Paroxystoglossa levigata, Gonçalves, 2017

Gonçalves, Rodrigo Barbosa, 2017, Phylogeny and new species of the Neotropical bee genus Paroxystoglossa Moure (Hymenoptera, Apoidea), Revista Brasileira de Entomologia 61 (2), pp. 178-191 : 187

publication ID 10.1016/j.rbe.2017.03.001

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scientific name

Paroxystoglossa levigata

sp. nov.

Paroxystoglossa levigata , new species


Paroxystoglossa levigata n.sp. is similar to P. transversa : pronotum with incomplete lamella from lobe to lateral angle, marginal areas of terga are depressed and dark and male gonobase lobes are broadly excavated.Females of P.levigata n.sp. can be separated from P. transversa by the marginal area not punctate and terga with conspicuous row of simple erect setae between disk and marginal area in; the males can be distinguished by fourth sternum with small elevations and fifth sternum with shallow depression.


Holotype male. Measurements, hw: 1.78; hl: 2.25; clw: 1.25; cll: 0.65; scl: 0.25; aloc: 0.57; itd: 1.87; mtw: 2.9; total: 11. Head, Labrum basal elevation absent; polished; black. Mandible simple; microrugose; metallic green on base, black apically; long setae on ventral margin. Clypeus epistomal angle obtuse; apical margin: straight; longitudinal depression absent; punctate, i = 2–3 dp; very long (almost scape length), plumose (short branches) setae on margins; metallic green. Supraclypeal area pronounced; punctate as clypeus, upper surface microreticulate; plumose (very short branches) setae. Parocular area not foveate; near clypeus sparsely punctate, remaining surface punctate, becoming conflected; plumose (very short branches) setae. Antennae, position of antennal sockets: on middle of face; F2 twice as long as F1; F11 unmodified; black; apex (obliquely) of F1 and F2-11 with trichodea sensilla. Frons not depressed above antennal sockets; coarsely punctate; long plumose (short branches) setae. Ocelli, distance between the lateral ocellus and the upper margin of compound eye three times greater than F1 length. Eyes rounded notched; amber; pubescence: inconspicuous. Vertex, furrow absent; ridge absent; preoccipital area carinate; coarsely punctate; very long plumose (short branches) setae. Gena punctate; metallic green; long (2 ew) plumose setae. Hypostomal area, hypostomal ridge carinate; anterior angle rounded; polished; long (1.5 ew) plumose setae. Malar space short. Mesosoma, Pronotum, ridge carinate, not expanded to ventral surface; dorsal surface short, mostly covered by mesoscutum; dorsal surface carinate; lateral angle not projected; puncticulate; metallic green; without row of setae. Propleura, depressed on anterior margin; metallic green; fine setae. Prosternum not expanded; metallic green; short appressed setae. Fore leg, trochanter not swollen; puncticulate and microlineate; coxa, trochanter, femur and outer tibia metallic green, remaining leg yellow, including femur apex; long setae (0.5 ew) on coxa and ventral trochanter, femur and tibia. Mesoscutum, anterior border: acuminate; median sulcus weak; parapsidial lines conspicuous; punctate, microlineate; long plumose and short simple setae intermixed. Scutellum, structure: median sulcus impressed; punctate; long plumose and short simple setae intermixed. Mesepisternum, sculpturing: conflected punctate above, rugose on scrobal sulcus, punctate (i = 2 dp) on lateral and ventral surface, microreticulate; metallic green; long plumose setae. Mid leg, not expanded, trochanter without hook; coxa, trochanter, femur and outer tibia metallic green, remaining leg yellow, including femur apex; long setae (1 ew) on coxa and ventral trochanter, femur and tibia. Tegula, oval; puncticulate anteriorly, polished posteriorly; metallic green anteriorly, amber