Ambrysus cosmius La Rivers
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Plazi (2022-12-02 08:41:37, last updated by GgImagineBatch 2022-12-02 08:43:04) |
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Ambrysus cosmius La Rivers |
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( Figs. 1A, 2–4)
A. cosmius La Rivers 1953 : Univ. Kans. Sci. Bull., 35: 1329–1331 (original description).
Supplemental description. Female. Mediosternite VII (SGP) asymmetrical; left margin with rounded, marginally sclerotized, lateral lobe at mid-length; right margin with inconspicuous lobe at mid-length; central lobe shallowly concave medially, giving the appearance of two lobes; posterolateral corners elongate, narrowly rounded apically, extending posteriorly further than central lobe ( Fig. 2B).
Male. Accessory genitalic process of tergum VI curved to right at approximately 55 degree at proximal third, angled again at approximately 120 degree almost at mid-length ( Fig. 2C). Medial lobes of tergum VIII (pseudoparameres) symmetrical, posterolateral corner narrowly rounded, posteromesal corners broadly rounded, posterior margin slightly concave medially ( Fig. 2D). Phallosoma elongate, linear, slender, tapering dorsoapically; endosomal sclerites knob-like apically, with conspicuous denticles; right sclerite extending basally further than left sclerite ( Fig. 2E). Parameres symmetrical, almost as long as maximum width, mesal margin convex. Proctiger almost as long as width at base. Pygophore with elongate setae sparsely distributed over most of surface, with thick brush of elongate setae on posterior margin ( Fig. 2F).
Diagnosis. This species can be distinguished from the other three in this section by the female SGP with a rounded lateral lobe at mid-length on the left margin and symmetrical, digitate posterolateral corners ( Fig. 2B). Additionally, the male AGP tapers distally to a pointed and anterolaterally directed apex ( Fig. 2C) and the pseudoparamere posterolateral corners are narrowly rounded ( Fig. 2D).
Comparative notes. Ambrysus cosmius La Rivers exhibits a generally similar SGP to that of A. schuhi Reynoso & Sites and A. variegatus Usinger ; however, its posterolateral corners are symmetrical and digitate, whereas those of A. variegatus are subtriangular and those of A. schuhi are asymmetrical. Although the morphology of the male endosomal sclerites is similar among these three species, the denticles in A. cosmius are more conspicuous. The anterolaterally directed apex of the male AGP is a unique condition within the signoreti complex; in all other species the apex is, at most, laterally directed.
Discussion. This species measures 12.12–14.37 mm in length and 8.12–9.37 mm in width.Many of the specimens in the type series were collected by Usinger and Hinton in their trip to central Mexico during the spring and summer of 1933. At that time, taxonomic knowledge of the genus was inadequate, resulting in the misidentification of some of these specimens as representatives of A. signoreti (see Additional material examined section). According to La Rivers (1953), this misconception remained until Usinger was able to examine the type of A. signoreti in the Swedish Museum of Natural History. In the original description, La Rivers (1953) reported A. cosmius from the states of Guerrero, México, Morelos, and Oaxaca. During examination of specimens at the EMEC, we found two females from Michoacán, which were positively identified as belonging to A. cosmius . These two specimens were originally labeled by La Rivers as paratypes of A. cosmius , but were not reported in the original description or any subsequent publication (see Additional material examined section).
Figure 3. Male holotype and labels of Ambrysus cosmius La Rivers. Inset showing 4th and 5th abdominal sterna (last abdominal segments and associated genitalic structures missing).
Variation. Some females can exhibit the lobe on the left margin of the SGP narrowly rounded, giving the appearance of a "pointed" lobe. Also, the small lobe on right margin can be absent. Males can have the AGP laterally directed.
Type locality. Mexico: Estado de México: Mpio. Tejupilco, Tejupilco .
Repository. Male holotype (Fig. 3) is housed at the CAS.
