Parameioneta bilobata Li & Zhu, 1993

Li, Lihong Tu Shuqiang, 2006, Three New And Four Newly Recorded Species Of Linyphiinae And Micronetinae Spiders (Araneae: Linyphiidae) From Northern Vietnam, Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 54 (1), pp. 103-117 : 113

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.13245162


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Parameioneta bilobata Li & Zhu, 1993


Parameioneta bilobata Li & Zhu, 1993 View in CoL

( Figs. 7 View Fig , 8 View Fig )

Parameioneta bilobata Li & Zhu , in Song, Zhu & Li, 1993: 867, Figs. 28A-M; Li & Zhu, 1995: 45, Figs. 5 View Fig a-m.

Material examined. – 4 males and 2 females, Gao Bao Village , Ha Jiang Province, Vietnam (017), 9 Dec.2000 ; 4 females, Gao Bao Village , Ha Jiang Province, Vietnam (015), 9 Dec.2000 ; 4 females, Viet Lann Village , Ha Jiang Province, Vietnam (022), 10 Dec.2000 ; 4 females, Viet Lann Village , Ha Jiang Province, Vietnam (023), 10 Dec.2000 ; 3 females, Viet Lann Village , Ha Jiang Province, Vietnam (032), 10 Dec.2000 ; 1 female, Viet Lann Village , Ha Jiang Province, Vietnam (032), 10 Dec.2000 ; 3 females, Viet Lann Village , Ha Jiang Province, Vietnam (033), 10 Dec.2000 ; 1 female, Viet Lann Village , Ha Jiang Province, Vietnam (042), 10 Dec.2000 .

Additional compared material examined. – 1 female and male of Parameioneta spicata Locket, 1982 , Phetchabun Province, Lom Sak, church yard, Thailand, coll. E. Huitula & P. Lehtinen, 27 Oct.–18 Nov.1976 .

Diagnosis. – The male P. bilobata can be easily distinguished by the large hooked dorsal apophysis of tibia, triangular tooth on outer margin of paracymbium ( Fig. 7A View Fig ) and the characters of embolic division ( Fig. 8 View Fig ); the female by the shape of epigynum in ventral view and the fork-shaped distal portion of scape ( Figs. 7 View Fig F-I) in dorsal view.

Description of male. – Total length: 1.50. Carapace: 0.72 long, 0.50 wide. Abdomen: 0.78 long, 0.44 wide. Carapace yellowish brown, with black margin. Eyes subequal, with black surroundings; AER recurved, PER straight, eyes separated by AMEd, ALE and PLE juxtaposed. Chelicerae brown, fang groove with four promarginal, four retromarginal teeth. Sternum darker than carapace. Abdomen dark gray, with white spots. Lengths of legs: I 2.63 (0.66+0.86+0.61+0.50), II 2.12 (0.59+0.69+0.50+0.34), III 1.62 (0.50+0.50+0.34+0.28), IV 2.25 (0.66+0.69+0.56+0.34). Tibia dorsal spines: 2-2-2-2. Tm I: 0.27. Tm IV absent.

Male palp ( Figs. 7 View Fig A-C). Patella with long spine dorsally. Tibia dorsal apophysis hook-shaped with multiple teeth in planted in concave area ( Fig. 7E View Fig ). Paracymbium U-shaped with black triangular tooth on outer margin. Pit-hook on distal part of suprategulum with long stick and hooked apex. Embolic division ( Figs. 7D View Fig , 8A View Fig ): lamella characteristic with large sclerotic at base, two long narrow branches out extending, one knife-shaped, strongly sclerotized, the other less sclerotized with fringy apex. Terminal apophysis with two free ends, anterior one wide, petal-shaped, posterior one long with tapering tip. Embolus proper stout ( Figs. 7D View Fig , 8 View Fig B-C). Thumb spike-like, with wide base and some thread-like projections along its outer margin. Embolic membrane tail shaped with many papillae on it.

Description of female. – Total length: 1.72. Carapace: 0.59 long, 0.40 wide. Abdomen: 1.13 long, 0.72 wide. Lengths of legs: I 2.47 (0.69+0.78+0.56+0.44), II 2.06 (0.59+0.69+0.44+0.34), III 1.56 (0.50+0.44+0.34+0.28), IV 2.19 (0.63+0.72+0.50+0.34). Tibia dorsal spines: 2-2-2-2. Tm I: 0.25. Tm IV absent. Other somatic characters same as male.

Epigynum ( Figs. 7 View Fig F-H). Protruding, scape “S” shape puckered, proximal portion triangular, middle portion and distal portion folded under it, pressed tightly and invisible in lateral view. Distal portion forkshaped, very translucent, with pit in central and bifid apex.

Distribution. – China, Vietnam (Ha Jiang Province).













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