Euthria puschii ( Andrzejowski, 1830 )
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Plazi (2024-03-19 21:17:48, last updated 2024-03-19 21:37:23) |
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Euthria puschii ( Andrzejowski, 1830 ) |
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Euthria puschii ( Andrzejowski, 1830)
Figs 34H View FIGURE 34 , 43A–E View FIGURE 43
* Lathira Puschii Nobis— Andrzejowski 1830: 95, pl. 4, fig. 2.
Fasciolaria polonica m.—Pusch 1837: 145, pl. 12, figs 3a–b.
[ Fasciolaria View in CoL ] Polonica Pusch — Hauer 1837: 419.
Fasciolaria polonica Pusch — Bellardi & Michelotti 1840: 119, pl. 2, fig. 15.
Fusus armatus mihi— Michelotti 1847: 275, pl. 9, fig. 12.
Fasc [iolaria]. polonica Pusch — Eichwald 1853: 180.
Fusus Puschi Andr. —Hörnes 1853: 282, pl. 31, figs 6a–b.
Fusus Puschi Andr. — Neugeboren 1854: 185.
Euthria Puschi (Andr.) View in CoL — Bellardi 1873: 196, pl. 13, fig. 17.
Fusus spiralis n. f.— Handmann 1882: 259 [non Fusus spiralis A. Adams, 1856]
Fasciolaria polonica — Quenstedt 1884: 616, pl. 209, fig. 68.
[ Fusus ] spiralis Handm. — Handmann 1888: 18 [non Fusus spiralis A. Adams, 1856]
Fusus (Euthria) puschi Andr. —Hoernes & Auinger 1890: 259.
Euthria puschi (Andrz.) View in CoL — Boettger 1902: 36.
Euthria puschi (Andr.) View in CoL — Sacco 1904: 35, pl. 10, figs 1–2.
Euthria Puschi Andrz. View in CoL — Friedberg 1912: 154, pl. 8, fig. 12.
Euthria Zejszneri Friedb. View in CoL — Friedberg 1912: 154, pl. 8, fig. 13.
Euthria Puschi (Andrz.) View in CoL — Montanaro 1935: 74, pl. 6, fig. 16.
Euthria Puschi Andrz. View in CoL — Friedberg 1938: 138.
Euthria puschi (Andrz.) View in CoL — Csepreghy-Meznerics 1954: 40.
Euthria (Euthria) puschi Andrz. View in CoL — Korobkov 1955: plate captions, pl. 90, figs 14a–b.
Euthria (Euthria) zejszneri Friedb — Korobkov 1955: plate captions, pl. 90, figs 15a–b.
Euthria puschi (Andrz.) View in CoL — Csepreghy-Meznerics 1956: 434, pl. 7, figs 6–7.
Euthria puschi (Andrzejowski) View in CoL — Pavlovsky 1957: 53, pl. 1, figs 8a–b.
E [uthria]. (E [uthria].) puschi (Andrz.) View in CoL — Sieber 1958: 150.
Euthria (Euthria) puschi ( Andrzejowski 1830) View in CoL —Kojumdgieva in Kojumdgieva & Strachimirov 1960: 170, pl. 43, figs 8a–b. Euthria puschi Andrzejovski View in CoL [sic]— Strausz 1962: 87, pl. 34, figs 6, 7, 10.
Buccinulum (Euthria) puschi Andrzejowsky , sp. 1830— Glibert 1963: 71.
Euthria puschi Andrzejovski View in CoL [sic], 1830— Strausz 1966a: 304, pl. 34, figs 6, 7, 10.
Euthria puschi ( Andrzejowski, 1830) View in CoL — Zelinskaya et al. 1968: 191, pl. 45, figs 14–15.
Euthria puschi (Andrzejowsky) View in CoL — Eremija 1971: 76, pl. 6, fig. 10.
