Psolidium normani, O’Loughlin & Ahearn, 2008

O’Loughlin, P. Mark & Ahearn, Cynthia, 2008, Antarctic and Sub-Antarctic species of Psolidium Ludwig (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea: Psolidae), Memoirs of Museum Victoria 65, pp. 23-42 : 33-34

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Felipe (2024-02-15 13:48:13, last updated 2024-11-26 22:58:39)

scientific name

Psolidium normani

sp. nov.

Psolidium normani View in CoL sp. nov.

Figures 2a, b; 5d, f

Psolidium cf. gaini View in CoL .— O’Loughlin et al., 1994: 552, 554 (non Psolidium gaini Vaney, 1914 View in CoL ).

Material examined. Holotype: eastern Antarctica, MacRobertson Shelf , ANARE 1993, Aurora Australis stn 127, 67°16’S 65°26’E, 109-121 m, M. O’Loughlin, 12 Feb 1993, NMV F157400. GoogleMaps

Paratypes: Type locality and date, F68661 (1 specimen); F69118 (1); GoogleMaps Prydz Bay, Fram Bank, stn 130, 67°32’S 69°02’E, 105–114 m, F68662 (1); GoogleMaps ANARE 1991, Aurora Australis stn 100, 67°28’S 68°50’E, 145–150 m, C. C. Lu and T. N. Stranks, 28 Feb 1991, F68111 (1); GoogleMaps K. L. Gowlett-Holmes and W. Zeidler, SAM K2220 (1); GoogleMaps Enderby Land, BANZARE stn 41, 65°48’S 53°16’E, 193 m, SAM K2341 (2); GoogleMaps Adelie Land, BANZARE stn 90, 66°21’S 138°28’E, 640 m (possibly “much shallower”, according to BANZARE records), SAM K2349 (1) GoogleMaps .

Diagnosis. Psolidium species up to 30 mm long; body elongate, transversely rounded form (preserved), sole narrower than body width; dorsal and lateral tube feet conspicuous, numerous, cover body closely; dorsal and lateral scales inconspicuous.

Sole: outer peripheral single series of smaller tube feet; inner peripheral single series of larger tube feet; lacking mid-ventral (sole) radial series of tube feet.

Dorsal ossicles: predominantly single-layered perforated plates (scales), some secondary layering; up to 4 tube foot canals or marginal indentations per plate; scales up to 800 μ m wide; numerous tube foot support plates, curved, spinous on one side (rarely both sides), marginal spines sometimes bifurcate, up to 19 perforations, up to 136 μ m long; tube foot ‘endplates’ small irregular mesh-like, up to 48 μ m wide, few perforations, irregular marginal projections, not regularly perforated plates.

Sole ossicles: scale-like perforated plates, intergrading with buttons with 4 perforations; plates bluntly to sharply spinous to knobbed on one side, projections sometimes bifurcate; pronounced surface thickenings with ridges or lumps; up to 48 perforations per plate; plates up to 352 μ m long.

Distribution. Eastern Antarctica, Adelie Land; Prydz Bay, Fram Bank; MacRobertson Shelf; Enderby Land; 105–193 m (? 640 m).

Etymology. Named for Mark Norman (Senior Curator, Marine Biology Section, Museum Victoria), with admiration of his enthusiastic engagement with marine invertebrate studies, with gratitude for his personal support, and in recognition of his contribution to collecting from Prydz Bay and Heard I.

Remarks. Psolidium normani sp. nov. is similar externally to P. emilyae sp. nov. (above) and P. gaini Vaney, 1914 , but is distinguished by the scale-like plates in the sole and secondary thickening of the dorsal scales.

O'Loughlin, P. M., Bardsley, T. M. and O'Hara, T. D. 1994. A preliminary analysis of diversity and distribution of Holothurioidea from Prydz Bay and the MacRobertson Shelf, Eastern Antarctica. Pp. 549 - 55, 1 fig., 2 tbls in: David, B., Guille, A., Feral, J-P. and Roux, M. (eds), Echinoderms through Time. Proceedings of the Eighth International Echinoderm Conference, Dijon, France, 6 - 10 September, 1993. Balkema, Rotterdam.

Vaney, C. 1914. Holothuries. Deuxieme Expedition Antarctique Francaise (1908 - 10). SciencesNaturelles: DocumentsScientifiques. Masson et Cie, Editeurs, Paris. 54 pp., 5 pls.











