Atherigona clavata, Deeming, 2019

Deeming, John C., 2019, Atherigonini (Diptera: Muscidae) from Madagascar, Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences 66 (4), pp. 87-98 : 88-93

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.13157120

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scientific name

Atherigona clavata


Key to males of Madagascan Atherigona spp.

(modified from Couri, Pont and Penny, 2006 to include additional species)

1. Cercal plate simple. Hypopygial prominence absent — Subgenus Acritochaeta Grimshaw. View in CoL .......... 2

— Cercal plate developed into a trident-shaped organ, consisting of three apical lobes on a long stem (in some African species yet more complicated in structure). Hypopygial prominence usually present, but rarely absent. Male palpus always short, clublike, with its oblique apical surface covered in short pale setulae — Subgenus Atherigona Rondani. View in CoL ..................................................... 3

2. Palpus elongate, flattened. Fore femur in male only with a dorsoapical excision, which is covered in short forwardly-curved setulae.............................................. A. orientalis Schiner View in CoL

— Palpus short, club-like, apically obliquely truncate. Fore femur lacking a dorsoapical excision............................................................................. A. yorki Deeming View in CoL

3. Palpus black......................................................................... 4

— Palpus yellow, though it may be black on extreme base....................................... 5

4. Fronto-orbital plate shiny black, without trace of dust; wing with brown clouds on humeral crossvein and on wing margin between subcostal and vein R1. Hypopygial prominence knoblike. Tergite 4 with a pair of lateral black bars in addition to the spots and tergite 5 with a strong downwardly-directed seta on each of the dark spots..................................................... A. bimaculata Stein View in CoL

— Fronto-orbital plate weakly yellowish-grey dusted. Wing hyaline with a trace of brown clouding apically and on posterior crossvein. Hypopygial prominence knob- shaped, wider at apex than at base. Dorsum of abdomen extensively black..................................... A. madagascarensis Deeming View in CoL

— Fronto-orbital plate densely dusted. Wing lacking dark markings. Hypopygial prominence bifurcate......................................................... A. quadriseta Couri, Pont and Penny View in CoL

5. Interfrontalia yellow or partially yellow, even if very narrowly so anteriorly...................... 6

— Interfrontalia entirely black............................................................ 11

6. Trifoliate process of very distinctive form, knob-shaped, the apical surface quadrate, slightly higher than wide, with a central rounded protrusion and four lesser elevations connecting it to the corners. Trifoliate process with hyaline lateral lobe with a brown seam......................... A. aster van Emden View in CoL

—- Not so............................................................................. 7

7. Pleura extensively yellow in ground colour................................................ 8 — Pleura black, with any yellow ground colour limited to postpronotal lobe and propleuron........... 10

8. Interfrontalia with upper part suffusedly infuscate, without abrupt change of colour. Trifoliate process with median lobe black, in profile broad spindle-shaped and bearing a pair of lanceolate black apical setae, the lateral lobe and area connecting lobes largely yellow.................. A. marginifolia van Emden View in CoL

— Interfrontalia with an abrupt change of colour.............................................. 9

9. Interfrontalia with the anterior yellow part restricted to a narrow band (in mainland African specimens this is longer). Hypopygial prominence knob-shaped............................ A. laevigata (Loew) View in CoL

— Interfrontalia yellow on anterior third. Hypopygial prominence bifurcate. Trifoliate process with lateral lobe bearing a blunt inner projection....................................... A. addita Malloch View in CoL

— Interfrontalia yellow throughout. Apex of scutellum a yellow ground colour. A. humeralis (Wiedemann) View in CoL

10. Wing tip narrowly and faintly infuscated; fore tarsus with long erect fine sinuous dorsal hairs, tarsomere 4 anteriorly concave on basal half and convex and with a brush of fine sinuate hairs on apical half. Legs entirely yellow.................................................... A. bedfordi van Emden View in CoL

— Wing hyaline throughout. No such specialized tarsal chaetotaxy. Interfrontalia often becoming infuscate in the upper corners lateral to the frontal triangle. Trifoliate process largely hyaline, the median lobe with a pair of long setae. Fore femur black on apical two fifths of length.............. A. naqvii Steyskal View in CoL

