Pristocera rufiventer ( Kieffer, 1913 ), 2011

Alencar, Isabel D. C. C. & Azevedo, Celso O., 2011, Review of Neurepyris Kieffer, 1905 (Hymenoptera, Bethylidae), a new synonym of Pristocera Klug, 1808, European Journal of Taxonomy 4, pp. 1-12 : 2-5

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Plazi (2020-03-15 15:19:12, last updated 2020-03-15 15:19:13)

scientific name

Pristocera rufiventer ( Kieffer, 1913 )

comb. nov.

Pristocera rufiventer ( Kieffer, 1913) comb. nov.

Figs 1-3

Neurepyris rufiventer Kieffer, 1913: 107 .

Neurepyris rufiventer – Kieffer 1914a: 370-371. — Gordh & Móczár 1990: 135.

Material examined

Holotype ♂: label 1: 380 (310?360?) // label 2: Epyris rufiventer // label 3: Neurepyris rufiventer Kieffer // label 4: v. Boll. Lab. Z. Postiei (Portiei) 7, 1913, p.107 // label 5: typus // Label 6: Holotypus, Neurepyris rufiventer, J.J. Kieffer., 1913 // Label 7: Museo Genova, coll. P. magretti (dono 1913).

Penati's note: There is a rhomboid label margined by blue band writing n. 310 attached to locality label ( MCSN).



Description Holotype ♂ ( Fig. 1A). Body length 5.8 mm. LFW 4.5 mm.

COLOR. Head and mesosoma black, except pronotal collar and posterior end of pronotal disc dark castaneous, antenna, mandible, tegula and metasoma light castaneous, petiole dark castaneous, legs dark castaneous to light castaneous distally, veins castaneous, pterostigma dark castaneous, wing membrane subhyaline.

HEAD. ( Fig. 1B). Mandible with five sharp teeth, upper two reduced ( Fig. 1C). Clypeus with truncate median lobe, 0.4x as long as wide; median carina conspicuous, high and arched in profile.Antenna short, 1.9 mm, reaching posterior end of pronotum; scape arched, widened distad; pubescence sub-appressed with some setae erect, setae long. First four antennomeres in ratio of ~8:2:5:4; segment XI 2.5x as long as wide. Frons polished, shining, punctate-punctulate. Frontal groove absent. Ocellar triangle elevate, its frontal angle acute, ocelli large. Anterior ocellus surpassing anterad imaginary line of eye top. LH 1.1x WH; WF 0.6x WH; WF 0.9x HE; OOL 1.1x WOT; DAO 0.2x WOT; posterior ocellus distant from vertex crest 3.5x DAO. Profile of vertex crest convex in dorsal view, corner rounded; VOL 1.1x HE. Temple profiles almost parallel in dorsal view. Occipital carina present ventrally and dorsally.

MESOSOMA. ( Fig. 1 D-F). Thorax dorsum shinning, punctulate, setae long. Pronotal disc trapezoidal; side slightly concave; anterior margin carinate; anterior region slightly elevate medially with rounded top. Notaulus conspicuous, incomplete anteriorly, convergent posteriorly, gradually wider and deeper posteriorly, foveolate inside, not reaching posterior margin of mesoscutum. Parapsidal furrow incomplete and inconspicuous anteriorly, straight, narrow, very shallow. Lateral area of mesoscutum slightly elevate without fovea anteriorly. Scutellar groove deep, narrow, concave, dilated laterally. Metanotum with large median elevation; median fovea sub-trapezoidal with anterior base 1.3x wider than posterior one; metanotal groove foveolate laterally, first fovea very large and triangular, punctulate inside, others rectangular and narrower than first one.Propodeal disc 1.1x as long as wide, disc rugulose; spiracle slightly arched, placed completely at disc. Propodeum rugulose laterally. Propodeal declivity weak, convex in lateral view, rugulose. Mesopleuron with subtegular groove dilated anteriorly and uniformly narrow posteriorly, foveolate inside; episternal groove continuous to subtegular one, foveolate; mesopleural callus elevate, polished and shinning; anterior region strongly punctuate to puncticulate posteriorly, median region with irregular punctures ( Fig. 1E); sub-anterior fovea large and deep. Pleurosternum with acetabular carina wide medially followed by large foveae ( Fig. 1F); median groove irregularly foveolate; latero-posterior groove narrow, convergent medially. Fore femur 4.2x as long as wide. Tarsal claws bidentate, teeth sharp.

WINGS. ( Fig. 2). Forewing with radial vein long and slightly curved forward apically; R 1 (metacarpus of Evans) absent; M+Rs (basal vein of Evans) concave; cu-a (transverse vein of Evans) angulate; Cu a (discoidal vein of Evans) tubular and shortly well pigmented from intersection with M+Rs; m-cu (first

recurrent of Evans) and Cu c (subdiscoidal vein of Evans) weakly impressed. Hind wing with six apical hamuli.

METASOMA. ( Fig. 3 A-B). Petiole 0.6x as long as wide. Gaster shinning, puncticulate to imbricatepuncticulate, setose laterally from II tergite. Hypopygium deeply divided ( Fig. 3 A-B), densely setose apically, base very narrow and apex expanded; inner margin with inner fold setose subapically, base of fold with inner hook rounded mesad.

GENITALIA. ( Fig. 3 C-D): paramere bilaminar, placed ventral-dorsally, 1.5x as long as basiparamere; apex projected upward and arched subapically; apical margin convex; ventral margin with basal fold; dorsal margin slightly concave medially. Basiparamere with dorsal margin slightly concave. Basivolsella surpassing ventral margin of basiparamere, margin almost straight. Digitus with apical margin dentate, apex sharp and arched basad. Cuspis large, narrow, apex concave. Aedeagus divided into two laminae; dorsal lamina with apex divided into two pairs of apical lobes, outer lobe triangular, lateral and dorsal margin converging upward, apex narrow and projected ventrad, inner lobe membranous; ventral lamina slightly shorter than dorsal one, very narrow, lateral margin convex with subapical constriction, inner margin straight, diverging apicad; ventral margin with basal strap. Genital ring wide laterally. Basal ring absent. Apodeme not extending beyond genital ring.

Gordh G. & Moczar L. 1990. A catalog of the world Bethylidae (Hymenoptera). Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute 46: 1 - 364.

Kieffer J. J. 1913. Nouveaux microhymenopteres de l'Afrique equatoriale. Bollettino del Laboratorio di Zoologia General e Agraria, Portici 7: 105 - 112.

Kieffer J. J. 1914 a. Bethylidae. Das Tirreich 41: 1 - 595. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.5962 / bhl. title. 1095


Museo Civico di Storia Naturale, Verona


Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile











