Amyosoma chinense (SZÉPLIGETI)

Papp, J., 2012, A Taxonomic Study Of The Myosoma Genus-Group With Description Of Amyosoma Cavei Sp. N. From Honduras (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Braconinae: Braconini), Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 58 (1), pp. 1-29 : 11-13

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Felipe (2021-11-27 19:31:54, last updated 2021-11-27 19:43:39)

scientific name

Amyosoma chinense (SZÉPLIGETI)


Amyosoma chinense (SZÉPLIGETI)

( Figs 29–37 View Figs 21–29 View Figs 30–37 )

Bracon chinensis SZÉPLIGETI, 1902: 39 m (1 f), type locality: “ China ”, male holotype (designated by J. PAPP 1969 in QUICKE 1991: 171) in Magyar Természettudományi Múzeum, Budapest; examined. – SHENEFELT 1978: 1561 (literature up to 1970).

Bracon (Amyosoma) chinensis: WATANABE 1932: 65 .

Myosoma chinense ( SZÉPLIGETI, 1902) : QUICKE & WHARTON 1989: 1 and 4 (comb. n.). Maetô 1992: 714 (M. “chinensis”, host record)

Amyosoma chinense (SZÉPIGETI, 1902) : VAN ACHTERBERG & POLASZEK 1996: 21–22 (in key, comb. n., synonyms, redescription).

Amyosoma chilonis VIERECK, 1913: 640 fm (at least 1 f + 2 mm), type locality: “Taihoku, Formosa ” (Taiwan), female lectotype (present designation) in National Museum of Natural History, Washington; examined. – WATANABE 1932: 65 (synonymy with A. chinense ). SHENEFELT 1978: 1562 (as synonym of Bracon (Glabrobracon) chinensis ). VAN ACHTERBERG & POLASZEK 1996: 22 (as synonym of A. chinense ).

Bracon puellaris SZÉPLIGETI, 1902: 40 f (1 m), type locality: “Borneo” ( Indonesia), female holotype (designated by J. PAPP 1969 in Quicke 191: 172) in Magyar Természettudományi Múzeum, Budapest; examined, syn. n. – SHENEFELT 1978: 1528 (as valid species, literature up to 1904).

Myosoma puellaris ( SZÉPLIGETI, 1902) : QUICKE 1991: 172 (comb. n.).

Taxonomic remark – The two specimens (male and female) described by SZÉPLIGETI (1902: 39–40) under the names Bracon chinensis (m) and Bracon puellaris (f), respectively, are conspecific, its valid name is Amyosoma chinense (SZÉPLIGETI) . VAN ACHTERBERG & POLASZEK (1996) assigned the species chinense in this genus.

Designation of the male holotype of Bracon chinensis – (First label, handwriting) “ China ”; (second label) “ B. chinensis ” (Szépligeti’s handwriting) “det. Szépligeti” (printed); third label is the holotype card, fourth label is with the inventory number “1279”, fifth label is with the actual name Amyosoma chinense Szépl. m (det. J. Papp 2009), labels 3–5 attached by me. – Holotype is in fairly poor condition: (1) micropinned by mesosoma; (2) right flagellum apically deficient (i.e. with 19 flagellomeres or 21 antennomeres), left flagellum mising; (3) wings slightly damaged; (4) tarsomeres 2–5 of left hind leg missing.

Designation of the female holotype of Bracon puellaris – (First label, my handwriting) “ Indonesia / Borneo”; (second label) “ B. puellaris ” (Szépligeti’s handwriting) “det. Szépligeti” (printed); third label is the holotype card, fourth label is with the inventory number “1280”, fifth label is with the actual name Amyosoma chinense Szépl. f (det. J. Papp 2009), labels 3–5 attached by me. – Holotype is in good condition: (1) micropinned by mesosoma; (2) right flagellum apically deficient (i.e. with 22 flagellomeres or 24 antennomeres).

