Euthria odiosa, Harzhauser & Landau, 2024

Harzhauser, Mathias & Landau, Bernard M., 2024, The Colubrariidae, Eosiphonidae, Melongenidae, Pisaniidae, Prodotiidae and Tudiclidae (Gastropoda, Buccinoidea) of the Miocene Paratethys Sea, Zootaxa 5427 (1), pp. 1-110 : 78-79

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Plazi (2024-03-19 21:17:48, last updated 2024-03-19 21:37:23)

scientific name

Euthria odiosa

sp. nov.

Euthria odiosa nov. sp.

Figs 34G View FIGURE 34 , 42A–E View FIGURE 42

Fusus corneus Brcch. var. nova subangularis— Hauer 1837: 418 [nomen nudum].

Fusus corneus — Hörnes 1848: 19 [non Euthria cornea ( Linnaeus, 1758) View in CoL ].

Fusus intermedius Micht. —Hörnes 1853: 281 (pars), pl. 31, figs 4–5 [non Euthria intermedia ( Michelotti, 1847) View in CoL ].

Fusus intermedius Michelotti — Neugeboren 1854: 185 [non Euthria intermedia ( Michelotti, 1847) View in CoL ].

Fusus (Euthria) intermedia Michti. —Hoernes & Auinger 1890: 259 (pars) [non Euthria intermedia ( Michelotti, 1847) View in CoL ].

Euthria intermedia (Micht.) View in CoL — Csepreghy-Meznerics 1956: 404, pl. 7, figs. 8–11 [non Euthria intermedia ( Michelotti, 1847) View in CoL ].

E [uthria]. (E [uthria].) intermedia (Micht.) View in CoL — Sieber 1958: 150 (pars) [non Euthria intermedia ( Michelotti, 1847) View in CoL ].

Euthria (Euthria) intermedia (Michelotti 1839) View in CoL —Kojumdgieva in Kojumdgieva & Strachimirov 1960: 171, pl. 43, figs 11a–b [non Euthria intermedia ( Michelotti, 1847) View in CoL ].

Euthria intermedia Michelotti View in CoL — Strausz, 1966a: 304, pl. 34, figs 8–9 [non Euthria intermedia ( Michelotti, 1847) View in CoL ].

Euthria (Euthria) intermedia (Michelotti) View in CoL — Atanacković 1969: 204, pl. 10, figs 10–10a [non Euthria intermedia ( Michelotti, 1847) View in CoL ].

Euthria subnodosa Hoernes et Auinger — Csepreghy-Meznerics 1969: 86, pl. 4, figs 20–21 [non Euthria subnodosa Hoernes & Auinger, 1890 )].

Euthria intermedia (Micht.) View in CoL — Csepreghy-Meznerics 1972: 28, pl. 11, figs 9–10 [non Euthria intermedia ( Michelotti, 1847) View in CoL ].

Euthria intermedia (Michelotti, 1839) View in CoL — Bałuk 1995: 243, pl. 34, figs 8–9 [non fig. 10 = Euthria depressospira ( Bandat, 1943) ].

Euthria (Euthria) intermedia Michelotti View in CoL — Schultz 1998: 68, pl. 27, fig. 2 [non Euthria intermedia ( Michelotti, 1847) View in CoL ].

Euthria (Euthria) intermedia (Michelotti, 1839) View in CoL — Mikuž 2009: 24, pl. 6, fig. 86, pl. 7, fig. 87 [non pl. 7, fig. 88 = Euthria depressospira Bandat, 1943 ].

? Euthria curvirostris (Grateloup) View in CoL — Kovács 2018: 182, figs 15–17 [non Euthria curvirostris ( Grateloup, 1845) View in CoL ].

? Euthria curvirostris ( Grateloup, 1845) View in CoL — Kovács & Vicián 2023: 253, figs 13D–F [non Euthria curvirostris ( Grateloup, 1845) View in CoL ].

Euthria intermedia ( Michelotti, 1847) View in CoL — Kovács & Vicián 2023: 253, fig. 13I [non Euthria intermedia ( Michelotti, 1847) View in CoL ].

