Calliblepharis saidana (Holmes) M.Y. Yang & M.S. Kim, Algae

Soares, Luanda Pereira & Fujii, Mutue Toyota, 2020, Molecular assessment of flat Cystocloniaceae (Gigartinales, Rhodophyta) from Brazil with reinstatement of Calliblepharis jolyi and a new record of C. saidana for the Atlantic Ocean, Phytotaxa 439 (3), pp. 243-254 : 248

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Felipe (2024-10-01 20:18:29, last updated 2024-10-01 20:44:02)

scientific name

Calliblepharis saidana (Holmes) M.Y. Yang & M.S. Kim, Algae


Calliblepharis saidana (Holmes) M.Y. Yang & M.S. Kim, Algae 32: 93 (2017). ( Figs. 4–5 View FIGURE 4 View FIGURE 5 )

Basionym: — Hypnea saidana Holmes (1895) .

Type locality: —Enoshima, Japan.

Vegetative morphology: Thalli were erect, delicate, red-brownish, flattened to compressed, with 7–16 mm high ( Fig. 4A–B View FIGURE 4 ), attached to the substratum by a small discoid holdfast ( Fig. 4C View FIGURE 4 ). Presence of few anastomoses between branches ( Fig. 4D View FIGURE 4 ), which were 0.5–1.0 mm wide, oppositely branched with some dichotomous apices. Thallus organization was uniaxial, with apical cell clearly visible ( Fig. 4E View FIGURE 4 ). In surface view, cortical cells were irregular to polygonal, with outer cortical cell forming incipient rosettes ( Fig. 4F View FIGURE 4 ). In longitudinal section, an axial filament was surrounded by filaments of elongated cells, linked by secondary pit-connections ( Fig. 4G View FIGURE 4 ). In cross section, thalli were 162.5–212.5 μm thick, with 5–6 layers of rounded to compressed medullary cells ( Fig. 4H View FIGURE 4 ). The cortex was composed of 1–2 small, rounded to rectangular cortical cells ( Fig. 4I View FIGURE 4 ). Lenticular thickenings and unicellular hairs were not observed.

Reproductive morphology: Male gametophytes were not observed. Cystocarps were globose, sessile, and were formed at the edge of opposite branches or main axis ( Fig. 5A View FIGURE 5 ). Gonimoblast filaments develop outwardly producing carposporangia, while others develop inwardly forming a reticulum of interconnected filaments, linked by secondary pit connections ( Fig. 5B–C View FIGURE 5 ). No fusion cell was formed. Transverse sterile filaments penetrated the pericarp ( Fig. 5D View FIGURE 5 ). At maturity, the reticular placenta was surrounded by chains of rounded to ovoid carposporangia, 12.5–20.0 μm in diameter ( Fig. 5E View FIGURE 5 ). Mature cystocarps were 400–750 μm wide and lacked ostioles ( Fig. 5F View FIGURE 5 ). Tetrasporangia were clustered in sori ( Fig. 5G View FIGURE 5 ) and zonately divided, 32.5–52.5 μm long and 22.5–27.5 μm wide ( Fig. 5H View FIGURE 5 ).

Habitat and distribution: Calliblepharis saidana was collected in São Paulo (Lázaro Beach), southeastern Brazil, as an epiphyte of Ceratodictyon repens (Kützing) R.E. Norris. Specimens of C. saidana were found only in October 2016.

Holmes, E. M. (1895) New marine algae from Japan. Journal of the Linnean Society of London, Botany 31: 248 - 260. https: // doi. org / 10.1111 / j. 1095 - 8339.1896. tb 00807. x

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FIGURE 4. Vegetative morphology of Calliblepharis saidana. A. Two specimens epiphytic on Ceratodictyon repens (SP470446, MK614694). B. Detail of the opposite branching. C. Small discoid holdfast. D. Detail showing branches with anastomosis (arrow). E. Surface view of a branch apex showing the apical cell. F. Surface view showing rosette cells (arrows) surrounding the cortical cells. G. Longitudinal section showing an axial filament (a) surrounded by filaments of elongated cells, linked by secondary pit-connections (arrowheads). H. Transverse section of a middle portion of the thallus. I. Detail of a transverse section showing rosette cells (arrows) surrounding the cortical cells.

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FIGURE 5. Reproductive morphology of Calliblepharis saidana. A. Female thallus (SP470445) with marginal cystocarps. B. Transverse sectionof animmaturecystocarpshowing thebasal innernutritive tissue(nt)andgonimoblastfilaments(gf) bearingchainsof carposporangia (ca). C. Transverse section of a mature cystocarp showing gonimoblast filaments (gf) outwardly producing carposporangia (ca), a reticulum of interconnected filaments (r) and the basal inner nutritive tissue (nt). D. Detail of the pericarp, with sterile transverse filaments (arrows). E. Chains of carposporangia. F. Nonostiolate, mature cystocarp. G. Surface view of a tetrasporangial sorus. H. Transverse section of a tetrasporangial sorus showing two mature tetrasporangia zonately divided.











