Euthria fuscocingulata (Hoernes & Auinger, 1890)
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Plazi (2024-03-19 21:17:48, last updated 2024-03-19 21:37:23) |
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Euthria fuscocingulata (Hoernes & Auinger, 1890) |
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Euthria fuscocingulata (Hoernes & Auinger, 1890) View in CoL
Figs 34E View FIGURE 34 , 39A–E View FIGURE 39
Fusus fusco-cingulatus Hörnes —Neugeboren 1864: 94 [nomen nudum].
* Fusus (Euthria) fuscocingulatus M. Hoern. —Hoernes & Auinger 1890: 257, pl. 32, figs 3–4.
Euthria fuscocingulata (M. Hö.) View in CoL — Boettger 1906: 33.
Columbella zaprešićiana nov. spec. — Šuklje 1929: 20, pl. 4, figs. 1a, 1b.
E [uthria]. (E [uthria].) fuscocingulata (Hörn.) View in CoL — Sieber 1958: 150.
Euthria (Euthria) fuscocingulata View in CoL (Hoernes in Hoernes et Auinger)—Kojumdgieva in Kojumdgieva & Strachimirov 1960: 171, pl. 43, figs 12a–b.
Buccinulum (Euthria) fuscocingulatum (Hörnes) in Hoernes et Auinger, sp. 1890— Glibert 1963: 70.
Euthria (Euthria) fuscocingulata View in CoL (Hoernes in Hoernes et Auinger)— Caze et al. 2010: 23, fig. 5I.
Euthria fuscocingulata (Hoernes et Auinger, 1890) View in CoL — Kovács 2022: 73, figs 28–29.
Type material. Lectotype (designated herein): NHMW 1949 View Materials /0005/0024b, SL: 38.0 mm, MD: 17.2 mm, Lăpugiu de Sus ( Romania), illustrated in Hoernes & Auinger (1890: pl. 32, fig. 4), Figs 39A View FIGURE 39 1 –A View FIGURE 1 2 View FIGURE 2 . Paralectotypes: NHMW 1949 View Materials /0005/0024a, SL: 30.6 mm , MD: 15.9 mm, Lăpugiu de Sus ( Romania), illustrated in Hoernes & Auinger (1890: pl. 32, fig. 3), Figs 39B View FIGURE 39 1 –B View FIGURE 1 2 View FIGURE 2 . NHMW 1854 View Materials /0035/0213a, SL: 34.2 mm , MD: 17.0 mm, Lăpugiu de Sus ( Romania), Figs 39C View FIGURE 39 1 –C View FIGURE 1 2 View FIGURE 2 . NHMW 2023 View Materials /0338/0009, SL 30.0 mm , MD: 16.7 mm, Lăpugiu de Sus ( Romania), Figs 39D View FIGURE 39 1 –D View FIGURE 1 2 View FIGURE 2 . NHMW 2023 View Materials /0338/0010, SL 30.5 mm , MD: 15.6 mm, Lăpugiu de Sus ( Romania), Figs 39E View FIGURE 39 1 –E View FIGURE 1 2 View FIGURE 2 . NHMW 2023 View Materials /0338/0011, SL 18.5 mm , MD: 10.8 mm, Lăpugiu de Sus ( Romania), Figs 34E View FIGURE 34 . 55 spec. , NHMW 1854 View Materials /0035/0213, Lăpugiu de Sus ( Romania) .
Additional material. 1spec., NHMW 1866 View Materials /0015/1168, Baden-Sooss ( Austria) ; 2spec., NHMW 1855 View Materials /0045/0911, Bad Vöslau ( Austria) ; 4 spec, A 1438, Lăpugiu de Sus ( Romania) .
