Leptoglossus, Guerin-Meneville, 1831

Brailovsky, Harry & Heyden, Torsten van der, 2019, New distributional notes and key to the known species of Leptoglossus Guérin-Méneville from Guatemala (Heteroptera: Coreidae: Coreinae: Anisoscelini), Revista Chilena de Entomología 45 (1), pp. 175-180 : 176-179

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Key to the known species of Leptoglossus View in CoL from Guatemala *

1. Thoracic pleura with at least two, usually more strongly yellowish maculae, or yellowish stripes or venter widely yellow to shiny orange; thoracic and abdominal sterna without numerous black discoidal spots ……………………………........………………….......…… 2

- Thoracic pleura orange or pale yellowish or dark reddish brown, without strongly contrasting yellowish markings; thoracic and abdominal sterna with numerous small black dots ……………………………………………………………………..................….... 5

2. Clavus and corium dark brown with strongly contrasting pale yellow or ochraceous veins; pronotal disk with wide yellow or yellowish orange transverse fascia, sometimes covering the middle third of the disk ……….…...........................… L. subauratus Distant View in CoL

- Clavus and corium dark brown to dark reddish brown with veins concolorous, or at most shiny red or black, but never pale yellow ochraceous ……………….……......….. 3

3. Pronotal disk with narrow, arcuate, pale yellowish transverse fascia; thoracic pleura with 10 to 12 pale yellowish to orange maculae on each side; hind tibiae with outer dilation extending for 85-90% of the maximal length of tibiae …… L. gonagra (Fabricius) View in CoL

- Pronotal disk lack a narrow yellowish transverse fascia, usually unicolorous or with yellow or orange discoidal spots; thoracic pleura lack or never with more than six yellowish maculae on each side; hind tibiae with outer dilation shorter, extending for at most 70% of the maximal length of tibiae.……...……………….……...….............….. 4

4. Pronotal disk with four small yellowish spots, two on anterior disk and two on posterior marginal area; thoracic pleura with six yellowish maculae on each side …… …………………………........................................…. L. tetranotatus Brailovsky and Barrera View in CoL

- Pronotum without yellowish spots; pronotal disk almost entirely pale yellow; thoracic pleura with a single yellow maculae occupying almost entire ventral third of each pleuron …………………………………....................………. L. cinctus (Herrich-Schaeffer) View in CoL

5. Dorsal abdominal segments with a median pale yellow longitudinal fascia; large species, length 26-39 mm; humeral angles of pronotum produced as large, broadly rounded anteriorly curving processes ………......……… L. dilaticollis Guérin-Méneville View in CoL

- Dorsal abdominal segments without median pale yellow longitudinal fascia; smaller species shorter than 22 mm; humeral angles of pronotum never expanded as a broadly curving processes ………………………........……………………………………………… 6

6. Yellowish transverse fascia on corium always present, rectangular, with anterior and posterior margins straight and parallel ………………............…. L. phyllopus (Linnaeus) View in CoL

- Yellowish transverse fascia on corium irregular (zig-zag), or fascia absent …………… 7

7. Yellowish transverse fascia on corium absent; antennal segment I entirely chestnut orange or shiny orange, thickest, robust with inner surface densely setosus ……………………………………...…………..……...… L. crestalis Brailovsky and Barrera View in CoL

- Yellowish transverse fascia on corium irregular (zig-zag); antennal segment I bicolorous, slender ………………...............................…………………...………………… 8

8. Pronotal disk with two strongly contrasting yellowish spots ……… L. zonatus (Dallas) View in CoL

- Pronotal disk without contrasting yellowish spots …………………………………….... 9

9. Labium short, reaching posterior margin of metasternum; rostral segment IV black; rostral segment IV shorter than antennal segment I; pronotal calli smooth, sparsely pale pilose hairs on anterior pronotal disk …………………......….. L. brevirostris Barber View in CoL

- Labium longer, usually extending well onto abdomen; rostral segment IV yellow with apex black; rostral segment IV longer than antennal segment I; anterior pronotal disk with a rough surface texture, with numerous dark thick hairs interspersed with pale hairs …………………………………………………………………………………...…….. 10

10. Male genital capsule with slightly median concavity, without dorsal prongs ……… …………………………………………….………………...............……. L. concolor (Walker)

- Male genital capsule with deep median concavity, with dorsal prongs …….................... ........................................................................................................................ L. stigma (Herbst)

*Modified from Brailovsky (2014) key.