Euthria puschi Andrz. View in CoL — Csepreghy-Meznerics 1972: 28, pl. 11, figs 3–4.
Euthria puschi ( Andrzejowski, 1830) View in CoL — Bałuk 1995: 243, pl. 34, figs 1–5.
Euthria puschi Andrzejowski View in CoL —Jakubovski 1996: 713, pl. 219, fig. 3.
Euthria (Euthria) puschi ( Andrzejowski, 1830) View in CoL —Harzhauser 2002: 100, pl. 7, fig. 5.
Euthria puschi ( Andrzejowski, 1830) View in CoL — Landau et al. 2013: 165, pl. 25, figs 4–5.
Euthria puschi ( Andrzejowski, 1830) View in CoL — Popa et al. 2014: 12, pl. 3, fig. 4.
Euthria puschi (Andrzejowski) View in CoL — Kovács 2018: 182, figs 21–22.
Euthria puschi ( Andrzejowski, 1830) View in CoL — Kovács 2022: 74, figs 32–33.
Euthria puschi ( Andrzejowski, 1830) View in CoL — Kovács & Vicián 2023: 254, figs 13G–H.
non Euthria (Euthria) puschi (Andrzejowski) View in CoL — Schultz 1998: 68, pl. 27, fig. 3 [= Euthria dellabellai nov. sp.].
non Euthria (Euthria) puschi ( Andrzejowski, 1830) View in CoL — Mikuž 2009: 24, pl. 7, fig. 89 [= Melongena cornuta ( Agassiz, 1843) View in CoL ].
Type material. We are not aware of the whereabouts of the types. The specimens are most probably lost.
Illustrated material. NHMW 1846/0037/0273b, SL: 50.1 mm, MD: 23.5 mm, Gainfarn ( Austria), illustrated in Hörnes (1853: pl. 31, fig. 6), Figs 43A View FIGURE 43 1 –A View FIGURE 1 2 View FIGURE 2 . NHMW 1854/0035/0215a, SL: 54.1 mm, MD: 27.8 mm, Lăpugiu de Sus ( Romania), Figs 43B View FIGURE 43 1 –B View FIGURE 1 2 View FIGURE 2 . NHMW 1854/0035/0214a, SL: 53.0 mm, MD: 24.0 mm, Lăpugiu de Sus ( Romania), Figs 43C View FIGURE 43 1 –C View FIGURE 1 2 View FIGURE 2 . NHMW 2023/0350/0001, SL: 42.9 mm, MD: 20.4 mm, Bad Vöslau ( Austria), Figs 43D View FIGURE 43 1 –D View FIGURE 1 2 View FIGURE 2 . NHMW 2023/0338/0013, SL: 47.3 mm, MD: 24.0 mm, Lăpugiu de Sus ( Romania). Figs 43E View FIGURE 43 1 –E View FIGURE 1 2 View FIGURE 2 . NHMW 2023/0350/0002, SL: 31.3 mm, MD: 18.6 mm, Bad Vöslau ( Austria), Figs 34H View FIGURE 34 .
Additional material. 6 spec., NHMW 1854 View Materials /0035/0215, Lăpugiu de Sus ( Romania) ; 6 spec., NHMW 1854 View Materials /0035/0214, Lăpugiu de Sus ( Romania) ; 6 spec., NHMW A1436 View Materials , Lăpugiu de Sus ( Romania) ; 10 spec., NHMW 1855 View Materials /0045/0912, Bad Vöslau ( Austria) ; 8 spec., NHMW 1869 View Materials /0001/0494, Forchtenau ( Austria) ; 3 spec., NHMW 1864 View Materials /0001/0306, Niederleis ( Austria) ; 3 spec., NHMW 1855 View Materials /0045/0454, Gainfarn ( Austria) ; 3 spec., NHMW 1867 View Materials /0019/0113, CoŞteiu de Sus ( Romania) ; 3 spec., NHMW 1872 View Materials /0030/0049, Baden-Sooss ( Austria) ; 5 spec., NHMW 1853 View Materials /0038/0026, Korytnica ( Poland) ; 1 spec., NHMW 1868 View Materials /0001/0082, Möllersdorf ( Austria) ; 2 spec., NHMW 1861 View Materials /0040/3720, Rousínov ( Czech Republic) ; 4 spec., NHMW 1865 View Materials /0019/0005, Hrušovany nad Jevišovkou ( Czech Republic) ; 1 spec., NHMW 1855 View Materials /0002/0076, Boršov (= Porstendorf) ( Czech Republic) .
