic characters. Corythalia protensa sp. nov., male holotype from Amazonas, Brazil. A Cheliceral bases and claws, labium and gnathocoxae, ventral view. Corythalia fragilis sp. nov., male paratype SMNK-ARA 02236 from Amazonas, Brazil. B Prosoma, frontal view. Corythalia concinna sp. nov., female holotype from Amazonas, Brazil. C Carapace, lateral view. Corythalia foelixi Bayer, sp. nov., male holotype from Cayenne, French Guiana. D Dorsal view. Corythalia valida, male lectotype from Amazonas, Brazil. E Ventral view. Corythalia drepane sp. nov., female paratype SMNK-ARA 13423 from Amazonas, Brazil. F Labium and gnathocoxae, ventral view. Arrows in A indicate very small and slim teeth on retromargins of cheliceral furrows. Arrows in B indicate small lobes on medio-distal section of cheliceral base bearing minimally curved hairs.
FIGURE 44. Corythalia trochophora Bayer, sp. nov., male holotype from Tungurahua, Ecuador.A–B left palp (A ventral view; B retrolateral view).
FIGURE 50. Corythalia fragilis sp. nov., specimens from Amazonas, Brazil. A–B Male paratype SMNK-ARA 02236, left palp (A ventral view; B retrolateral view). C–E Female holotype, epigyne (C ventral view; D vulva, dorsal view; E schematic course of internal duct system).
FIGURE 60. Corythalia spp., photographic images of male specimens, dorsal view. Corythalia hamulifera Bayer, sp. nov.: A Holotype from south-eastern part of Ecuador. Corythalia tribulosa sp. nov.: B Holotype from Putumayo, Colombia. Corythalia valida: C Lectotype from Amazonas, Brazil. Corythalia flagrans sp. nov.: D Holotype from Acre, Brazil. Corythalia fragilis sp. nov.: E Paratype SMNK-ARA 02236 from Amazonas, Brazil. Corythalia grata F Lectotype from São Paulo, Brazil. Corythalia vervloeti: G Male M-1 from Borba, Amazonas, Brazil. Corythalia opima: H Male SMF 8437 from La Paz, El Salvador. Corythalia spiralis: I Lectotype from Chiriquí, Panama.
FIGURE 63. Corythalia spp., photographic images of female specimens, dorsal view. Corythalia chalcea: A Female AMNH- IZC 00327847 from Aragua, Venezuela. Corythalia longiducta sp. nov.: B Holotype from Amazonas, Brazil. Corythalia blanda: C Lectotype from Trinidad. Corythalia xanthopa: D Female F-2, AMNH-IZC 00326903, from Aragua, Venezuela. Corythalia valida: E Paralectotype F-2 from Amazonas, Brazil. Corythalia fragilis sp. nov.: F Paratype SMNK-ARA 02229 from Amazonas, Brazil. Corythalia opima: G Female SMF 8434 from Santa Ana, El Salvador. Corythalia spiralis: H Female IBSP 53142 from São Paulo, Brazil.
FIGURE 67. Corythalia spp., photographic images of left palps of male specimens, ventral view. Corythalia tribulosa sp. nov.: A Holotype from Putumayo, Colombia. Corythalia valida. B Lectotype from Amazonas, Brazil. Corythalia flagrans sp. nov.: C Holotype from Acre, Brazil. Corythalia grata: D Lectotype from São Paulo, Brazil. Corythalia fragilis sp. nov.: Paratypes E SMNK-ARA 02232, F SMNK-ARA 02236, G SMNK-ARA 02237-1 and H SMNK-ARA 02237-2 from Amazonas, Brazil. Corythalia vervloeti: I Male M-2 from Amazonas and J M-4 from Paraná, Brazil. Corythalia opima: K Lectotype from eastern part of Guatemala. Corythalia spiralis: L Lectotype from Chiriquí, Panama.
FIGURE 70. Corythalia spp., photographic images of left palps of male specimens, retrolateral view. Corythalia hadzji: A Lectotype from Upper Demerara-Berbice, Guyana. Corythalia trochophora Bayer, sp. nov.: B Holotype from Tungurahua, Ecuador. Corythalia lineata Bayer, sp. nov.: C Holotype from East Berbice-Corentyne, Guyana. Corythalia hamulifera Bayer, sp. nov.: D Holotype from south-eastern part of Ecuador. Corythalia tribulosa sp. nov.: E Holotype from Putumayo, Colombia. Corythalia valida: F Lectotype from Amazonas, Brazil. Corythalia flagrans sp. nov.: G Holotype from Acre, Brazil. Corythalia fragilis sp. nov.: H Paratype SMNK-ARA 02236 from Amazonas, Brazil. Corythalia grata: I Lectotype from São Paulo, Brazil. Corythalia vervloeti: J Male M-2 from Amazonas, Brazil. Corythalia opima: K Lectotype from eastern part of Guatemala. Corythalia spiralis: L Lectotype from Chiriquí, Panama.
FIGURE 74. Corythalia spp., photographic images of epigynes, ventral view. Corythalia blanda: A Lectotype from Trinidad. Corythalia xanthopa: B Female F-2, AMNH-IZC 00326903, from Aragua, Venezuela. Corythalia valida: C Paralectotype F-2 from Amazonas, Brazil. Corythalia fragilis sp. nov.: D Holotype, E Paratype SMNK-ARA 02233 and F Paratype SMNK-ARA 02229 from Amazonas, Brazil. Corythalia opima: G Paralectotype from eastern part of Guatemala. Corythalia spiralis: H Female FR-973-00111 from St. Laurent du Maroni, French Guiana.
FIGURE 78. Corythalia spp., photographic images of vulvae, dorsal view. Corythalia fragilis sp. nov.: A Holotype, B Paratype SMNK-ARA 02229, C SMNK-ARA 02235 from Amazonas, Brazil. Corythalia xanthopa: D Female AMNH-IZC 00326906, from Aragua, Venezuela. Corythalia valida: E Paralectotype F-2 from Amazonas, Brazil. Corythalia opima: F Paralectotype from eastern part of Guatemala. Corythalia spiralis: Females G SMNK-ARA 14032 from Amazonas, Venezuela and H SMNK- ARA 02513 from Amazonas, Brazil.
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Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics |
Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazonia |
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
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