Pseudochironomini, Saether, 1977

Andersen, Trond, Sanz-Laparra, Annui Malla & Giłka, Wojciech, 2024, The identity of Psilochironomus Sublette, 1966 (Chironomidae, Chironominae, Pseudochironomini), Zootaxa 5496 (1), pp. 111-118 : 117-118

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5496.1.6

publication LSID


persistent identifier

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scientific name



Key to genera of Pseudochironomini View in CoL View at ENA , males

1. Extant species....................................................................................... 2

- Extinct species....................................................................................... 8

2. With median volsella or pseudovolsella in addition to superior and inferior volsella................................. 3

- With only superior and inferior volsella, lacking median volsella or pseudovolsella. Neotropical... Psilochironomus Sublette View in CoL

3. With pars ventralis. Neotropical, Holarctic........................................... Pseudochironomus Malloch View in CoL

- Without pars ventralis or, if present, represented by 2 triangular lobes basally fused to gonocoxite..................... 4

4. Anal point and median volsella absent, pseudovolsella presen.................................................. 5

- Anal point and median volsella present, pseudovolsella absent.................................................. 6

5. Superior volsella with short digitiform ventral lobe, or lobe absent; inferior without flattened, apically fringed setae and/or scales. Neotropical, Afrotropical, Oriental....................................................... Manoa Fittkau View in CoL

- Superior volsella without ventral lobe; inferior volsella often with flattened, apically fringed setae and/or scales. Australasian, Neotropical.............................................................................. Riethia Kieffer View in CoL

6. Wing with dark bands or spots. Neotropical................................................. Aedokritus Roback View in CoL

- Wings without dark bands or spots, at most with dark shades along veins......................................... 7

7. Anal point narrow, spatulate or parallel-sided; stem of median volsella directed caudally, single-lobed, evenly covered with relatively short and sparse setiform lamellae. Australasian, Neotropical.......................... Megacentron Freeman View in CoL

- Anal point stout, with broadly rounded apex; stem of median volsella directed medially, apex split, bearing two strong bunches of setiform lamellae. Madagascar................................................... Madachironomus Andersen View in CoL

8. Antenna with 14 flagellomeres. Mid- to Late Cretaceous...................................................... 9

- Antenna with 13 flagellomeres. Cenozoic................................................................. 10

9. Pseudovolsella and pars ventralis absent; anteromedian lobe of inferior absent; anal point stout, with spike-shaped prolongation; hind leg tibia with strong thorn-like bristles. Mid-Cretaceous Burmese amber (~100 Mya)................................................................................ Palaeocentron Giłka, Zakrzewska, Lukashevich et Cranston

- Pseudovolsella and pars ventralis present; anteromedian lobe of inferior volsella present; anal point slender, without spike-shaped prolongation; hind leg tibia without thorn-like bristles. Late Cretaceous Taimyr amber (~84 Mya).................................................................... Mesoacentron Giłka, Zakrzewska, Lukashevich et Cranston View in CoL

10. Anal point well-developed, with peculiar, paired structure subapically; anteromedian lobe of inferior volsella absent. Eocene Baltic amber (~40 Mya)........................................... Eomicromimus Giłka, Zakrzewska et Andersen

- Anal point absent; anteromedian lobe of inferior volsella present, strong. Eocene Baltic amber (~40 Mya)................................................................................... Eoriethia Giłka, Zakrzewska et Andersen View in CoL











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