Rhyacophila horvathmargiti, Kiss, 2011

Kiss, O., 2011, Two New Species Of Rhyacophila (Trichoptera, Rhyacophilidae) From Nepal, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 57 (2), pp. 111-116 : 111-113

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.12612287

persistent identifier


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scientific name

Rhyacophila horvathmargiti

sp. nov.

Rhyacophila horvathmargiti sp. n.

( Figs 1–5 View Figs 1–3 View Figs 4–7 , 8–9 View Figs 8–9 )

Body length of male 9 mm, forewing length 11 mm, forewing width 3.5 mm, length of antenna 18 mm. Body, antennae, palpi and wings dark brown, abdomen and legs darker brown, genitalia dark brown ( Figs 8–9 View Figs 8–9 ).

Male genitalia ( Figs 1–5 View Figs 1–3 View Figs 4–7 , 9 View Figs 8–9 ): Apicodorsal lobe of segment 9 long and stump-like in lateral view, conical in dorsal view ( Figs 1–2 View Figs 1–3 ). Anal sclerite evenly broad, curving upwards, as long as apicodorsal lobe of segment 9 in lateral view ( Fig. 1 View Figs 1–3 ). Apical band claw-like, slender and pointing downwards ( Fig. 1 View Figs 1–3 ). Aedeagus tubular with thin distal part ( Figs 3–5 View Figs 1–3 View Figs 4–7 ). Paramere thin not longer than broad portion of aedeagus ( Figs 4–5 View Figs 4–7 ). Ventral lobe of aedeagus shorter than aedeagus and paramere and it closely adheres to aedeagus ( Figs 4–5 View Figs 4–7 ). Base of first joint of inferior appendages broad, dorsal and ventral edges concave and convex, resp. and of almost the same length as second joint of inferior appendages ( Fig. 1 View Figs 1–3 ). Upper and lower edges of second joint of inferior appendages concave ( Fig. 1 View Figs 1–3 ). Second joint of inferior appendages resembles carving knife.

Female. Unknown.

Material – Holotype: male, 2 km N of Tarebhir (27°23’N, 86°E, 2600 m), Mt. Kalinchok , Central Nepal, by light trapping, 02.07.1997, leg. MÁRTON HREBLAY and KRISZTINA CSÁK GoogleMaps . Holotype is deposited in Mátra Museum , Gyöngyös, Hungary .

second joint of inferior appendages)

Differential diagnosis: This species is similar to Rhyacophila langdarma SCHMID, 1970 ( Figs 6–7 View Figs 4–7 ) but differs from it in that:

– distal end of anal sclerite not broad and not longer than apicodorsal lobe of segment 9 in lateral view;

– apical band shorter with curved and pointed apex;

– distal part of aedeagus forms tube without slightly bending downwards; – proximal part of second joint of inferior appendages broader with definitely curved dorsal and ventral edges and not subrhomboid.

Derivatio nominis: This species is named after my wife MARGIT HORVÁTH.

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pendages; v.l. = ventral lobe of aedeagus) ( Figs 6–7 View Figs 4–7 by SCHMID 1970)

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