Published records: Mexico: Estado de México, Guerrero, Morelos, Oaxaca ( La Rivers 1953, Davis 1986, Reynoso-Velasco & Sites 2019b).
New records: Mexico: Jalisco, Michoacán, Puebla, Veracruz .
Distribution. This species is exclusively distributed in Mexico, in the south-central part of the country ( Fig. 4), with the majority of sites located within the Balsas Basin biogeographic province. All the localities are at an elevation below 2,000 meters, with the majority between 500–1,800 meters. Outside the limits of the Balsas Basin, the species is predominantly distributed in the Sierra Madre del Sur biogeographic province, with localities in its central Michoacán and eastern Oaxaca Highlands districts. A single locality from Guerrero is in the Pacific Lowlands province and another from Oaxaca is in the Veracruzan province.
Type material examined. HOLOTYPE ♂ (by original designation). MEXICO: ESTADO DE MÉXICO: [Mpio. Tejupilco], Tejupilco, Temescaltepec [District of Temascaltepec], 19-VI-1933 / H.E. Hinton & R.L. Usinger collectors / Ambrysus cosmius La Rivers HOLOTYPE / Ambrysus cosmius La Rivers determined by Ira La Rivers '50 / California Academy of Sciences Type No. 10056 . PARATYPES: same data as holotype (2♀ CAS) ; same but 15-VI-1933 / Ambrysus cosmius La Rivers ALLOTYPE (1♀ CAS). GUERRERO: [Mpio. Chilapa de Álvarez], Chilapa , 29-X-1930, Prof. L Schultze / Ambrysus cosmius La Rivers Paratype (1♀ EMEC; 2♂ USNM); [Mpio. Tecpan de Galeana], Tecpan , 02-IV-1930, Prof. L Schultze / Ambrysus cosmius La Rivers Paratype (2♂, 3♀ SEMC) ; same but / Ira La Rivers Collection bequeathed to the California Academy of Sciences - 1978 (1♂ CAS; 1♀ CNIN) . MORELOS: 14-VII-1936, H.D. Thomas / Ambrysus cosmius La Rivers Paratype (1♂, 1♀ SEMC) ; same but / Ira La Rivers Collection bequeathed to the California Academy of Sciences - 1978 (1♀ CAS) ; [Mpio. Temixco], Acatlipa, km 88 on Hwy Mexico City-Acapulco / 06-V-1945, J.G. Shaw / Ambrysus cosmius La Rivers Paratype (1♀ EMEC) ; same but / Ambrysus cosmius La Rivers determined by Ira La Rivers '50 / Ira La Rivers Collection bequeathed to the California Academy of Sciences - 1978 (1♀ CAS) . OAXACA: Oaxaca , 25-VIII-1937, H.D. Thomas / Ambrysus cosmius La Rivers Paratype (1♀ SEMC) .