Revised description. Medium-sized, stout ovate shell of up to seven teleoconch whorls; apical angle 55– 60°. Protoconch paucispiral of 1.5 convex whorls and blunt apex; diameter: 900 μm, height: 800 μm. Transition to teleoconch marked by onset of weak, opisthocline axial ribs. Second teleoconch whorl with slightly convex subsutural ramp, weakly shouldered, bearing broad, widely spaced axial ribs, overrun by five spiral cords: two cords on subsutural ramp weaker, two stronger cords, one at shoulder and one just above suture, with one slightly weaker intercalated; axial ribs weakening adapically, fading on third teleoconch whorl; spiral cords replaced by numerous delicate spiral threads, also fading abapically. Suture incised, undulating around ribs. Third and later spire whorls smooth, flat-sided or weakly convex with periphery at abapical suture. Last whorl ovate, ~75% of total height, smooth, subsutural ramp hardly developed, broadly convex below, base moderately constricted bearing weak, widely spaced spiral cords, with fine secondaries intercalated, fasciole indistinct. Aperture moderately wide, pyriform. Columella strongly excavated mid-aperture, smooth except for weak denticle marking transition to siphonal canal. Columellar callus forming broad rim, detached from base along siphonal canal, thin mid-aperture, slightly thickened in parietal area. Anal canal weakly incised, accentuated by small parietal denticle. No anal denticle. Outer lip thin, with about eight prominent lirate denticles placed some distance behind peristome, extending a short distance within aperture. Siphonal canal moderately long, wide, deflected to the left, moderately recurved, shallowly notched. Color pattern of broad brown bands separated by wider interspaces (about ten bands on last whorl).
Paratethyan synonyms. Columbella zaprešićiana Šuklje, 1929 , holotype, Inv. No. 6312.1460, Zaprešić-Brijeg at Samobor ( Croatia), stored in the Natural History Museum in Zagreb ( Croatia). This species was excluded from Columbellidae by Harzhauser & Landau (2021: 62) and placed in synonymy of Euthria fuscocingulata .
Discussion. This species is characterized by its color pattern of brown bands, which is frequently preserved and shows little variability. The name Fusus fuscocingulatus was used as collection name on a label by Moritz Hörnes (1815–1868), to which Neugeboren (1964) and Hoernes & Auinger (1890) referred. The name was made available by the description of Hoernes & Auinger (1890).
Paleoenvironment. Unknown, probably middle to outer neritic environments.
Distribution in Central Paratethys. Badenian (Middle Miocene): Făget Basin: Lăpugiu de Sus ( Romania) ( Kovács 2022); Pannonian Basin: Zaprešić-Brijeg at Samobor ( Croatia) ( Harzhauser & Landau 2021); Dacian Basin: Târnene, Staropatica, Radomirtsi ( Bulgaria) (Kojumdgieva in Kojumdgieva & Strachimirov 1960).
Boettger, O. (1906) Zur Kenntnis der Fauna der mittelmiocanen Schichten von Kostej im Krasso-Szorenyer Komitat. Gasteropoden und Anneliden III. Verhandlungen und Mitteilungen des Siebenburgischen Vereins fur Naturwissenschaften zu Hermannstadt, 54, 1 - 99. [https: // www. biodiversitylibrary. org / item / 108176 # page / 59 / mode / 1 up]
Caze, B., Saint Martin, J. - P., Merle, D. & Saint Martin, S. (2010) Interet des motifs colores residuels des coquilles de mollusques pour la valorisation des sites paleontologiques et des collections: l'exemple du Badenien de Roumanie. Le patrimoine paleontologique. Des tresors du fond des temps, p. 27 - 38.
Glibert, M. (1963) Les Muricacea et Buccinacea fossiles du Cenozoique etranger des collections de l'Institut royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique. Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique Memoire, Deuxieme Serie, 74, 1 - 179. [https: // biblio. naturalsciences. be / rbins-publications / memoirs-of-the-royal-institute-of-natural-sciences-of-belgium-secondseries / 74 - 1963 / vol- 74 - 3800216 - text. pdf]
Harzhauser, M. & Landau, B. M. (2021) The Columbellidae (Gastropoda, Buccinoidea) of the Miocene Paratethys Sea. Zootaxa, 5025 (1), 1 - 75. https: // doi. org / 10.11646 / zootaxa. 5025.1.1
Kojumdgieva, E. & Strachimirov, B. (1960) Les fossiles de Bulgarie. VII. Tortonien. Academie Bulgare des Sciences, Sofia, 438 pp. [KoюмdZiiva, I. & Сtрasiмiрov, B. (1960) ФoсiЛiti нa BЪЛgaрiЯ. VII. Toрtoн. Bълgaрсka AkadiмiЯ нa нaukiti, СoфiЯ, 223 pp.]