Revised description. Medium-sized, moderately broad fusiform shell of up to seven teleoconch whorls; apical angle ~50°. Protoconch conical of 2.5 whorls; diameter: 1200 μm, height: 1010 μm. Early teleoconch whorls weakly convex, with faint shoulder and periphery close above abapical suture. Sculpture of broad, widely spaced axial ribs overrun by weak spiral cords most prominent on abapical half of whorls; ribs weaken adapically forming small tubercles at shoulder. Later whorls with broad, slightly concave subsutural ramp, shoulder placed below mid-whorl; sculpture of delicate spiral cords and small, sharp, widely spaced, adapically pointing tubercles along shoulder. Suture weakly incised. Last whorl ~70% of total height, with broad, steep, straight to weakly concave subsutural ramp, weakly angled at shoulder bearing 12–13 low, pointed tubercles, moderately convex below, base moderately constricted, entire surface bearing narrow, widely spaced spiral cords of roughly alternating strength, cord on subsutural platform above shoulder also weakly tuberculate in some specimens. Aperture moderately wide, ovate. Columella broadly excavated, smooth, angled at transition to siphonal canal. Columellar callus indistinct, not delimited from base. Anal canal indistinct, without parietal or anal denticles. Outer lip thin with elongate denticles within starting some distance behind peristome and extending as narrow lirae deep into aperture. Siphonal canal moderately short, rarely long, moderately wide, deflected to the left, weakly recurved, deeply notched. Mediterranean specimens have color pattern of large squarish blotches on subsutural ramp and second row of blotches at periphery of last whorl ( Landau et al. 2013: pl. 25, fig. 5).
Paratethyan synonyms. Fasciolaria polonica Pusch, 1837 . Pusch (1837) described this species based on specimens from Varivtsi (= Warowce) ( Ukraine), clearly referring Euthria puschii of Andrzejowski (1830), which he considered synonymous. Nevertheless, he neglected the priority of Andrzejowski’s name. The collection of Georg Gottlieb Pusch (1790–1846) is lost. Euthria zejszneri Friedberg, 1912 , was based on a specimen from Korytnica ( Poland) representing a relatively small specimen of Euthria puschii . The holotype is probably stored in the State Museum of Natural History of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in L’viv (formerly Muzeum Dzieduszyckich). Fusus spiralis Handmann, 1882 [non Fusus spiralis A. Adams, 1856]. Some specimens of the former ‘Rudolf Handmann collection’ are stored in the Kollegium Kalksburg in Vienna, a Catholic private school, but the type is lost. Handmann (1882) separated a single specimen (SL: 30 mm, MD: 15 mm) from Baden-Sooss ( Austria) from Euthria puschii based on the more prominent spiral sculpture. The description agrees well with Euthria puschii and we assume that Fusus spiralis Handmann, 1882 is a subjective junior synonym of Euthria puschii . Moreover, the name is preoccupied by Fusus spiralis A. Adams, 1856.
Discussion. A ubiquitous species in shallow water deposits, which is characterized by its pointed tubercles. Euthria gallica Peyrot, 1928 , from the Early Miocene of the Aquitaine Basin, might be a northeastern Atlantic offshoot, which differs from Euthria puschii ( Andrzejowski, 1830) in its slenderer outline, higher spire and prominent spiral sculpture on the last whorl and base ( Peyrot 1928: pl. 5, figs 1–2). Euthria dellabellai nov. sp., from the Badenian of the North Alpine-Carpathian Foredeep might be closely related but differs in its more inflated outline, shorter spire, weaker shoulder tubercles and spiral sculpture, and smooth outer lip.
