Symphonia globulifera Linnaeus

Cabral, Fernanda Nunes, Bittrich, Volker & Hopkins, Michael John Gilbert, 2017, Clusiaceae s. l. (Calophyllaceae, Clusiaceae s. s. and Hypericaceae) in the Viruá National Park, Roraima, Brazil, Phytotaxa 329 (1), pp. 1-27 : 16-17

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.329.1.1

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scientific name

Symphonia globulifera Linnaeus


6.1 Symphonia globulifera Linnaeus View in CoL filius (1781: 302) ( Fig. 5F–G View FIGURE 5 )

Type:— SURINAME. “Habitat ad Surinamum”, s.d., fl., Dalberg s.n. (holotype: LINN, barcode 853.1).

= Symphonia microphylla R.E. Schultes (1955: 20) View in CoL .

= Symphonia utilissima R.E. Schultes (1955: 22) View in CoL .

Trees up to 15 m. Exudate orange cream, abundant. Lamina subcoriaceous, oboval, 5.2–9.9 × 2.4–3.7 cm, apex acuminate, base acute; exudate channels conspicuous on the abaxial surface, sometimes conspicuous on the adaxial surface; secondary veins prominent, conspicuous on both surfaces, (25–)34–55 pairs, distant 1–2 mm; petiole 5.9–10.6 mm long. Inflorescence terminal or axillary, with solitary or clustered flowers. Flowers pedicellate. Sepals 3.7–4.5 × 4.9–5.7 mm, green-pinkish, free at the base. Petals 10.8–12.6 × 10.0– 11.1 mm, red-pinkish, forming a chamber that surrounds most of the basal part of the stamens and gynoecium. Filaments fused into a staminal tube with 5 triangular lobes at the apex, each with 3 anthers attached, ca. 5 mm long, thecae producing an oil involving the pollen; staminal tube surrounding the gynoecium; stigma region star-shaped with 5 lobes. Ovary with 5 locules; nectary well-developed surrounding the base of the staminal tube, 2.4–3.0mm long; ovules 4 per locule. Fruit 2–4 × 1.5–3.5 cm, with style persistent. Seeds 1–3 × 0.5–2.5 cm.

Phenology:—Flowering May to February; fruiting May to June and September to January.

Distribution and habitat:—Widely distributed in tropical America and Africa. In Brazil, it occurs in the north region (states of Acre, Amazonas, Pará, Roraima and Tocantins), in the northeast region (state of Alagoas, Bahia, Maranhão and Sergipe), in the central-west region (state of Mato Grosso), and in the southeast region (state of Espírito Santo and Rio de Janeiro). In VNP, it grows in white-sand vegetation.

Specimens examined:— BRAZIL. Roraima: Caracarai, Viruá National Park, elevation 68 m, 1º48’21’’N, 61º02’00’’W, 21 January 2010, fl., Cabral et al. 154 (INPA).

Additional specimens:— BRAZIL. Acre: Mâncio Lima, Rio Moa, 15 October 1989, fr., Ferreira et al. 10112 ( INPA). Amazonas: Manaus, 28 July 1961, fl., Rodrigues et al. 2269 ( INPA) ; Ibid., Reserva Experimental de Silvicultura Tropical, Estrada Manaus-Itacoatiara , km 39, 26 July 1977, fl., Mello et al. 65 ( INPA). Pará: Jacundá, Comunidade Nossa Senhora de Fátima , 5 February 2000, fl., Miranda et al. 571 ( INPA). Mato Grosso: Aripuanã, 22 June 1974, fl., Rodrigues 9406 ( INPA) . PANAMÁ. Province of Cocle: Vicinity of La Mesa , 14 June 1975, fr., Mori 6603 ( INPA) . VENEZUELA. San Carlos de Río Negro , 1º56’N, 67º06’W, 13 December 1979, fl., Clark et al. 7331 ( INPA) GoogleMaps .

Taxonomic notes:— Symphonia globulifera , the only species of Symphonia occurring in Brazil, is easy to recognize. The filaments fuse to form a staminal tube with five carnose triangular lobes at the apex and the anthers are attached abaxially to the lobes. The flowers have petals that firmly enclose the staminal tubes and the ovary. There are four anthers per fascicle and the ovary has four ovules per locule. The combination of these characters is found only in this species in the Neotropics ( Abdul-Salim 2002).

7 Tovomita Aublet (1775: 956) .

Type: Tovomita guianensis Aublet (1775: 957) .

= Beauharnoisia Ruiz & Pavón (1808: 71) .

= Marialva Vandelli (1788: 37) .

Trees or shrubs, usually with stilt roots; exudate white, yellow or orangish. Branches with long first basal internode. Leaves opposite, secondary veins conspicuous; petiole at base usually with an adaxial margined pit, sometimes very conspicuous. Inflorescences terminal, dichasial or pleiochasial, pedicels thickened in fruit. Flowers unisexual; sepals 2–4, the outer 2 completely enclosing the bud, petals 4–8, decussed. Staminate flowers with numerous stamens, filaments free, filiforms, dorsiventrally compressed, cylindrical or clavate. Pistillate flowers with staminodes; filaments of stamens and staminodes secreting droplets of fragrant oil. Ovary with 4–6 locules, one ovule per locule, styles 4–6, stigmas capitate. Fruit a carnose coriaceous capsule, dehiscence septifragal, with reflexed valves exposing a bright white, orange or red-purple endocarp. Seeds 1 per locule, with a fleshy vascularized aril, orange or yellow.

Neotropical; with ca. 70 species ( Marinho et al. 2016) and 40 species in Brazil ( BFG 2015).

Tovomita is a genus relatively easy to recognize by the combination of vegetative and floral characters. However, on specific level, identification is often difficult. For the Amazonian species, no revision has been done since the 19 th century. The identification keys are not clear and, like Caraipa , the genus is in urgent need for a new and more complete taxonomic review, phylogenetic analyses and investigation of morphological characters.


Linnean Society of London


Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazonia














Symphonia globulifera Linnaeus

Cabral, Fernanda Nunes, Bittrich, Volker & Hopkins, Michael John Gilbert 2017

Symphonia microphylla R.E. Schultes (1955: 20)

Schultes, R. E. 1955: )

Symphonia utilissima R.E. Schultes (1955: 22)

Schultes, R. E. 1955: )

Beauharnoisia Ruiz & Pavón (1808: 71)

Ruiz, H. L. & Pavon, J. A. 1808: )


Vandelli, D. 1788: )
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