Platystethus dilutipennis Cameron , 1914

Lü, Liang & Zhou, Hong-Zhang, 2015, Review of the Genus Platystethus Mannerheim (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Oxytelinae) in China, Zootaxa 3915 (2), pp. 151-205 : 172-175

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Plazi (2016-04-18 08:47:35, last updated 2024-11-26 23:50:27)

scientific name

Platystethus dilutipennis Cameron , 1914


5. Platystethus dilutipennis Cameron, 1914 View in CoL

( Figs. 12 View FIGURE 12 & 13 View FIGURE 13 )

Cameron, 1914: 527 (Type locality: S. India: Nilgiri Hills, 3500 feet); Cameron, 1930: 266 (characters; India); Zheng, 1998: 253 ( China); Herman, 2001a: 1480; Smetana, 2004: 518 (subgenus Craetopycrus ); Yan, Li & Zheng, 2012: 342, 343 ( China).

Material examined. 183 specimens, 73♂♂, 110♀♀. CHINA: Hubei, Shenlongjia: 1♂, Hongshitougou, 1870m, pitfall trap, 1998. VII.28–VIII.10, H.-Z. Zhou leg. (IZ-CAS); 1♀, Guanmenshan [=Mt. Guanmen, 31.43ºN 110.37ºE], 1500 m, pitfall trap, 1998. VII.23–30, H.-S. Zhou leg. (IZ-CAS). Sichuan: 1♂, Baoxingxian [=Baoxing Co.], Pujigou, 2200 m, coniferous and broad leaf forest, pitfall trap, 2003. VIII.11–14, X.-D. Yu leg. (IZ-CAS); 1♀, Wolong [31.03ºN 103.18ºE], Wulidun, 2395 m, artificial larch forest, pitfall trap, 2004. VIII.6–9, X.-D. Yu leg. ( IZ- CAS); 1♀, same data as previous except: 2585m, edge of regenerating forest, 2004. VII.21–24 (IZ-CAS); 1♀, same data as previous except: 2004. VIII.5–8 (IZ-CAS); 1♀, Wolong, Wuyipeng, 2545 m, birch forest, pitfall trap, 2004. VII.29–VIII.14, X.-D. Yu leg. (IZ-CAS); 1♀, same data as previous except: 2630 m, Rhododendron forest, 2004. VIII.14–29 (IZ-CAS); 1♀, Wolong, Wuyipeng, Yuancaodi, 2400 m, regenerating forest, 2004. VII.1–16, X.- D. Yu leg. (IZ-CAS); Erlangshan [=Mt. Erlang], 1♀, 2600 m, coniferous and broad leaf forest, pitfall trap, 2001. VII.6–7, X.-D. Yu & H.-Z. Zhou legg. (IZ-CAS). Yunnan, Jingdongxian, Ailaoshan [=Mt. Ailao]: 1♀, Ailaoshan station, 24º32.678'N 101º01.675'E, 2486 m, cow dung, 2010. IX.17, Y.-L. Zhou leg. (IZ-CAS); 2♀♀, South of the Ailaoshan station, 24º32.951'N 101º01.656'E, 2500 m, flight interception trap, 2010. IX.15–16, Y.-L. Zhou leg. (IZ-CAS); 1♂, same data as previous except: 2010. IX.17 (IZ-CAS); 1♂, same data as previous except: 2010. IX.21 (IZ-CAS); 1♂, 1♀, South of the Ailaoshan station, 24º32.359'N 101º01.668'E, 2485–2520 m, forest litter, sifting, 2010. IX.17, Y.-L. Zhou leg. (IZ-CAS); 1♂, 1♀, same data as previous except: 2440–2485 m, pitfall trap, 2010. IX.17, Y.-L. Zhou & L. Lü legg. (IZ-CAS); 4♂♂, 5♀♀, same data as previous except: 2010. IX.18, L. Lü & X. Zhang legg. (IZ-CAS); 2♂♂, 2♀♀, same data as previous except: 2010. IX.20 (IZ-CAS); 13♂♂, 17♀♀, South of the Ailaoshan station, 24º32.36'N 101º01.67'E, 2450–2465m, pitfall trap, 2010. IX.18, L. Lü & X. Zhang legg. (IZ-CAS); 15♂♂, 18♀♀, same data as previous except: 2482–2520m (IZ-CAS); 8♂♂, 8♀♀, same data as previous except: 2475–2480 m (IZ-CAS); 1♂, same data as previous except: 2010. IX.20 (IZ-CAS); 2♂♂, 4♀♀, South of the Ailaoshan station, 24º32.682'N 101º01.668'E, 2513 m, flight interception trap, 2010. IX.19, Y.-L. Zhou & X. Zhang legg. (IZ-CAS); 1♀, same data as previous except: 2010. IX.21 (IZ-CAS); 2♂♂, 3♀♀, North of the Ailaoshan station, 24º32.806'N 101º01.665'E, 2485m, tea plantation, pitfall trap, 2010. IX.20, L. Lü & X. Zhang legg. (IZ-CAS); 2♂♂, 8♀♀, East of the Ailaoshan station, 24º32.94'N 101º02.27'E, 2465 m, pitfall trap, 2010. IX.22, L. Lü & X. Zhang legg. (IZ-CAS); 4♂♂, 9♀♀, same data as previous except: 2470 m (IZ-CAS); 4♂♂, 5♀♀, same data as previous except: 2580 m (IZ-CAS); 4♂♂, 5♀♀, same data as previous except: 2490 m ( IZ- CAS); 6♂♂, 8♀♀, Xujiaba reservoir, 24º32.411'N 101º01.012'E, 2440m, flight interception trap, 2010. IX.22, Y.-L. Zhou leg. (IZ-CAS). Yunnan, Menglaxian: 2♀♀, Yaoqu, 21º43.850'N 101º30.953'E, 1150m, pitfall trap, 2010. X.3, X. Zhang & L. Lü legg. (IZ-CAS). Zhejiang: 1♀, Kaihuaxian [=Kaihua Co.], Gutianshan [=Mt. Gutian] Nature Reserve [29.24ºN 118.11ºE], 446–715m, coniferous and broad leaf forest, pitfall trap, 2010. V.1–4, C.-L. Liu leg. (IZ-CAS); 1♀, Qingyuanxian [=Qingyuan Co.], Baishanzu Nature Reserve [27.75ºN 119.21ºE], 1300m, 1994. VII.16, H. Wu leg. (IZ-CAS).

