Cixius wollastoni, Freitas & Aguín-Pombo, 2021

Freitas, Énio & Aguín-Pombo, Dora, 2021, Taxonomy of the Cixiidae (Hemiptera, Fulgoromorpha) from the Madeira archipelago, European Journal of Taxonomy 744, pp. 1-37 : 7-11

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Plazi (2021-04-06 08:02:00, last updated 2024-12-09 16:27:14)

scientific name

Cixius wollastoni

sp. nov.

Cixius wollastoni View in CoL sp. nov. 8479B00C-1C4A-4623-A79F-DB646A8EDEE8

Figs 3D View Fig , 4A–N View Fig , 5C View Fig


Cixius species from Madeira differ from other species of the genus in the structure of the aedeagus: (1) the base of the aedeagus is long and rectangular, with a small midventral expansion and a solid ventral spine at its proximal end; (2) they have two different sized spines distally, one on each side of the theca, the largest one on the right is long and arched upwards or laterally and the other is very small, sometimes almost obsolete; (3) the velum is hump-shaped at the base and narrower and more arched apically.

Cixius wollastoni sp. nov. is smaller than C. verticalis and larger than C. madeirensis ( Table 1 View Table 1 ). Externally it is very similar to C. verticalis in colouration and shape, but the vertex is more acute on the anterior margin and strongly curved on the posterior part. It differs from C. madeirensis in the overall colouration, which is darker with larger and darker punctuations on the wings, and the vertex that is acute. Unlike C. verticalis , the lobes of the anal tube in C. wollastoni sp. nov. are not much wider medially than laterally, are less curved than in C. madeirensis and are not as wide. Cixius wollastoni sp. nov. differs from the other Madeira Cixius in the following characters of the aedeagus: (1) the basal half of the vellum is subtrapezoidal with a small dorsolateral denticle; the ventrocranial margin of the distal part is almost straight, not curved; (2) the largest movable spine is slender and curved upward; (3) the medioventral expansion of the basal part of the aedeagus is smaller, gently undulating.


The name is derived from Thomas H. Wollaston, in recognition of his contribution to the study of the entomological fauna of Madeira and for collecting of Auchenorrhyncha .

Material examined

Holotype MADEIRA ISLANDS – Santana • ♂ (right wing missing); Ribeiro Frio ; 1200 m a.s.l.; 3 Jun. 2004; Élvio Nunes leg.; on Clethra arborea ; sweeping net beats: 3(20); Meia Serra Project; MNHN ( EH) 24738 .

Paratypes MADEIRA ISLANDS – Santana • 1 ♂ (only genitalia glued on label); Corredor Verde ; 300 m a.s.l.; 15 Apr. 2002; Énio B.N. Freitas leg.; on Pteridium aquilinum ; MNHN ( EH) 24739 1 ♀; Ribeiro Frio ; 1050 m a.s.l.; 24 May 2002; Élvio Nunes leg.; on Laurus azorica ; sweeping net nº of beats 1(30); Meia Serra Project; MNHN ( EH) 24740 1 ♂; Ribeiro Frio ; 1200 m a.s.l.; 6 Jun. 2003; Élvio Nunes leg.; on Clethra arborea ; sweeping net nº of beats 2(20); Meia Serra Project; MNHN ( EH) 24741 1 ♂; Ribeiro Frio ; 1050 m a.s.l.; 3 Jun. 2004; Élvio Nunes leg.; on Clethra arborea ; sweeping net nº of beats 2(20); Meia Serra Project; UMACI 1 ♂; same collection data as for preceding; sweeping net nº of beats 1(20); UMACI 1 ♂; Ribeiro Frio ; 1050 m a.s.l.; 24 May 2002; Iola Martins leg.; on Digitalis purpurea ; sweeping net nº of beats 3(40); Meia Serra Project; DAPC 1 ♀; same collection data as for preceding; sweeping net nº of beats 2(40); UMACI .

Type locality

Holotype collected along a walking path in the Laurissilva with trees including Laurus novocanariensis , Prunus laurocerasus L., Clethra arborea , and Vaccinium padifolium Sm.


