Eulimnadia michaeli Nayar and Nair, 1968

Sanoamuang, La-orsri, Padhye, Sameer M. & Rogers, D. Christopher, 2020, Review of the (Branchiopoda: Spinicaudata: Limnadiidae) of Tropical Asia, with the Description of a New Species., Zoological Studies 59 (41), pp. 1-7 : 5-6

publication ID 10.6620/ZS.2020.59-41

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scientific name

Eulimnadia michaeli Nayar and Nair, 1968


Eulimnadia michaeli Nayar and Nair, 1968 View in CoL

= Limnadia michaeli ( Nayar and Nair, 1968)

= Eulimnadia khoratensis Rogers, Dadseepai, and Sanoamuang, 2016 View in CoL

New Status

Comments: This species was treated as a species inquirenda by Rogers and Padhye (2015), based on the lack of type material and poor descriptions. In 2016, Rogers et al. (2016b) described what was believed to be a new species from the Khorat Plateau in north central Thailand. Padhye and Kulkarni (2017) reported E. khoratensis from India and examined the extensive morphological variation in this species. All these authors were unaware of the paper by Samyiah et al. (1985), wherein scanning electron micrograph images of topotype material of E. michaeli , including the egg, were presented. There is little doubt that, based on the images of the eggs, E. khoratensis is a junior synonym of E. michaeli . Rogers et al. (2016: 570) wrote: “… it is possible that E. khoratensis n. sp. could be a junior synonym of E. gunturensis Radhakrishna and Durga Prasad, 1976 , Eulimnadia michaeli Nayar and Nair, 1968 , or Eulimnadia ovata Nayar, 1965 if the morphologies of the eggs of these species are ever properly described according to modern standards.”

This species ranges across tropical Asia from India, Sri Lanka, and Thailand ( Rogers and Padhye 2015; Rogers et al. 2016a; Padhye and Kulkarni 2017). The types of E. michaeli are presumed lost, but the types of E. khoratensis are deposited at the Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris (MNHN-IU-2014-17472).

Keys to the Tropical Asian Eulimnadia View in CoL (key adapted from Padhye et al. 2018)

1 Egg cylindrical ........................................................................... 2

- Egg spherical/ sub-spherical ....................................................... 3

2(1) Flat ends dilated into flanges ........................... Eulimnadia bondi View in CoL

- Domed ends without flanges ...................................... Eulimnadia braueriana View in CoL / Eulimnadia indocylindrova View in CoL (Note: possible synonyms)

3(1) Polygons separated by thin, narrow ridges ................................. 4

- Polygons separated by thick, rounded ridges; polygons with a narrow slit in the central depression; egg with 18–26 polygons ... ...................................................................... Eulimnadia michaeli View in CoL

4(3) Polygons with floors bearing obvious central pores or grooves .... ..................................................................................................... 5

- Polygon depression floors smooth, unornamented; egg with 20–26 polygons ..................................... Eulimnadia magdalensis View in CoL

5(4) Egg with 12–16 polygons; depressions ornamented randomly with small groove/s and 1–3 pores on either side of the groove ... ....................................................................... Eulimnadia chaperi View in CoL

- Egg with 14–18 polygons; depressions ornamented with a narrow central groove .................................. Eulimnadia cryptus View in CoL sp. nov.














Eulimnadia michaeli Nayar and Nair, 1968

Sanoamuang, La-orsri, Padhye, Sameer M. & Rogers, D. Christopher 2020

Eulimnadia khoratensis

Rogers, Dadseepai, and Sanoamuang 2016
Darwin Core Archive (for parent article) View in SIBiLS Plain XML RDF