11. Hypopygial prominence absent. Trifoliate process clavate in lateral aspect, with base of median lobe very broad............................................................... A. clavata View in CoL sp. nov. — Hypopygial prominence present........................................................ 12

12. Fronto-orbital plate shiny, undusted. Hypopygial prominence knob-like. Trifoliate process black......

................................................... A. nigridorsalis Couri, Pont and Penny View in CoL — Fronto-orbital plate dusted............................................................ 13

13. Fore femur and fore tibia both entirely yellow............................................. 14 — At least fore tibia partially black........................................................ 15

14. Hypopygial prominence weakly bifurcate, the branches apically rounded. Trifoliate process entirely black, the lateral lobe with a distinct inner projection....................... A. bifurcata Deeming View in CoL

— Hypopygial prominence knob-shaped, longer below than above, so that its apical surface is inclined at an angle of c. 45̊. Lateral lobes of trifoliate process very much inwardly inclined apically, where they are almost touching....................................................... A. alaotrana Dike View in CoL

15. Fore femur entirely yellow. Hypopygial prominence bilobed. Trifoliate process with all lobes black, the median lobe at apex medially deeply emarginated, almost as wide as one half of its length, the lateral lobe with a conspicuous inner projection.................................. A. matilei Deeming View in CoL

— Fore femur partially black............................................................. 16

16. Trifoliate process with lobes black, the lateral lobe having a peculiar oblong hyaline area at mid-length occupying about one quarter of its length. Hypopygial prominence knob-shaped with a narrower stem.

................................................................. A. erectisetula Muller View in CoL — No such peculiar development......................................................... 17

17. Trifoliate process with median lobe laterally flattened, bladelike, concave on apical two thirds of its length. Hypopygial prominence knob-shaped, two and a half times as wide preapically as the stem, its apical surface roundedly trapezoid, much wider above than below...................... A. lamina View in CoL sp. nov.

— Trifoliate process with lateral lobe not compressed and bladelike.............................. 18

18. Median lobe of trifoliate process partially or completely white in contrast to the black lateral lobes.. 19

— Trifoliate process with all lobes black throughout.......................................... 20

19. Fore femur with apical half black. Entire median lobe of trifoliate process white. Hypopygial prominence bifurcate with apical surfaces of branches truncate, rimmed and slightly upwardly directed........................................................................ A. contrastiloba Deeming View in CoL

— Fore femur with apical two thirds black. Median lobe of trifoliate process only white on its apical half, which is membraneous. Hypopygial prominence bifurcate with branches rather pointed.................................................................... A. variata Couri, Pont and Penny View in CoL

20. Palpus infuscate. Hypopygial prominence bifurcate........................... A. lineata (Adams)

— Palpus clear yellow.................................................................. 21

21. Fore femur with a weak darker dorsal streak. Median lobe of trifoliate process slightly broadened in lateral view. Tergites extensively infuscate................................ A. trapezia van Emden View in CoL

— Fore femur with a broad black band on apical half. Trifoliate process with the membrane connecting the lobes large and triangular, hyaline, only its lateral margins black, the point of connection of the median lobe to the stem well basad of the base of this triangle. Hypopygial prominence knoblike, apically emarginate, the apical points being somewhat downwardly directed................... A. dikei View in CoL sp. nov.


Atherigona (sensu stricto) aster van Emden View in CoL : Tulear Prov. , Mikea Forest , NW of Manombo, alt. 30m., 22̊54.22′ S 43 ̊28.53′E, 21-23.viii.2003, collector R. Harin’Hala, Malaise trap in deciduous dry forest, MA-02-18A-66, CASLOT 020404. 3 Males, HG-18A-74, CASLOT 020401. 1 male. Tulear Prov., Mikea Forest, NW of Manombo, alt. 30m., 22̊54.22′ S 43 ̊28.53′E, 21-23.viii.2003, collector R. Harin’Hala, Malaise trap in deciduous dry forest, MA-02-18A-66, CASLOT 020404.

1 Male.

Described from Zaire and widespread from West to East Africa, this species is new to Madagascar.