BODY MEASUREMENTS (mm). Holotype: BL (not measurable); length of the left wing = 1.6, ML = 1.6, MW = 1.27, PW = 1.47, WL (not measurable). For all specimens see Table 1. View Table 1

COLOURATION. Overall colouration dark brown to black ( Fig. 3D View Fig ). Vertex medially with a large black spot reaching the anterior margin and a small yellowish roundish spot on each side. Posterior angles of vertex, lateral shallow pits of the frons, anteclypeus and genae dark brown ( Fig. 4A–B View Fig ). Laterobasal areas above epistomal suture, medial and lateral carinae, postclypeus and lora yellowish. Lateral ocelli pale. Eyes brown-reddish. Pronotum pale brown, medially behind vertex dark brown. Mesonotum and carinae black, posterior margin fulvous. Tegula pale yellow. Tegmina hyaline, veins pale with stigma and setiferous tubercles dark brown ( Fig. 5C View Fig ). Some males and females have brown stripes on costal margin of tegmina which are more distinctive in females ( Fig. 3D View Fig ). In the holotype the band on the first third is larger, wider and oblique towards the clavus. The other is faint and much shorter, reaching the subcostal vein. Legs yellowish but dark brown around tibiofemoral joints. Abdomen, pygofer and lamella of parameres dark brown. Females darker than males with the setiferous tubercles and markings more distinct; lightest specimens with posterior margins of sternita limited by a thin yellowish strip. Gonoplaca dark brown, lightening towards inner lateral margins.

HEAD. Vertex concave, margin anterior acute and posterior parabola-shaped; medially more than 1.5 times shorter than wide at anterior eye margin ( Fig. 4B View Fig ). Pits between vertex and frons shallow. Forehead convex. Frons more than 1.2 times as wide as long, slightly concave on each side of the medial carina; lateral and medial carina ridged; medial carina tapering along the clypeus ( Fig. 4A View Fig ). Epistomal suture wave-shaped. Medial ocellus vestigial, in some specimens obsolete.

THORAX. Pronotum with three carinae distinctly ridged; medial carina short with a deep pit on each side and two shallow depressions in the post lateral margins. Mesonotum with three sharp carinae of similar size; lateral carinae divergent and obsolete towards the apex ( Fig. 4B View Fig ); posterior margin sharply acute and distal area between the lateral carinae an apex slightly concave. Tegmina 2.75 times as long as wide, extends well beyond the apex of the abdomen; bristles along veins sporadic ( Fig. 3D View Fig ). Metatibia with two small lateromedial spines separated from each other about ⅓ of the length of the tibia; the distance from the first spine to tibiofemoral joints is less than ⅓ of the length of the tibia. First metatarsus with 8 spines distally.

MALE GENITALIA. Pygofer lobes are slightly subtrapezoid, the distal margin almost straight ( Fig. 4F–G, J View Fig ). Anal tube shallowly concave at the caudoventral margin; lateral lobes asymmetric and slightly bent distally, the widest sub-triangular part medially almost as large as the thinner part ( Fig. 4D–E, H–I View Fig ). Parameres dilatated distally, the dorsal margin of the lamella semicircular ( Fig. 4C View Fig ). Ventral margin of the aedeagus with a smooth, wave-shaped projection medially; the proximal margin in the form of a semi-arc, bordered by several small spines, the ventral spine larger and hooked, of variable size ( Fig. 4K–L View Fig ). The distal end of the aedeagus with a movable spine on each side ( Fig. 4L View Fig ); the right spine, larger and thicker, dorsally directed and slightly curved; the small left spine of variable curvature, sometimes almost obsolete. Velum in repose curved laterally to the right ( Fig. 4M–N View Fig ); the basal half subtrapezoid with a small dorsolateral denticle; apex of aedeagus narrow and long with ventral margin almost straight and apex hook-shaped ( Fig. 4K–L View Fig ).

FEMALE GENITALIA. As in C. verticalis . The seventh sternite with caudal margin in the form of an inverted truncated trapeze. Gonoplac ensiform, long and pubescent with longer setae on its dorsal margin. Other characters are non-observable.

Distribution and ecology

Endemic to Madeira Island. It occurs between 300 and 1000 m of altitude in the areas of northern and southern laurel forests. The specimens were collected from May to June in the endemic tree species Clethra arborea and Laurus novocanariensis , as well as in Pteridium aquilinum ferns, and Digitalis purpurea L.


Males and females of the Cixius species from Madeira often have three brown stripes on the tegmina, more distinctive on females than males. In some specimens like the holotype, the apical band is often not visible. The band patterns when marked resemble those of C. madeirensis shown in Fig. 3B View Fig . There is also a slight variation in the ventral silhouette of the aedeagus and the length and degree of bending of the two spinose processes.

