Arsipoda geographica Gómez-Zurita, 2010

Samuelson, Allan & Biondi, Maurizio, 2016, Taxonomic revision of the genus Arsipoda Erichson, 1842 (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae) in New Caledonia, European Journal of Taxonomy 230, pp. 1-61 : 19-20

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Valdenar (2020-05-22 19:04:41, last updated by Felipe 2025-03-03 17:32:34)

scientific name

Arsipoda geographica Gómez-Zurita, 2010


Arsipoda geographica Gómez-Zurita, 2010

Figs 1G View Fig , 6B View Fig , 8H View Fig , 11G View Fig , 14A View Fig

Arsipoda geographica Gómez-Zurita in Gómez-Zurita et al., 2010: 2564 View Cited Treatment .

Arsipoda species A – Samuelson 1989: 409.

Arsipoda sp. – Samuelson 1994: 181.

New material

NEW CALEDONIA: 1 specimen, Mt Humboldt, -21.87930 166.42320, 1500–1618 m, montane maquis, 13 Nov. 2010, M. Wanat and R. Ruta leg. ( MNHW); 11 specimens, ditto, a 1400 m ( MNHW); 1 specimen, ditto, -21.88120 166.41770, 1400–1500 m ( MNHW); 2 specimens, ditto, -21.88210 166.41290, 1400 m, night beating, mont. maquis ( MNHW); 4 specimens, ditto (S track), Botanical Reserve, -21.88267 166.39968, 1130–1280 m, moss forest, 10 Nov. 2008, M. Wanat leg. ( MNHW); 1 specimen, Haute Rivière Bleue, track La Tranchée-Hte Pourina, 22°04.0' S 166°37.4' E, 330–560 m, 21 Dec. 2006, M. Wanat leg. ( MNHW); 1 specimen, Dzumac Mts (Mt Ouin road junction), 22°01.9' S 166°28.0' E, 900 m, beating, 28 Dec. 2006, R. Dobosz and M. Wanat leg. ( USMB); 1 specimen, ditto (base), km 1.5–3 E of Ouin rd jct [= road junction], -22.03710 166.49570, 800 m, rainforest, 6 Dec. 2010, R. Ruta and M. Wanat leg. ( USMB); 2 specimens, Mt Ouin Rd, km 0– 0.5 N of Dzumac jct, -22.03180 166.46740, 900 m, 4 Dec. 2010, R. Ruta and M. Wanat leg. ( USMB); 5 specimens, Montagne des Sources [-22.12227 166.59613], 650–700 m, gallery forest, on Zygogynum bicolor Van Tiegh. flowers, 24 Nov. 1976, L.B. Thien leg. ( BPBM).

Taxonomic notes

Arsipoda geographica is, along with A. gressitti sp. nov. and A. shirleyae , one of the yellowish species lacking external morphological characters that allow a reliable identification, even though A. geographica generally displays elytral interstriae slightly more convex ( Fig. 6B View Fig ); pronotal antebasal sulcus more deeply impressed ( Fig. 6B View Fig ); elytral suture and lateral margin often darkened ( Fig. 1G View Fig ). These species can be distinguished by relying on the morphology of genitalia ( Figs 8 View Fig H–I, 9I, 11G–H, O).

Median lobe of aedeagus ( Fig. 8H View Fig ) in ventral view thickset, laterally parallel, apically widely rounded, with a thin median tooth laterally parallel and apically truncate; ventral surface with a deep median groove in the middle third; in lateral view median lobe distinctly curved; dorsal ligula short, from half length to pre-apical part of median lobe of aedeagus, triangular, with wide base. Spermatheca ( Fig. 11G View Fig ) with large, pyriform basal part; collum elongate, thickset and wrinkled; apical part distinctly shorter than collum; ductus short, thin, apically inserted.


