Colaspis thomasi Riley, 2020

Riley, Edward G., 2020, A review of the Colaspis suilla species group, with description of three new species from Florida (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Eumolpinae), Insecta Mundi 2020 (830), pp. 1-21 : 14-17

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Felipe (2021-08-29 04:51:26, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-05 12:39:42)

scientific name

Colaspis thomasi Riley

sp. nov.

Colaspis thomasi Riley , new species

( Fig. 9–10 View Figures 5–10 , 13 View Figures 11–18 , 21 View Figures 19–21 , 24, 27, 30, 37–38, 41, 46, 53, Map 3)

Holotype ( Fig. 9 View Figures 5–10 , 13 View Figures 11–18 ). Male , labeled “ USA: FL: Highlands Co. | Archbold Biol. Station | nr. Archbold Tower | 27.18712°N, 81.33838°W | IV-14-2010, E. G. Riley || [red label] HOLOTYPE | Colaspis | thomasi | Riley”. The holotype is in excellent condition, not dissected, with all appendages intact. Deposited in FSCA. GoogleMaps

Paratypes (131 total). Florida: Highlands Co. Archbold Biological Station , V-15-1974, J. E. Carrel, D. D. Kopp, M. A. McLaughlin, R. D. Heathcote, blacklight [1 ♂, 1 ♀, EGRC] ; same data, except, V-19-1974 [1 ♂, 1 ♀, EGRC] ; same locality, V-23-1978, H. V. Weems & L. K. Klein, insect flight trap [1 ♀, FSCA] ; IV- 10-1980, R. H. Turnbow [1 ♀, RHTC] ; IV- 16-1986, R. H. Turnbow [1 ♂, 2 ♀♀, RHTC] ; IV- 11-1991, L. R. Davis [1 ♂, FSCA] ; III- 30-2018,

Maps 1–3. Distribution of Colaspis species. 1 ) Colaspis suilla F., based on specimens examined and localities cited in Ciegler (2007), Clark (2000) and Barney et al. (2010). 2) Colaspis costipennis Crotch , based on specimens examined and localities cited in Blake (1974), S = state record only. 3) Colaspis spp. , based on specimens examined: ●) C. ansa n. sp., ▲) C. skelleyi n. sp., ■) C. thomasi n. sp.

K. E. Schnepp , swept from vegetation, [1 ♂, KESC] ; same data, except IV- 1-10-2018, V-flight intercept trap, [1 ♂, KESC] ; IV- 20-27-2018, hanging flight intercept trap, [2 ♀♀, KESC] ; V-5-21-2018, V-flight intercept trap, [1 ♂, KESC] ; V-5-21-2018, hanging flight intercept trap, [1 ♂, KESC] ; V-20-VI-2-2018, [3 ♂♂, KESC] ; Archbold Biological Station , 5 mi. S Lake Placid & 1.8 mi. S SR 70/ Old SR 8, IV- 2004, J. M. Leavengood, J. C. Dunford, K. Barbara [1 ♂, FSCA] ; Archbold Biological Station , 8 mi. S Lake Placid, VI-12-16-1986, M. Deyrup, flight trap [1 ♂, FSCA] ; Archbold Biological Station , nr. Archbold Tower, 27.18712°N, 81.33838°W, IV- 14-2010, E. G. Riley [29 ♂♂, 19 ♀♀, AJGC, EGRC, FSCA, MCZ, TAMU, USNM] GoogleMaps ; same locality, IV- 14-15-2010, E. G. Riley [11 ♂♂, 17 ♀♀ EGRC] GoogleMaps ; same data, except, 27.187°N, 81.338°W, IV- 14-2010, S. M. Clark [19 ♂♂, 10 ♀♀, BYUC, FSCA] GoogleMaps ; 2 mi. N Archbold Biological Station , IV- 26-1967, D. E. Bright [1 ♂, 1♀, CNC] ; ca. 2 mi. W Lake Jackson , VI-27-2016, K. E. Schnepp [1 ♂, KESC] ; Placid Lakes , IV- 20-V-12-2019, K. E. Schnepp, flight intercept trap [1 ♂, KESC] .