The aedeagus represented by Lindberg (1961: 54, fig. 4g –i) and erroneously assigned to C. insularis Lindberg, 1954 , is very similar to that of C. wollastoni sp. nov. In Lindberg’s specimens, the large movable spine is also comparatively small and thin and curves smoothly upwards, does not bend distally as in C. verticalis and C. madeirensis ; the apex of the aedeagus is narrow and long with a hook-shaped tip similar also to C. wollastoni sp. nov.; the aedeagal base ends in a long triangular, spine-like process and on its ventral margin there is wave-shaped process similar to that in C. wollastoni sp. nov. The lateral lobes of the anal tube and the lamella of parameres are also like in C. wollastoni sp. nov. But the flagellum differs; the shape is not subtrapezoidal and is less expanded and the small denticle is missing. However, this part is less chitinous and difficult to visualize; therefore it can easily be overlooked. Lindberg did not mention on which specimens his illustrations were based; therefore, it could be from his own collection or from coll. Wollaston, Lundbland or Frey, who provided samples to him.

China W. E. 1938. Die Arthropodenfauna von Madeira nach den Ergebnissen der Reise von Prof. Dr. O. Lundblad Juli-August 1935. III Terrestrial Hemiptera. Arkiv for Zoologi 30 A (2): 1 - 69.

Lindberg H. 1954. Hemiptera Insularum Canariensium: Systematik, Okologie und Verbreitung der Kanarischen Heteropteren und Cicadiden. Commentationes Biologicae 14 (1): 1 - 304.

Lindberg H. 1961. Hemiptera Insularum Madeirensium. Commentationes Biologicae 24 (1): 1 - 82.

Remane R. & Hoch H. 1986. Sechs neue Arten der Gattung Hyalesthes Signoret, 1865 (Homoptera Fulgoroidea Cixiidae) von den Mittelatlantischen Inseln und aus dem Irak. Marburger Entomologische Publikationen 2 (3): 123 - 151.

Gallery Image

Fig. 3. Habitus. A–B. Cixius madeirensis China, 1938. A. ♂ from Vereda Paul, 23 Jul. 2002, on Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn. B. ♀ from Corredor Verde, 16 Apr. 2002, on P. aquilinum. C. Cixius verticalis Noualhier, 1897, ♂ from Chão da Ribeira, 4 Sep. 1998. D. Cixius wollastoni sp. nov., ♂ from Ribeiro Frio, 24 May 2002, on Digitalis purpurea L. (the arrows indicate the brown stripes). E. Tachycixius chaoensis China, 1938, ♂ from Ponta de São Lourenço, 11 May 2001, on Suaeda vera Forssk. ex J.F.Gmel. F. Hyalesthes madeires Remane & Hoch, 1986, ♂ from Serra de Água, 9 Jul. 2001, on Globularia salicina Lam.

Gallery Image

Fig. 4. Cixius wollastoni sp. nov. A–C, G, I. Specimen from Ribeiro Frio, 24 May 2002, on Digitalis purpurea L. D–E, H. Specimen from Ribeiro Frio, 3 Jun. 2004, on Clethra arborea Aiton. F, K–N. Holotype, ♂ (MNHN(EH) 24738). J. Specimen from Ribeiro Frio, 6 Jun. 2003, on C. arborea. A. Head (frontal view). B. Head, pronotum and scutellum (dorsal view). C. Left paramere. D–E. Anal tube (ventral and dorsal view). F. Genitalia. G. Pygofer (lateral view). H–I. Anal tube (caudal and left lateral view). J. Pygofer (ventral view). K–N. Aedeagus (K–L, right and left lateral view; M–N, dorsal and ventral view).

Gallery Image

Fig. 5. Male forewings. A. Cixius madeirensis China, 1938 from Vereda Paul, 23 Jul. 2002, on Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn. B. Cixius verticalis Noualhier, 1897 from Chão da Ribeira, 30 Apr. 2002, on Diplazium caudatum (Cav.) Jermy. C. Cixius wollastoni sp. nov. from Ribeiro Frio, 24 Apr. 2002, on Digitalis purpurea L. D. Hyalesthes madeires Remane & Hoch, 1986 from Serra de Água, 9 Jul. 2001, on Globularia salicina Lam. E. Hyalesthes portonoves Remane & Hoch, 1986 from Porto Novo, 16 Apr. 2003, on G. salicina. F. Tachycixius chaoensis (China, 1938) from Ponta de São Lourenço, 11 May 2001, on Suaeda vera Forssk. ex J.F.Gmel.


France, Paris, Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle


Darren A. Pollock


Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle



