Leptoglossus brevirostris Barber, 1918

Leptoglossus brevirostris Barber, 1918: 35-36 View in CoL .

Distribution. Known from Costa Rica, Honduras, Mexico and United States ( Allen 1969; Brailovsky and Sánchez 1983; Brailovsky and Barrera 1998; Packauskas 2010; Linares and Orozco 2017).

Material examined. New country records. GUATEMALA: Lake Amatitlán , 19-VI-1983, J.E. Conn ( UNAM), 1 female ; Antigua , Sacatepéquez, 18-II-1989, K. and S. Bloem ( UCDC), 1 female .

Leptoglossus cinctus (Herrich-Schaeffer, 1836)

Anisoscelis cincta Herrich-Schaeffer, 1836: 91 .

Distribution. This is a widely distributed species occurring in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, French Guiana, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay and Venezuela (Distant 1881; Allen 1969; Brailovsky and Sánchez 1983; Brailovsky and Barrera 1998; Maes 1991; Packauskas 2010; Linares and Orozco 2017).

Guatemala: San Géronimo and Cubulco (Distant 1881).

Leptoglossus concolor (Walker, 1871)

Anisoscelis concolor Walker, 1871: 128 .

Distribution. Cited from Belize, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Panama, Puerto Rico, United States and Virgin Islands (Distant 1881; Allen 1969; Brailovsky and Barrera 1998; Packauskas 2010; Linares and Orozco 2017). Guatemala: Yepocapa, Morales, Antigua, Vizcaya and Panzós ( Allen 1969).

Material examined. New records. GUATEMALA: Guatemala City, 10-VI-1997, H. Ciase ( FSCA), 1 female ; Izabal, Cerro Zunil, Nacimiento San Gil , 200 m, 1-XI-1999, G. Goemans ( UVG), 1 female ; Izabal Dept. , Parque Regional Montaña Chiclera, N of CA-9, NE of Valle Nuevo, 176 m, 15.50861°N- 88.86202°W, 18-X-2012, R GoogleMaps . S. Zack ( CDFA), 1 female .

Leptoglossus crestalis Brailovsky and Barrera, 2004

Leptoglossus crestalis Brailovsky and Barrera, 2004: 66-68 View in CoL .

Distribution. Only cited from Mexico. Material examined. New country records. GUATEMALA: Guatemala City, Universidad del Valle, 20-XI-1991, D. Schalabach (UVG), 1 female, 18-IX-1993, R. Arevalo (UVG), 1 male, 5-III-1994, L. Valle (UVG), 1 female, 6-V-1998, H. Peña (UVG), 1 male; Zacapa, Rd. to San Lorenzo, 1000 m, 15-X-2006, R. Turnbow (UGAG), 1 male; Santo Domingo Xenacoj, Sacatepéquez, 27-XII-2018, S. Pérez fot. ( Pérez 2018).

Leptoglossus dilaticollis Guérin-Méneville, 1831

Leptoglossus dilaticollis Guérin-Méneville, 1831: 174 .

Distribution. Known from Brazil, Guatemala, Mexico and Panama (Distant 1881; Allen 1969; Packauskas 2010).

Guatemala: Senahú (Distant 1881).

Material examined. New record. GUATEMALA: Izabal, Sierra de Caral , 900 m, VII-1992, J. Monzon ( UVG), 1 female .

Leptoglossus gonagra (Fabricius, 1775)

Cimex gonagra Fabricius, 1775: 708 .

