Pimpla rufipes (Miller, 1759)

Varga, Oleksandr, Online, Published & Version, Final, 2017, A review of the tribe Pimplini Wesmael, 1845 (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae, Pimplinae) from the Carpathians, with new records for Romania and Ukraine, Turkish Journal of Zoology 41 (2), pp. 354-362 : 360-362

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.3906/zoo-1604-75

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scientific name

Pimpla rufipes (Miller, 1759)


Pimpla rufipes (Miller, 1759) View in CoL

Diagnosis: This species is similar to P. illecebrator (Villers) but is characterized by the red hind femur and shorter ovipositor.

Material examined. ROMANIA: 126♀♀ and 133♂♂ from 35 localities: Bihor Country: Oradea; Botosani Country: Stefanesti; Liveni Maloneasa; Constanta Country: Baneasa; Agigea; Tulcea County: Babadag, ex. Malacosoma neustria L.; Cluj Country: Fagetul Clujului; Dolj Country: Dabuleni; Iasi Country: Iasi; ibid., ex. Leucoma salicis L.; ibid., Agricultural Lyceum, ex. Hyphantria cunea (Drury) ; Barnova; Breazu; Deleni; Repedea; Voinesti; Mehedinti Country; Dubova; Valea Mraconia; Neamt Country: Сeahlau; Potoci; Satu Mare Country: Satu Mare; Salaj Country: Zalau; Sibiu Country: Cisnadioara; Rasinari; Suceava Country: Ponoare; Vladleni Vale, Frumoasa; Bunesti; Slatioara; Suceava; Poiana Stampei; Teleorman Country: Draganesti, ex. Malacosoma neustria L.; Merisani; Tulcea Country: Murighiol; Vaslui Country: Birlad; Trestiana; Vrancea Country: Adjudu Vechi. UKRAINE: 22♀♀ and 39♂♂ from 11 localities: Ivano-Frankivsk Region: Tysmenytsya District, Vovchynets; Bogorodchany District, Bogorodchany; Mochary, 300– 350 m, mixed forest, 5 km NE of Bogorodchany; Dibrova, 310 m, oak forest, 5 km SW of Bogorodchany; Zhbyr, 400 m, mixed forest, 7–8 km SW of Bogorodchany; Solotvyn; Transcarpathian Region, Rakhiv District, slopes of m. Sheshul, 1400–1500 m, subalpine zone, 6–7 km E of Kvasy; Svydovets, 850–900 m, beech forest, 2–3 km NW of Kvasy; Svydovets, m. Blyznytsya, subalpine zone, 8 km NW of Kvasy; Rakhiv; Tyachiv District: Mala Ugolka, 750 m, beech forest; Beregovo District, Zmyivka.

Remark: Small specimens of P. arctica Zetterstedt , P. illecebrator (Villers) , and P. rufipes (Muller) have sparsely and indistinctly punctate mesopleuron, so the coloration of facial setae is the only reliable character for this species in this case.

Pimpla spuria Gravenhorst, 1829

Diagnosis: This species is similar to P. contemplator (Muller) but is characterized by the weakly concave female 4th tarsomere of fore tarsus, uniformly red hind tibia, and distinctly punctate basally 6th male metasomal tergite.

Material examined. ROMANIA: 206♀♀ and 571♂♂ from 67 localities: Arges Country: Pitesti; Cаpаțаnenii Ungureni ; Bacau Country : Slanic Moldova , Ciresoaia ; Bacau; Stejaru ; Bihor Country : Oradea ; Botosani Country : Bucecea ; Trusesti ; Stefаnesti ; Buzau Country : Dedulesti ; Dedulesti ; Brasov Country : Magura ; Constanta Country : Baneasa , Canaraua Fetii ; Agigea ; Negureni ; Histria ; Adamclisi ; Dolj Country : Calafat ; Iasi Country : Iasi; ibid., Agricultural Lyceum , ex. Hyphantria cunea (Drury) ; Barnova ; Valea David ; Dumesti ; Repedea ; Mircesti ; Galati County: Garboavele , oak; Mehedinti Country : Cazane Mici ; Dubova ; Valea Mraconia , Ogradena ; Planisevita ; Eselnita ; Neamt Country : Valea Toaca , Сeahlau; Potoci , Bicaz ; Izvorul , Pangarati ; Poiana Сirnu, Bicaz ; Tarcаu , Poiana Teiului ; Duruitoarea , Сeahalu; Ruginesti ; Vaduri ; Tarcаu ; Ardeluța; Oantu ; Sibiu Country : Cisnadioara ; Rasinari ; Prislop ; Valea Girbova , Miercurea Sibiului ; Suceava Country : Ponoare ; Frasin ; Obcini ; Frumoasa ; Cаmpulung Moldovenesc ; Calimani National Park ; Hura Humorului ; Teleorman Country : Dobrotesti ; Tulcea Country : Murighiol ; Uzlina ; Vaslui Country : Husi ; Birlad ; Trestiana ; Zorleni ; Vrancea Country : Adjudu Vechi , Rarau ; Focsani . UKRAINE: 22♀♀ and 76♂♂ from 17 localities: Ivano-Frankivsk Region: Bogorodchany District, Mochary, 300–350 m, mixed forest, 5 km NE of Bogorodchany; Dibrova , 310 m, oak forest, 5 km SW of Bogorodchany; Transcarpathian Region : Rakhiv District , Svydovets , 850–900 m, beech forest, 2–3 km NW of Kvasy; Svydovets , m. Blyznytsya , subalpine zone, 8 km NW of Kvasy; Kuzyi , beech forest; Marmarosy , subalpine zone, 12 km E of Dilove; Rakhiv ; Vinogradiv District , Chorna Gora ; Nove Selo ; Irshava District , Kamyanka ; Bronky ; Hust District , Hust ; Svalyava District , Polyana ; Uklin ; Uzhgorod District , Uzhgorod ; Tyachiv District , Ust Chorna ; Mala Ugolka , beech forest .

