Aplus wimmeri (Hoernes & Auinger, 1885)

Harzhauser, Mathias & Landau, Bernard M., 2024, The Colubrariidae, Eosiphonidae, Melongenidae, Pisaniidae, Prodotiidae and Tudiclidae (Gastropoda, Buccinoidea) of the Miocene Paratethys Sea, Zootaxa 5427 (1), pp. 1-110 : 37-38

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Plazi (2024-03-19 21:17:48, last updated 2024-03-19 21:37:23)

scientific name

Aplus wimmeri (Hoernes & Auinger, 1885)


Aplus wimmeri (Hoernes & Auinger, 1885)

Figs 19A–C View FIGURE 19

* Columbella (Engina) Wimmeri nov. form.—Hoernes & Auinger 1885: 104, pl. 7, figs 21–23.

Pollia Wimmeri R. Hoern. und Auing. —Hoernes & Auinger 1890: 241.

Pollia (Engina) Wimmeri Hö. Au. — Boettger 1906: 32.

C [antharus]. (P [ollia]). wimmeri (R. Hörn. et Au.) — Sieber 1958: 151.

Type material. Lectotype (designated herein), NHMW 1869 View Materials /0001/0080, SL: 15.3 mm, MD: 9.1 mm, Möllersdorf ( Austria), illustrated in Hoernes & Auinger (1885: pl. 7, fig. 22), Figs 19A View FIGURE 19 1 –A View FIGURE 1 2 View FIGURE 2 . Paralectotypes: NHMW 1866 View Materials /0040/0195a, SL: 13.1 mm , MD: 7.9 mm, Baden-Sooss ( Austria), illustrated in Hoernes & Auinger (1885: pl. 7, fig. 21), Figs 19B View FIGURE 19 1 –B View FIGURE 1 2 View FIGURE 2 . NHMW 1866 View Materials /0040/0195b, SL: 13.6 mm , MD: 7.9 mm, Baden-Sooss ( Austria), illustrated in Hoernes & Auinger (1885: pl. 7, fig. 23), Fig. 19C View FIGURE 19 .

Revised description. Small, squat, broad, ovate-biconic shell of up to four teleoconch whorls; apical angle 60°. Protoconch unknown. First teleoconch whorl flat-sided, periphery at abapical suture. Sculpture on early teleoconch whorls of broad, close-set, orthocline axial ribs (11 ribs on first teleoconch whorl), separated by much narrower interspaces, overrun by three spiral cords, strongly swollen over ribs. Suture narrowly incised. Abapically ribs broaden and flatten, primary cords become less swollen over ribs, fine secondary cord intercalated between primaries from second teleoconch whorl. Penultimate whorl with three primary spiral cords; three secondary spiral threads in slightly wider interspace between adapical and mid-whorl primaries; two secondary threads in narrower interspace between mid-whorl and abapical primary cord. Last whorl ovate, 76–79% of total height, weakly shouldered, convex below, weakly constricted at base; adapical spiral cord swollen forming broad subsutural collar, followed by wide interspace with three secondary spiral cords and slightly weaker tertiary threads; about nine broad, smooth spiral cords over whorl and base, separated by slightly narrower interspaces, each interspace with one secondary cord flanked each side by a tertiary thread; fasciole indistinct bearing broad spiral cords. Aperture moderately wide, ovate. Columella moderately excavated in upper half. Columellar callus forming narrow rim, moderately delimited from base. Columella with up to four weak to subobsolete columellar folds. Adapical tip of aperture alate, with deeply incised U-shaped anal canal, narrowed by moderately developed parietal denticle and strong, knob-like anal denticle. Outer lip thickened with row of about seven blunt denticles starting short distance behind peristome, weakening abapically. Siphonal canal short, moderately wide, shallowly notched.

Discussion. Aplus wimmeri (Hoernes & Auinger, 1885) might be related to Aplus compressus ( Bellardi, 1873) from the Early Miocene of the Colli Torinesi ( Italy) (see Ferrero Mortara et al. 1981: pl. 5, fig. 9). They differ in the more elongate outline, less excavated columella and straighter outer lip of A. compressus . Aplus unifilosus ( Bellardi, 1873) from the Upper Miocene of Italy and Aplus pliounifilosus Brunetti & Della Bella, 2016 from the Lower Pliocene of Italy are both similar in having squat shells and have similar sculpture, but these two Italian species do not have the subsutural collar, the outer lip is less alate adapically, and they have only one secondary cord intercalated in the spiral interspaces on the last whorl.