Description. General: Body oblong, subparallel-sided, evenly convex in profile; pronotum dark red, most of elytra metallic olive-green; elytral costate reduced on disc ( Fig. 9–10 View Figures 5–10 ). Dimensions (in mm): Length, male 4.21– 4.78 (ave. = 4.34, n = 11), female 4.47–5.07 (ave. = 4.74, n = 10). Width across humeri, male 2.12–2.38 (ave. = 2.2, n = 11), female 2.22–2.63 (ave. = 2.44, n =10). Color: Dorsum bicolored; head and pronotum dark red, non-metallic or with very faint aeneous luster at side and anterior margins; elytra dark metallic olive-green, with posterior half of outer-most costa on interval VIII, posterior-most portions of costae II and VI, and extreme apex of elytron graded to yellow-brown (Fig. 24). Thoracic pleuron dark reddish, most of remaining venter dark reddish with weak to strong metallic reflection; apex of abdomen and pygidium yellow-brown. Antennae with scape and pedicle yellow-brown; antennomeres of flagellum infuscate to some degree, becoming sequentially darker, terminal-most antennomeres darkest; antennomere VII not especially contrasting in color with antennomeres VI and VIII; labrum dark reddish; palpi yellow-brown. Legs, including entire femora, yellow-brown except coxae similar in color to most of venter. Form. Head: Frons and vertex punctate, punctures more densely placed on frons especially laterally near eyes, with largest punctures separated on average by distance subequal to slightly less than a diameter of puncture; most punctures of frons with inconspicuous short seta; punctures on clypeus and vertex finer than those on frons; surface between punctures smooth and shining; vertex and frons of most specimens with short longitudinal impression evident; antennal calli flat, impunctate; apical margin of clypeus broadly, shallowly emarginate; antenna displaying slight sexual dimorphism, slightly shorter in female, male antenna extending to beyond elytral mid-length. Male head width/inter-ocular distance = 1.75–1.87 (ave. = 1.8, n = 11); female head width/inter-ocular distance = 1.65–1.78 (ave. = 1.71, n = 10). Pronotum: ( Fig. 13 View Figures 11–18 ). Wider than long, length approximately 0.6–0.7 times width; widest at basal third. Disc moderately convex, flattened anteromedially; marginal flange of uniform width, weakly undulate at basal third with two vague angles varying to nearly evenly rounded throughout. Punctation denser on lateral portion of disc and notably more distant at center of disc; punctures round to weakly elliptic; interspaces smooth and shining. Elytra: Length approximately 1.4–1.5 times width across humeri, approximately 2.5–2.8 times as long as pronotum; sides parallel, apices conjointly and evenly rounded. Surface with sutural and primary intervals on disc flat, not raised, indicated by impunctate strip between strial intervals; interval VIII costate for most of length, other primary intervals becoming costate at elytral apex; secondary intervals more or less not evident. Punctation of strial areas forming irregular or staggered rows, not or only partially geminate, punctures more or less equal in size to those on sides of pronotum; punctures of strial intervals I and III narrowed to single rows at apical third and beyond; interspaces between punctures smooth and shining. Thoracic venter: Prothoracic hypomeron punctate, size and spacing nearly as dense as those on pronotal sides. Prosternum, procoxae and mesosternum bearing numerous setae; metasternum medially smooth and shining with fine sparse setae. Abdomen: Surface of ventrites with fine punctation and sparse setae. Posterior marginal bead of ventrites IV–V entire in male, weakly irregular in female; outer posterior angle of female ventrite IV not produced. Male ventrite V flat and smooth. Female with hind margin of ventrite V deeply emarginate with a minute median tooth present within emargination. Male genitalia: Median lobe (n = 17) slightly shorter than basal hood ( Fig. 38 View Figures 33–40 ), broader in enface view than in lateral view for most of length, not angled before apex in lateral view; flattened apically with margins gently curved in en-face view; apex broadly rounded, with short pointed median nodule; post-orifical length short ( Fig. 37 View Figures 33–40 ). Endophallus not studied in everted condition, appearing complex in retracted condition, retracted basally to apex of basal hood; apical sclerite complex ( Fig. 38 View Figures 33–40 : AS). Female genitalia: Ovipositor (n = 5) as described for the C. suilla group ( Fig. 41 View Figures 41 , 46). Spermatheca (n = 5) narrow and uniformly cylindrical, more-or-less u-shaped, with arms of subequal length, bent slightly near gland attachment; duct attachment abrupt (Fig. 53).

