Modisimus makandal, 2010

Huber, Bernhard A., Fischer, Nadine & Astrin, Jonas J., 2010, High level of endemism in Haiti’s last remaining forests: a revision of Modisimus (Araneae: Pholcidae) on Hispaniola, using morphology and molecules, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 158 (2), pp. 244-299 : 271-272

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Valdenar (2021-08-31 20:18:35, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-06 11:58:39)

scientific name

Modisimus makandal

sp. nov.


( Figs 11, 12 View Figures 5–16 , 44 View Figures 38–62 , 67 View Figures 63–82 , 139–141 View Figures 136–141 , 197 View Figure 197 )

Type: Male holotype from near Cana (19°29.8 ′ N, 71°16.9 ′ W), Santiago Rodríguez Prov., Dominican Republic; overhangs along river, 150 m a.s.l., 15 November 2005 (B.A. Huber), in ZFMK ( DR 53 About ZFMK a) GoogleMaps .

Etymology: The species name refers to Makandal, a famous Maroon, or runaway slave, who tried to organize a mass slave uprising, but was betrayed and burned at the stake in 1758; it is used as a noun in apposition.

Diagnosis: Medium-sized species, with distinctive pattern of modified hairs on male chelicerae ( Fig. 140 View Figures 136–141 ), and distinctive epigynum shape ( Fig. 44 View Figures 38–62 ); otherwise similar to M. vittatus .

Male (holotype): Total length, 2.7; carapace width, 1.4. Leg 1: 31.5 (8.1 + 0.5 + 7.9 + 13.0 + 2.0); tibia 2, 5.1; tibia 3, 4.1; tibia 4, 4.6. Tibia 1 L/d: 55. Habitus, in general, similar to M. vittatus (cf. Figs 30–34 View Figures 17–37 ), carapace pale ochre-white, ocular area darker brown, clypeus with pair of brown stripes; sternum with two wide brown longitudinal bands, medially whitish; legs light brown, tips of femora and tibiae whitish, indistinct darker rings on femora and tibiae subdistally; abdomen bluish grey, dorsally, laterally, and especially posteriorly, densely covered with black spots grouped by distinctive lines made of bluish-white spots (cf. M. vittatus ); ventrally with dark bluish mark between genital area and spinnerets. Ocular area strongly elevated, with several stronger hairs on top; thoracic furrow distinct. PME–PME, 105 Mm; PME diameter, 115 Mm; PME–ALE, 135 Mm; AME– AME, 20 Mm; AME diameter, 20 Mm. Sternum wider than long (0.75/0.55), unmodified. Each chelicera with ~20 strong modified hairs, forming an arc, and with roughly seven hairs of similar size in laterodistal patch ( Fig. 140 View Figures 136–141 ). Palps as in Figure 139 View Figures 136–141 , coxa with retrolateral apophysis, femur with rounded proximal and pointed distal ventral apophyses, with distinctive retrolateral ‘step’; procursus with dark dorsal spinelike process, and membranous structures distally, bulb with large, weakly curved apophysis, with small black rounded branch subdistally. Legs with spines in ventral rows on femora 1 and 2 (~35 spines on femur 1 and 20 spines on femur 2; with a few spines in second row distally on femur 2); retrolateral trichobothrium on tibia 1 at 8%; all femora with higher than usual density of short vertical hairs; curved hairs on tibiae 1–3 and all metatarsi; prolateral trichobothrium missing on tibia 1, present on all other tibiae. Tarsus 1 with ~25 pseudosegments.

Variation: Tibia 1 in 25 other males: 6.2–9.2 (mean 7.7); the males from Labadie are larger than those from other localities (ranges 8.1–9.2 vs. 6.2–8.1). Small males without spines on femora 1 and 2.

Female: In general similar to male; rings on legs tend to be more distinct; at least some females with a few weak spines distally on femur 1. Tibia 1 in 18 females: 4.7–7.0 (mean 5.7); the females from Labadie are larger than those from other localities (ranges 6.1–7.0 vs. 4.7–6.5). Epigynum, relatively small and simple externally, barely elevated, with a few stronger hairs laterally directed inwards ( Fig. 44 View Figures 38–62 ); dorsal view as in Figures 67 View Figures 63–82 and 141 View Figures 136–141 .

Distribution and habitat: Known from several localities in the north-western Dominican Republic and northern Haiti ( Fig. 197 View Figure 197 ). This species typically occurs close to the ground, among and under rocks, and in cavities of embankments.

