Synthemis eustalacta (Burmeister, 1839)

Theischinger, G. & Endersby, I., 2014, Australian Dragonfly (Odonata) Larvae: Descriptive history and identification, Memoirs of Museum Victoria 72, pp. 73-120 : 95

publication ID


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Felipe (2024-06-21 18:57:13, last updated 2024-06-21 23:39:34)

scientific name

Synthemis eustalacta (Burmeister, 1839)


Synthemis eustalacta (Burmeister, 1839) View in CoL

Fig. 43 View Figs 37-48

Tillyard (1910b, 1917b, 1926); O’Farrell (1970); Williams (1980); Hawking (1986); Watson & O’Farrell (1991, 1994); Hawking & Smith (1997); Hawking & Theischinger (1999); Theischinger (2001a, 2010); Theischinger & Hawking (2003, 2006); Theischinger & Endersby (2009); Hawking et al. (2013).

Hawking J. H., Smith L. M. and LeBusque K. (editors) 2013. Identification and Ecology of Australian Freshwater Invertebrates. Murray-Darling Freshwater Research Centre. http: // www. mdfrc. org. au / bugguide [Accessed October 31 st 2013]

Hawking, J. H. 1986. Dragonfly Larvae of the River Murray System. A Preliminary Guide to the Identification of known Final Instar Odonate Larvae of South-eastern Australia. Technical Report No. 6. Albury Wodonga Development Corporation: Wodonga.

Hawking, J. H. and Smith, F. 1997. Colour Guide to Invertebrates of Australian Inland Waters. Identification Guide No. 8 Cooperative Research centre for Freshwater Ecology: Albury.

Hawking, J. and Theischinger, G. 1999. Dragonfly Larvae (Odonata): A guide to the identification of larvae of Australian families and to the identification and ecology of larvae from New South Wales. Cooperative Research Centre for Freshwater Ecology, Thurgoona (NSW) and Australian Water Technologies Pty Ltd, West Ryde (NSW).

O'Farrell, A. F. 1970. Odonata (dragonflies and damselflies). In The Insects of Australia. pp. 241 - 261. Melbourne University Press: Melbourne.

Theischinger, G. 2001 a. Preliminary keys for the identification of larvae of the Australian Synthemistidae, Gomphomacromiidae, Pseudocorduliidae, Macromiidae and Austrocorduliidae (Odonata). Cooperative Research Centre for Freshwater Ecology: Thurgoona (NSW) 8.

Theischinger, G. and Hawking, J. H. 2003. Dragonflies of Victoria. An Identification guide to adult and larval dragonflies (Odonata). Cooperative Research Centre for Freshwater Ecology: Thurgoona (NSW).

Theischinger, G. and Hawking, J. H. 2006. The Complete Field Guide to Dragonflies of Australia. CSIRO Publishing: Collingwood.

Theischinger, G. and Endersby, I. 2009. Identification Guide to the Australian Odonata. Department of Environment, Climate Change & Water NSW: Sydney.

Theischinger, G. 2010. Der GSI-Clade (Odonata, Libelluloidea) in Australian - Systematik im Fluss. Entomologica Austriaca 17: 49 - 66.

Tillyard, R. J. 1910 b. Monograph of the genus Synthemis (Neuroptera: Odonata). Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 35: 312 - 377.

Tillyard, R. J. 1917 b. The Biology of Dragonflies (Odonata or Paraneuroptera). Cambridge University Press: Cambridge.

Tillyard, R. J. 1926. The Insects of Australia and New Zealand. Odonata pp. 65 - 86. Angus & Robertson: Sydney.

Watson, J. A. L. and O'Farrell, A. F. 1991. Odonata (dragonflies and damselflies). In CSIRO (eds). The Insects of Australia. pp. 294 - 310. 2 nd edition. Melbourne University Press: Melbourne.

Watson, J. A. L. and O'Farrell, A. F. 1994. Odonata (dragonflies and damselflies). In Naumann (ed.). Systematic & Applied Entomology. Melbourne University Press: Carlton.

Williams, W. D. 1980. Australian Freshwater Life. 2 nd Ed. MacMillan: Melbourne.

Gallery Image

Figs 37-48. Final instar larvae of Australian Anisoptera: (37-44) Synthemistidae (with insert of frontal plate): (37) Archaeosynthemis leachii; (38) Austrosynthemis cyanitincta; (39) Choristhemis flavoterminata; (40) Eusynthemis ursula; (41) Parasynthemis regina; (42) Synthemiopsis gomphomacromioides; (43) Synthemis eustalacta; (44) Tonyosynthemis claviculata; (45) Macromia tillyardi (Macromiidae); (46-48) Corduliidae: (46) Hemicordulia tau; (47) Pentathemis mebranulata; (48) Procordulia jacksoniensis.