Additional material examined. MEXICO: ESTADO DE MÉXICO: Mpio. Amatepec, Río San Felipe at Las Adjuntas , 20-IV-2004, R. Novelo coll. (1♂, 3♀ IEXA) ; same but 05-V-2008, R. Novelo & K. Cuevas colls. (2♂, 5♀ IEXA) ; Mpio. Amatepec, Río San Felipe at San Felipe de Jesús , [approx. 18.799 2, -100.1639], 1,000 m, 20-IV- 2004, R. Novelo coll. (1♀ IEXA) ; [Mpio. Amatepec], Rio San Felipe at San Felipe de Jesús , 20-IV-2004, 3,280' (1♂ EMEC) ; same but / William D. Shepard, leg. (2♂ EMEC) ; Mpio. Santo Tomás, [Río Tilastoc at] Santa Bárbara , 19º10'29.4''N, 100º17'20.4''W, 1,051 m, 20-XII-2012, L-1463, Reynoso-Velasco coll. (1♂ UMC) GoogleMaps ; [Mpio. Tejupilco], Tejupilco, Temescaltepec [District of Temascaltepec], 15-VI-1933 / H.E. Hinton & R.L. Usinger collectors (1♂, 3♀ EMEC) ; same but Ira La Rivers Collection bequeathed to the California Academy of Sciences - 1978 (1♂ CAS) ; [Mpio. Tejupilco], Tejupilco, Temescaltepec [District of Temascaltepec], 19-VI-1933 / H.E. Hinton & R.L. Usinger collectors (2♂ EMEC) ; same but / Ambrysus signoreti Stål (1♀ EMEC) ; [Mpio. Tejupilco], Tejupilco, Temescaltepec [District of Temascaltepec], 21-VI-1933 / H.E. Hinton & R.L. Usinger collectors (1♀ EMEC) ; same but / exch. @ RLU 1968 / Ambrysus signoreti Stål det. R.L. Usinger / C.J. Drake Accession (1♀ USNM) ; [Mpio. Tejupilco], Tejupilco, Temescaltepec [District of Temascaltepec], 13-VII-1932 [1933] / H.E. Hinton & R.L. Usinger collectors (1♀ EMEC) ; same but / Ira La Rivers Collection bequeathed to the California Academy of Sciences - 1978 (1♀ CAS) ; [Mpio. Tejupilco], Tejupilco, Temescaltepec [District of Temascaltepec], VII-1934 / H.E. Hinton (2♂, 2♀ EMEC) ; Temascaltepec, 11-VII-1933, Robert L. Usinger, Cal.Acad.Sci.Coll. / Ira La Rivers Collection bequeathed to the California Academy of Sciences - 1978 (1♂, 1♀ CAS) ; same but no date, #880, R.L. Usinger, H.E. Hinton (1♂, 3♀ CAS) . GUERRERO: Mpio. Teloloapan, [Arroyo El Naranjo] at km 20 on carr. Teloloapan-Apaxtla de Castrejón, nr. Tepozanalquillo , 18º14'26.8''N, 99º54'51''W, 1083 m, 29-XII-2012, L-1497, Reynoso-Velasco coll. (1♂ IEXA) GoogleMaps ; Mpio. Teloloapan, Río Oxtotitlán at Oxtotitlán , 18º11'35.7''N, 99º56'24.3''W, 1009 m, 29-XII-2012, L-1498, Reynoso-Velasco coll. (2♂, 1♀ IEXA) GoogleMaps ; Mpio. Tepecoacuilco, [Río Atoyac at San Agustín] Oapan , 17º57'10.66''N, 99º27'38.8''W, 496 m, J. Amith coll. (1♀ UMC) GoogleMaps . JALISCO: [Mpio Tuxpan], nr Atentique [Atenquique], CL740, 12-VI-1975, J.T. Polhemus / J.C. Drake Accession (1♀ USNM) . MICHOACÁN: [Mpio Aguililla, Río Aguililla at] Aguililla , [approx. 18.728 5, -102.7934], 03-IV-2005, R. Novelo coll. (1♂, 1♀ UMC) ; same but 02-X-2005, J.A. Gómez coll. (2♀ IEXA) ; [Mpio. Chinicuila, Río La Tortuga at] Villa Victoria , [approx. 18.751 0, -103.3600], 17-V- 2002, R. Novelo coll. (1♀ UMC) ; Mpio. Coalcomán, La Chichihua , [approx. 