Hybos tetricus, PLANT, 2013

PLANT, ADRIAN R., 2013, The genus Hybos Meigen (Diptera: Empidoidea: Hybotidae) in Thailand, Zootaxa 3690 (1), pp. 1-98 : 70-72

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Felipe (2021-08-25 06:48:53, last updated 2024-11-24 23:29:39)

scientific name

Hybos tetricus

sp. nov.

Hybos tetricus View in CoL sp. nov.

( Figs 183–186 View FIGURES 183–186 , 232, 233 View FIGURES 226–239 , 276 View FIGURES 269–277 )

Type material. HOLOTYPE ♂: THAILAND, Chanthaburi Province, Khao Kitchakut National Park , 12°52'.09''N, 102°06'.40''E, 102 m, 01.vii.2008, swept, A.R. Plant / TIGER Project ( QSBG) . PARATYPES: 1♂, 1♀, same data as holotype ; 1♂, 2♀, Khao Kitchakut National Park , between HQ & Krathing waterfall, 12°50'.10''N, 102°07'.15''E, 51 m, 2.vii.2008 ( QSBG and NMWC).

Etymology. The species is named from the Latin tetricus (formidable) in fanciful reference to the fierce armature of the posterior femur.

Diagnosis. A black legged species with entirely pale setae on coxae and stylus micropilose to subplumose proximally. Mid tibia with two dorsal and one ventral seta very long (0.7X length of limb). Male hind femur strongly inflated and spinose, female less distinctly so. Mid femur with long fine bristles anteriorly and ventrally. Front tibia and metatarsus of male with av and pv ciliation of long apically curved hairs. Female terminalia with sternite 8 ovate.

Description. Male: body length 3.5–4.0 mm. Head subshining black dusted greyish; face black, vaguely yellowish black below; postocular setae black, a few paler setae on lower occiput; lower occipital setae paler. Antenna black; postpedicel ovate in lateral view, 3.0–3.5X long as wide, lacking distinct dorsal seta; stylus 4–5X long as postpedicel, micropilose or subplumose on proximal 0.8–0.9, hairs hardly longer than stylus is deep, apical 0.1–0.15 bare. Mouthparts blackish, palpus narrow, with 1–2 distinct dark hairs near tip and much smaller ones near base, otherwise short pilose. Thorax strongly arched, ground colour black; postalar callus anterolaterally very narrowly yellow, scutellum basally and pleura about base of wing vaguely yellowish; dorsum rather thinly dusted, subshining, without stripes from any point of view; acr 2–3-serial, fine and hair-like; dc uniserial, similar to acr but posterior dc and acr before prescutellar area conspicuously stronger; 2 npl and 1 pa distinct, a few fine hairs between dc and side of scutum and on supra-alar area; scutellum with 2 long sct and 4–5 paler fine marginal hairs. Legs subshining black, thinly dusted; ‘knees’ of all legs narrowly dark yellowish. Coxae with hairs and bristles entirely pale, vaguely yellowish in some lighting conditions. F 1 distinctly inflated basally; ~2X wide as tip at 0.3 from base viewed from below; ventral fringe of pale hairs about as long as limb is deep medially, virtually absent distally. F 2 with ventral series of fine long bristles and similar series anteriorly ~3X long as limb is deep. F 3 ( Fig. 232 View FIGURES 226–239 ) strongly inflated, ~5X long as deep, widest 0.5–0.6 from base; in profile ventral margin slightly and dorsal margin strongly and evenly curved; ventral spines strong, comprising 5–6 av, no longer than limb is deep, and ventral irregular series of ~12 shorter spines; ~5 strong anterior bristles on distal 0.6, becoming proclinate and curved near tip of limb; pv fringe of 7–8 strong black bristles, longest at 0.8 from base. T 1 sometimes with 1–2 fine dorsal setae distinguished from otherwise fine hairs; ventral and pv ciliations becoming 2–3X long as limb is deep distally; apical circlet inconspicuous except 1 strong anteroapical ~0.4X length of MT 1. T 2 with strong dorsal bristles 0.7X long as limb dorsally at 0.4 and 1 shorter one at 0.15 from base; 1 very long ventral bristle at 0.5 and rather numerous, fine, long, ventral hairs becoming longer distally; apical circlet strong with 1 av about as long as MT 2. T 3 rather stout, hardly swollen distally, 1 strong bristle dorsally at ~0.5 from base and another finer, just beyond; short brownish yellow pile behind on apical 0.3. MT 1 with 1–2 distinct bristles near base, pv and av ciliations of long apically curved hairs conspicuously longer than other fine hairs on segment, continues on second tarsomere where shorter.MT 2 with 1 strong seta near base as long as segment. MT 3 with spine-like setae ventrally and short brownish yellow pile behind. Wing membrane distinctly tinged yellowish brown, veins brown; stigma distinct, brown, long, reaching costa 0.7–0.8 distance between end of R 1 and R 2+3. Squamae with pale fringes. Halter white. Abdomen black, dorsum rather thickly dusted, venter somewhat more shining. Tergites with rather long pale hairs on posterior margin and laterally, becoming darker and shorter on distal segments. Terminalia ( Figs 183–185 View FIGURES 183–186 ) with black setae; left epandrial lamella narrow, 3 short strong spines on inner margin subapically; left surstylus reduced to short strong incurved bristle; right surstylus ( Fig. 184 View FIGURES 183–186 ) moderately long, strongly curved and with broad pointed basal process when viewed from outer face; hypandrium ( Fig. 185 View FIGURES 183–186 ) black with very long setae distally, long yellowish bristly apical process and much smaller black process. Female. Similar to male but legs more slender, especially F 3 ( Fig. 233 View FIGURES 226–239 ) which is less strongly inflated, 7–8X long as deep, widest 0.7–0.8 from base, with ventral spines and bristles weaker but 2–3 anteroventrals ~0.7 from base obviously longer than limb is deep. T 1, MT 1, anterior tarsomeres 2 and 3 and F 2 with shorter hairs. Abdomen with setae somewhat shorter than in male. Terminalia ( Fig. 186 View FIGURES 183–186 ) shining black with black setae; sternite 8 ovate, tergite 8 encircling abdomen basally with lateral elongate lobes bounding sternite 8 in ventral view.

