Rhyacophila vajoni, Kiss, 2011

Kiss, O., 2011, Two New Species Of Rhyacophila (Trichoptera, Rhyacophilidae) From Nepal, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 57 (2), pp. 111-116 : 114-116

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.12612287

persistent identifier


treatment provided by


scientific name

Rhyacophila vajoni

sp. nov.

Rhyacophila vajoni sp. n.

( Figs 10–12 View Figs 10–14 , 15–16 View Figs 15–16 )

Body length of male 9 mm, forewing length 11 mm, forewing width 4 mm, length of antenna 18 mm. Body, antennae, palpi and wings as well as legs and abdomen brown, genitalia yellowish brown ( Figs 15–16 View Figs 15–16 ).

Male genitalia ( Figs 10–12 View Figs 10–14 , 16 View Figs 15–16 ): Apicodorsal lobe of segment 9 relatively short with broad base and conical distal part in dorsal view ( Fig. 11 View Figs 10–14 ). Praeanal appendages subtriangular in lateral view ( Fig. 10 View Figs 10–14 ). Aedeagus tubular, basal part broad, middle portion undulated, distal part thin with apex pointing upwards in lateral view ( Figs 10 View Figs 10–14 , 16 View Figs 15–16 ). Paramere shorter than aedeagus, basal part protruding ventrally, then attentuating, middle part bulging dorsally, distal part slender and slightly curved upwards with tapering apex in lateral view ( Figs 10 View Figs 10–14 , 16 View Figs 15–16 ). Ventral lobe of aedeagus short with tips curved outwards ( Fig. 12 View Figs 10–14 ). First joint of inferior appendages relatively short, broad at base, dorsal and ventral edges slightly curved, distal edge broad in lateral view ( Figs 10 View Figs 10–14 , 16 View Figs 15–16 ). Posterior edge of second joint of inferior appendages deeply excised forming small dorsal auricle with curved tip and big concave tapering ventral part in lateral view ( Figs 10 View Figs 10–14 , 16 View Figs 15–16 ).

Female. Unknown.

Material – Holotype: male, 2 km N of Tarebhir (27°23’N, 86°04’E, 2600 m), Mt. Kalinchok , Central Nepal, by light trapping, 02.07.1997, leg. MÁRTON HREBLAY and KRISZTINA CSÁK GoogleMaps . Holotype is deposited in Mátra Museum , Gyöngyös, Hungary .

Paratypes: 1male, 2 km N of Tarebhir (27°63’N, 86°09’E, 2600 m), Mt. Kalinchok , Central Nepal, by light trapping, 02.07.1997, leg. MÁRTON HREBLAY and KRISZTINA CSÁK (coll. OTTÓ KISS) . 1male, 5 km W of Bigu, 2300 m, Mt. Kalinchok , Central Nepal, by light trapping, 03.07.1997, leg. MÁRTON HREBLAY and KRISZTINA CSÁK (coll. OTTÓ KISS) .

Differential diagnosis: This species is similar to Rhyacophila lepcha SCHMID 1970 ( Figs 13–14 View Figs 10–14 ) but differs from it in that:

– apicodorsal lobe of segment 9 not short;

– aedeagus not evenly broad in 2/3 length from base, distal 1/3 thinner;

– paramere not uniform in width;

– first joint of inferior appendages shorter;


radix of anal sclerite; s.j. = second joint of inferior appendages, v.l. = ventral lobe of aedeagus)

– dorsal tip of second joint of inferior appendages not blunt, concave ventral portion not stout.

Derivatio nominis: This species is cordially dedicated to Prof. Dr. IMRE VAJON, who was my professor and encouraged me in my professional career.


Acknowledgements – The author is grateful to † Dr. MÁRTON HREBLAY and KRISZTINA CSÁK for the light trap material.

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