Microbathyphantes aokii ( Saito, 1982 ) Li, 2006

Li, Lihong Tu Shuqiang, 2006, Three New And Four Newly Recorded Species Of Linyphiinae And Micronetinae Spiders (Araneae: Linyphiidae) From Northern Vietnam, Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 54 (1), pp. 103-117 : 104-107

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.13245162

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scientific name

Microbathyphantes aokii ( Saito, 1982 )

comb. nov.

Microbathyphantes aokii ( Saito, 1982) View in CoL , new combination

( Fig. 2 View Fig )

Bathyphantes aokii Saito, 1982: 34 , Figs. 3-5 View Fig View Fig View Fig , 10.

Bathyphantes dipetalus Chen & Yin, 2000: 89 , Figs. 21-27 (new synonymy).

Material examined. – 1 male and 6 females, Viet Lann Village , Ha Jiang Province, Vietnam (042), 10 Dec.2000 .

Additional type material examined. – 1 male ( HNU), holotype of Bahtypnantes dipetalus Chen & Yin, 2000 , Daoxian County, Hunan

Province, China, 19 Aug.1987; 1 female ( HNU), paratype of Bahtypnantes dipetalus Chen & Yin, 2000 , same data as holotype .

Diagnosis. – The male of M. aokii can be distinguished from other Microbathyphantes by the anterior projection of lamella characteristica which was ribbon-shaped with rolling and pointed apex ( Figs. 2 View Fig B-D).

Description of male. – Total length: 1.90. Carapace: 0.90 long, 0.68 wide. Abdomen: 1.00 long, 0.73 wide. Carapace pale brown. Eyes with black surroundings; AME smaller, others subequale; AER recurved, PER straight, eyes separated by about AMEd, ALE and PLE juxtaposed. Chelicerae brown; stridulatory ridges absent; fang groove with three promarginal and three retromarginal teeth ( Fig. 2A View Fig ). Lengths of legs: I 3.85 (1.10+1.30+0.75+0.70), II 3.73 (1.07+1.23+0.83+0.60), III 2.94 (0.87+0.90+0.67+0.50), IV 3.80 (1.00+1.17+0.90+0.73). Only femur I with short dorsal spine. All tibia with two dorsal spines; tibia I with additional one prolateral and one retrolateral spine; tibia II with one retrolateral spine. Tm I: 0.27. Tm IV absent. Abdomen gray, without spots.

Male palp ( Figs. 2 View Fig B-C). Tibia with one prodorsal, two retrodorsal trichobothria. Cymbium unmodified. Paracymbium J-shaped with short hairs on basal part, slightly tapering off distally. Tegulum with membranous extension covering apical part of embolus. Embolic division ( Fig. 2D View Fig ) characters by well-developed lamella characteristica with four projections: lateral one sharp triangular, anterior margin roughened by small warts; dorsal one blunt and turning inwards; posterior one translucent and hooked; anterior one longest, ribbon like and extending forwards with apex point and slightly rolling. Embolus smooth coil more than one circle, then extending forwards, companied by the anterior extension of lamella characteristca.

Description of female. – Total length: 1.80. Carapace: 0.77 long, 0.80 wide. Abdomen: 1.13 long, 0.87 wide. Lengths of legs: I 3.30 (0.90+1.00+0.83+0.57), II 3.14 (0.83+0.97+0.77+0.57), III 2.44 (0.67+0.70+0.57+0.50), IV 3.23 (0.90+1.00+0.80+0.53). Tm I: 0.24. Tm IV absent. Other somatic characters same as in male.

Epigynum ( Figs. 2 View Fig E-F). Doorframe-shaped in ventral view, posterior margin elevated and incised beside posterior median plate. Posterior median plate concave centrally and two ridges arising from lateral side towards center. Entrance grooves ( Fig. 2G View Fig ) start before the middle ridges, running either way in a half circle up to the conspicuous turning points, then another half circle reversely and entering spermatheca anterally. Fertilization grooves running along both lateral sides and ended behind the middle ridges.

Remarks. – Compared with the illustrations of Microbathyphantes asiaticus van Helsdingen, 1985 , and M. spedani ( Locket, 1968) provided by van Helsdingen (1985, Figs. 11-17), the genital structures of the current species show striking resemblance to that of Microbathyphantes , and herewith transfer it to genus Microbathyphantes . Microbathyphantes aokii ( Saito, 1982) , new combination, can be distinguished from M. asiaticus and M. spedani by the rolling and pointed apex of anterior projection of lamella characteristica, which was not bifurcated as both in M. asiaticus and M. spedani according to the illustrations by van Helsdingen. Furthermore, the study on types of Bathyphantes dipetalus Chen & Yin, 2000 , shows that Microbathyphantes aokii ( Saito, 1982) is a senior synonym of Bathyphante dipetalus Chen & Yin, 2000 .

Distribution. – Vietnam (Ha Jiang), China, Japan.


Hunan Normal University














Microbathyphantes aokii ( Saito, 1982 )

Li, Lihong Tu Shuqiang 2006

Bathyphantes aokii

Saito, H 1982: 34
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