Type material. Holotype: NHMW 1846 View Materials /0037/0273a, SL: 49.9 mm, MD: 23.8 mm, Steinebrunn ( Austria), illustrated in Hörnes (1853: pl. 31, fig. 4), Figs 42A View FIGURE 42 1 –A View FIGURE 1 2 View FIGURE 2 . Paratypes: NHMW 1865 View Materials /0015/0059, SL: 45.5 mm , MD: 22.1 mm, Lysice ( Czech Republic), Figs 42B View FIGURE 42 1 –B View FIGURE 1 2 View FIGURE 2 . NHMW 2023 View Materials /0345/0001, SL: 40.2 mm , MD: 20.4 mm, Boršov (Porstendorf) ( Czech Republic), Figs 42C View FIGURE 42 1 –C View FIGURE 1 2 View FIGURE 2 . NHMW 2023 View Materials /0346/0001, SL: 40.1 mm , MD: 18.5 mm, Gainfarn ( Austria), Figs 42D View FIGURE 42 1 –D View FIGURE 1 2 View FIGURE 2 . NHMW 2023 View Materials /0347/0001, SL: 36.7 mm , MD: 18.6 mm, Niederleis ( Austria), Figs 42E View FIGURE 42 1 – E View FIGURE 1 2 View FIGURE 2 . NHMW 2023 View Materials /0348/0001, SL: 18.8 mm , MD: 8.9 mm, Steinebrunn ( Austria), illustrated in Hörnes (1853: pl. 31, fig. 5), Figs 34G View FIGURE 34 .

Additional material. 9 spec., NHMW 1860 View Materials /0001/0227, Boršov (= Porstendorf) ( Czech Republic) ; 2 spec., NHMW 1866 View Materials /0001/0857, Niederleis ( Austria) ; 5 spec., NHMW 2023 View Materials /0349/0001, Steinebrunn ( Austria) ; 30 spec., NHMW 1869 View Materials /0001/0359, Steinebrunn ( Austria) .

Type locality. Steinebrunn ( Austria), Vienna Basin .

Type stratum. Baden Formation.

Age. Middle Miocene, middle Badenian (Langhian).

Etymology. After odiosus, Latin for boring, annoying.

Diagnosis. Medium-sized, moderately broad, ovate shell with conical spire of weakly convex whorls, last whorl moderately inflated, anal canal deeply incised into thick callus, outer lip bearing numerous lirae within, siphonal canal moderately short, deflected to the left, moderately recurved, deeply notched.

Description. Medium-sized, moderately broad, ovate shell of up to eight teleoconch whorls; apical angle ~48°. Protoconch paucispiral, low conical of 1.5 convex whorls; diameter: 800 μm, height: 650 μm. Early teleoconch whorls almost straight-sided, with broad, widely spaced axial ribs with drop-shaped abapical tips, causing undulating suture. Spiral sculpture of five narrow primary spiral cords. Sculpture becoming subobsolete on fourth to fifth teleoconch whorls. Whorls profile with faint subsutural concavity, weakly convex below. Suture narrow, adpressed. Last whorl moderately inflated, with convex periphery, attaining ~70% of total height; base strongly constricted, smooth except for faint spiral cords; fasciole slightly swollen, forming narrow chink with siphonal canal. Aperture moderately wide, ovate. Columellar callus adherent. Columella deeply excavated, marked angulation at transition to siphonal canal accentuated by small denticle; parietal area slightly thickened, without denticle. Anal canal deeply and narrowly incised into thick callus of adapical tip of aperture. No anal denticle. Outer lip thick with thin peristome and up to 15 lirae; number and strength of lirae variable. Siphonal canal moderately short, deflected to the left, moderately recurved, deeply notched.

Discussion. Paratethyan Euthria specimens have often been misidentified as Euthria intermedia ( Michelotti, 1847) , which was originally described from the Early Miocene of the Colli Torinesi ( Italy). Michelotti (1847: pl. 9, fig. 16) and Bellardi (1873: pl. 13, fig. 23) illustrated specimens with a conical spire, weakly convex spire whorls with indistinct axial ribs, a moderately convex last whorl with very prominent, widely spaced spiral cords on the moderately constricted base and several denticles on the columella. None of the Paratethyan species approaches this morphology, and the numerous misidentifications result from rather wide interpretations of species concepts in the past. Euthria odiosa nov. sp. differs from E. intermedia especially in its broader shape, smooth base and absence of denticles on the columella. Euthria odiosa is morphologically close to Euthria depressospira Bandat, 1943 but differs in its higher spire, less constricted base and broader siphonal fasciole. The spiral cords of Euthria depressospira are less numerous and grade into widely spaced spiral cords before fading, whereas in E. odiosa they disappear completely at the same growth stage.

Paleoenvironment. Inner neritic, shallow marine, based on the co-occurring assemblages (own data, M.H.).