Etymology. This remarkable Floridian leaf beetle is named to honor Florida-born Coleopterist Michael C. Thomas (1948–2019) who throughout his career did much to advance the knowledge of Florida beetles.

Remarks. This species is at once recognized by its unique bicolored dorsum, the elytra being largely dark olivegreen and metallic, contrasting with the dark red and largely non-metallic pronotum. It is the only Colaspis species occurring in the United States with this color scheme. The reduced elytral costae are unique within the C. suilla species group, the intervals on the elytral disc which are normally raised are usually flat and poorly defined in C. thomasi new species. The general shape of the male median lobe indicates a relationship to the other two species described in this paper.

Range. Map 3. This species appears to be a Lake Wales Ridge endemic, with the known localities on the southern end of the Lake Wales Ridge of peninsular Florida. This sand ridge is known to support numerous endemic species and has apparently served as a long-term refugium ( Deyrup 1990).

Biological notes. Almost all collections are from the Archbold Biological Station, where it has been taken multiple times at light and in traps. There are no plant associations noted on specimen labels. Most of the series that includes the holotype was collected at night by sweeping low shrubs, mostly Morella cerifera (L.) Small (= Myrica cerifera L.).

Specimens examined. 132 total, see type data above.

Barney RJ, Clark SM, Riley EG. 2010. Annotated list of leaf beetles (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) of Kentucky: Subfamily Eumolpinae. Journal of the Kentucky Academy of Science 71 (1 - 2): 3 - 18.

Blake DH. 1974. The costate species of Colaspis in the United States (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology 181: i - iii + 1 - 24.

Ciegler JC. 2007. Leaf and seed beetles of South Carolina (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae and Orsodacnidae). Biota of South Carolina. Vol. 5. Clemson University; Clemson, SC. 246 p.

Clark SM. 2000. An annotated list of the leaf beetles of West Virginia (Coleoptera: Orsodacnidae, Megalopodidae, Chrysomelidae exclusive of Bruchinae). Occasional Publications of the West Virginia Department of Agriculture no. 1: 1 - 93.

Deyrup M. 1990. Arthropod footprints in the sands of time. The Florida Entomologist 73 (4): 529 - 538.

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Figures 41. Colaspis thomasi n. sp., female genitalic tract (ventral): B = baculum, HS = hemisternite, G = gonocoxa, GC = gland connection, RHS = rod-like extension of hemisternite, RP = rod-like extension of paraproct, S = spermatheca, SD spermathecal duct, S-VIII = sternite VIII. Figures 42–46. Apex of ovipositor (ventral) of Colaspis spp. 42) C. suilla F. (Merriman, NE). 43) C. costipennis Crotch (Moss Bluff, FL). 44) C. ansa n. sp. (Eastpoint, FL). 45) C. skelleyi n. sp. (Lake Marion Estates, FL). 46) C. thomasi (Archbold Biol. St., FL). Figures 47–53. Spermatheca of Colaspis spp. 47) C. suilla F. (Hope Mills, NC). 48) C. suilla F. (Kirby St. Forest, TX). 49) C. costipennis Crotch (Moss Bluff, FL). 50) C. ansa n. sp. (Eastpoint, FL). 51) C. ansa n. sp. (Eastpoint, FL). 52) C. skelleyi n. sp. (Lake Marion Estates, FL). 53) C. thomasi n. sp. (Archbold Biol. Sta., FL). Figures to appropriate scale.