A. basitarsalis Deeming View in CoL : Tulear Prov. Andohahela Nat’l. Park, Tsimelahy, Parcelle II, 24̊56.21′ S 46 ̊37.60′E, 28.iii-8iv.2003, M. Irwin, F. Parker, R. Harin’Hala, alt. 180m. Malaise trap in transitional forest, 28.iii-8.iv.2003, MA-02-20-20, CASLOT 020389. 1 Male.

Described from the Seychelles and new to Madagascar.

A. bimaculata Stein View in CoL : Tulear Prov. Andohahela Nat’l. Park, Tsimelahy, Parcelle II, 24̊56.21′ S 46 ̊37.60′E, 28.i-12.ii.2004, M. Irwin., FParker, R. Harin’Hala, alt. 180m. Malaise trap in transitional forest, MA-02-20-53, CASLOT 020385. 5 Males. Majunga Ampijotoa National Park, 160

km N. of Maevatanana on RN 04. alt. 43m. 28.ix-5.x.2003, 16̊19.16′ S 46 ̊48.80′ E, Rin’ha Harin’Hala, Malaise trap in deciduous forest, MA-25-17, CASLOT 020408. 7 Males. 9-20.xi.2003, MA-25-23, CASLOT 020391. 1 Male. Province Fianarantsoa, Parc National Ranomafana, Vohiparara, at broken bridge, alt. 1110m,, 21̊13.57′ S 47 ̊22.19′ E, R.Harin’Hala, Malaise trap in high altitude rainforest, MA-02-09A-30, CASLOT 020400. 1 Male. 15-22.xii.2001, MA-02-09A-25. CASLOT 020394.1 Male .

Described from the Seychelles and recorded widely in Africa from South Africa north to Arabia and east to Madagascar and Mauritius.

A. contrastiloba Deeming View in CoL : Tulear Prov. , Mikea Forest, NW of Manombo, alt. 30m., 22̊54.22′ S 43 ̊28.53′E, 21-23.viii.2003, collector R. Harin’Hala, Malaise trap in deciduous dry forest, MA-02- 18A-66, CASLOT 020404. 5 Males. Same data but 12-23.xi.2003, HG-18A-74, CASLOT 020401.

11 Males. Tulear Prov. Andohahela Nat’l. Park, Tsimelahy, Parcelle II, 24̊56.21′ S 46 ̊37.60′ E, 9-12.xii.2002, M. Irwin, F. Parker, R. Harin’Hala, alt. 180m . Malaise trap in transitional forest, MA-02-20-08, CASLOT 020410. 2 Males. 30.x-9.xi.2003, MA-02-20-44, CASLOT 020406.

3 Males. 15-28.I.2004, MA-02-20-52, CASLOT 020397. 2 Males. 17-24.viii.2003, MA-20-36, CASLOT 020405. 1 Male. 8-18.iii.2003, MA-02-20-18 CASLOT 020407. 5 Males. 28.iii- 8.iv.2003, MA-02-20-20, CASLOT 020389. 2 Males. 28.i-12.ii.2004, MA-02-20-53, CASLOT 020385. 2 Males. Majunga Ampijotoa National Park , 160 km N. of Maevatanana on RN 04. alt. 43m . 28.ix-5.x.2003, 16̊19.16′ S 46 ̊48.80′ E, Rin’ha Harin’Hala, Malaise trap in deciduous forest, MA-25-17, CASLOT 020408 . 2 Males. MA-25-17, CASLOT 020390. 1 Male. 9-20.xi.2003, MA-2523, CASLOT 020399. 12 males. Fianarantsoa Prov., Parc National Ranomafana , radio tower at forest edge, alt. 1130m, 21̊15.05′ S 47 ̊24.43′ E, 15-21.xii.2001, R. Harin’Hala, Malaise trap in mixed tropical forest. MA-02-09B-07, CASLOT 020398 . 1 Male. 26-31.iii.2002, MA-02-09B-22, CASLOT 020409. 1 Male.

Described from Madagascar.

A. erectisetula Muller View in CoL : Province Fianarantsoa, Parc National Ranomafana, Vohiparara , at broken bridge, alt. 1110m,, 21̊13.57′ S 47 ̊22.19′E, R.Harin’Hala, Malaise trap in high altitude rainforest, MA-02-09A-30, CASLOT 020400. 1 Male.