Pimpla turionellae (Linnaeus, 1758)

Diagnosis: This species is similar to P. murinanae Fahringer but is characterized by the yellow upper hind corner of pronotum, red hind femur and yellow banded hind tibia, densely and distinctly punctate, smooth between punctures, 4th–5th metasomal tergites.

Material examined. ROMANIA: 52♀♀ and 39♂♂ from 25 localities: Buzau Country: Cislau; Cluj Country: Cheia; Covasna Country: Lemnia; Constanta Country: Baneasa; ibid., ex. Grapholita molesta (Busck) ; Dolj Country: Calafat; ibid., ex. G. molesta (Busck) ; Iasi Country: Iasi; Breazu; Biric; Dumesti, ex. Hedya nubiferana (Haworth) ; ibid., ex. Yponomeuta malinella Zeller ; Mehedinti Country: Dubova; Valea Girbovat; Neamț Country: Roman, ex. Pandemis heparana ([Denis & Schiffermüller]); Prahova Country: Magurele; Sibiu Country: Bazna; Suceava Country: Suceava; ibid., ex Cydia pomonella L.; Poiana Stampei; Slatioara; Horodnic de Jos; Hura Humorului; Spataresti; Județul Teleorman: Draganești-Vlasca, ex. Malacosoma neustria L.; Tulcea Country: Tulcea, Danube Delta, ex. Yponomeuta rorrella Hb. ; Vaslui Country: Birlad; Trestiana. UKRAINE: 13♀♀ from 7 localities: Ivano-Frankivsk Region: Tysmenytsya District, Vovchynets; Bogorodchany District, Mochary, 300–350 m, mixed forest, 5 km NE of Bogorodchany; Dibrova, 310 m, oak forest, 5 km SW of Bogorodchany; Zhbyr, 400 m, mixed forest, 7–8 km SW of Bogorodchany; Gorgany, slopes of m. Cyvulya, subalpine zone, 12–13 km SW of Stara Guta; Gorgany, 1375 m, upper limit of coniferous forest, 7 km SW of Stara Guta; Nadvirna District, Gorgany, Elmy, 800–900 m, coniferous forest, 15 km SW of Yaremche.

Remark: Several misidentifications were found in Pisica’s collection: one female as P. rufipes (Muller) , one female as I. maculator (Fabricius) , two females as P. comtemplator , three females and three males as P. spuria Gravenhorst , and one male as I. alternans (Gravenhorst) .

Theronia atalantae (Poda, 1761)

Diagnosis: This species is characterized by the yellow body with black marks.

Material examined. ROMANIA: 124♀♀ and 265♂♂ from 22 localities: Botosani Country: Vladeni-Deal, ex. Aporia crataegi L.; Satu Mare Country: Satu Mare, ex. Euproctis chrysorrhoea L.; ibid., ex. Malacosoma neustria L.; Noroieni; ibid., ex. E. chrysorrhoea L.; Iasi Country: Iasi, ex. Aporia sp. ; ibid., Copou Park; Radeni, ex. Aporia sp. ; Voinesti; Deleni, ex. Aporia sp. ; Ciric; Vaslui Country: Birlad; Trestiana; Arges Country: Costesti, ex. Malacosoma neustria L.; Maramures Country: Valea Usturoiului, Baia Mare; Neamt Country: Pangarati; Galati County: Poiana Fundeanu-Motes, Grivita, oak, ex. Tortrix viridana L. UKRAINE: 12♀♀ and 7♂♂ from 5 localities: Ivano-Frankivsk Region: Bogorodchany District, Mochary, 300–350 m, mixed forest, 5 km NE of Bogorodchany; Zhbyr, 400 m, mixed forest, 7–8 km SW of Bogorodchany; Transcarpathian Region: Beregovo District, Kidesh; Tyachiv District, Mala Ugolka, 750 m, beech forest; Uzhgorod District, Uzhgorod.

Theronia laevigata (Tschek, 1869)

Diagnosis: This species is characterized by the black body and partly red legs.

Material examined. ROMANIA: ♀, Iasi Country: Barnova , 03.11.1974 . UKRAINE: 8♀♀ and 12♂♂ from 2 localities: Transcarpathian Region: Svydovets, 850–900 m, beech forest, 2–3 km NW of Kvasy; Tyachiv District , Mala Ugolka , 750 m, beech forest .

During the investigations carried out in various locations of the Ukrainian Carpathians between 2009 and 2015, 23 species of the tribe Pimplini , belonging to four genera, were recorded. Five species was recorded for the first time from Ukraine. The most abundant Pimplini species in 2009–2015 was Itoplectis alternans (Gravenhorst) (14% of the total number of specimens).













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