Paleoenvironment. The occurrences in the Baden Formation of the Vienna Basin suggest middle to outer neritic environments in up to 250 m water depth ( Kranner et al. 2021) .

Distribution in Central Paratethys. Badenian (Middle Miocene): Vienna Basin: Möllersdorf, Baden-Sooss ( Austria) (Hoernes & Auinger 1890).

Bellardi, L. (1873) I molluschi dei terreni terziarii del Piemonte e della Liguria, 1. Cephalopoda, Pteropoda, Heteropoda, Gasteropoda (Muricidae e Tritonidae). Memorie della Reale Accademia delle Scienze di Torino, Series 2, 27, 33 - 294. [https: // www. biodiversitylibrary. org / item / 45374 # page / 5 / mode / 1 up] https: // doi. org / 10.5962 / bhl. title. 12269

Boettger, O. (1906) Zur Kenntnis der Fauna der mittelmiocanen Schichten von Kostej im Krasso-Szorenyer Komitat. Gasteropoden und Anneliden III. Verhandlungen und Mitteilungen des Siebenburgischen Vereins fur Naturwissenschaften zu Hermannstadt, 54, 1 - 99. [https: // www. biodiversitylibrary. org / item / 108176 # page / 59 / mode / 1 up]

Brunetti, M. M. & Della Bella, G. (2016) Revisioni di alcuni generi della famiglia Buccinidae Rafinesque, 1815 nel Plio-Pleistocene del Bacino Mediterraneo, con descrizione di tre nuove specie. Bollettino Malacologico, 52, 3 - 37. [https: // www. biodiversitylibrary. org / item / 278546 # page / 5 / mode / 1 up]

Ferrero Mortara, E., Montefameglio, I., Pavia, G. & Tampieri, R. (1981) Catalogo dei tipi e degli esemplari figurati della collezione Bellardi e Sacco I. Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali, Catalogo, 6, 1 - 327. [https: // www. biodiversitylibrary. org / item / 269998 # page / 5 / mode / 1 up]

Kranner, M., Harzhauser, M., Mandic, O., Strauss, P., Siedl, W. & Piller, W. E. (2021) Early and Middle Miocene paleobathymetry of the Vienna Basin (Austria). Marine and Petroleum Geology, 132, 105187. https: // doi. org / 10.1016 / j. marpetgeo. 2021.105187

Sieber, R. (1958) Systematische Ubersicht der jungtertiaren Gastropoden des Wiener Beckens. Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien, 62, 123 - 192. [https: // opac. geologie. ac. at / ais 312 / dokumente / Annalen _ des _ NHMW _ 1958 _ 062 _ 123 _ 192. pdf]

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FIGURE 1. Measurements for shell morphology; AA: apical angle, SL: shell length, MD: maximum diameter, LWH: last whorl height, AH: aperture height, AL: aperture length, AW: aperture width.

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FIGURE 2. Colubraria subobscura (Hoernes & Auinger, 1884). A1–A3. NHMW 1854/0035/0170, paralectotype, Lăpugiu de Sus (Romania). B1–B2. NHMW 1859/0037/0018a, paralectotype, Lăpugiu de Sus (Romania). C1–C3. NHMW 1865/0001/0183, paralectotype, Lăpugiu de Sus (Romania). D1–D2. NHMW 1859/0037/0018b, paralectotype, Lăpugiu de Sus (Romania). E1–E3. NHMW 1874/0025/0021, lectotype, Lăpugiu de Sus (Romania). F1–F2. NHMW 2023/0338/0001, paralectotype, Lăpugiu de Sus (Romania).

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FIGURE 19. Aplus wimmeri (Hoernes & Auinger, 1885). A1–A2. NHMW 1869/0001/0080, lectotype, Möllersdorf (Austria). B1–B2. NHMW 1866/0040/0195a, paralectotype, Baden-Sooss (Austria). C. NHMW 1866/0040/0195b, paralectotype, Baden- Sooss (Austria).


Museum Donaueschingen