Male (n = 10; mean and standard deviation; range): LE = 1.96 ± 0.09 mm (1.85 Ĺ LE Ĺ 2.10 mm); WE = 1.28 ± 0.07 mm (1.18 Ĺ WE Ĺ 1.40 mm); LP = 0.58 ± 0.04 mm (0.54 Ĺ LP Ĺ 0.65 mm); WP = 0.93 ± 0.05 mm (0.85 Ĺ WP Ĺ 1.03 mm); LAN = 1.71 ± 0.08 mm (1.60 Ĺ LAN Ĺ 1.83 mm); LAED = 1.03 ± 0.03 mm (0.99 Ĺ LAED Ĺ 1.09 mm); LB = 2.77 ± 0.13 mm (2.56 Ĺ LB Ĺ 2.94 mm); LE/LP = 3.38 ± 0.15 (3.13 Ĺ LE/LP Ĺ 3.68); WE/WP = 1.38 ± 0.03 (1.34 Ĺ WE/WP Ĺ 1.45); WP/LP = 1.60 ± 0.08 (1.46 Ĺ WP/ LP Ĺ 1.75); WE/LE = 0.65 ± 0.02 (0.63 Ĺ WE/LE Ĺ 0.67); LAN/LB = 0.62 ± 0.02 (0.58 Ĺ LAN/LB Ĺ 0.64); LE/LAED = 1.91 ± 0.05 (1.84 Ĺ LE/LAED Ĺ 1.99).

Female (n = 10; mean and standard deviation; range): LE = 2.02 ± 0.06 mm (1.95 Ĺ LE Ĺ 2.15 mm); WE = 1.33 ± 0.07 mm (1.28 Ĺ WE Ĺ 1.48 mm); LP = 0.59 ± 0.04 mm (0.55 Ĺ LP Ĺ 0.68 mm); WP = 0.95 ± 0.04 mm (0.90 Ĺ WP Ĺ 1.05 mm); LAN = 1.54 ± 0.06 mm (1.48 Ĺ LAN Ĺ 1.68 mm); LSPc = 0.20 ± 0.01 mm (0.19 Ĺ LSPc Ĺ 0.22 mm); LB = 2.82 ± 0.15 mm (2.69 Ĺ LB Ĺ 3.16 mm); LE/LP =

3.42 ± 0.12 (3.19 Ĺ LE/LP Ĺ 3.59); WE/WP = 1.39 ± 0.03 (1.32 Ĺ WE/WP Ĺ 1.44); WP/LP = 1.62 ± 0.06 (1.56 Ĺ WP/LP Ĺ 1.71); WE/LE = 0.66 ± 0.02 (0.64 Ĺ WE/LE Ĺ 0.69); LAN/LB = 0.55 ± 0.02 (0.53 Ĺ LAN/LB Ĺ 0.59); LE/LSPc = 9.93 ± 0.38 (9.32 Ĺ LE/LSPc Ĺ 10.61).


Southern Grande Terre ( Fig. 14A View Fig ).

Ecological notes

Collected in montane maquis, moss forest, rainforest, and gallery forest, mostly from 800 to 1400 m a.s.l. Found on flowers of Zygogynum bicolor (Winteraceae) . Gómez-Zurita et al. (2010) report molecular evidence associating this species with the genus Ardisia ( Myrsinaceae ; following the APG III Classification, this family is now included within the Primulaceae ). Pollen found in the gut of some specimens.

Gomez-Zurita J., Cardoso A., Jurado-Rivera J. A., Jolivet P., Cazeres S. & Mille C. 2010. Discovery of new species of New Caledonian Arsipoda Erichson, 1842 (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) and insights on their ecology and evolution using DNA markers. Journal of Natural History, 44 (41 - 42): 2557 - 2579. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1080 / 00222933.2010.499575

Samuelson G. A. 1989. Pollen feeding in Alticinae (Chrysomelidae). Entomography 6: 407 - 411.

Samuelson G. A. 1994. Pollen consumption and digestion by leaf beetles. In: Jolivet P. H., Cox M. L. & Petitpierre E. (eds) Novel aspects of the biology of Chrysomelidae: 179 - 183. Kluwer Academic Publisher, Dordrecht. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1007 / 978 - 94 - 011 - 1781 - 4 _ 10

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Fig. 1. Habitus. A. Arsipoda agalma Samuelson, 1973, Mt Panié. B. A. atra sp. nov, Aoupinié. C. A. communis sp. nov, Mt Do. D. A. doboszi sp. nov, Haute Rivière Bleue. E. A. elongata sp. nov, Mt Humboldt. F. A. evax Samuelson, 1973, Koghi Mts. G. A. geographica Gómez-Zurita, 2010, Haute Rivière Bleue. H. A. gressitti sp. nov., Farino. I. A. isola Samuelson, 1973, Bois du Sud.

