Hybos songbai, PLANT, 2013

PLANT, ADRIAN R., 2013, The genus Hybos Meigen (Diptera: Empidoidea: Hybotidae) in Thailand, Zootaxa 3690 (1), pp. 1-98 : 63-65

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Felipe (2021-08-25 06:48:53, last updated 2024-11-24 23:29:39)

scientific name

Hybos songbai

sp. nov.

Hybos songbai View in CoL sp. nov.

( Figs 161–167 View FIGURES 161–167 , 272 View FIGURES 269–277 , 298 View FIGURES 291–298 )

Type material. HOLOTYPE ♂: THAILAND, Chiang Mai Province, Doi Chiangdao, Pakea Station , Evergreen forest, 19°18'50.7"N, 98°49'57.8"E, 1560 m, 31.v–6.vi.2009, Malaise trap, S. Unjai [ QSBG-2009-142 ] ( QSBG). GoogleMaps PARATYPES: 5♂. 2♀, same data as holotype ; 11♂, 8♀ same data as holotype, 18–24.ii.2009, 25–32. v.2009, 51.v.-6.vi.2009, 6–12.vi.2009, 12–18.vi.2009, 5–11.viii.2009, 11–17.viii.2009, 29.viii.-4.iv.2009, 10–16.ix.2009, 16–22.ix.2009 : 1♂, 3♀, Chiang Mai Province, Doi Phahompok National Park, Doi Phaluang   GoogleMaps , 20°1.06'N, 99°9.581'E, 7–14.ix.2007 ; 9♂, 6♀, Kiewlom   GoogleMaps 1/montane forest, 20°3.549'N, 99°8.552'E, 2174 m, 21–28.v.2008, 28.v.-7.vi.2008 ( QSBG and NMWC).

Additional material. 4♂, 1♀, same data as holotype, 18–24.vi.2009, 19–25.v.2009: 1♀, Chiang Mai Province, Huai Nam Dang National Park, Thung Buatong View Point   GoogleMaps , 19°17.56'N, 98°36.029'E, 31.viii.-7.ix.2007: 3♂, 15♀, Chiang Mai Province, Doi Phahompok National Park; Doi Phaluang   GoogleMaps , 20°1.06'N, 99°9.581'E, 1449 m, 21–28.v.2008, 7–14.vi.2008, 13–14.vi.2007, 14–21.ix.2007; Kiewlom 2/ Montane Forest   GoogleMaps , 20°3.426'N, 99°8.553'E, 2112 m, 28.ix–4.x.2007; Mae Fang Hot   GoogleMaps spring, 19°57.961'N, 99°9.355'E, 569 m, 7–14.vi.2008 ( QSBG and NMWC).

Etymology. From the Thai song = two and bai = classifier for leaves in reference to the two leaf-like processes of the left surstylus.

Diagnosis. A black legged species with antennal stylus bare, pale setae behind hind coxa and hind femur moderately inflated, slightly but distinctly petiolate on basal half with practically only a single row of strong ventral spines. A weak ventral bristle at base of mid metatarsus. The tibiae are usually very narrowly and faintly yellowish about base and tarsi usually dark dirty yellowish, becoming black apically but in some individuals the yellow colouration is somewhat more extensive. Mid tibia with very strong bristles dorsally at 0.25 and ventrally at 0.4 from base.