Comments. Hybos tetricus sp. nov. is similar to H. thepkaisoni sp. nov. and H. hylobates sp. nov. and the differences between them are discussed in the species account for H. thepkaisoni sp. nov. Hybos tetricus sp. nov. is only known from low elevation tropical evergreen forest in Khao Kitchakut National Park in SE Thailand ( Fig. 276 View FIGURES 269–277 ). All specimens were captured in July.

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FIGURES 183–186. Hybos tetricus sp. nov. 183. ♂ terminalia, dorsal view. 184. right surstylus, lateral view. 185. hypandrium, ventral view. 186. ♀ terminalia, ventral view. LS = left surstylus, RS = right surstylus.

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FIGURES 226–239. Posterior femora and tibiae of Hybos spp., profile in anterior view (setae not shown). 226–236. posterior femur. 226. ♂ H. zhejiangensis Yang & Yang. 227. ♀ H. zhejiangensis Yang & Yang. 228. ♂ H. inthanonensis sp. nov. 229. ♀ H. inthanonensis sp. nov. 230. ♂ H. shamshevi sp. nov. 231. ♀ H. shamshevi sp. nov. 232. ♂ H. tetricus sp. nov. 233. ♀ H. tetricus sp. nov. 234. ♂ H. phahompokensis sp. nov. 235. ♂ H. hylobates sp. nov. 236. ♀ H. hylobates sp. nov. 237–239. posterior tibia. 237. ♂ H. shamshevi sp. nov. 238. ♂ H. phahompokensis sp. nov. 239. ♂ H. zhejiangensis Yang & Yang.

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FIGURES 269–277. Distribution of Hybos spp. in Thailand plotted at a resolution of 1° of latitude and longitude. 269. H. serratus Yang & Yang. 270. H. shamshevi sp. nov. 271. H. sinclairi sp. nov. 272. H. songbai sp. nov. 273. H. steatopygus sp. nov. 274. H. stigmaticus sp. nov. 275. H. subapicalis sp. nov. 276. H. tetricus sp. nov. 277. H. thaosaeo sp. nov.


Thailand, Chaing Mai, Queen Sirikit Botanic Garden


National Museum of Wales











