Eustrophopsis laurae, Begha & Souza & Oliveira, 2024

Begha, Bruno Piotrovski, Souza, Isabella Magalhães De & Oliveira, Sarah Siqueira, 2024, Polypore fungus beetles (Coleoptera: Tetratomidae) in a remnant of semi-deciduous forest of the Brazilian Cerrado: checklist and the description of a new species of Eustrophopsis Champion, 1889, Zootaxa 5501 (4), pp. 542-552 : 548-550

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5501.4.4

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scientific name

Eustrophopsis laurae

sp. nov.

Eustrophopsis laurae sp. nov. Begha & Souza

( Figs 2 View FIGURE 2 , 3 View FIGURE 3 , 4B View FIGURE 4 )

Diagnosis: Body length of nearly one centimeter. Overall body honey colored, edges of pronotum and elytra with slightly lighter tone in dorsal view, pronotum with well-defined lighter edge and elytropleura also yellow. Body completely covered by many fine setae. Eyes large, nearly contiguous dorsally. Prosternal truncated, nearly reaching the apex of the procoxae.

Length: 8.93–9.87 mm (based on three individuals).

Head: testaceous. Eyes large, covering most of the head (ocular index 3,902), deeply emarginated around antennal insertions, nearly contiguous dorsally; antennomeres I–IV distinctly narrow, antennomeres V–X distinctly widened and ventrally flattened; with annular antennal sensilla around entire circumference of antennomeres; clypeus inflated, uniform punctuation; labrum rounded; region of the gena light orange.

Prothorax: pronotum with testaceous disc and lighter margins; prosternum black to dark brown, outer margins of the pronotum light orange posterior margin of the pronotum bisinuated, median portion deeply sinuated, rounded; prothoracic episterna with distinct, transverse suture; prosternal process truncated, nearly reaching the apex of the procoxae. Prothoracic episterna each with distinct, transverse suture. Mesothorax and Metathorax: black to dark brown; mesosternum short and keeled; metasternum with well-marked median suture. Elytra: testaceous with lighter margins; elytropleura light orange, wider at the humeral region and tapering towards the apex; elytra with rows of punctures. Legs: all legs similar; metathoracic legs longer than meso- or prothoracic legs; outer faces of meso- and metatibiae with numerous oblique, comb-like ridges; tarsal formula 5-5-4, all tarsi cylindrical, with first tarsomere being the longest, the other subequal in length; metatarsomere I subequal in length to the other four metatarsomeres; all claws simple.

Abdomen: ventrite I dark brown to black, median portion testaceous; ventrites II–IV curved, testaceous with inner margin dark brown, ventrite V testaceous. Female ovipositor ( Fig. 4B View FIGURE 4 ): membranous, gonocoxites parallels, inner portions with spike-like projection, with apex bearing many fine setae; apical portion of vulva tapered, sclerotized portion parallel, spike-like; stylus with rounded apex slightly wider than base, bearing fine setae at apex.

Holotype material: ♀, BRAZIL, GO, Goianápolis , Parque Altamiro de Moura Pacheco-PEAMP; Malaise Mata—Trilha do Tamanduá -16,553250 -49,131511 — 880m; 18.i.2023 - 16.ii.2023; Cols. Oliveira, S.S. & Lopes, W. R. ( MZUSP). GoogleMaps

Paratype material: ♀, BRAZIL, GO, Goianápolis , Parque Altamiro de Moura Pacheco-PEAMP; Malaise Mata—Trilha do Tamanduá -16,553250 -49,131511 — 880m; 12.xii.2022 - 18.i.2023; Cols. Oliveira, S.S. & Lopes, W. R GoogleMaps ; ♀ ( MZUSP). ♀, Malaise Mata— Trilha da Onça -16,534879 -49,113812 — 790m; 16.ii.2023 - 21.iii.2023; Cols. Oliveira, S.S. e equipe cols. ( ZUFG) GoogleMaps .

Etymology: the specific epithet is a patronym honoring Dr. Laura Rocha Prado, for her important contributions to the taxonomy and systematics of Coleoptera .

Distribution: Brazil, Goiás, Goianópolis, Parque Altamiro de Moura Pacheco (this work).


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Sao Paulo

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