Described from South Africa and new to Madagascar.

A. laevigata (Loew) View in CoL : Fianarantsoa Prov., Parc National Ranomafana , radio tower at forest edge, alt. 1130m, 21̊15.05′ S 47 ̊24.43′ E, 15-21.xii.2001, R. Harin’Hala, Malaise trap in mixed- trop ical forest. MA-02-09B-07, CASLOT 020383. 3 Males. Province Fianarantsoa, Ranomafana, JIRAMA waterworks, 21̊14.91′ S 47 ̊27.13′ E 15-21.xii.2001, alt. 690m, Malaise trap near,river R. Harin’Hala, MA-02-09D-07, CASLOT 020373.1 Male. Unlike other specimens from Africa all this material has the yellow marking on the front of the frons reduced to a narrow line .

Described from Mozambique and widespread in Afica north to Yemen, Israel and Egypt, this species is recorded also from the Comores and Seychelles Islands and Madagascar.

A. lineata (Adams) nominate ssp.: Tulear Prov. , Mikea Forest , NW of Manombo, alt. 30m., 22̊54.22′ S 43 ̊28.53′ E, 21-23.viii.2003, collector R. Harin’Hala , Malaise trap in deciduous dry- for est, MA-02-18A-66, CASLOT 020404. 1 Male. Tulear Province , Andohahela National Park, Tsimelahy, Parcelle II, 22̊44.22′ S 43 ̊28.53′ E, 21-23.viii.2003, Malaise trap in deciduous dry forest, alt. 30m, M. Irwin, F. Parker, R. Harin’Hala. MA-18A-66, CASLOT 020404. 1 Male. Majunga Ampijotoa National Park, 160km N. of Maeyatanana on RN 04, 16̊19.16′ S 46 ̊8.08′ E, 26.ix- 5.x.2003, Malaise trap in deciduous forest, alt. 43m, R. Harin’Hala, MA-25-17, CASLOT 020408 .

1 Male.

Described from “ Rhodesia ” (which included Zambia and Zimbabwe) and widespread in the Afrotropical Region, extending northwards to the United Arab Emirates and Oman, this species is new to Madagascar.

A. matilei Deeming View in CoL : Fianarantsoa Prov., Parc National Ranomafana, radio tower at forest edge,

alt. 1130m, 21̊15.05′ S 47 ̊24.43′ E, 26-31.iii.2002, R. Harin’Hala, Malaise trap in mixed tropical forest. MA-02-09B-22, CASLOT 020409. 3 Males. These are of a dark form having the yellow markings on the antennae very much reduced .

Described from Kenya, Uganda, Cameroun and Nigeria and further recorded from Angola, Madagascar, and South Africa, further specimens in NMWC are from Botswana and Mauritius. In Kenya it has been reared by Dr. Delobel from shoots of Panicum maximum View in CoL .

A. marginifolia van Emden View in CoL : Tulear Prov. Andohahela Nat’l. Park, Tsimelahy, Parcelle II, 24̊56.21′ S 46 ̊37.60′E,, M. Irwin. ParkerF,, R. Harin’Hala, alt. 180m. Malaise trap in transitional forest, MA-02-20-31, CASLOT 020372. 1 Male. 6-18.iii.2004, MA-02-20-56, CASLOT 020393. 3 Males.

Described from Uganda and further recorded from Ghana, R.P. Benin, Kenya, Mali, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa and Tanzania and new to Madagascar.

A. naqvii Steyskal View in CoL : Tulear Prov. , Mikea Forest, NW of Manombo, alt. 30m., 22̊54.22′S 43̊28.53′ E, 12-23.xi.2003, collector R. Harin’Hala, Malaise trap in deciduous dry forest, HG-18A-74, CASLOT 020401. Tulear Prov. Andohahela Nat’l. Park, Tsimelahy, Parcelle II, 24̊56.21′ S 46̊37.60′ E, 9-12.xii.2002, M. Irwin., Parker F, R. Harin’Hala, alt. 180m. Malaise trap in transitional forest, MA-02-20-08, CASLOT 020410. 2 Males. 17-24.viii.2003, MA-20-36, CASLOT 020405. 7 Males. 28.iii-8.iv.2003, MA-02-20-20, CASLOT 020389. 1 Male. 28.i-12.ii.2004, MA-02-20-53, CASLOT 020385. 1 Male. Majunga Ampijotoa National Park , 160 km N. of Maevatanana on RN 04. alt. 43m. 9-20.xi.- xi.2003, 16̊19.16′ S 46̊48.80′ E, Rin’ha Harin’Hala, Malaise trap in deciduous forest. MA-25-23, CASLOT 020399. 1 Male .