Distribution in Central Paratethys. Badenian (Middle Miocene): Korytnica Basin: Korytnica ( Poland) ( Bałuk 1995); North Alpine-Carpathian Foreland Basin: Lysice ( Czech Republic) (hoc opus); Vienna Basin: Bad Vöslau, Baden-Sooss, Enzesfeld, Gainfarn, Niederleis, Steinebrunn, Vienna /Grinzing, Vienna /Pötzleinsdorf ( Austria)(Hörnes 1853; hoc opus); Boršov (= Porstendorf), Mikulov ( Czech Republic) (Hörnes 1853; hoc opus); Bükk Mountains: Borsodbóta ( Hungary) ( Csepreghy-Meznerics 1972); Krško Basin: Gorenje Vrhpolje, Šentjernej ( Slovenia) ( Mikuž 2009); Pannonian Basin: Letkés, Szob ( Hungary) ( Strausz, 1966a); Făget Basin: Lăpugiu de Sus, CoŞteiu de Sus ( Romania) ( Kovács 2022); Dacian Basin: Opanec, Târnene, Trifonovo ( Bulgaria) (Kojumdgieva in Kojumdgieva & Strachimirov 1960).

Atanackovic, M. A. (1969) Paleontoloska i biostratigrafska analiza tortonske faune sjeveroistocnog. Potkozarja (okolina sela Turjaka i Miljevica). Acta Geologica, 6, 149 - 222.

Baluk, W. (1995) Middle Miocene (Badenian) gastropods from Korytnica, Poland; Part II. Acta Geologica Polonica, 45, 153 - 255. [https: // geojournals. pgi. gov. pl / agp / article / view / 13663]

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FIGURE 1. Measurements for shell morphology; AA: apical angle, SL: shell length, MD: maximum diameter, LWH: last whorl height, AH: aperture height, AL: aperture length, AW: aperture width.

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FIGURE 2. Colubraria subobscura (Hoernes & Auinger, 1884). A1–A3. NHMW 1854/0035/0170, paralectotype, Lăpugiu de Sus (Romania). B1–B2. NHMW 1859/0037/0018a, paralectotype, Lăpugiu de Sus (Romania). C1–C3. NHMW 1865/0001/0183, paralectotype, Lăpugiu de Sus (Romania). D1–D2. NHMW 1859/0037/0018b, paralectotype, Lăpugiu de Sus (Romania). E1–E3. NHMW 1874/0025/0021, lectotype, Lăpugiu de Sus (Romania). F1–F2. NHMW 2023/0338/0001, paralectotype, Lăpugiu de Sus (Romania).

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FIGURE 34.A. Euthria brunettii nov.sp., NHMW2023/0338/0007,paratype, Lăpugiu de Sus(Romania).B.Euthria walaszczyki nov. sp., NHMW 1868/0001/0223, Grund (Austria). C. Euthria depressospira Bandat, 1943, NHMW 2023/0338/0008, Lăpugiu de Sus (Romania). D. Euthria diluvii (Eichwald, 1830) NHMW 1860/0001/0224b, Boršov (= Porstendorf) (Czech Republic). E. Euthria fuscocingulata (Hoernes & Auinger, 1890). NHMW 2023/0338/0011, paralectotype, Lăpugiu de Sus (Romania). F. Euthria frausseni nov. sp., NHMW 2023/0338/0012, paratype, Lăpugiu de Sus (Romania). G. Euthria odiosa nov. sp. NHMW 2023/0348/0001, paratype, Steinebrunn (Austria). H. Euthria puschii (Andrzejowski, 1830), NHMW 2023/0350/0002, Bad Vöslau (Austria). I. Euthria stuetzii (Naumann, 1852), NHMW 1846/0037/0254, Enzesfeld or Gainfarn (Austria). J. Euthria subnodosa (Hoernes & Auinger, 1890), NHMW 1846/0037/0274, Steinebrunn and Gainfarn (Austria). K. Euthria yesimae nov. sp., RGM 794 572, paratype, Pınarlar Yaylası, Akpınar (Turkey).

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FIGURE 42. Euthria odiosa nov. sp. A1–A2. NHMW 1846/0037/0273a, holotype, Steinebrunn (Austria). B1–B2. NHMW 1865/0015/0059, paratype, Lysice (Czech Republic). C1–C2. NHMW 2023/0345/0001, paratype, Boršov (Porstendorf) (Czech Republic). D1–D2. NHMW 2023/0346/0001, paratype, Gainfarn (Austria). E1–E2. NHMW 2023/0347/0001, paratype, Niederleis (Austria).


Museum Donaueschingen