Redescription. Body shiny and black; mandibles, maxillary palpi (articles 1–3), legs reddish brown; maxillary palpi (apical article) yellow; elytra yellowish pale, transparent, with base and apex infuscate. Length [average]: ♂, 4.4 mm; ♀, 4.5 mm.

Male. Head ( Figs. 12 View FIGURE 12 A; 13A) broadest at eyes and temples. Disc flat, less pubescent, with punctures and micro-striae fine but dense in middle. Clypeus with surface delicate and not punctate, protruding beyond anterior border of supra-antennal ridges, anterior margin with tiny tooth in center, beside which furnished with a pair of sharp and long spines connected by semicircular elevation at base. Epistomal suture invisible. Supra-antennal ridges elevated. Vertex sloped anteriorly, without mid-longitudinal suture, paralateral sutures obliquely running from middle of head to each 1/3 of occipital suture. Eyes convex, equal with temples in length, with coarse facets; orbital sulcus remarkable. Temple dilated laterally. Neck constricted, and demarcated by occipital suture, surface delicate in dorsal center but coriaceous in lateral areas. Occipital suture integral and slightly curved. Mandible ( Fig. 13 View FIGURE 13 A) long and stout (short in some male individuals, Fig. 13 View FIGURE 13 C), sharp, and incurved; bearing 3 teeth on inner edge: front one large, other two tiny.

Pronotum ( Figs. 12 View FIGURE 12 A; 13A) narrower than head, widest at anterior 1/4, with mid-longitudinal sulcus and micro-striae absent, with large punctures sparse but clustered; anterior margin broadly emarginate, anterior lateral angles less prominent, nearly no posterior angles; lateral and posterior margins integrated and evenly rounded, without crenulation, near lateral margin with shallow punctate depression. Scutellum with crest-shaped impression. Elytra with posterior margin obliquely truncate, elytral suture dehiscent or partly overlapping.