Distribution. Widely distributed through Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Belize, Cuba, El Salvador, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Jamaica, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Uruguay, Venezuela and West Indies. Also cited from Africa, Australia, Canary Islands, Ceylon, Cook Islands, Fiji Islands, India, Indonesia, Madagascar, Malay Archipelago, Micronesia, New Hebrids, New Caledonia, New Guinea, Phillipine Islands, Samoa, Seychelle Islands, Solomon Islands, South East Asia, Tahiti and Taiwan (Distant 1881; Allen 1969; Brailovsky and Sánchez 1983; Maes 1991; Packauskas 2010; van der Heyden and Gamboa Hidalgo, 2014; Linares and Orozco 2017).

Guatemala: San Géronimo and San Isidro (Distant 1881).

Material examined. New records. GUATEMALA: Izabal, Sierra de Caral , 900 m, VII-1992, J. Monzon ( UVG), 1 female ; Guatemala City, Universidad del Valle , 20-X-1994, J. Schuster ( UVG), 1 male .

Leptoglossus phyllopus (Linnaeus, 1767)

Cimex phyllopus Linnaeus, 1767: 731 .

Distribution. A wide ranging species occurring throughout Brazil, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Mexico, Panama and United States (Distant 1881; Allen 1969; Brailovsky and Sánchez 1983; Brailovsky and Barrera 1998; Packauskas 2010).

Guatemala: San Géronimo (Distant 1881).

Leptoglossus stigma (Herbst, 1784)

Cimex stigma Herbst, 1784: 258 .

Distribution. Cited from Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Guyana, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Suriname and Uruguay (Distant 1881; Allen 1969; Brailovsky and Sánchez 1983; Packauskas 2010).

Guatemala: Capetillo and Telemán (Distant 1881).

Leptoglossus subauratus Distant, 1881 Leptoglossus subauratus Distant, 1881: 126 .

Distribution. Recorded from Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico and Nicaragua (Distant 1881; Allen 1969; Brailovsky and Sánchez 1983; Maes 1991; Brailovsky and Barrera 1998; Packauskas 2010).

Guatemala: Capetillo and Candez (Distant 1881; Blöte 1936).

Material examined. New record. GUATEMALA: Izabal, Cerro Zunil , 15-X-2001, J. Schuster ( UVG), 1 male .

Leptoglossus tetranotatus Brailovsky and Barrera, 1994

Leptoglossus tetranotata Brailovsky and Barrera, 1994: 60-62 View in CoL .

Distribution. Cited from Costa Rica and French Guiana ( Brailovsky and Barrera 1994, 1998; Packauskas 2010).

Material examined. New country record. GUATEMALA: Izabal, Green Bay Resort, Romancita , Sierra del Mic , 3-5 m, 23-26-IX-2008, J.B. Heppner ( FSCA), 1 female .

Leptoglossus zonatus (Dallas, 1852)

Anisoscelis zonatus Dallas, 1852: 452 .

Distribution. This is a widely distributed species occurring in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, United States and Venezuela (Distant 1881-1892; Allen 1969; Brailovsky and Sánchez 1983; Maes 1991; Brailovsky and Barrera 1998; Packauskas 2010; Linares and Orozco 2017).

Guatemala: Antigua, Los Amates, San Isidro, El Reposo, Cerro Zunil, San Géronimo, Volcán de Atitlán and Mirindilla (Distant 1881-1892; Allen 1969).

Material examined. New records. GUATEMALA: Sanarate , El Progreso, 11-14-VIII-1960, C.L. Haatch ( CMNH), 2 females ; Guatemala City, 14-XI-1991, P.J. Landolt ( FSCA), 1 female ; El Progreso, Agua Caliente , 900 m, 18-IV-1998, A. Anzito ( UVG), 1 male .


Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico


R. M. Bohart Museum of Entomology


Florida State Collection of Arthropods, The Museum of Entomology


Universidad del Valle


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


The Cleveland Museum of Natural History













Brailovsky, Harry & Heyden, Torsten van der 2019

Leptoglossus crestalis

Brailovsky, H. & Barrera, E. 2004: 68

Leptoglossus tetranotata

Brailovsky, H. & Barrera, E. 1994: 62
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