Oreorchis yachangensis Z.B.Zhang & B.G.Huang, 2016

Zhang, Zibin, Xin, Rongshi, Qin, Suhuai, Huang, Bogao, Wei, Xinlian & Liu, Yan, 2016, Oreorchis yachangensis (Orchidaceae), a new species from Guangxi, China, Phytotaxa 265 (2), pp. 169-172 : 169-172

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/phytotaxa.265.2.10



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scientific name

Oreorchis yachangensis Z.B.Zhang & B.G.Huang

sp. nov.

Oreorchis yachangensis Z.B.Zhang & B.G.Huang View in CoL , sp. nov. ( Figs. 1 View FIGURE 1 & 2 View FIGURE 2 )

Type: — CHINA. Guangxi: Leye County, Yachang Orchid National Nature Reserve, alt. ca. 1,685 m, 23 May 2015, S. W.Li, Z. C.Lu, J.Liu, Z. B.Zhang & R. S. Xin YC2190 (holotype IBK!, isotype PE!).

Plants terrestrial, up to 30–45 cm tall. Pseudobulb ovoid to sub-ellipsoid, 1–2 × 0.5–1.5 cm, 2- or 3-noded. Leaf solitary, or rarely 2, petiolate, plicate, linear or narrowly lanceolate, up to 35 cm long and 2.7 cm wide, apex acuminate; petiole up to 3.8 cm long. Scape arising from side of pseudobulb, green, enclosed by tubular sheaths; sheaths up to 4 cm long. Inflorescence 25–67 cm, loosely up to 20-flowered, racemose; Flowers small, up to 9.4 mm long and 6.3 mm wide; ovary 6–9 mm; dorsal sepal yellow, narrowly oblong, apex slightly obtuse, up to 6.5 mm long and 1.7 mm wide; lateral sepals slightly falcate, elliptic-lanceolate, acute, yellow, up to 6.2 mm long and 1.6 mm wide; petals yellow, narrowly oblong, slightly falcate, apex acute, up to 4.5 mm long and 1.1 mm wide; lip oblong, with purple spots, up to 3.8 mm long and 1.9 mm wide when spread, shortly clawed at base, 3-lobed below middle; lateral lobes slightly incurved, apex obtuse; mid-lobe nearly oblong, apex 2- lobed, irregularly incised; disk with a pair of thick lamellae, extending from base to midway along mid-lobe; column white, clavate, up to 3.2 mm long, base thickened; anthers apical; stipe hamular, J-shaped.

Distribution: Only one population of the new species has been found in the Panguwang River valley, Leye County, Yachang Orchid National Nature Reserve, western Guangxi, China.

Phenology: The new species was observed in flowering occurs from May to June, and fruiting from August to September.

Habitat and ecology: The new species occurs in primary subtropical deciduous broadleaf forest, elevation from ca. 1650–1690 m. The main trees of tree layer are Betula alnoides Buch. -Ham. ex Don (1825: 58), Quercus variabilis Blume (1850: 297) and Alniphyllum fortunei ( Hemsley 1889: 173) Makino (1906: 93) . The new species is sympatric with Goodyera biflora (Lindley 1840: 496) Hooker (1894: 114) and Calanthe mannii Hooker (1890: 850) .

Etymology: The species is named after the type locality, Yachang Orchid National Nature Reserve, Leye County, Guangxi, China.

Similar species: — Oreorchis yachangensis is similar to O. patens , but differs from it by having small flowers, yellow sepals and petals, petals and the lip with purple spots. It also can be distinguished other species of genus Oreorchis by 2-lobed at the mid-lobe apex of lip. The diagnostic characters of the new species and its similar species are listed in TABLE 1.


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