Designation of the female lectotype of Amyosoma chilonis – (First label, printed) “Taiholu / Formosa ”; (second label, printed) “ex Chilo / simplex”; (third label) “July” (printed) “1911” (handwriting); (fourth label) “T S Shiraki / coll.”; (fifth red label) “Type / No.” (printed) “15329” (handwriting) / “ U.S. N.M.” (printed); sixth label is the name label by (?)Viereck’s handwriting, seventh label is the lectotype card and eighth label is with the actual name Amyosoma chinense (Szépl.) (labels 7–8 attached by me). – Lectotype is in good condition: (1) glued on a pointed card by the left mesopleuron; (2) both flagelli missing; (3) left fore and hind legs glued on the card with the wasp itself; (4) intersternite (of metasoma) and middle pair of tarsi somewhat white mouldy.

Material examined (9 ff + 5 mm).–1 f + 1 m: North India, New Delhi, 1953, ex Chilo zonellus Swinhoe (Lep. Pyralidae ), leg. et educ. G. W. Angelot. 1 f: South India, Coimbatore, Onragi, 19 VII 1913, Ponniah Coll. 1 f: China, Hangzhou, VIII 1965, leg. He Junhua. 4 ff + 2 mm: Taiwan, Taipei, ex Chilo suppressalis Walker (Lep. Pyralidae ), 1 m 1 VIII 1971 and 4 ff + 1 m 13 IX 1974, leg. et educ. K. C. Chou. 1 f: Taiwan, Taichung, ex Zeuzera coffeae Nietner (Lep. Cossidae ), V 1983, leg. et educ. L. Y. Chou. 2 mm: Japan, Yaron-to, sweeping paddy field, 26 X 1964, leg. F. Haramoto. 1 f: Vietnam, Ha Noi, Tu Liem, 27 IX 1989, leg. K. D. Long.

A concise redescription of Amyosoma chinense (SZÉPLIGETI) was presented by VAN ACHTERBERG & POLASZEK (1996: 22), subsequently complementary features are added to it based mainly on the female holotype of A. puellaris (SZÉPLIGETI) .

Female: Body 4–5 mm long. Antenna about as long as body and with 32–39 antennomeres. Flagellomeres 1.3 to 1.8 times as long as broad (cf. Fig. 72 View Figs 66–73 in VAN ACHTERBERG & POLASZEK 1996: 86). Head in dorsal view transverse, 1.6–1.8 times as broad as long, eye almost twice longer than temple, temple rounded ( Fig. 30 View Figs 30–37 ) eye in lateral view 1.5 times wider than temple ( Fig. 31 View Figs 30–37 ). Oral opening: its horizontal diameter (1.5–)1.6–1.7 times longer than shortest distance between opening and eye. Head polished, face finely granulose.

Mesosoma in lateral view 1.6–1.7 times as long as high, polished. Notaulix faintly distinct. Hind femur 2.9–3 times as long as broad with short and adpressed hairs ( Fig. 32 View Figs 30–37 ). Claw and its basal lobe as in Fig. 33 View Figs 30–37 .

wing, 35 = first discal cell of right fore wing, 36 = 1r–m of hind wing, 37 = tergites 1–3

Fore wing as long as body. Pterostigma ( Fig. 34 View Figs 30–37 ) 2.6–3.3 times as long as wide and issuing r more or less proximally from its middle, r shorter than (rarely as long as) width of pterostigma. Second submarginal cell long, 1.6–1.75 times longer than 2–SR, SR1 1.3–1.4 times as long as 3–SR and rather approaching tip of wing. First discal cell narrow, 1–M 1.4–1.5 times as long as m–cu, 1–SR–M straight and 1.85–1.9 times length of 1–M ( Fig. 35 View Figs 30–37 ). – Hind wing: 1r–m straight to weakly bent ( Fig. 36 View Figs 30–37 ).

First tergite ( Fig. 37 View Figs 30–37 ) long, 2.2–2.6 times as long as broad behind, its margin laterally from scutum very narrow, together with further tergites polished. Tergites 2 and 3 transverse, third tergite either as long as or longer than second tergite ( Fig. 37 View Figs 30–37 ). Hypopygium pointed, ovipositor sheath shorter than to as long as hind tibia + basitarsus combined.