Description. Male. body length 2.8–3.2 mm. Head black, dusted greyish but occiput shining posteroventrally and posterolaterally; mouth edge conspicuously dusted posterolaterally; occipital setae pale brown becoming almost white behind; face black above, rather yellowish below, clypeus dusted. Antenna black with postpedicel ovate in lateral view, 2.5X long as wide, apparently lacking dorsal seta; stylus bare, 5X long as postpedicel, paler on apical 0.2–0.3. Mouthparts blackish; palpus very narrow, practically bare below, only 1 short ventrally projected apical seta conspicuous. Thorax with ground colour black; postalar callus anterolaterally, outer face of postpronotal lobe and base of scutellum yellowish, upper anepisternum and anepimeron vaguely yellowish; pleura and scutellum dusted silvery grey; scutum shining, with silvery grey dust at margins, on prescutellar area and on median stripe along line of acr; dc and acr hair-like and small, posterior seta of widely spaced, biserial acr strong and bristle-like, of similar strength to posterior seta of uniserial dc; 1 strong and 1 weak npl; pa moderately strong with several smaller hairs adjacent; scutellum with 2 distinct sct and about 8 fine marginal hairs. Legs subshining black, thinly greyish dusted but ‘knees’ and T 2, T 3 (and sometimes T 1) on basal 0.15 or more narrowly yellowish; proximal tarsal segments dark yellow (sometimes almost clear yellow on front and mid legs) becoming darker apically (especially on MT 3) and distal segments darker still. Coxae with hairs and bristles conspicuous, pale, especially behind C 3 where obviously longer than limb is deep. F 1 with short pale hairs below not as wide as limb is deep, becoming shorter distally. F 2 short-haired, ventral ciliation of pale hairs very indistinct, hardly 0.5 as long as limb is deep. F 3 rather slender, weakly inflated, narrowed and somewhat petiolate on basal 0.5, widest 0.8 from base; practically only single row of about 10 spines ventrally, an anterior at 0.9 and pv at 0.95 from base all strong and black. Other setae pale, comprising scattered, fine, long, pubescent hairs and strong pv fringe of conspicuous longer hairs, rather longer than limb is deep distally. T 1 rather long pubescent, with 1 distinct fine bristle dorsally at 0.5 and 1 stronger dorsoapical; other apicals hardly distinguishable from surrounding hairs. T 2 slender with strong bristles 0.8X as long as limb dorsally at 0.25 and ventrally at 0.4 from base; 1 slightly smaller apical av and several much smaller apical bristles. T 3 slender, slightly inflated distally, with small dosoapical and anteroapical bristles distinguished from finer pubescence. Anterior and mid tarsi bearing fine mostly pale hairs, each segment with 1 pair of dorsoapicals rather stronger; MT 1 and MT 2 with 1 short ventral bristle near base and several smaller ventrals distally; MT 3 with inconspicuous yellowish pile posteroventrally, contiguous with similar pile about apex of T 3. Wing membrane clear; veins brownish yellow; stigma faint, brownish yellow, long, reaching costa 0.7–0.8 distance between end of R 1 and R 2+3. Squamae with pale fringes. Halter white, base vaguely darker. Abdomen subshining blackish brown, slightly paler ventrally, tergites 5–7 slightly darker along posterior margin; basal segments with conspicuous long, strong, white bristles laterally and ventrally, becoming shorter apically. Terminalia ( Figs 161– 165 View FIGURES 161–167 ) with all bristles pale or brownish. Left epandrial lamella ( Fig. 162 View FIGURES 161–167 ) rounded with inner margin interrupted concave. Left surstylus with two subequal leaf-like processes. Right epandrial lamella rounded in profile with inner margin almost linear. Right surstylus ( Figs 164, 165 View FIGURES 161–167 ) rather short, asymmetrically fishtail shaped. Hypandrium ( Fig. 163 View FIGURES 161–167 ) rather narrow, bluntly pointed apically, with various small processes at margin and a few distinct subapical bristles. Female. Similar to male but yellow markings on legs somewhat darker and pv pile on T 3 and MT 3 slightly more conspicuous. Abdomen paler ventrally, all bristles much shorter. Terminalia ( Figs 166, 167 View FIGURES 161–167 ) with tergite 8 bearing strong pale bristles; sternite 8 reduced to a narrow strip; tergite 10 small and very weakly sclerotized; cerci rather small, with quite short hairs.

Comments. Hybos songbai sp. nov. is clearly related to H. zhejiangensis Yang & Yang, 1995 , a species with entirely yellow tibiae from Zhejiang, China (Yang & Yang 1995). The present species has largely black tibiae and although the hypandrium of both species is very similar ( Yang & Yang 2004, fig. 415) and there are similarities in the shape of the right surstylus, H. songbai sp. nov. has a distinctive bilobed left surstylus and lacks a prominent internally directed subapical process present in H. zhejiangensis .

Hybos songbai sp. nov. is recorded from several sites in the Daen Lao Range in northern Thailand ( Fig. 272 View FIGURES 269–277 ). It evidently occurs in a variety of forest types over a wide elevation range (567–2,174 m). Most records were between May and October with a pronounced peak in abundance during May and Jun, at the start of the wet season ( Fig. 298 View FIGURES 291–298 ).

Yang, D. & Yang, C. (2004) Diptera Empididae: Hemerodromiinae, Hybotinae. Fauna Sinica, Insecta, 34, i - x, 1 - 335.

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FIGURES 161–167. Hybos songbai sp. nov. 161. ♂ terminalia, dorsal view. 162. left epandrial lamella and left surstylus, lateral view. 163. hypandrium, ventral view. 164–165. right surstylus (viewed from 2 different aspects). 166–167. ♀ terminalia. 166. lateral view. 167. ventral view. S8= sternite 8.

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FIGURES 269–277. Distribution of Hybos spp. in Thailand plotted at a resolution of 1° of latitude and longitude. 269. H. serratus Yang & Yang. 270. H. shamshevi sp. nov. 271. H. sinclairi sp. nov. 272. H. songbai sp. nov. 273. H. steatopygus sp. nov. 274. H. stigmaticus sp. nov. 275. H. subapicalis sp. nov. 276. H. tetricus sp. nov. 277. H. thaosaeo sp. nov.

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FIGURES 291–298. Phenology of Hybos spp. monthly abundance (as % of total number of individuals captured) is plotted against month of capture. 291. H. inthanonensis sp. nov. 292. H. kaluang sp. nov. 293. H. khamfui sp. nov. 294. H. particularis Yang, Yang & Hu. 295. H. pisadaanus sp. nov. 296. H. saenmueangmai sp. nov. 297. H. serratus Yang & Yang. 298. H. songbai sp. nov.


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