Saraina rubrofasciata WANLESS et CLARK, 1975

Szűts, T. & Scharff, N., 2005, Redescriptions Of Little Known Jumping Spider Genera (Araneae: Salticidae) From West Africa, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 51 (4), pp. 357-378 : 368-369

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12586019


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scientific name

Saraina rubrofasciata WANLESS et CLARK, 1975


Saraina rubrofasciata WANLESS et CLARK, 1975 View in CoL

( Figs 5–6 View Fig View Fig )

Saraina rubrofasciata WANLESS et CLARK, 1975: 288 View in CoL .

Diagnosis – The species can be recognised by the unique copulatory organs. Tibia of the male palp with three apophyses ( Fig. 5 View Fig E-G). Embolus long, thin, whip-like. It originates at the prolateral side and is directed towards the inside of cymbium ( Fig. 5G View Fig ). Epigyne of females with two bent sclerotized structures ( Fig. 6A View Fig ), sperm duct coiled ( Fig. 6B View Fig ).

Description – Male: Medium-sized spiders with fissident chelicerae. Carapace moderately high ( Fig. 5B View Fig ), dark brown, densely covered with greyish- to whitish hairs. Ocular area less densely covered, with black tegument, thoracic region with a whitish longitudinal band. Face yellowish (contrast to the dark tegument of the carapace). Clypeus white hairs comprising a sparse “moustache”. Chelicerae, gnathocoxae, labium and sternum pale yellow. Abdomen greyish, with three orange-brownish longitudinal stripes on dorsum, pale yellow on venter. As most of the colour pattern described above is composed of hairs, which easily come off, older individuals or specimens in poor condition are slightly different. Legs equal in length, all segments pale yellow, with several stripes composed of white- and black hairs. Legs with dense spination, spines fine and long. First metatarsus with four pairs of spines, two pairs basally two distally. Metatarsus of leg II with a distal wreath of spines, which is usually present only in leg II–IV by other salticids. Tibia with eight pairs of spines. Patella with a pair of lateral spines (one pro- and one retrolateral spine). Femur I the shortest, femora III–IV the longest almost equal in length. Femora with dense spination also; the central row of spines (comprised of usually three spines) accompanied with two lateral rows of spines (they are more conspicuous on leg III–IV than the first two legs). The distal part of femur with 5–6 spines in a transverse row.

Measurements – Total length 3.94. Carapace 2.45 long, 2.05 wide, 1.5 high at PLE. AEW 1.95, PEW 1,64. OCA 1.35 long. Abdomen 2.45 long, 2.0 wide.

Palp – Palpal tibia with three apophyses, one small, strongly sclerotized, pointed and curved at the distal edge of tibia( Figs 5 View Fig E-G). The others found more basally, and are wider, more blunt and less sclerotized. Coloured as tibia. Tegulum much wider than high, with a retrolateral concavity. Embolus base at the prolateral, granulated side of tegulum. Embolus directed towards behind the tegulum.

Female: Carapace tegument lighter than that of males ( Fig. 5C View Fig ), also with greyish- to whitish median hairs. Carapace lateral with orange brown hairs. Ocular area less densely covered with hairs, thoracic region with a whitish longitudinal band. Face pale yellowish (contrasting with dark tegument of the carapace). Clypeus with strong setae. Chelicerae, gnathocoxae, labium and sternum pale yellow. All leg segments pale yellow, densely covered with spines.

Abdomen greyish, with three orange-brownish longitudinal stripes on dorsum ( Fig. 5C View Fig ).

Measurements – Total length 8.7, carapace 3.2 long, 2.25 wide at PLE, 1.75 high at PLE. AEW 2.05, PEW 1,9. OCA 1.5 long. Abdomen length 4.5, width 3.32.

Epigyne – relatively complex, with two bent sclerotized structures ( Fig. 6A View Fig ). Spermducts long, longer than three times the diameter of spermathecae and coiled ( Fig. 6B View Fig ).

Distribution – West and Central Africa: Ivory Coast, Cameroon, Nigeria and Republic of the Congo.

Material examined – Republic of the Congo: 1 male, 1 female from Lefini Reserve , Nambouli river, gallery river, HSZE Nr 597, 7.I.1964, leg. J. Balogh & A. Zicsi, beaten from bushes of forest on looser, lighter sites ( WU); 1 male from Lefini Reserve , Nambouli river, gallery river, HSZE Nr 660, 12.I.1964, leg. J. Balogh & A. Zicsi, beaten from bushes of forest ( HNHM SALT405 ); 2 males from Brazzaville , ORSTOM park, HSZE Nr 11, 19.X.1963, leg. J. Balogh & A. Zicsi, beaten from trees and shrubs of park, mostly from border of woods ( HNHM SALT406 ); 1 female, Kindamba , Méya, surroundings of Adam cave, HSZE Nr 121, 7.XI.1963, leg. J. Balogh & A. Zicsi, beaten from bushes overhanging dried-out brooklet ( HNHM SALT391 ); 1 male from Brazzaville , Djoué river, HSZE Nr 37, 27.X.1963, leg. J. Balogh & A. Zicsi, soil traps on banks of brooklet, 5 traps for 3 days ( HNHM SALT385 ); 1 male, Kindamba , Méya, Loulo river, HSZE Nr 160, 11.XI.1963, leg. J. Balogh & A. Zicsi, netted and singled material from low vegetation ( HNHM SALT407 ) .


Wayland University


Hungarian Natural History Museum (Termeszettudomanyi Muzeum)


Office de la Recherche scientifique et Technique Outre-mer














Saraina rubrofasciata WANLESS et CLARK, 1975

Szűts, T. & Scharff, N. 2005

Saraina rubrofasciata WANLESS et CLARK, 1975: 288

WANLESS, F. R. & CLARK, D. J. 1975: 288
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