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Figures 5–10. Habitus of Colaspis species, dorsal and lateral. 5) Male holotype C. ansa n. sp. 6) Female C. ansa n. sp. (Eastpoint, FL). 7) Male holotype C. skelleyi n. sp. 8) Female C. skelleyi n. sp. (Lake Marion Estates, FL). 9) Male holotype C. thomasi n. sp. 10) Female C. thomasi n. sp. (Archbold Biol. Sta., FL). All figures to scale.

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Figures 11–18. Forebodies of Colaspis suilla species group, anterodorsal and dorsolateral views. 11) Male C. ansa n. sp. (Port St. Joe, FL). 12) Male C. skelleyi n. sp. (Lake Marion Estates, FL). 13) Male C. thomasi n. sp. (Archbold Biol. Sta., FL). 14) Male C. suilla F. (Kisatchie Nat’l. Forest, LA). 15) Female C. suilla F. (Torreya St. Pk., FL). 16) Male C. suilla F. (Merritt Reservoir, NE). 17) Male C. costipennis Crotch (Gainesville, FL). 18) Male C. costipennis Crotch (Pensacola, FL). All figures to scale.

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Figures 19–21. Head, frontal view. 19) C. ansa n. sp., holotype. 20) C. skelleyi n. sp., holotype. 21) C. thomasi n. sp., holotype. Figures 22–24. Elytral declivity, postero-oblique view. 22) C. ansa n. sp. (Port St. Joe, FL). 23) C. skelleyi n. sp. (Tiger Creek Preserve, FL). 24) C. thomasi n. sp. (Archbold Biol. Sta., FL). Figures 25–27. Hind tibia (outer surface). 25) C. ansa n. sp. a. male (Port St. Joe, FL); b. male (Eastpoint, FL); c. female (Eastpoint, FL). 26) C. skelleyi n. sp. a. male (Tiger Creek Preserve, FL); b. male (Lake Marion Estates, FL); c. female, (Lake Marion Estates, FL). 27) C. thomasi n. sp. a. male (Archbold Biol. Sta., FL); b. male (Lake Jackson, FL); c. female (Archbold Biol. Sta., FL). Figures 28–30. Male protarsus. 28) C. ansa n. sp. (Eastpoint, FL). 29) C. skelleyi (Tiger Creek Preserve, FL). 30) C. thomasi (Archbold Biol. Sta., FL). Figures 31–32. Apex male median lobe, en-face view, diagrammatic: POL = post orifical length. 31) POL short. 32) POL long. Figures to appropriate scale.

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Figures 33–40. Colaspis suilla species group, male median lobe en-face view and male genitalia lateral view. 33) C. ansa n. sp., a. Port St. Joe, FL; b. Eastpoint, FL; c. Port St. Joe, FL. 34) C. ansa n. sp. (Eastpoint, FL). 35) C. skelleyi n. sp., a. Tiger Creek Preserve, FL; b. Lake Marion Estates, FL; c. Hopkins Prairie, FL. 36) C. skelleyi n. sp. (Lake Marion Estates, FL). 37) C. thomasi n. sp., a. Archbold Biol. Sta., FL; b. Lake Jackson, FL. 38) C. thomasi n. sp. (Archbold Biol. Sta., FL). 39) C. suilla F. a. Kirby St. Forest, TX; b Merritt Reservoir, NE; c. Hope Mills, NC; d. Schenectady, NY. 40) C. costipennis Crotch, a. Sand Hill St. Forest, SC; b. Gainesville (airport), FL; c. Gadsden County, FL; d. Gainesville, FL. En-face views (dry preparations) to scale, lateral views (wet preparations) to scale. AS = apical sclerite.


Florida State Collection of Arthropods, The Museum of Entomology


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium


Keene State College


Museum of Comparative Zoology


Texas A&M University


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History


Canadian National Collection of Insects, Arachnids, and Nematodes











