Picea muralewiczi, Lohmander, 1936

Golovatch, Sergei, Evsyukov, Aleksandr & Reip, Hans, 2016, The millipede family Polydesmidae in the Caucasus (Diplopoda: Polydesmida), Zootaxa 4085 (1), pp. 1-51 : 10-11

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Plazi (2017-11-16 22:53:54, last updated 2022-02-14 17:36:41)

scientific name

Picea muralewiczi


Polydesmus (s. str.) muralewiczi Lohmander, 1936

Figs 3A, 3H – 3J View FIGURE 3 , 4C, 4D View FIGURE 4 , Map 1

Polydesmus complanatus — Muralewicz, 1927: 7 (R).

Polydesmus (Polydesmus) muralewiczi Lohmander, 1936: 9 (D).

Polydesmus (Polydesmus) lignaui muralewiczi— Attems, 1940: 21 (D).

Polydesmus muralewiczi— Lang, 1959: 1790 (M); Kobakhidze, 1965: 391 (R); Lokšina and Golovatch, 1979: 384 (M); Talikadze, 1984: 143 (R); Zuev, 2014: 348 (R, D).

Material examined. 1 male (lectotype, designated herewith), 1 female (paralectotype, designated herewith), “Typen” (ZISP), RUSSIA, Kuban Region, Station Psebai, under stones during ascent to Hill Gerisgel, 20.V.1911, leg. D. Volnukhin; 4 juv. (ZMUM), Krasnodar Prov., Mostovskoy Distr., Shedok, N of Psebai, karst funnel, wet Fagus , Acer , Quercus etc. forest, 650 m a.s.l., 4.VIII.1986; 1 male (ZMUM), Stavropol Prov., E of Georgievsk, Quercus , Carpinus etc. forest, litter and under bark, 28 and 31.V.1982; 1 male, 2 females (ZMUM), Stavropol Prov., Kursavska, Robinia and Rosa hedge along road, 30.V.1982, all leg. S. Golovatch.

Descriptive notes. Length ca 11 – 12 mm, width of midbody metazonae 1.2 – 1.25 mm (male, female), metazonite to prozonite width ratio <1.7 ( Fig. 3A, 3H – 3J View FIGURE 3 ). Live coloration usually uniformly light brown, not reddish, about same as in alcohol ( Fig. 3A View FIGURE 3 ).

All characters as in P. abchasius ( Figs 3A, 3H – 3J View FIGURE 3 , 4C, 4D View FIGURE 4 ), except as follows. Collum clearly narrower than head ( Fig. 3A, 3H View FIGURE 3 ). Paraterga not upturned, subhorizontal, mostly acute-angled and drawn behind rear tergal margin starting with segment 14 or 15 ( Fig. 3A, 3H – 3J View FIGURE 3 ). Gonopod ( Fig. 4C – 4D View FIGURE 4 ) with a shorter endomere rod and a less heavily spinulate exomere tip.

Remarks. Although the original description was clearly based only on the male ( Lohmander, 1936), the type series, “ Typen ”, actually consists of two specimens (male and female) which are to be considered as syntypes. To secure that the species is based on male material, the male is designated herewith as lectotype, the female as paralectotype.

Attems, C. (1940) Myriapoda 3. Polydesmoidea III. Fam. Polydesmidae, Vanhoeffeniidae, Cryptodesmidae, Oniscodesmidae, Sphaerotrichopidae, Peridontodesmidae, Rhachidesmidae, Macellolophidae, Pandirodesmidae. Das Tierreich, 70, i - xvii + 1 - 577. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1515 / 9783111609645.1

Kobakhidze, D. N. (1965) [A list of millipedes (Diplopoda) of SSR Georgia]. Fragmenta Faunistica, 11 (21), 390 - 398. [in Russian, summaries in Polish and German]

Lang, J. (1959) [To the knowledge of millipedes (Diplopoda) of the USSR territory] // Zoologicheskii Zhurnal, 38 (12), 1790 - 1796. [in Russian, a summary in English]

Lohmander, H. (1936) Uber die Diplopoden des Kaukasusgebietes. Goteborgs Kungl. Vetenskaps- och Vitterhets-Samhalles Handlingar, Series 5 B, 5 (1), 1 - 196.

Loksina, I. E. & Golovatch, S. I. (1979) Diplopoda of the USSR fauna. Pedobiologia, 19, 381 - 389.

Muralewicz, W. S. (1927) [To the fauna of Myriopoda of the Caucasus]. Acta Societatis Entomologicae Stauropolitanae [Izvestiya Stavropolskogo entomologicheskogo obshchestva], 3 (1), 1 - 7. [Stavropol, in Russian]

Talikadze, D. A. (1984) [On the millipede fauna (Diplopoda) of the Colchidan Province of the Caucasus]. Zoologicheskii Zhurnal, 63 (1), 124 - 145. [in Russian, a summary in English]

Zuev, R. V. (2014) Preliminary data on the millipedes (Diplopoda) of the Stavropol Territory, northern Caucasus, Russia. Arthropoda Selecta, 23 (4), 347 - 354.

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FIGURE 3. Habitus of Polydesmus muralewiczi Lohmander, 1936 (A, H – J), P. lignaui Lohmander, 1936 (D – G) and P. abchasius Attems, 1898 (B, C). A, H – J: male from near Kursavka, Stavropol Prov., Russia, entire body, anterior body part, left half of metatergite 10 and caudal body part, respectively, dorsal views. B, C: male from Pasture Abago, Caucasian Nature Reserve, Adygea, Russia, anterior part of body, lateral view, and left half of metatergite 10, dorsal view, respectively. D – F: male from Dombai, Karachaevo-Cherkessia, Russia, anterior body part, left half of metatergite 10 and caudal part of body, respectively, dorsal views. G: female from Dombai, anterior part of body, lateral view. Picture A by K. Makarov, taken not to scale. Scale bar: 1.0 mm (B – J).

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FIGURE 4. Left gonopods of Polydesmus abchasius Attems, 1898, P. lignaui Lohmander, 1936 and P. muralewiczi Lohmander, 1936 (A – C), and right gonopod of P. muralewiczi Lohmander, 1936 (D). A: male from near Lake Ritsa, Abkhazia, mesal view. B: male from Sukhumi Botanical Garden, Abkhazia, mesal view. C: male from near Kursavka, Stavropol Prov., Russia, mesal view. D: male lectotype from near Psebai, Krasnodar Prov., Russia (after Lohmander 1936). Designations: en, endomere; ex, exomere; d, exomere tooth; pu, hairy pulvillus; r, endomere rod. Scale bar: 0.2 mm (A – C), not to scale (D).