Corporal colour as in VAN ACHTERBERG & POLASZEK (l.c.) Melanic form: head and mesosoma rusty brown (1 f); albanic form: head and mesosoma brownish yellow or ochre (2 ff).

Male: Similar to the female. Body 4–4.5(–5) mm long. Antenna as long as body and with 37–38 antennomeres. Melanic form: metasoma black (cf. VIERECK 1913: 640).

Distribution – Oriental and East Palaearctic Regions. Introduced into Afrotropics and Pacifics.

Taxonomic position – Considering VAN ACHTERBERG & POLASZEK’ s key (1996: 21) for the Amyosoma species the nearest two species to M. (A.) chinense are M. (A.) leuzerae ROHWER ( Indonesia: Java) and M. (A.) yanoi (WATANABE) ( Japan). The three species are very similar to each other, the differences among them restricted to minute lengths of the ovipositor sheath and somewhat variable colour pattern of the body.

ACHTERBERG, C. VAN & POLASZEK, A. (1996) The parasites of cereal stem borers (Lepidoptera: Cossidae, Crambidae, Noctuidae, Pyralidae) in Africa, belonging to the family Braconidae (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonoidea). Zoologische Verhandelingen Leiden 304: 1 - 123.

MAETO, K. (1992) Japanese species of the Myosoma generic group (Hymenoptera, Braconidae). Japanese Journal of Entomology 60 (4): 714.

QUICKE, D. L. J. & WHARTON, R. A. (1989) Myosoma nyanzaensis sp. n. (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) parasitic on the stem-borer pest Chilo partellus (Swinhoe) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) in Kenya. Bulletin of Entomological Research 79: 1 - 5.

QUICKE, D. L. J. (1991) The non-European Braconinae types of Szepligeti housed in Budapest (Hymenoptera, Braconidae). Annales historico-naturales Musei nationalis hungarici 83: 169 - 186.

SHENEFELT, R. D. (1978) Braconidae 10: Braconinae, Gnathobraconinae, Mesostoinae, Pseudodicrogeniinae, Telengainae, Ypsistocerinae, plus Braconidae in general, major groups, unplaced genera and species. In: VECHT, VAN DER J. & SHENEFELT, R. D. (eds): Hymenoptera Catalogus (nova editio) pars 15: 1425 - 1872.

SZEPLIGETI, GY. (1902) Tropische Cenocoelioniden und Braconiden aus der Sammlung des Ungarischen National-Museums. II. Termeszetrajzi Fuzetek 25: 39 - 84.

VIERECK, H. L. (1913) Descriptions of six new genera and twelve new species of Ichneumon-flies. Proceedings of the Unites States National Museum 44: 639 - 648.

WATANABE, C. (1932) A revision of braconid-species parasitic in the injurious insects of rice-plant and sugar-cane in Japan and Formosa. Transactions of Sapporo Natural History Society 12 (2): 63 - 71.

Gallery Image

Figs 21–29. Amyosoma cavei sp. n.: 21 = scape, pedicel and flagellomeres 1–5, 22 = head in dorsal view, 23 =head in lateral view, 24 =hind femur with indication ofits hairs,25 = claw, 26 =distal part of right fore wing, 27 = first discal cell of right forewing, 28 = vein 1r–m of hind wing, 29 = tergites 1–3

Gallery Image

Figs 30–37. Amyosoma chinense (SZÉPLIGETI), female holotype: 30 = head in dorsal view, 31 = head in lateral view, 32 = hind femur with indication of its hairs, 33 = claw, 34 = distal part of right fore

Gallery Image

Figs 66–73. Myosoma hirtipes BRULLÉ, female holotype: 66 = scape and pedicel in outer-lateral view, 67 = head in dorsal view, 68 = head in lateral view, 69 = hind femur and tibia with hairs, 70 = claw,