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Fig. 6. A–C. Elytra. A. Arsipoda atra sp. nov., Aoupinié. B. A. geographica Gómez-Zurita, 2010, Dzumac Mts (base). C. A. shirleyae Samuelson, 1973, Chute de la Madeleine. D. Prosternum of A. punctata sp. nov., Mueo. E. Hind tibia and tarsus of A. communis sp. nov., Dzumac Mts (1) and A. shirleyae Samuelson, 1973, Pic du Pin (2). F. Metafemoral spring of A. communis sp. nov., Dzumac Mts. Abbreviations: ae = apical emargination with thickset spines; asp = apical spur of hind tibia; ba = basal angle of ventral lobe; dba = dorsal-basal angle of metafemoral spring; dl = dorsal lobe; dmv = dorsal margin of ventral lobe; ea = extended arm of dorsal lobe; fm = first metatarsomere; ht = hind tibia; pas = prosternal antecoxal space; pc = procoxal cavities posteriorly open (arrows); pip = prosternal intercoxal process; rf = recurve flange; sbe = spring basal edge; vl = ventral lobe.

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Fig. 8. Median lobe of aedeagus in lateral (l), ventral (v) and dorsal (d) view. A–B. Arsipoda agalma Samuelson, 1973. A. Mt Paniè. B. Col d’Amieu. C. A. atra sp. nov., Aoupinié. D. A. communis sp. nov., Mt Do. E. A. doboszi sp. nov., Haute Rivière Bleue. F. A. elongata sp. nov., Mt Humboldt. G. A. evax Samuelson, 1973, Koghi Mts. H. A. geographica Gómez-Zurita, 2010, Haute Rivière Bleue. I. A. gressitti sp. nov., Farino.

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Fig. 11. Female genitalia. A–S. Spermatheca. A. Arsipoda agalma Samuelson, 1973, N of Pic Vincent. B. A. atra sp. nov., Aoupinié. C. A. communis sp. nov., Dzumac Mts. D. A. doboszi sp. nov., Mt Do. E. A.elongata sp. nov., Mt Humboldt. F. A. evax Samuelson, 1973, Chagrin. G. A. geographica Gómez- Zurita, 2010, Mt Humboldt. H. A. gressitti sp. nov., Farino. I. A. isola Samuelson, 1973, Bois du Sud. J. A. longifrons sp. nov., Humboldt S track. K. A. paniensis sp. nov., Mt Panie. L. A. povilaensis sp. nov., Pic d’Amoa, Povila.M. A. rostrata Gómez-Zurita, 2010, Dzumac Road.N. A. rutai sp. nov.Dzumac Road. O. A. shirleyae Samuelson, 1973, Haute Rivière Bleue. P. A. transversa sp. nov., Mt Koghi. Q. A. wanati sp. nov., Mt Humboldt. R. A. yiambiae Samuelson, 1973, Yiambi. S. A. gomezzuritai sp. nov., Dzumac Mts. T. Tignum (t) and vaginal palpi (vp) of A. communis sp. nov., Mt Do. Abbreviations: a = appendix; ap = apical part; bp = basal part; c = collum or neck; d = ductus; LSPc = length of spermathecal capsule; SPc = spermathecal capsule = ap + c + bp.

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Fig. 14. Distributions of New Caledonian Arsipoda. A. Arsipoda agalma Samuelson, 1973, A. evax Samuelson, 1973, A. geographica Gómez-Zurita, 2010, A. isola Samuelson, 1973 and A. rutai sp. nov. B. A. atra sp. nov., A. communis sp. nov., A. montana sp. nov., A. paniensis sp. nov. and A. rostrata Gómez-Zurita, 2010.



