Paleoenvironment. Shallow marine, inner neritic.
Distribution in Central Paratethys. Karpatian (Early Miocene): Kleinebersdorf ( Austria) (Harzhauser 2002). Badenian (Middle Miocene): Korytnica Basin: Korytnica ( Poland) ( Bałuk 1995); North Alpine-Carpathian Foreland Basin: Hrušovany nad Jevišovkou, Rousínov ( Czech Republic); Vienna Basin: Baden-Sooss, Gainfarn, Möllersdorf, Niederleis ( Austria), Boršov (= Porstendorf) ( Czech Republic) (hoc opus); Eisenstadt-Sopron Basin: Forchtenau ( Austria) (hoc opus); Pannonian Basin: Letkés, Mátraverebély, Pécsvárad, Szob ( Hungary) ( Strausz 1966a; Kovács & Vicián 2023); Bükk Mountains: Borsodbóta ( Hungary) ( Csepreghy-Meznerics 1972); Făget Basin: Lăpugiu de Sus, CoŞteiu de Sus, NemeŞeŞti ( Romania) ( Kovács 2022); Dacian Basin: Staropatica, Bozuritsa ( Bulgaria) (Kojumdgieva in Kojumdgieva & Strachimirov 1960).
Proto-Mediterranean Sea. Langhian (Middle Miocene): Colli Torinesi: Rio della Batteria, Villa Forzano ( Italy) ( Montanaro 1935). Serravallian (Middle Miocene): Karaman Basin: Lale, Akpınar ( Turkey) ( Landau et al. 2013). Tortonian (Late Miocene): Po Basin: Montegibbio ( Italy) ( Montanaro 1935).
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FIGURE 1. Measurements for shell morphology; AA: apical angle, SL: shell length, MD: maximum diameter, LWH: last whorl height, AH: aperture height, AL: aperture length, AW: aperture width.
FIGURE 2. Colubraria subobscura (Hoernes & Auinger, 1884). A1–A3. NHMW 1854/0035/0170, paralectotype, Lăpugiu de Sus (Romania). B1–B2. NHMW 1859/0037/0018a, paralectotype, Lăpugiu de Sus (Romania). C1–C3. NHMW 1865/0001/0183, paralectotype, Lăpugiu de Sus (Romania). D1–D2. NHMW 1859/0037/0018b, paralectotype, Lăpugiu de Sus (Romania). E1–E3. NHMW 1874/0025/0021, lectotype, Lăpugiu de Sus (Romania). F1–F2. NHMW 2023/0338/0001, paralectotype, Lăpugiu de Sus (Romania).
FIGURE 34.A. Euthria brunettii nov.sp., NHMW2023/0338/0007,paratype, Lăpugiu de Sus(Romania).B.Euthria walaszczyki nov. sp., NHMW 1868/0001/0223, Grund (Austria). C. Euthria depressospira Bandat, 1943, NHMW 2023/0338/0008, Lăpugiu de Sus (Romania). D. Euthria diluvii (Eichwald, 1830) NHMW 1860/0001/0224b, Boršov (= Porstendorf) (Czech Republic). E. Euthria fuscocingulata (Hoernes & Auinger, 1890). NHMW 2023/0338/0011, paralectotype, Lăpugiu de Sus (Romania). F. Euthria frausseni nov. sp., NHMW 2023/0338/0012, paratype, Lăpugiu de Sus (Romania). G. Euthria odiosa nov. sp. NHMW 2023/0348/0001, paratype, Steinebrunn (Austria). H. Euthria puschii (Andrzejowski, 1830), NHMW 2023/0350/0002, Bad Vöslau (Austria). I. Euthria stuetzii (Naumann, 1852), NHMW 1846/0037/0254, Enzesfeld or Gainfarn (Austria). J. Euthria subnodosa (Hoernes & Auinger, 1890), NHMW 1846/0037/0274, Steinebrunn and Gainfarn (Austria). K. Euthria yesimae nov. sp., RGM 794 572, paratype, Pınarlar Yaylası, Akpınar (Turkey).
