Tuberaleyrodes, Takahashi, 1932

Dubey, Anil Kumar & Martin, Jon H., 2018, A review of the genus Tuberaleyrodes Takahashi (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) with description of five new species from Brunei, Hong Kong and Malaysia, Zootaxa 4402 (2), pp. 251-282 : 270-276

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Plazi (2018-03-28 05:43:45, last updated 2018-03-28 05:47:46)

scientific name



Tuberaleyrodes ordo sp. nov.

( Figs 88–100 View FIGURES88–91 View FIGURES 92–100 )

Puparium. White; oval ( Figs 88 View FIGURES88–91 , 92 View FIGURES 92–100 ); found on lower surface of leaves; 1–2 per leaf, without wax secretion; broadest at first abdominal segment region and slightly constricted at prothoracic region, additional constriction likely due to leaf trichomes; 953–1029 µm long, 744–814 µm wide.

Margin. Irregularly crenulate; 6–10 crenulations in 0.1 mm. Caudal tracheal comb not prominently indicated but thoracic tracheal pore slightly indicated with irregular crenulations ( Figs 89 View FIGURES88–91 , 96 View FIGURES 92–100 ).

Dorsum. Entirely tuberculate. Dorsal submargin not differentiated from the dorsal disc but ventral submargin delineated with a fold; submarginal area along bases of tuberculate setae with a few wavy markings; submarginal lines evident. Abdominal segments with a row of median tubercles, 2–4 tubercles in each row ( Figs 88 View FIGURES88–91 , 93 View FIGURES 92–100 ). Longitudinal moulting suture reaching subdorsum and transverse moulting suture reaching submedian area. Median length of meso- and metathorax subequal, median length of abdominal segment VII shorter than VI. Vasiform orifice located anterior of puparial caudal margin by 2.5 times of its own length. Thoracic tracheal furrows absent. Caudal tracheal furrow present, broad, furrow smooth, margin made up of tubercles, continues up to base of caudal setae. Pockets continuous.

Vasiform orifice. Subcordate ( Fig. 95 View FIGURES 92–100 ), slightly notched at caudal end, 69 µm long, usually as long as wide or slightly longer than wide; operculum subcordate, posteriorly narrow, slightly notched, 39–44 µm long, 48–51 µm wide, a little wider than long, covering nearly 75% of the orifice. Lingula exposed, D-shaped, not reaching beyond posterior margin of the vasiform orifice.

Venter. With impression of leaf trichomes, or trichomes attached with puparium stained well in mounted specimens and appear as false-setae ( Fig. 100 View FIGURES 92–100 ), confusing with true dorsal setae. A prominent submarginal ventral fold present along the margin, little interrupted at thoracic tracheal fold area, noticeable with caudal fold margin and reaching almost middle of lateral margins of vasiform orifice ( Fig. 98 View FIGURES 92–100 ). Paired ventral setae 35 µm long, 41–46 µm apart. Antennae arising from outside of prothoracic legs ( Figs 91 View FIGURES88–91 , 99 View FIGURES 92–100 ), reaching near base of prothoracic legs, 67–69 µm (including keel 4–6 µm) long. Thoracic legs not typically C-shaped but slightly curved. Microsetae present in middle of pro-, meso- and metathoracic legs, each 2 µm long. All four pairs of spiracles and adhesive sacs visible.

Chaetotaxy. Anterior marginal setae not visible and posterior marginal setae 35 µm long (broken). Dorsal setae placed on elevated cuticle/tubercles; apical setae normally longer than basal elevation. Cephalic setae 161 µm (basal elevation 21 µm + setae 140 µm) long, first abdominal setae 161–177 µm (elevation 14–26 µm) long; eighth abdominal setae cephalolaterad of vasiform orifice, halfway from pockets, twice the length of vasiform orifice, 121–136 µm (elevation 6–7 µm) long; caudal setae 112–115 µm long. Subdorsum with 9 pairs of tuberculate setae, 5 pairs on cephalothorax and 4 pairs on abdomen, 163–167 µm (6–12 µm) long; of the 5 pairs on cephalothorax, two pairs located on cephalic region and one pair each on pro-, meso- and metathorax; of the 4 pairs on abdomen, one pair located each on abdominal segment III and V, and two pairs posterior to abdominal segment VIII. A pair of minute submarginal setae present near base of caudal setae.

Material examined. Holotype and paratypes. West Malaysia, Kedah Province, Pulau Langkawi, Durian Perangin Falls , 4 puparia on slide under one cover slip, 12.x.2009, J. H. Martin 8418 ( NHM) . The holotype is first from left of first row of two puparia.

Etymology. The species epithet ‘ ordo’ is a Latin word for ‘row’ refering to the row of tubercles on caudal furrow.

Host plant. Bauhinia sp. ( Fabaceae ).

Distribution. West Malaysia.

Remarks. Puparia of this species are unique among Tuberaleyrodes species in shape, and in having 8 pairs of subdorsal setae, caudal furrow margins made up of tubercles, a prominent ventral fold and antennae located outside of the prothoracic legs, and the apical setae were more than twice longer than the basal elevation.

Gallery Image

FIGURES88–91. Tuberaleyrodes ordo sp. nov., camera lucidadrawings, holotype puparium,88, dorsaland ventral views; 89, thoracic tracheal pore; 90, vasiform orifice and caudal furrow; 91, thoracic legs and antenna.

Gallery Image

FIGURES 92–100. Tuberaleyrodes ordo sp. nov., microphotographs, holotype puparium, 92, dorsal and ventral views; 93, median tubercles; 94, cephalothorax; 95, vasiform orifice and caudal furrow; 96, thoracic tracheal pore; 97, ventral seta; 98, caudal fold; 99, proleg and antenna; 100, leaf hair (pseudoseta).


University of Nottingham