Material examined: Dominican Republic: Santiago Rodríguez Prov., near Cana , 1♂, holotype above; same data, 3♂, 4♀ and one juvenile ( ZFMK, DR 53 About ZFMK ); same data, 2♀, in pure ethanol ( ZFMK, DR 100-37 About ZFMK ) . Haiti: Dept Nord, forest near Labadie at 19°47.1 ′ N, 72°14.5 ′ W, 10–30 m a.s.l., domed sheets among rocks, 4 December 2007 (B.A. Huber), 8♂, 7♀ and some juveniles ( ZFMK, Haiti 28/29); same data, 3♂, 2♀ and two juveniles, in pure ethanol ( ZFMK, Haiti 90); near Plaisance at 19°36.3 ′ N, 72°27.4 ′ W, 490 m a.s.l., forest along brook, 5 December 2007 (B.A. Huber), 10♂, 5♀ and one juvenile ( ZFMK, Haiti 34/35); same data, 1♂ and 2♀, in pure ethanol ( ZFMK, Haiti 105). Dept Artibonite, north-east of Gonaïves at 19°29.5 ′ N, 72°29.5 ′ W, 300 m a.s.l., small forest patch near river, near ground among plants and rocks, 4 December 2007 (B.A. Huber), 5♂, 6♀ and some juveniles ( ZFMK, Haiti 38); same data, 2♂, 4♀ and one juvenile, in pure ethanol ( ZFMK, Haiti 92) GoogleMaps .

Assigned tentatively: Haiti: Dept Nord , Cap-Haïtien, lower altitude, part of city, 27–30 March 1969 (L. Raynolds), 1♀ ( AMNH) .

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Figure 197. Known distributions of Modisimus vittatus and Modisimus makandal sp. nov.

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Figures 5–16. Photos of spiders and their webs. 5. M. vittatus. 6. M. macaya sp. nov. 7–8. M. mango sp. nov. 9. M. palvet sp. nov. 10. M. paraiso sp. nov. Webs of M. makandal sp. nov. (11, 12), M. vittatus (13), M. macaya sp. nov. (14), M. berac sp. nov. (15), M. palvet sp. nov. (16).

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Figures 38–62. Epigyna in ventral view. 38. M. femoratus (arrow points to frontal sclerite). 39. M. jima sp. nov. 40. M. angulatus sp. nov. 41. M. kiskeya sp. nov. 42. M. toma sp. nov. 43. M. vittatus (arrow points to distinctive posterior sclerite). 44. M. makandal sp. nov. 45. M. fuscus. 46. M. epepye sp. nov. 47. M. seguin sp. nov. 48. M. roumaini sp. nov. 49, 50. M. enriquillo sp. nov. from near Polo (49) and from south of Barahona (50) (arrows point to sternum apophyses). 51, 52. M. tiburon sp. nov. 53. M. leprete sp. nov. 54. M. macaya sp. nov. 55. M. bachata sp. nov. 56. M. cuadro sp. nov. 57. M. pelejil sp. nov. 58. M. mango sp. nov. 59. M. berac sp. nov. 60. M. palvet sp. nov. 61. M. miri sp. nov. 62. M. paraiso sp. nov.

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Figures 63–82. Cleared and stained epigyna in dorsal view. 63. M. femoratus. 64. M. jima sp. nov. 65. M. toma sp. nov. 66. M. vittatus. 67. M. makandal sp. nov. 68. M. fuscus. 69. M. epepye sp. nov. 70. M. seguin sp. nov. 71. M. roumaini sp. nov. 72. M. enriquillo sp. nov. 73. M. tiburon sp. nov. 74. M. leprete sp. nov. 75. M. macaya sp. nov. 76. M. mariposas sp. nov. 77. M. bachata sp. nov. 78. M. cuadro sp. nov. 79. M. pelejil sp. nov. 80. M. mango sp. nov. 81. M. berac sp. nov. 82. M. miri sp. nov.

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Figures 136–141. Diagnostic characters. 136–138. Modisimus vittatus. 136. Left palp, retrolateral view (arrow points to ‘step’ on femur). 137. Male chelicerae, frontal view. 138. Cleared epigynum, dorsal view. 139–141. Modisimus makandal sp. nov. 139. Left palp, retrolateral view (arrow points to ‘step’ on femur). 140. Male chelicerae, frontal view. 141. Cleared epigynum, dorsal view. Scale bars: 0.3 mm.

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Figures 17–37. Habitus photos of males (except 33), showing typical and distinctive characters. 17, 18. M. femoratus. 19. M. jima sp. nov. 20. M. kiskeya sp. nov. 21, 22. M. angulatus sp. nov. 23, 24. M. epepye sp. nov. 25. M. mango sp. nov. 26. M. cienaga sp. nov. 27–29. M. seguin sp. nov. (arrows point to callus-like area). 30–34. M. vittatus. 35. M. palvet sp. nov. 36. M. berac sp. nov. 37. M. paraiso sp. nov.


Zoologisches Forschungsmuseum Alexander Koenig


American Museum of Natural History