18º44'36''N, 103º13'1.39''W], 10-VII- 2005, R. Novelo & J.A. Gómez colls. (1♀ IEXA) GoogleMaps ; [Mpio. Tuxpan], 5 mi N of Tuxpan, 16-VII-1953, 5,500 ft / Univ. Kans. Mex. Expedition / Slesnick Field N0. 48 / Ambrysus cosmius La Rivers 1953 (Ira La Rivers) / Ira La Rivers Collection bequeathed to the California Academy of Sciences - 1978 (1♀ CAS) ; Mpio. Tuzantla, Río Tuzantla at Tuzantla , 19º13'18.1''N, 100º34'05.5''W, 593 m, 21-XII-2012, L-1470, Reynoso-Velasco coll. (1♂ IEXA) GoogleMaps ; [Mpio. Tzitzio], near Chinapa , 05-IX-1938 / Ambrysus cosmius Paratype (2♀ SEMC) [unpublished paratypes]. MORELOS: Mpio. Amacuzac, Río Amacuzac 1.6 km S (on dirt road) of km 50 carr. MEX 95 Cuernavaca-Taxco , 18º35'48.05''N, 99º23'57.88''W, 917 m, 04-I-2017, L-1990, Reynoso-Velasco coll. (2♀ IEXA) GoogleMaps ; Mpio. Jojutla, Río Amacuzac at Tehuiztla , 18º33'45.2''N, 99º16'51.3''W, 853 m, 28-IV-2011, L-1308 Reynoso-Velasco coll. (4♂, 1♀ UMC) GoogleMaps ; same but 18º32'47.9''N, 99º16'03.6''W, 854 m, L-1309 (1♂, 3♀ UMC) GoogleMaps ; Mpio. Xochitepec, [Río Cuentepec at] Balneario Palo Bolero , [approx. 18.766 8, -99.2393], 07-VII-1987, R. Novelo coll. (1♂, 2♀ IEXA) ; Mpio. Xochitepec, Río Sabinos ( Cuentepec ) at Jardines de Xochitepec , [approx. 18.778 9, -99.2439], 24-IX-1998, R. Novelo coll. (1♂, 2♀ IEXA) ; same but 05-IV-2002, (3♀ IEXA) ; same but 24-IV-2003 (1♂, 2♀ IEXA) . OAXACA: Mpio. Putla Villa de Guerrero, Putla, [Río Cuchara] at Pte. La Cuchara , 17º01'07''N, 97º55'11.8''W, 711 m, 30-V-2012, L-1396, ReynosoVelasco coll. (2♂, 1♀ UMC) GoogleMaps ; same but [ Río Cuchara at] 17º02'21.5''N, 97º54'42.9''W, 767 m, L-1397 (1♂ UMC) GoogleMaps ; Mpio. San Antonio Nanahuatípam, Río Salado at San Antonio Nanahuatípam, 18°07'59.4''N, 97°07'42.6''W, 790 m, 24-III-2015, L-1877, Reynoso-Velasco, Sites, Shepard, & Barr colls. (4♂, 10♀ IEXA) GoogleMaps ; [Mpio. San Antonio Nanahuatípam], Río Saldo at [San Gabriel] Casa Blanca , [approx. 18.155 1, -97.1371], 01-III-1976, R.R. & F.H. Miller, M76-41 (1♀ UMMZ) ; Mpio. San Felipe Jalapa de Díaz, Río Sto. Domingo at Sto. Domingo , 18°02'15.9''N, 96°32'57.2''W, 100 m, 25-IV-2015, L-1881, Reynoso-Velasco, Sites, Shepard & Barr colls. (5♂, 4♀ IEXA) GoogleMaps ; [Mpio. San Juan Bautista Cuicatlán], Río Las Huertas [Las Vueltas] at Santiago Dominguillo, 12-VII-1996, R. Barba & A. Rojas colls. / Colección del Instituto de Biología , UNAM. México D.F. (2♂, 3♀ UMC) ; Mpio. San Juan Bautista Cuicatlán, [Río Las Vueltas at] Santiago Dominguillo , 17º38'46''N, 96º54'36.7''W, 726 m, 01-VI-2012, L-1405, Reynoso-Velasco coll. (1♂, 2♀ CNIN; 4♂, 9♀ IEXA; 18♂, 16♀ UMC) GoogleMaps ; [Mpio. San Pedro Totolápam], Rio Grande [at] Totolapan [Totolápam], CL1063, 29-IV-1964, J.T. & M.S. Polhemus / Ambrysus cosmius '67 La Riv. Det. J.T. Polhemus (1♂ EMEC) ; same but / C.J. Drake Accession (4♂, 