posteriorly. Fore wing, venation strong; intersection 1a. M-cu and basal cell: between 2a. rs-m and Rs; marginal cell apex truncate and appendiculate; submarginal cells: three; pubescence: black microtrichia. Metanotum, median sulcus: not impressed; puncticulate; long plumose and short simple setae intermixed. Metepisternum punctate, rugose near wing, microlineate; metallic green; pubescence as mesepisternum. Metasternum densely covered with long yellow setae. Hind leg, basitibial plate absent; coxa to tibia metallic green, the apex of femur, basis and apex of tibia and entirely tarsus yellow; long plumose setae on ventral coxa to femur, ventral tibial setae not too long and with short branches inner spur: serrate, without basal enlargement; basis of second tarsomere: not fused. Hind wing, seven hamuli; amber; black microtrichia. Metapostnotum weakly inclined; not depressed; as long as metanotum; carinate rugose anteriorly, microrugose posteriorly; metallic green. Propodeum, posterior surface sculpturing: puncticulate and microreticulate; lateral surface sculpturing punctate and microreticulate; metallic green; long plumose setae on posterior surface and upper lateral surface. Metasoma, T1 not depressed; punctate, marginal area microlineolate; mostly metallic green, marginal area dark brown; long setae on anterior and antero lateral surface, short on disk. T2 punctate, marginal area weakly lineolate, translucid; mostly metallic green, marginal area dark brown; long setae on anterior and antero lateral surface, short on disk. T3 punctate, marginal area polished, translucid; mostly metallic green, marginal area dark brown; long setae on anterior and antero lateral surface, short on disk. T4 sparsely punctate, marginal area polished, translucid; mostly metallic green, marginal area dark brown; long setae on anterior and antero lateral surface, short on disk. T5 sparsely punctate, marginal area polished, translucid; mostly metallic green, marginal area light brown; long setae on anterior and antero lateral surface, short on disk. T6 coarsely punctate; mostly metallic green; long setae on anterior and antero lateral surface, short on disk. T7 , carina: absent; notch: absent; proctiger: without filaments and microtrichiae. S1, structure: without tubercle; sculpturing: lineate; color: brown; pubescence: very long plumose setae. S2 lineate; brown; long curved setae. S3: margin straight; lineate anteriorly, microlineate posteriorly; brown, some metallic reflections; long curved setae. S4 medially concave, with median elevations; sculpturing: microlineate; anteriorly amber, metallic green on disk, except for black elevation; long setae laterally. S5: with a median depressed area, weakly emarginate; microlineate; anteriorly amber, metallic green on disk; curved setae on disk, longer and finer on lateral surface. S6 margin straight; lineate; light brown; long yellow setae. S7, apical margin: with median process. S8, apical margin: with median process; spicule: present:fusion with S7: not at apodeme apex. Genital capsule ( Figs. 42 and 43 View Figs ), dorsal surface of gonapophysis without ridge; dorsal surface of gonapophysis, process: absent; shape of gonapophysis: medially broad; outer surface of gonapophysis: indentate; ventral surface of gonapophysis: with broad prong; gonobasal dorsal lobes: broadly excavated; gonocoxite: unmodified; basal process of gonostylus: absent; dorsal process of gonostylus: absent; gonostylus: constricted at basis; parapenial lobe: present; ventral process of gonostylus, shape: globose; ventral process of gonostylus, size: not enlarged; ventral surface of gonostylus: with projection; inner apical corner of volsella: without hook; outer basal corner of volsella: rounded; volsellar axis: parallel.

