Astraeofungia diversisepta (Hackemesser, 1936)

Löser, Hannes, Nieto, Luis M., Castro, José Manuel & Reolid, Matías, 2019, A Lower Valanginian coral fauna from the South Iberian Palaeomargin (Internal Prebetic, SE Spain), Palaeontologia Electronica (a 06) 24 (1), pp. 1-57 : 17

publication ID 10.26879/1030

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scientific name

Astraeofungia diversisepta (Hackemesser, 1936)


Astraeofungia diversisepta (Hackemesser, 1936)

Figure 15 View FIGURE 15

v* 1936 Thamnastraea diversisepta Hackemesser , p. 48, pl. 6, fig. 5

v 1996 Diploastrea harrisi Wells, 1932 ; Baron-Szabo and Steuber, p. 25, pl. 14, figs. 2, 5

v 2003 Diploastrea harrisi Wells, 1932 ; Baron-Szabo and González León, p. 212, figs. 8B, E

v 2014 Astraeofungia stricta (Fromentel, 1857) ; Löser, p. 38, fig. 5l

Material. MGB 83350; 2 thin sections.

Dimensions. See Table 11.

Remarks. The genus is well known and was recently described and depicted (Löser, 2016).

Occurrence. Lower Kimmeridgian of Poland (Swietokrzyskie) Holy Cross Mts, Baltów ( ZPAL Hiii 1310). Cretaceous of Greece (Fokída) Kiona massif, Panourgias. Valanginian to Aptian of Mexico (Puebla) San Juan Raya ( IGM 9248 View Materials ). Upper Barremian to Lower Aptian (Lenticularis Zone) of Mexico (Sonora) Ures, Cerro de Oro. Lower Aptian of Greece (Viotía) Arachova. Lower Albian of Mexico (Sonora) Ures, Cerro de Oro ( ERNO L-4343 ). Lower Cenomanian (Dixoni Zone) of Spain (Cantabria, Santander) Cobreces, Luaña playa ( BSPG 2007 V 087). Upper Cenomanian of Czech Republic (Central Bohemian region) Praha, Neratovice ( OKSB nn). Upper Cenomanian (Plenus Zone) of Germany (Sachsen) Dresden-Plauen, Ratssteinbruch, southern quarry .


Museo de Geologia (del Seminario Diocesano) de Barcelona


Zoological Institute of Paleobiology, Polish Academy of Sciences


Bayerische Staatssammlung fuer Palaeontologie und Geologie

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