Described from Pakistan attacking wheat and barley. First recorded in the Afrotropical Region in 1971 where it was found attacking cultivated millet, this species has become one of the most prolific in Africa since then. It is further recorded from India, Sri Lanka, the Philippines, Australia, the Canary Islands, Ethiopia, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia and South Africa. It was the then undescribed species of which Ramachandra Rao (1924) discovered for the first time the trifoliate process and described it with a photograph. He referred to it as the “Sind wheat-stem-

fly”, with descriptive notes on p. 334 and Plate 33 on p.332. Species new to Madagascar.

A. nigridorsalis Couri, Pont and Penny View in CoL : Fianarantsoa Prov., Parc National Ranomafana, radio tower at forest edge, 21̊15.05′ S 47 ̊4.43′E, 15-21.xii.2001, R. Harin’Hala, Malaise trap in mixed tropical forest, alt. 1130m, MA-02-09B-07, CASLOT 020379. 9 Males, 1 Female. 26-31.iii.2002, MA-02-09B-22, CASLOT 020409. 1 Male. Ranomafana National Park , Vohiparara, at broken bridge, 21̊18.57′ S 47 ̊22.19′E, 16.x-8.xi.2001, 110 alt. m 1, Malaise trap in high altitude rainforest,

R. Harin’Hala. MA-02-09A-01, CASLOT 020396. 1 Male. 15-25.vii.2002, MA-02-09A-35, CASLOT 020384. 1 Male. Female: Eighth tergite (Fig. 2) almost identical to that of its sister species A. trapezia van Emden View in CoL (see Deeming 1971:169, fig. 110) .

Described from Madagascar.

A. quadriseta Couri, Pont and Penny View in CoL : Tulear Prov. , Mikea Forest, NW of Manombo, alt. 30m., 22̊54.22′ S 43 ̊28.53′ E, 21-23.viii.2003, collector R. Harin’Hala, Malaise trap in deciduous dry forest, MA-02-18A-66, CASLOT 020404. 1 Male . Tulear Prov. Andohahela Nat’l. Park, Tsimelahy, Parcelle II, 24̊56.21′ S 46 ̊37.60′ E, 9-12.xii.2002, M. Irwin. ParkerF,, R. Harin’Hala, alt. 180m.

Malaise trap in transitional forest, 19-26.xi.2002, MA-02-20-05, CASLOT 020388. 1 Male.

15-28.I.2004, MA-02-20-52, CASLOT 020397. 1 Male. Majunga Ampijotoa National Park , 160

km N. of Maevatanana on RN 04. alt. 43m. 28.ix-5.x.2003, 16̊19.16′ S 46 ̊48.80′ E, Rin’ha Harin’Hala , Malaise trap in deciduous forest, MA-25-17, CASLOT 020399. 5 Males. Fianarantsoa

Prov., Parc National Ranomafana, radio tower at forest edge, alt. 1130m, 21̊15.05′ S 47 ̊24.43′ E, 15-21.xii.2001, R. Harin’Hala, Malaise trap in mixed tropical forest. MA-02-09B-07, CASLOT 020383. 25 Males from paratype locality. 26-31.iii.2002, MA-02-09B-22, CASLOT 020409 .

3 Males. Province Fianarantsoa, Parc National Ranomafana, Vohiparara , at broken bridge, alt .

1110m,, 21̊13.57′ S 47 ̊22.19′ E, R.Harin’Hala, Malaise trap in high altitude rainforest, MA-02-09A-30, CASLOT 020400. 1 Female , here described and figured ( Fig. 1 View FIGURE ). Province Fianarantsoa, Ranomafana , JIRAMA waterworks, 21̊14.91′ S 47 ̊27.13′ E21 ̊14, 15-21.xii.2001, alt . 690m, Malaise trap near river, R. Harin’Hala, MA-02-09D-07, CASLOT 020373. 2 Males .