Abdominal sternite VII ( Figs. 12 View FIGURE 12 C; 13E) with posterior margin emarginate in middle, where modified by semicircular membrane. Sternite VIII ( Figs. 12 View FIGURE 12 D; 13F) posterior margin broadly rounded and with two small processes near middle, behind which situated with two short spinules; subbasal ridges continuous in middle.

Aedeagus ( Figs. 12 View FIGURE 12 G–I; 13I –K) with median lobe a little inflated at base; apical orifice large, closed at apex by two overlapping petal-like pieces, ventrally fissured to apical 1/3 of ventral surface, edges of ventral fissure protruding into a pair of long spines, slightly outcurved; internal sac membranous, not rolling. Paramere arm-like; basal arm with furrow; apical arm slightly explanate, furnished with two setae at apex, with one short process at near apex of ventral edge, where with short seta.

Female. Head ( Figs. 12 View FIGURE 12 B; 13B) smaller than male, not wider than pronotum; clypeus with spines reduced into teeth, depressed and emarginate between teeth. Eyes longer than temples. Mandibles ( Fig. 13 View FIGURE 13 D) smaller. Pronotum widest at apical 1/3. Abdominal sternite VII without modification, sternite VIII ( Figs. 12 View FIGURE 12 E; 13G) gradually narrowed with posterior margin broadly rounded.

Spermatheca ( Figs. 12 View FIGURE 12 F; 13H) with basal part inflated, and V-shaped constricted near base; apical part slender and curved.

Distribution. China (Hubei, Sichuan, Yunnan, Zhejiang); India.

Cameron, M. (1914) Descriptions of new species of Staphylinidac from India. London Transactions of the Entomological Society, 1913, 525 - 544.

Cameron, M. (1930) The fauna of British India including Ceylon and Burma. Coleoptera. Staphylinidae. Vol. I. Taylor and Francis, London, xvii + 471 pp.

Herman, L. H. (2001 a) Catalog of the Staphylinidae (Insecta, Coleoptera): 1758 to the end of the second millennium. vol. 3, Oxyteline group. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, No. 265, 1067 - 1806.

Smetana, A. (2004) Subfamily Oxytelinae Fleming, 1821. In: Lobl, I. & Smetana, A. (Eds.), Catalogue of Palaearctic Coleoptera: Hydrophiloidea - Histeroidea - Staphylinoidea. Vol. 2. Apollo Books, Stenstrup, pp. 511 - 535.

Yan, X. - H., Li, Y. - J. & Zheng, F. - K. (2012) A new species of the genus Platysyethus from China (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Oxytelinae). Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica, 37, 341 - 344.

Zheng, F. - K. (1998) A taxonomic study on Staphylinidae in China, Oxytelinae: Platystethus. Journal of Sichuan Teachers College (Natural Science), 19, 249 - 256.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 12. Platystethus dilutipennis Cameron, 1914 I: A, head and pronotum ♂ (dorsal view); B, head and pronotum ♀ (dorsal view); C, sternite VII ♂; D, sternite VIII ♂; E, sternite VIII ♀; F, spermatheca; G, aedeagus (ventral view); H, median lobe of aedeagus (lateral view); I, right paramere (in situ) of aedeagus (lateral view). Scales: A, B = 0.5 mm; F = 0.05 mm; rest, 0.3 mm.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 13. Platystethus dilutipennis Cameron, 1914 II: A, head and pronotum ♂ (dorsal view); B, head and pronotum ♀ (dorsal view); C, right mandible ♂; D, right mandible ♀; E, sternite VII ♂; F, sternite VIII ♂; G, sternite VIII ♀; H, spermatheca; I, aedeagus (ventral view); J, median lobe of aedeagus (lateral view); K, right paramere (in situ) of aedeagus (lateral view). Scales: A, B = 1 mm; H = 0.05 mm; rest, 0.3 mm.


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