Kovacs, Z. (2022) Middle Miocene Buccinoidea (Neogastropoda) assemblage from the Faget Basin (Romania) in the collection of the Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest. Fragmenta Palaeontologica Hungarica, 37 (2021), 65 - 99. https: // doi. org / 10.17111 / FragmPalHung. 2021.37.65
Sieber, R. (1958) Systematische Ubersicht der jungtertiaren Gastropoden des Wiener Beckens. Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien, 62, 123 - 192. [https: // opac. geologie. ac. at / ais 312 / dokumente / Annalen _ des _ NHMW _ 1958 _ 062 _ 123 _ 192. pdf]
Suklje, F. (1929) Mediteranska fauna zapresic Brijega u Samoborskoj Gori. Vijesti Geoloskoga zavoda, 3, 1 - 52.
FIGURE 1. Measurements for shell morphology; AA: apical angle, SL: shell length, MD: maximum diameter, LWH: last whorl height, AH: aperture height, AL: aperture length, AW: aperture width.
FIGURE 2. Colubraria subobscura (Hoernes & Auinger, 1884). A1–A3. NHMW 1854/0035/0170, paralectotype, Lăpugiu de Sus (Romania). B1–B2. NHMW 1859/0037/0018a, paralectotype, Lăpugiu de Sus (Romania). C1–C3. NHMW 1865/0001/0183, paralectotype, Lăpugiu de Sus (Romania). D1–D2. NHMW 1859/0037/0018b, paralectotype, Lăpugiu de Sus (Romania). E1–E3. NHMW 1874/0025/0021, lectotype, Lăpugiu de Sus (Romania). F1–F2. NHMW 2023/0338/0001, paralectotype, Lăpugiu de Sus (Romania).
FIGURE 34.A. Euthria brunettii nov.sp., NHMW2023/0338/0007,paratype, Lăpugiu de Sus(Romania).B.Euthria walaszczyki nov. sp., NHMW 1868/0001/0223, Grund (Austria). C. Euthria depressospira Bandat, 1943, NHMW 2023/0338/0008, Lăpugiu de Sus (Romania). D. Euthria diluvii (Eichwald, 1830) NHMW 1860/0001/0224b, Boršov (= Porstendorf) (Czech Republic). E. Euthria fuscocingulata (Hoernes & Auinger, 1890). NHMW 2023/0338/0011, paralectotype, Lăpugiu de Sus (Romania). F. Euthria frausseni nov. sp., NHMW 2023/0338/0012, paratype, Lăpugiu de Sus (Romania). G. Euthria odiosa nov. sp. NHMW 2023/0348/0001, paratype, Steinebrunn (Austria). H. Euthria puschii (Andrzejowski, 1830), NHMW 2023/0350/0002, Bad Vöslau (Austria). I. Euthria stuetzii (Naumann, 1852), NHMW 1846/0037/0254, Enzesfeld or Gainfarn (Austria). J. Euthria subnodosa (Hoernes & Auinger, 1890), NHMW 1846/0037/0274, Steinebrunn and Gainfarn (Austria). K. Euthria yesimae nov. sp., RGM 794 572, paratype, Pınarlar Yaylası, Akpınar (Turkey).
FIGURE 39. Euthria fuscocingulata (Hoernes & Auinger, 1890). A1–A2. NHMW 1949/0005/0024b, lectotype, Lăpugiu de Sus (Romania). B1–B2. NHMW 1949/0005/0024a, paralectotype, Lăpugiu de Sus (Romania). C1–C2. NHMW 1854/0035/0213a, paralectotype, Lăpugiu de Sus (Romania). D1–D2. NHMW 2023/0338/0009, paralectotype, Lăpugiu de Sus (Romania). E1–E2. NHMW 2023/0338/0010, paralectotype, Lăpugiu de Sus (Romania).
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Museum Donaueschingen |
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
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Euthria fuscocingulata (Hoernes & Auinger, 1890)
Harzhauser, Mathias & Landau, Bernard M. 2024 |
Euthria fuscocingulata (Hoernes et Auinger, 1890)
Kovacs, Z. 2022: 73 |
Euthria (Euthria) fuscocingulata
Caze, B. & Saint Martin, J. - P. & Merle, D. & Saint Martin, S. 2010: 23 |
Buccinulum (Euthria) fuscocingulatum (Hörnes)
Glibert, M. 1963: 70 |
Euthria (Euthria) fuscocingulata
Kojumdgieva, E. & Strachimirov, B. 1960: 171 |
Columbella zaprešićiana
Suklje, F. 1929: 20 |
Euthria fuscocingulata (M. Hö.)
Boettger, O. 1906: 33 |