FIGURE 43. Euthria puschii (Andrzejowski, 1830). A1–A2. NHMW 1846/0037/0273b, Gainfarn (Austria). B1–B2. NHMW 1854/0035/0215a, Lăpugiu de Sus (Romania). C1–C2. NHMW 1854/0035/0214a, Lăpugiu de Sus (Romania). D1–D2. NHMW 2023/0350/0001, Bad Vöslau (Austria). E1–E2. NHMW 2023/0338/0013, Lăpugiu de Sus (Romania).
Naturhistorisches Museum, Wien |
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Museum Donaueschingen |
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
Kingdom |
Phylum |
Class |
Order |
Family |
Genus |
Euthria puschii ( Andrzejowski, 1830 )
Harzhauser, Mathias & Landau, Bernard M. 2024 |
Euthria puschi ( Andrzejowski, 1830 )
Kovacs, Z. & Vician, Z. 2023: 254 |
Euthria puschi ( Andrzejowski, 1830 )
Kovacs, Z. 2022: 74 |
Euthria puschi (Andrzejowski)
Kovacs, Z. 2018: 182 |
Euthria puschi ( Andrzejowski, 1830 )
Popa, M. V. & Duma, A. & Saplacan, A. 2014: 12 |
Euthria puschi ( Andrzejowski, 1830 )
Landau, B. M. & Harzhauser, M. & Islamoglu, Y. & Marques da Silva, C. 2013: 165 |
Euthria (Euthria) puschi ( Andrzejowski, 1830 )
Mikuz, V. 2009: 24 |
Euthria (Euthria) puschi (Andrzejowski)
Schultz, O. 1998: 68 |
Euthria puschi ( Andrzejowski, 1830 )
Baluk, W. 1995: 243 |
Euthria puschi
Csepreghy-Meznerics, I. 1972: 28 |
Euthria puschi (Andrzejowsky)
Eremija, M. 1971: 76 |
Euthria puschi ( Andrzejowski, 1830 )
Zelinskaya, V. A. & Kulichenko, V. G. & Makarenko, D. E. & Sorochan, E. A. 1968: 191 |
Euthria puschi
Strausz, L. 1966: 304 |
Buccinulum (Euthria) puschi
Glibert, M. 1963: 71 |
Euthria puschi (Andrzejowski)
Pavlovsky, M. 1957: 53 |
Euthria puschi (Andrz.)
Csepreghy-Meznerics, I. 1956: 434 |
Euthria puschi (Andrz.)
Csepreghy-Meznerics, I. 1954: 40 |
Euthria Puschi
Friedberg, W. 1938: 138 |
Euthria Puschi (Andrz.)
Montanaro, E. 1935: 74 |
Euthria Puschi
Friedberg, W. 1912: 154 |
Euthria Zejszneri Friedb.
Friedberg, W. 1912: 154 |
Euthria puschi (Andr.)
Sacco, F. 1904: 35 |
Euthria puschi (Andrz.)
Boettger, O. 1902: 36 |
Handmann, R. 1888: 18 |
Fusus spiralis
Handmann, R. 1882: 259 |
Euthria Puschi (Andr.)
Bellardi, L. 1873: 196 |
Fusus Puschi
Neugeboren, J. L. 1854: 185 |
Fusus armatus
Michelotti, G. 1847: 275 |
Fasciolaria polonica
Bellardi, L. & Michelotti, G. 1840: 119 |
Hauer, J. 1837: 419 |