3♀ USNM) ; [Mpio. Santa María Tecomavaca, Arroyo Los Cués at] San Juan de Los Cués, 14-VI-1984, Mario García coll. / Colección del Instituto de Biología , UNAM. México D.F. / C.J. Drake Accession (1♀ USNM) ; same but / J.T. Polhemus Collection 2014 (1♀ USNM) ; [Mpio. Santa María Tecomavaca], Río Salado [at Pte. El Saldo], 16 km S of San Juan de Los Cués on carr. MEX 135 Tehuacán-San Francisco Telixtlahuaca , 17º55'50.5''N, 97º00'04.2''W, 544 m, 01-VI-2014, L-1407, Reynoso-Velasco coll. (2♂, 2♀ CNIN; 7♂, 15♀ IEXA; 2♀ UMC) GoogleMaps ; Mpio. Valerio Trujano, Río Grande at Pte. Río Grande , km 124 carr. MEX 135 Tehuacán-San Francisco Telixtlahuaca on jct. to Tomellín , 17º45'25''N, 96º56'59.1''W, 607 m, 01-VI- 2012, L-1406, Reynoso-Velasco coll. (3♂, 2♀ CNIN; 21♂, 13♀ IEXA; 2♂, 2♀ NHMW; 12♂, 13♀ UMC) GoogleMaps ; San Cristobal, 17-VI-84, H. Velazco coll. / Colección del Instituto de Biología , UNAM. México D.F. (1♀ UMC) ; 18 mi NW El Camarón, 20-VIII-1959, A.E. Menke coll. / Ambrysus cosmius La Rivers 1953 (Ira La Rivers) / Ira La Rivers Collection bequeathed to the California Academy of Sciences - 1978 (2♂, 2♀ CAS; 1♀ CNIN) ; 25 mi S of Mitla , 04-I-1956, J.C. Schaffner / Ambrysus cosmius '67 LaR det. J.T. Polhemus / C.J. Drake Accession (1♀ USNM) . PUEBLA: Mpio. Coxcatlán, [Río Tepazalco at] La Estación , 5 km SW of Coxcatlán, 18°15'07.3''N, 97°11'24.5''W, 950 m, 24-III-2015, L-1876, Reynoso-Velasco, Sites, Shepard, & Barr colls. (2♀ IEXA) GoogleMaps . VERACRUZ: [Mpio. Fortín], Río Metalac [Metlac] 3 mi N of El Fortín [Fortín de Las Flores, approx. 18.931 2, -97.0211], 2-VII-1955, R.B. & J.M. Selander (1♂, 2♀ BYU) .
Davis, J. R. (1986) New distribution records of Naucoridae (Hemiptera) from the United States and Mexico, with morphological and taxonomic notes. The Southwestern Naturalist, 31, 535 - 539. https: // doi. org / 10.2307 / 3671711
La Rivers, I. (1953) The Ambrysus of Mexico (Hemiptera, Naucoridae). The University of Kansas Science Bulletin, 35, 1279 - 1349. https: // doi. org / 10.5962 / bhl. part. 26731
Reynoso-Velasco, D. & Sites, R. W. (2019 b) Taxonomic overview of the family Naucoridae (Heteroptera: Nepomorpha) in Mexico. Dugesiana, 26, 3 - 12. https: // doi. org / 10.32870 / dugesiana. v 26 i 1.7055
California Academy of Sciences |
Essig Museum of Entomology |
Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History |
University of Kansas - Biodiversity Institute |
Coleccion Nacional de Insectos, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico |
University of Michigan, Museum of Zoology |
Monte L. Bean Life Science Museum |
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
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Ambrysus cosmius La Rivers
Reynoso-Velasco, Daniel & Sites, Robert W. 2022 |
A. cosmius
La Rivers 1953 |
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