Described from Madagascar. Female: Resembling male except in abdominal and secondary sexual characters. Fore leg black on all but coxa, trochanter, extreme base of femur and narrowly on knee, the mid and hind tarsi obscurely infuscate. Eighth tergite (fig.1) with the pair of basal separated sclerites hardly sclerotized or visible, the median lobe broad with anterior margin slightly concave.

A. trapezia van Emden View in CoL : Fianarantsoa Prov., Parc National Ranomafana, Vohipararara, at broken bridge, 21̊13.57′S 47̊22.19′E, Malaise trap in high altitude rainforest, alt 110. m 1, 25., R. Harin’Hala, MA-02-09A-30, CASLOT 020400. 2 Males . Vohiparara, 19-26.ii.2002, MA-02-09A-17, CASLOT 020374. Ranomafana, JIRAMA waterworks, 21̊14.91′ S 47 ̊27.13′ E, 15-21.xii.2001, Malaise trap near river, alt. 690m, R. Harin’Hala, MA-02-09D-07, CASLOT 020373. 1 Male . Parc National Ranomafana, radio tower at forest edge, 21̊15.05′ S 47 ̊4.43′ E, 15-21.xii.2001, Malaise trap in mixed tropical forest, alt.130 1 m, R. Harin’Hala, MA-02-09B-07, CASLOT 020379. 14 Males . Parc National Ranomafana, radio tower in mixed tropical forest, 26-31.iii.2002, MA-02-09B-22, CASLOT 020409. 2 Males, 1 Female.

Described from Uganda, Kenya and Ethiopia, this species is further recorded from Burundi, Cameroun, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Madagascar, Nigeria, Rwanda, South Africa,

Sudan, Tanzania and Zimbabwe.

A. variata Couri, Pont and Penny View in CoL : Majunga Ampijotoa National Park , 160 km N. of Maevatanana on RN 04. alt. 43m. 28.ix-5.x.2003, 16̊19.16′ S 46 ̊48.80′ E, Rin’ha Harin’Hala, Malaise trap in deciduous forest, MA-25-23, CASLOT 020399. 2 Males .

Described from Madagascar.

A. (Acritochaeta) orientalis Schiner View in CoL : Tulear Prov. Andohahela Nat’l. Park, Tsimelahy, Parcelle

II, 24̊56.21′ S 46 ̊37.60′ E, 19-26.xi.2002, M. Irwin. ParkerF,, R. Harin’Hala, alt. 180m. Malaise trap in transitional forest, MA-02-20-05, CASLOT 020388. 1 Male. Parcelle II, 28.i-12.ii.2003, MA-02-20-53, CASLOT 020385. 1 Male . Tulear Province , Mikea Forest, NW of Manombo., 22̊ 54.22′ S 43 ̊28.53′ E, Malaise trap in dry deciduous forest, alt. 30m, 27.xi.2001 - 6.i.2002. R -. Har in’Hala. MA-02-18A-08. CASLOT 020402. 1 Male . Majunga Ampijotoa National Park , 160 km N. of Maevatanana on RN 04. alt. 43m. 28.ix-5.x.2003, 16̊19.16′ S 46 ̊48.80′ E, Rin’ha Harin’Hala, Malaise trap in deciduous forest, MA-25-23, CASLOT 020399. 1 Female .

Described from Nicobar Island, this species is found throughout the tropics of the World.

A. yorki Deeming View in CoL : Tulear Prov. Andohahela Nat’l. Park, Tsimelahy, Parcelle II, 24̊56.21′ S 46 ̊37.60′E, 9-12.xii.2002, M. Irwin., Parker F, R. Harin’Hala, alt. 180m. Malaise trap in transitional forest, MA-02-20-08, CASLOT 020410. 1 Male.

Described from Nigeria, Kenya, Senegal, Sierra Leone and Sudan. New to Madagascar.



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