
Evarte-Bundere, Gunta & Evarts-Bunders, Pēteris, 2011, Evaluation Of Winter Hardiness In Different Cultivated Tilia Taxa - Experience Of Some Most Valuable Dendrological Plantations In Central Latvia (Vidzeme) After Extremely Hard Winter In Year 2009 / 2010, Acta Biologica Universitatis Daugavpiliensis 11 (2), pp. 119-125 : 124-125

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.12645345

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Tilia View in CoL taxa have not occurred. For instance, no

Far East Tilia species are offered in assortment of plant nurseries in Latvia during last years. Only during last few years such Tilia taxa as T. americana , T. tomentosa ‘Varsaviensis’ e.o. are available again in some nurseries, and winter hardiness of such young plants should be different from our studies.

However, some regularities can be observed on the basis of analysis of winter-resistance during winter season of 2009 / 2010 in Central Latvia. Fig. 3. Daily average temperatures during Janu- Less winter-hardy are considered these cultivated ary 2010. in different meteorological stations in taxa of Tilia genus, whose natural range is North central part of Latvia comparing with long-term America – T. americana, T. heterophylla., as well average temperature of January in Latvia. as T. x moltkei and T. x moltkei ‘Spectabilis’ with level of winter hardiness II 1 – II 3. damages in Northern and North-eastern part of Vidzeme (territory with the lowest long-term Considered as completely winter-resistant after average temperatures in January). Insignificant severe winter of 2009/2010 were the following frost damages were observed on such taxa taxa of Tilia genus: T. cordata, T. x vulgaris, T. as T. platyphyllos subsp. cordifolia and T. x platyphyllos subsp. cordifolia, T. x euchlora. euchlora, which is completely winter-resistant elsewhere in Latvia (see fig. 4.). Exception REFERENCES is winter resistance in Lēdurga dendrarium, where plantations of Tilia taxa are overloaded, Gailis J. 1960. Vietejo un introducēto sugu sal- and many trees grow with untypical, deformed cietība LPSR. - Mežsaimniecības problēmu canopies, not in bloom and weakened, so data un koksnes ķīmijas institūta Raksti. 20: 115 from this site may be less reliable. - 147 (In Latvian)

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