Paratype female. Measurements, hw: 1.9; hl: 2.4; clw: 1.4; cll: 0.7; scl: 0.4; aloc: 0.7; itd: 1.9; mtw: 3.5; total: 11. Head, Labrum, basal elevation present; not divided; transversal; distal process keeled; quadrate; keel: thin ridge; polished; black; long setae. Mandible teeth not widely separated; microrugulose; black; long setae on outer and ventral margins. Clypeus, epistomal angle obtuse; apical margin straight; not depressed; punctate, i = 2–3 dp; plumose (very short branches) setae on margins, row of long erect setae on apex; basally metallic green, dark apically. Supraclypeal area pronounced; punctate as clypeus; plumose (very short branches) setae. Parocular area not foveate; punctate, becoming conflected; plumose (very short branches) setae. Antennae, number of flagellomeres: 10; position of antennal sockets: on middle of face; F2 as long as F1; black; F1, F2 and most of F3 with microtrichia, F4-10 also with trichodea sensilla. Frons not depressed above antennal sockets; coarsely punctate; long plumose (short branches) setae. Ocelli, distance between the lateral ocellus and the upper margin of compound eye: three times greater than F1 length. Eyes weakly rounded notched; amber; inconspicuous. Vertex, furrow absent; ridge absent; preoccipital area angled; coarsely punctate; long plumose (short branches) setae. Gena punctate; metallic green; long (2 ew) setae, some with very short branches. Hypostomal area, hypostomal ridge carinate; anterior angle rounded; polished; long (1.5 ew) plumose setae. Malar space short. Labium, glossa apex pointed; prementum unmodified, less than 7× longer than wide. Maxilla, galea apex lobed; galea base extending posterad or near to base of stipes; palpi not elongate; sixth palpomere as long as fifth. Mesosoma, Pronotum, ridge carinate, not expanded to ventral surface; dorsal surface short, mostly covered by mesoscutum; carinate; lateral angle not projected; puncticulate; metallic green; without row of setae. Propleura: depressed on antero margin; metallic green; fine plumose setae; Prosternum, not expanded; metallic green; short appressed setae. Fore leg, trochanter without hook; puncticulate and microlineate; coxa to femur metallic green, tibia and tarsus brown; long setae on coxa apex and femur outer surface. Mesoscutum, anterior border acuminate; median sulcus weak; parapsidial lines conspicuous; punctate, microlineate; long plumose and short simple setae intermixed. Scutellum median sulcus impressed; punctate, conflected punctate on middle, near mesoscutum; long plumose and short simple setae intermixed. Mesepisternum, conflected punctate above, rugose on scrobal sulcus, punctate (i = 2 dp) on lateral and ventral surface, microreticulate; metallic green; long plumose setae; Mid leg, not expanded; trochanter without hook; coxa to femur metallic green, tibia and tarsus brown, tibia with metallic reflections on outer surface; long setae (0.5 ew) on coxa and ventral trochanter, femur and tibia. Tegula, oval; puncticulate anteriorly, polished posteriorly; metallic green anteriorly, amber posteriorly. Fore wing, venation strong; intersection 1a. M-cu and basal cell: between 2a. rs-m and Rs; marginal cell apex truncate and appendiculate; submarginal cells: three; black microtrichia. Metanotum, median sulcus: not impressed; puncticulate; long plumose and short simple setae intermixed. Metepisternum, punctate, rugose near wing, microlineate; metallic green; as mesepisternum. Metasternum densely covered with long yellow setae. Hind leg, basitibial plate: oval, acuminate apex; coxa to femur metallic green, tibia and tarsus brown; long setae on coxa and trochanter, femur with scopa, tibia with scopa, black setae on outer surface; inner spur serrate, without basal enlargement; basis of second tarsomere not fused. Hind wing, structure: seven hamuli; amber; black microtrichia. Metapostnotum, weakly inclined; not depressed; two thirds scutellum; rugulose anteriorly, microrugose posteriorly; metallic green. Propodeum, posterior surface sculpturing: puncticulate and microreticulate; lateral surface sculpturing irregularly punctate and microreticulate; metallic green; long plumose setae on posterior surface and upper lateral surface. Metasoma, T1 , not depressed; punctate, marginal area lineolate; mostly metallic green, marginal area dark brown; long setae on anterior and antero lateral surface, short on disk. T2 , punctate, marginal area lineolate; mostly metallic green, marginal area dark brown; long setae on anterior and antero lateral surface, short on disk. T3 , punctate, marginal area mostly lineolate; mostly metallic green, marginal area with bluish stripe and dark brown; long setae on anterior and antero lateral surface, short on disk. T4 : puncticulate, marginal area mostly lineolate; mostly metallic green, marginal area with bluish stripe and dark brown; long setae on anterior and antero lateral surface, short on disk. T5 , cleft, with fimbriae; dark; mostly covered with black long setae, row of bristles on apex. S1, without tubercle; lineate; brown; very long plumose setae. S2, lineate; brown; long curved setae. S3, margin straight; lineate anteriorly, microlineate posteriorly; brown, some metallic reflections; long curved setae. S4, margin straight; lineate; brown, some metallic reflections; long curved setae. S5, margin straight; lineate; brown, some metallic reflections; long curved setae. S6, margin straight; lineate; light brown; long setae .

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